Michigan economic recovery and MDOT related job descriptions below have no relevance to taxpayers or the State of Michigan! The MDOT Pilot Shortage Task Group Scam is part of a perpetrated scam to waste taxpayer funds based on MDOT and Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists pet projects and whims.
MDOT Lead Poisoning Folly – Table of Contents
Here is a brief Table of Contents (ToC) for documenting the MDOT Lead Poisoning Folly and the five supporting Pages in an index-outline form to show that MDOT has consistently done and continues to do the wrong thing(s), even when the opportunity appears:
- MDOT Lead Poisoning – MDOT Acquiesce, Malpractice & Negligence
- Negative Community Impact – Deter high-tech development & investment
- MDOT Toxic Emissions Inventory at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2
- MASP 2017 Scam – Phony stats, estimates, classification, excessive bloated budget
- Pilot Shortage Task Group Scam – Phony study, NOT a taxpayer problem
- Cyclic 40 Year Aviation Demand – Well known in aviation industry
- Michigan Jobs – MDOT Task Group jobs NOT critical OR related to MI recovery
BTell MDOT to STOP poisoning our children with 100LL leaded aviation fuel NOW!
Tell Governor Whitmer to STOP MDOT from lead poisoning our children NOW!
MDOT Aviation Related Jobs Have Nothing to Do with the Taxpayers or the Recovery of Michigan
Michigan jobs are discussed here as it relates to the Pilot Shortage Task Group Scam. None of the MDOT aviation related job descriptions are on the ‘critical path’ for any significant number of jobs anywhere in Michigan. All of the aviation related job descriptions are handled by Operators, e.g. Airlines (Carriers), Commercial, Freight, etc. and covered in other Sections described above.
What MDOT Aviation Personnel and Jobs Descriptions Are We Talking About?
The most common aviation industry job descriptions are: Aircraft Dispatcher, Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, Aviation Maintenance Technician, and Flight Attendant. Of course, there are many colorful descriptive variations including, but not limited to:
- Flight Deck Crew – Airline Pilot, aka Pilot in Command (PIC), First Officer (Co-Pilot), Second Officer (Relief or Backup Pilot)
- Aircraft Dispatcher
- Air Traffic Controller
- Aviation Maintenance Technician
- Flight Cabin Crew – Flight Attendants, aka – purser, stewards/stewardesses, air hosts/hostesses, cabin attendants
While all of these jobs are obviously important to the entire world, there are not enough of them in Michigan to have any direct impact on the economic recovery of Michigan. And, besides the industries, companies, and entities that need these personnel are filling their own pipelines without the need for MDOT to meddle or get in the way, wasting taxpayer dollars.
None of the MDOT aviation related job titles or descriptions above appear in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Occupational Outlook Handbook, list of the Fastest Growing Occupations for 2016 thru 2026 [html].
However, the U.S. Department of Labor (DoL), U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), Transportation and Material Moving Occupations [html], shows Air Traffic Controllers, Airline and Commercial Pilots, Flight Attendants. Whereas Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations [html] covers Aircraft and Avionics Equipment Mechanics and Technicians (html), and Military Careers (html) has its own section.
Other specialized job titles are covered elsewhere, such as Airfield Operations Specialists (html), of which about 350 – 1,380 are employed in Michigan. Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors (html), of which about 90 – 130 employed in Michigan.
The supply and demand of the MDOT aviation job descriptions of interest have nothing to do with the resurgence of Detroit, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw or Wayne County, Southeast Michigan, or the State of Michigan!
So What Jobs Descriptions Are Significant for Michigan According to The Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB)?
The Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB), Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives (MILMI) publishes a vast amount of in-depth, detailed research, covering every imaginable job related, topic imaginable, including but not limited to, Data Tools, Industry, Wages, Occupations, Employment/Unemployment, Projections, Population, and Research.
- Michigan’s Hot 50 through 2026– (July 11, 2018) highlights Michigan’s high-demand, high-wage careers that show a favorable mix of long-term job growth, projected annual job openings, and median wages through 2026.
- Michigan’s Career Outlook through 2026– (July 11, 2018) provides multiple lists of in-demand occupations through 2026 by education and training requirements, as well as highlights the most in-demand STEM occupations.
