1D2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal – brief history, and timeline of events, incidents, crashes, and fatalities. This list and any of the documents below are not meant to be all inclusive or exhaustive.
1d2 Timeline / History Related Files
- 1d2 related crash-fatals, save file for better viewing.
- 1d2 related crash-fatals newspapers, save file for better viewing.
- E-AB Helicopter Noise Abatement Violation log from August 2016 thru March 2017, that captures prohibited Test Flights, State of Michigan established Noise Abatement Procedure violations, and expired, terminated, revoked, pending, or in question aircraft registrations operating at 1d2, save file for better viewing.
- There are 22 airports within 50 miles of 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airstrip that receive 51.4% of the total MDOT/FAA NPIAS 2017-2021 budget for the entire State of Michigan. This amounts to $365,600,480.00 out of $714,881,838.00. With rapidly decreasing personal pilot/aircraft numbers and demographics, the surrounding 22 airports can easily absorb any and all activities from 1d2, including funding! Shut 1d2 down, split the funding between YIP-Willow Run, ARB-Ann Arbor, and Y47-New Hudson!
- A $2.19 million dollar budget: MICHIGAN STATE BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM – FIVE-YEAR AIRPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) FY-2016 to FY-2021 for 1d2 is an outrageous slap in the taxpayers face!
NOTE: FAA, NASA, and NTSB numbers are used to offer information as accurate as possible. Instructions to look up FAA, NASA, NTSB # numbers used below are at the end of this article under section “How to Lookup Up FAA, NASA, NTSB #’s Used Above“.
NOTE: E-AB = Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) aircraft used throughout this site.
1d2 Timeline / History Events, Incidents, Crashes, Fatalities . . .
- 1920 – Rapheal Mettetal (Robert and Marvin’s father) settles the family farm.
- 1930s – Mettetal Airport started out as a farm grass strip to support crop dusters in the roaring 20’s. Bi-planes supported the farmers of pea patchs and the corn fields in the Plymouth-Canton area. Because of that the area commonly became known for heavy chemical and pesticide usage that no one else wanted to deal with. “By 1939 the property was used less and less for a farm and more and more for an airport.”
- 1939 – Mettetal Airport was established as a public use airport.
- 1946 – Robert Mettetal operated it starting around February 1946.
- 50s and early 60s – Wayne county rural areas were commonly used as dumping grounds for machine shop and factory industrial waste and chemical by-products, my parents and grandparents were always surprised that Mettetal wasn’t designated as a mini EPA Superfund clean-up area after all the crop dusting chemicals, pesticides, leaky fuel tanks and numerous spills, and prevalent dumping thru the 70s. Add to this the continual usage of leaded gasoline for almost 96 years, e.g. since the 1920s, which also still continues to this day in 2017!
- 1960s – When Robert retired Marvin and his wife started to run Mettetal.
- 1972 – Seven seriously injured when plane from 1d2 crashes into Farmington supermarket. [see 1d2 crash fatal info], save file for best viewing]
- 1973 – Detroit News reports another plane crash at 1d2
- 1973 – EPA requires phase-out of lead in all grades of gasoline. 28 Nov.
- 1975 – Canton and Plymouth continue public dissension around 1d2 airport topic.
- Safety record keeping at 1d2 seems to begin here (FAA AIDS, NASA ASRS, and FAA NTSB database for sure).
- 02/26/78 – FAA # 19780226001959I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 09/14/78 – NTSB # MIA78FKG79 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: destroyed
- 10/21/78 – FAA # 19781021029601I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 10/21/78 – FAA # 19781021029602I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 11/04/78 – FAA # 19780411009839I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 02/15/79 – FAA # 19790215007239I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 1981 – Detroit News reports two planes crashes within a month
- 1981 – Roller Rink plans dropped after more crashes. 1D2 area gaining recognition as economically unviable surroundings due to 1D2. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing]
- 02/26/81 – FAA # 19810226013659I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 07/13/81 – FAA # 19810713053819I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR E-AB
- 10/19/81 – FAA # 19811019082689I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 01/01/82 – FAA # 19820101001879I – INCIDENT DAMAGE
- 04/14/82 – NTSB # CHI82DA121 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 08/16/82 – NTSB # CHI82DA311 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: E-AB
- 01/26/83 – FAA # 19830126004359I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR E-AB
- 05/14/83 – FAA # 19830514047629I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR E-AB
- 09/13/83 – NTSB # CHI83LA435 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 02/26/85 – FAA # 19850226010489I – INCIDENT DAMAGE
- 06/06/85 – NTSB # CHI85LA222 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 1 Minor. E-AB
- 1986 – Sadly, Ian Mettetal, legally drunk, hit and killed his older brother Keith with a car on the runway. Many still feel that the airport, runway, and terminal building are haunted and unlucky. It really is just plain creepy there!