- Annual Planning Information and Workforce Analysis Reports 2018– (March 30, 2018) Annual Planning Information and Workforce Analysis Reports provide economic and demographic data and analysis for Michigan’s 10 Prosperity Regions. This information is provided to assist with regional and local plans for the U.S. Department Of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) [Wikipedia] [Congress113hr803] [GPO] [National Skills Coalition NSC] [Opportunity Nation ON].
- Regional Hot Jobs for 2024– (October 4, 2017) Providing information for each of Michigan’s 10 Prosperity Regions, this publication highlights occupations that show a favorable mix of long-term job growth, projected annual job openings, and median wages through 2024.
Additional information regarding the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA):
- Policy| Michigan Works! Association – The Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (WIOA) Local Plan For The Southeast Michigan Consortium, JULY 1, 2016 – JUNE 30, 2020 (pdf)
- State of Michigan, The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated Worker (DW), and Youth Program Allocations for Allocation Year (AY) 2017, the time period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019 (pdf)
- State of Michigan, Workforce Development Agency – Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program (html)
- State of Michigan, Workforce Development Agency – Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program (html)
None of the MDOT aviation related job titles or descriptions, e.g. Aircraft Dispatcher, Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, Aviation Maintenance Technician, and Flight Attendant are mentioned anywhere in the Michigan Department of Technology research.
Michigan State University Extension Research
A Michigan State University (MSU), MSU Extension, article dated December 22, 2017, Build your future: Consider the job forecast when selecting a career path (html). Another article, Michigan’s hot 50: Tomorrow’s high-wage, high-demand careers (html) [pdf], dated November 28, 2017, discusses the top of this list for projected growth are:
- Operation research analysts (35.7 percent)
- Physical therapist assistants (28.6 percent)
- Industrial machinery mechanics (27.1 percent)
- Personal finance advisors (26.8 percent)
None of the MDOT aviation related job titles or descriptions, e.g. Aircraft Dispatcher, Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, Aviation Maintenance Technician, and Flight Attendant are mentioned anywhere in the Michigan State University research.
Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG)
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) supports local planning through its technical, data, and intergovernmental resources. The work SEMCOG does improves the quality of the region’s water, makes the transportation system safer and more efficient, revitalizes communities, and spurs economic development.
SEMCOG is a regional planning partnership of governmental units serving ~4.7 million people in the seven-county region of Southeast Michigan striving to enhance the region’s quality of life. This amounts to ~46% of the population of the entire State of Michigan.
Here are the current working business budgets and details:
- SEMCOG Annual Operating Budget & Work Program Summary FY 2018-2019
- SEMCOG Work Program FY 2018-2019 Amendment #1
The SEMCOG, Regional Forecast provides a long-range and comprehensive view of future demographic and economic changes in Southeast Michigan. It provides base data for updating the Long-Range Transportation Plan and supports regional and local planning in the areas of transportation, water quality, air quality, and community and economic development. Member communities use the data in planning for future infrastructure and development needs.
For example, the SEMCOG report 2045 Regional Forecast Totals Southeast Michigan (pdf), February 24, 2017, states that the increasing labor pools include fields of Knowledge-based & Export-Oriented Services, Healthcare Services. (And decreasing labor pools Government, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing)
The community forecast was adopted by the Executive Committee on February 23, 2018. SEMCOG’s new baseline 2045 Forecast will be a key component in developing the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan.
In the SEMCOG report, Partnering for Prosperity Economic Development Strategy for Southeast Michigan (pdf), dated February 2016, employs a comprehensive approach to economic development. It is comprehensive in both the scope of its set of interrelated strategies and in its focus on regional collaboration to advance them. It will take the efforts of many public, private, educational, and nonprofit organizations to carry out the breadth of actions set forth in these strategies. The creation of these strategies, and their associated action steps, was informed by extensive public and stakeholder participation; research and data analysis; review of other plans and reports that relate to the region; and guidance of the Economic Development Strategy Task Force.
A SEMCOG Future Skills Task Force
Co-Chair: Diana McKnight-Morton, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Washtenaw Community College
Co-Chair: Nancy Susick (bio), President, Beaumont Health
The goal of this task force is to convene business, employers, education, labor, workforce development, and government organizations to identify in-demand skills in an economy that is being transformed by technology and develop recommendations to ensure our education and training systems are able to address changing workforce needs. This is a joint task force of SEMCOG and the Metropolitan Affairs Coalition.
SEMCOG Talent (also known as human capital) is an essential component of economic development and growth of a changing workforce. SEMCOG builds a knowledge base of education and resources that helps fine-tune skills, and transition the Michigan workforce to careers in evolving and emerging industries.
None of the MDOT aviation related job titles or descriptions, e.g. Aircraft Dispatcher, Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, Aviation Maintenance Technician, and Flight Attendant are mentioned anywhere in the SEMCOG research.
Ann Arbor SPARK
The Ann Arbor SPARK [CrunchBase][Facebook] [Instagram] [LinkedIn] [Twitter] [Wikipedia] [Youtube], Business Development, Komal Doshi [bio], Director, Mobility Programs, has multiple locations:
- SPARK Headquarters (Ann Arbor)
- 201 S. Division, Suite 430
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
- 201 S. Division, Suite 430
- SPARK Central (Ann Arbor)
- 330 East Liberty, Lower Level
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
- 330 East Liberty, Lower Level
- SPARK East (Ypsilanti)
- 215 West Michigan Ave.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
- 215 West Michigan Ave.
- SPARK Livingston Offices
- Brighton
- 218 East Grand River Ave., Upper Level
Brighton, MI 48166
- 218 East Grand River Ave., Upper Level
- Howell
- 123 East Washington St.
Howell, MI 48843
- 123 East Washington St.
- Brighton
Ann Arbor SPARK – Business Development– provides multiple research papers describing job titles, descriptions, industries, markets, etc. that are in demand such as:
- American Center for Mobility(pdf) (updated Nov 6, 2018)
- Ann Arbor Automotive and Mobility Market Report (pdf) (updated Oct 11, 2018)
- Ann Arbor Tech Market Report (pdf) (updated Sep 13, 2018)
- SPARK Mobility Infographic (pdf) (updated Nov 6, 2018)
- Ann Arbor Spark 2016 Annual Report: Ann Arbor Regional Economy 2030 (pdf)
- 2017 Annual Research Report: Michigan Angel Activity (pdf)
- Ann Arbor SPARK Sector Report: Technology (pdf)
None of the MDOT aviation related job titles or descriptions, e.g. Aircraft Dispatcher, Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, Aviation Maintenance Technician, and Flight Attendant are mentioned anywhere in the Ann Arbor SPARK research.
The Michigan Works! Association (MWA)
The Michigan Works! Association (MWA) was established in 1987 to provide services and support to Michigan’s workforce development system. Through the association, members can access timely, relevant professional development opportunities and ensure high-quality programs for all customers.
The Michigan Works! System was one the first unified workforce development system in the U.S. and is an integral partner in developing Michigan’s economic future. The system is demand driven, locally responsive, and ready to meet the needs of each community. Every year, the Michigan Works! System serves nearly four million customers.
Michigan Works! has a History of Innovation – 2018 (MWHoI), with a visionary process that spanned several decades, covering both Democratic and Republican administrations, culminated in 1996 with the creation of the Michigan Works! System— the first statewide, unified workforce development system in the country. Today, the Michigan Works! System serves as a model to other states and countries and has been emulated based on its widespread and long-standing success.
Autonomous Vehicles – Michigan Works! South East (MWSE) – Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) [html] are the new frontier of transportation. Not only will they make roadways and travel more efficient, they will also increase the safety of roads and pedestrians alike. CAV manufacturing presents an opportunity to both create jobs and upskill the existing workforce. Given the high number of training providers in Southeast Michigan, the region is poised to make the most of the opportunity. Download the CAV Workforce Training Guide (pdf) that describes ~46,238 Projected jobs related to CAVs in the region, it is literally the guide to Michigan recovery related job!
NOTE: This is definitely one of the best guides published regarding the future of Michigan Jobs and how to prepare the required workforce! Congratulations to the awesome work done by the involved organizations and contributors!
A few other Michigan Works! Resources:
- A History of Innovation – 2018 (MWHoI)
- Michigan Works! Annual Conference (MWAC)
- 2018 Association Membership Directory – Find contact information, social media details and more in this annual Directory.
- Prosperity Region Map – See the geography of Michigan’s 10 Prosperity Regions.