- 06/26/86 – FAA # 19860626059189I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 09/08/86 – FAA # 19860809046589I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 1988 – Klochko Inc., a parent company of Jet Services Inc. purchases the property.
- 01/11/89 – NASA # 128638 – INCIDENT ATC unauthorized approach
- 03/15/89 – FAA # 19890315014579I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 01/06/90 – NASA # 149217 – INCIDENT ATC violation
- 01/07/90 – NASA # 152551 – INCIDENT Critical event, rejected take off, runs off end of runway
- 01/11/90 – NASA # 163462 – INCIDENT ATC clearance violation
- 02/05/90 – FAA # 19900502024549I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 05/19/90 – FAA # 19900519032519I – INCIDENT DAMAGE
- 07/23/90 – NTSB # CHI90FA190A – ACCIDENT Fatal(3): Fatal(3) fatal mid-air collision. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing]
- 07/23/90 – NTSB # CHI90FA190B – ACCIDENT Fatal(3): Fatal(3) – FEDERAL ARMORED SERVICE. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing] [fatal article]
- 07/25/90 – NTSB # CHI90FA196 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 11/10/90 – NTSB # CHI91LA008 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 12/26/90 – NTSB # CHI91LA051 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 1991 – Heavy Canton and Plymouth 1d2 public airport community dissension continues – Wayne County “Mettetal” NOT important. According to Mike Duggan, deputy Wayne County executive, the airport, at Lilley and Joy roads in Canton, is classified a ‘reliever’ airport for Metropolitan Airport, but the county doesn’t place a lot of emphasis on that roll. “As far as we’re concerned it doesn’t make a difference,” Duggan said. “As a matter of air traffic, it is not important to the county.” … “It’s not a county issue. If this issue is tearing apart people, that airport isn’t worth it.” The only value in 1991 was 26 industrial sites had a value of $500,000, less abatement of 50% making revenue about $250,000, this s/b adjusted for 2017 values. … “Feuds within area groups are very harmful to everyone,” Duggan said. “If it were a life-and-death issue, I could understand. I can’t believe that this small airport is worth it.”
- 1991 – Canton and Plymouth dissension continues, arguing publicly and legally over property.
- 01/04/91 – NASA # 175432 – INCIDENT ATA clearance d/n make sense
- 01/05/91 – NASA # 177801 – INCIDENT SAFETY event, inflight encounters with cars warning re Joy rd still NOT posted on anywhere on Joy road or anywhere in the 1d2 terminal building as of January 2017. This was suggested way back in 1991! There have been many close calls, but none have been recorded anywhere. Here is an example of what could happen with no proper warning to cars and pilots. A disaster waiting to happen for the unlucky motorist or pilot!
- Video of a small plane crashing into a car, very similar to 1d2 Joy Road encroachment!
- 05/14/91 – FAA # 19910514027809I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 1992 – $1.4m awarded from 1990 mid-air crash with three fatalities [see 1d2 crash fatal info]
- 1992 – Mettetal based Safety Flying Club plane crash, three fatalities [fatal article]
- 01/01/92 – NASA # 200907 – INCIDENT Critical event, fuel starvation, forced landing
- 01/03/92 – NASA # 204048 – INCIDENT ATC clearance violation
- 05/22/92 – FAA # 19920522025319I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 10/08/92 – NTSB # CHI92LA239 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 1993 – State of Michigan MDOT purchases Mettetal for over $4m from owner that paid $3.1m – State Representative Jerry Vorva (R 20th district) stated at the time “The only people this sales serves are the owners and bureaucrats making work for themselves. We don’t need a public run airport. Private is fine, but not public.” This is a waste of tax dollars from gasoline taxes and airline ticket sales, failed now almost 25 year old experiment that shows this airport was never critical, and is no longer needed or wanted in the community and is not economically viable.