- Veterans | Michigan Works! Association (html)
- 2016 Return On Inve$tment (pdf)
None of the MDOT aviation related job titles or descriptions, e.g. Aircraft Dispatcher, Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, Aviation Maintenance Technician, and Flight Attendant are mentioned anywhere in the Michigan Works! research.
More Jobs Related Resources for Michigan Residents:
- Michigan Workforce Intelligence Network Workforce Intelligence Network (html).
- Excellent reports regarding jobs that are imperative to fuel Michigan’s Future growth with funding provided by Ralph C. Wilson, Jr Foundation (html). BTW: these real jobs have nothing to do with MDOT phony aviation related jobs & technology claims trying to fool taxpayers to fulfill personal agendas!
- Connected and Automated Vehicles Emerging Technology Skills Gap Report (html) – 2020 – Workforce Intelligence Network – CAV Skills Gap Report – Upskilling, Reskilling and Employee Retention Priorities Needed to Meet Changing Workforce Demands. Report builds upon and updates the original CAV skills gap analysis published by win in 2017 (html). Full Report (pdf), Executive Summary (pdf), One Page Summary (pdf), Media Release (html).
- Cybersecurity Emerging Technology Skills Gap Analysis – 2020 (html) – Workforce Intelligence Network Workforce Intelligence Network – Cybersecurity skills gap continues to increase, as demand for professionals needed to keep region’s workforce safe and expanding. Report builds upon and updates the original cybersecurity skills gap analysis published by win in 2017 (html). Full Report (pdf), Executive Summary (pdf), One Page Summary (pdf), Media Release (pdf).
- Excellent reports regarding jobs that are imperative to fuel Michigan’s Future growth with funding provided by Ralph C. Wilson, Jr Foundation (html). BTW: these real jobs have nothing to do with MDOT phony aviation related jobs & technology claims trying to fool taxpayers to fulfill personal agendas!
- Michigan MI Career Training (html).
- MI Apprenticeship (html) – Find Apprenticeships or Hire Apprentices in Michigan.
- Opportunity Detroit Tech (html) – IT Apprenticeship in Detroit, Michigan.
- Michigan Alliance for Greater Mobility Advancement (MAGMA).
Abundant Federal, Industry & Special Interest Resources Already Exist to Address Aviation Education, Training, Funding, and Jobs Without Wasted MDOT Meddling and Interference
Ok, so what aviation resources are out there? There are so many aviation resources out there, way to many to list, here are a few trivial examples.
- National Space Grant Consortium
- Michigan Space Grant Consortium
- Ivy Tech CC (great example of small college effort below!)
- Northshore Community College (NSCC) (great example of small college effort below!)
- Easter Michigan University (EMU)
- Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) & Aviation Works 4U
- Regional Airline Association (RAA)
- Other References
- Airline Dispatchers Federation (ADF)
- National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA)
- Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFACWA)
- International Association Of Machinists And Aerospace Workers(GOIAM)
- Michigan Business Aviation Association (MBAA)
- National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
- General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
- International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
- Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
- International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA)
- National Air Transportation Association (NATA)
- Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFACWA)
- etc.
And many more, too many to list effectively, but you get the point:
- Organizational Grants, Scholarships, Assistance, Stipends, Training & Educational Programs, etc.
- Operator (Carriers, Freight, etc.) programs, some covered on Shortage page
- BLS U.S. Department of Labor – Labor Outlook Handbook, etc.
- FAA, Department of Education, NTSB, etc.
- Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists
Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)
Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) [Facebook] [Instagram] [LinkedIn] [Twitter] [Wikipedia] [Youtube] [Bloomberg], AIA Reports (html), AIA Aviation Benefits 2017 (pdf), AIA 2018 Facts and Figures – U.S. Aerospace and Defense (pdf), AIA 2017 Facts and Figures – U.S. Aerospace and Defense (pdf), AIA Awesome Aerospace Jobs, February 8, 2018 (pdf).
The AIA Workforce Policy Council (html) – The AIA Workforce Policy Council produces data, analytical tools and reports as needed to advocate effectively to retain a current critical workforce; and works in collaboration with other stakeholders at the federal, state and local levels to inspire, prepare and attract a competitive future workforce that is innovative, agile and diverse.
The AIA council focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education; analytics; and learning and development issues and programs. This council collaborates with a variety of stakeholders (industry, academia, philanthropy, and government) to inspire, educate, train, improve access to and retain a qualified aerospace and defense workforce.
AIA State STEM Forums – Map of State STEM Forums held around the US.
AIA Aviation Week & Space Technology Workforce Initiative:
National Council of NASA Space Grant Directors
National Council of NASA Space Grant Directors – Home. Established by Congress in 1988 and implemented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program (also known as Space Grant) contributes to the nation’s science enterprise by funding research, education, and public service projects through a national network of 52 university-based Space Grant consortia. The Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) can be located on the map of all 50 states and Puerto Rico. The map is organized into five regions:
- Great Midwestern Region
- Mid-Atlantic Region
- Northeast Region
- Southeastern Region
- Western Region
The vision of the Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) is to foster awareness of, education in, and research on space-related science and technology in Michigan. Its mission is to create, develop, and promote programs that support its vision and reflect NASA strategic interests, and cooperation between academia, industry, state and local government in space-related science and technology in Michigan.
The Michigan Space Grant Consortium Fall Conference was held November 10, 2018. The MSGC Fall Conference is held each year at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It is an opportunity for the MSGC award recipients to share their research experiences. Other individuals and groups from academia, industry, and the local community are also invited to share their knowledge in areas related to NASA strategic interests.
The MSGC offers the following funding opportunities:
- Undergraduate and graduate fellowships
• Support for educational programs (k-12, public, and teacher training)
• K-12 educator incentives
• Research seed grants
Additional information can be found in the Space Grant National and Regional Meeting Presentation Archive (html).
Here is an example presentation regarding the Ivy Tech Community College – Columbus, Indiana, Aviation Collaborative – Ivy Tech Community College (pdf), by Program Chair Aviation Technology Department, Matthew Medley [LinkedIn], mmedley6@ivytech.edu, +1-812-374-5237, from 2018 Spring National Meeting in Washington, DC. [IvyTechCCFlight] [IvyTechCCAM]
Northshore Community College (NSCC)
Northshore Community College (NSCC) offers two programs:
Aviation Management (AMD) – The Aviation Management program at NSCC is designed to provide the student with the general management skills needed for entry-level positions as supervisors, managers or sales trainees, assistant managers, administrators, or administrative assistants in the field of aviation.
Aviation Science Professional Pilot (AVD) – The Aviation Science Professional Pilot program at NSCC provides students with the professional training necessary to become fixed-wing commercial pilots. It begins at the private pilot level, and prior experience is not required for admission. Students with previously earned FAA flight certificates and ratings may receive academic credit through advanced standing.
The program combines classroom instruction and flight training in both aircraft and an FAA-approved ground simulator (Advanced Aviation Training Device). NSCC requires all students to obtain a minimum of an FAA Second Class Medical Certificate prior to acceptance in the program. Flight training requires a minimum 250 total flight hours, and includes 50 hours of dual instruction.
Eastern Michigan University (EMU)
Responding to pilot shortage, Eastern Michigan University (EMU) aviation program takes flight, partnered closely with a ‘for profit‘ corporation, with highest enrollment ever! EMU’s two aviation-related degree programs are experiencing their highest enrollment since the university began offering aviation courses in the late 1980s. A total of 56 aviation students enrolled at EMU in fall of 2018, up from 43 the year before. In years before that, classes were between 20 and 30.
This is an enormous step forward to help address MDOTs perceived pilot shortage by the special MDOT Pilot ShortageTask Group (PSTG) setup to address the shortage by Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists at taxpayer expense. It’s great to see Michigan tax dollars hard at work! See Pilot Shortage Task Group Scam for more details.
Eastern Michigan University (EMU), School of Technology & Professional Services Management is part of the College of Technology, 201 Sill Hall, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197, +1-734-487-0354
Aviation Program Office (APO)
122 Sill Hall
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
Flight Training – Eagle Flight Centre/KYIP
830 Willow Run Airport
3099 Tyler Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
EMU Aviation— Suburban Aviation, Inc. – Eagle Flight Center, a sister company of Suburban Aviation provides all of the flight training for Eastern Michigan University [AOPA].
Willow Run Airport (YIP) | General Aviation [AirNav][Facebook] [Instagram] [LinkedIn] [Twitter] [Wikipedia][Youtube]
Eastern Michigan University offers Career Opportunities in Aviation:
- Airline Pilot
- Corporate Pilot
- Airport Management
- Aviation Consulting
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Airline Dispatch
- Corporate Dispatch
- Flight Department Management
Eastern Michigan University: School of Technology & Professional Management: Eagle Flight Centre: Aviation Programs
Our Bachelor of Science in Aviation Flight Technology prepares graduates for a career as a professional pilot. The curriculum includes specialized courses in aircraft systems, automation, human factors, weather, industry regulations, and crew resource management.
Through this program, you will earn your private pilot, commercial pilot, and certified flight instructor certificates. You will also earn your instrument, complex, high-performance, and multi-engine ratings.
Aviation Management Technology
Our Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management Technology prepares graduates for business and supervisory positions in the aviation industry. The curriculum includes courses designed to provide aviation managers with a strong foundation in areas of passenger safety, airline operations, airport planning, logistics, industry trends, finance, and sound business practices.
Aviation Management majors complete a curriculum of core aviation courses, and a General Business minor. This comprehensive curriculum provides students with a body of knowledge that will ensure that they are competitive in the aviation industry. EMU’s location near one of the busiest airports in the country offers our students hands-on experience, while working side-by-side with industry professionals.
Aircraft Dispatch Certification
Eastern Michigan University’s Aircraft Dispatch curriculum prepares you to become an FAA-certificated aircraft dispatcher.
Aircraft dispatchers work with management and flight crews to ensure safe flight operations, and to enhance efficiency within flight departments. Dispatchers are responsible for flight planning, aircraft weight and balance, weather planning, fuel calculations, and other critical aspects of flight operations.
Additionally, Eastern Michigan University offers the Michigan Aviation Safety Forum (MASF) is designed to provide high-quality aviation safety education to pilots, aircraft maintenance technicians and aviation enthusiasts of all ages and experience levels. Showcasing local talent, the purpose of the event is to foster and promote aviation in the Great Lakes region and provide a venue for camaraderie within the aviation community [2018 MASF Forum pdf]
MASF consists of two educational tracks, one for pilots and one for aircraft maintenance technicians. The eight hours of valuable training and safety information will meet the requirements for this year’s Bill O’Brien AMT Awards Program, Annual IA Renewal Certification and the Wings Pilot Proficiency Program.
This year’s program features expert speakers presenting on the following topics:
- Aerodynamics
- Aircraft maintenance
- Historical subjects
- Human factors
- Legal issues and many more!
The MASF Schedule of Events 2019:
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) Aviation Works 4U
September 12, 2018, The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) Unveils Plan to Keep Pilot Supply Strong, Air Travel Safe, and Rural Passengers Flying: World’s Largest Pilot Union Details Policy Plan to Ensure Future Pilot Supply (html).
ALPA has a clear and bold plan to address pilot supply includes key policy actions to:
- Make it easier for veterans to become pilots.
- Encourage more women to become pilots.
- Ensure more students can afford to become pilots.
- Inspire the next generation to become pilots.
For more than 30 years, ALPA has promoted the profession to a broad range of audiences. The union’s recent activities include
- Visiting 24 universities over the 2017-18 academic year.
- Formalizing 11 collegiate professional development/mentoring programs.
- Reaching more than 15,500 preK-12 students during the 2017-18 academic year at elementary, middle, and high schools and at community events and museums.
- Attending events such as AirVenture at Oshkosh, the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals Annual Convention, the National Gay Pilots Association Industry Expo, and the Women in Aviation International Conference.
- Establishing a scholarship program for students who are active in ACE Clubs and enrolled in aviation degree programs.
- Launching, with others in the aviation industry, Aviation Works 4 U, a one-stop shop for exploring a career in aviation.
TheAviation Works 4U is an educational resource for professional aviation careers and includes the job titles and descriptions:
- Aircraft Dispatcher
- Airline Pilot
- Air Traffic Controller
- Aviation Maintenance Technician
- Flight Attendant
The Aviation Works 4U is sponsored by a group of partners:
Airline Dispatchers Federation (ADF) – he Airline Dispatchers Federation is the only national organization representing the professional interests of the dispatch profession. ADF’s constituency is comprised of licensed aircraft dispatchers and operational control professionals from 100 aerospace companies including every major U.S. airline. ADF’s membership as of August 2016 stood at 2,200 members. It has been estimated that approximate 92% of airline passengers traveling each day in the United States, do so under the watchful eye of ADF members.
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) – ALPA represents and advocates for more than 61,000 pilots at 35 U.S. and Canadian airlines, making it the world’s largest airline pilot union. ALPA provides three critical services to its members: airline safety, security, and pilot assistance; representation; and advocacy.
National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) – NATCA represents the U.S. FAA air traffic controller workforce of dedicated and well-trained men and women. Air traffic control specialists (ATCS) work in airport control towers, terminal radar approach control facilities, and in air route traffic control centers. These employees coordinate the safe, orderly, and expeditious movement of over 140 million operations and nearly one billion aviation passengers within the FAA National Airspace System (NAS) [Wikipedia] each year. The NATCA Airports Division (ARP) represents Airports Division and other members in Airports Regional-District Offices (ADO) for FAA Airports (ARP) nationwide.
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFACWA) – The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) is the world’s largest labor union organized by flight attendants for flight attendants. AFA represents nearly 50,000 flight attendants at 20 airlines, serving as a voice for flight attendants at their workplace, in the industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill.
International Association Of Machinists And Aerospace Workers, Labor Union for the 21st Century – (GOIAM) -With nearly 600,000 active and retired members, the IAM is one of the largest and most diverse labor unions in North America. From Boeing and Lockheed Martin to United Airlines and Harley-Davidson, you will find IAM members across all walks of life. IAM members demand respect and dignity in the workplace. Together, we have been able to bargain for increased job security, higher wages and improved benefits.
Regional Airline Association (RAA)
The Regional Airline Association (RAA), an industry Lobbyist organization, serves as a unified voice of advocacy and support for North American regional airlines aimed at promoting a safe, reliable, and healthy regional airline industry. The RAA serves as an important network connecting regional airlines, industry business partners, and policymakers in strengthening the industry as well as promoting regional airline interests in a changing business and policy environment. In the United States, RAA member airlines employ 59,000 individuals, operate 42 percent of the flights, and provide the only source of scheduled, passenger air service to two-thirds of the nation’s airports. The RAA offers a many important resources including but not limited to:
- Pilot Workforce & Training Library (html)
- RAA 2019 Annual Convention (html)
- Regional Airline Association Publications (html)
- 2018 Regional Airline Association (RAA) Scholarships (html)
Other Miscellaneous References
There are hundreds of resource refences, including industry associations. Here is particularly useful miscellaneous reference:
Aviation Workforce Development Practices (html) | The National Academies Press (NAP), Space & Aeronautics, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 18: Aviation Workforce Development Practices explores airport operating entity jobs and related skill sets needed to perform those jobs. The report also identifies potential ways to gain training on the skill sets needed to fulfill airport-related jobs and notes gaps where skill sets, and educational and advancement opportunities, may exist.
Michigan Jobs Conclusion
MDOT Pilot Shortage Task Group Scam and the related MDOT job titles have no relevance to the jobs that are important to the recovery of Michigan. MDOT seems to need help to focus on providing the State of Michigan population areas with a framework for organizing and managing basic mobility and transportation AND protect the taxpaying public from harm along the way, NOT duplicating Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists agendas because they have a captive audience, the taxpayers.
Take Action to Protect PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from Lead Poisoning & Chemical contamination: by making as many calls, sending as many emails, to as many recipients on the Contacts page to demand closure of the State of Michigan Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
While financial considerations are secondary to protecting Health, Safety, & Welfare of vulnerable populations, there is a also mandatory requirement to reorganize MDOT to remove the stranglehold of the MDOT bureaucracy on infrastructure essential to the Future of Michigan and place control back in the hands of Taxpayers and their elected officials!
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Bureaucracy, as with all public servants, must abide by the highest standards of the State of Michigan (SoM) set forth by Governor Whitmer [PressRelease] [html] [pdf] [Ethics] and be held accountable for knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) while contributing to the sum of Community Health, Safety, & Welfare negligence & malpractice, financial waste, misuse of taxpayer funds and the consequences of public funding abuse (html)!