- 01/05/93 – NASA # 242355 – INCIDENT Critical event, E-AB loss of control of aircraft, run off runway
- 02/25/93 – NTSB # CHI93LA095 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 06/28/93 – NTSB # CHI93FA234 – ACCIDENT Fatal(1): Fatal(1). [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing] [fatal article]
- 08/21/93 – NTSB # CHI93LA336 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 01/05/94 – NASA # 271299 – INCIDENT Critical event, E-AB loss of control of aircraft, prop destroyed
- 03/09/94 – NTSB # CHI94FA310 – ACCIDENT Fatal(1): Fatal(1). Emergency fatal crash landing in adjacent industrial park. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing] [fatal article]
- 09/05/94 – FAA # 19940509024529I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 09/14/94 – NTSB # CHI94LA328 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 01/01/95 – NASA # 294673 – INCIDENT ATC enters airspace w/o clearance
- 02/08/95 – NTSB # CHI95LA257 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 05/06/95 – NTSB # CHI95LA171 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 07/02/95 – NTSB # CHI95LA085 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 11/09/95 – FAA # 19950911033789I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 12/16/95 – NTSB # CHI96LA054 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 1 Minor. E-AB
- 1996 – January 1 the Clean Air Act completely banned the use of leaded fuel for any on road vehicle. Should you be found to possess leaded gasoline in your car you can be subject to a $10,000 fine. It is still allowed in piston aircraft and rotorcraft (helicopters). Further, unlike many other poisons, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “No safe blood lead level has been identified.” Since lead is a naturally occurring heavy metal, unlike carcinogens like pesticides, waste oils and other chemical materials, lead will not break down over time. It does not vaporize or disappear ever.
- 12/16/96 – FAA # 19961216042909I – INCIDENT DAMAGE E-AB
- 06/22/97 – FAA # 19970622024129I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 06/25/97 – NTSB # CHI97FA188 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 1 Serious, 1 Minor.
- 04/18/98 – NTSB # CHI98LA131 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 2 Serious. Crash into subdivision at Ford Road and Morton Taylor. 150j crashes into Canton family driveway while doing “go rounds”. Witness: ‘I’m sure they [kids] heard his [pilots] screams’! see document reference on Safety page. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing]
- 06/20/98 – FAA # 19980620030489I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 01/09/00 – NASA # 484890 – INCIDENT Approach cancelled due to uncontrolled airport unfamiliarity
- 06/26/00 – NTSB # CHI00LA172 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 01/04/01 – NASA # 507937 – INCIDENT Critical event, E-AB landing in emergency condition
- 01/04/01 – NASA # 508432 – INCIDENT Critical event, fuel exhaustion, forced landing
- 01/06/01 – NASA # 516795 – INCIDENT Critical event, missed approach, evasive action, executed go around
- 08/18/01 – NTSB # CHI01LA285 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 2 Serious. E-AB
- 05/05/02 – FAA # 20020505012039I – INCIDENT DAMAGE
- 10/20/02 – NTSB # CHI03LA011 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 12/15/02 – FAA # 20021215035719I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 12/15/02 – FAA # 20021215035719I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 12/15/02 – FAA # 20021215035719I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 02/07/03 – NTSB # CHI03LA187 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 05/13/03 – POLICE – ACCIDENT E-AB Gyrobee emergency landing on Ann Arbor Trail. Surely there are many more like this to be discovered.
- 01/11/04 – NASA # 636933 – INCIDENT ATC approach clearance violation
- 07/31/04 – NTSB # CHI04CA210 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 1 Minor, 2 Uninjured. Emergency landing after takeoff.
- 08/08/04 – FAA # 20040808020329I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 10/07/05 – NTSB # NYC05LA118 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 1 Serious, 1 Minor.
- 01/01/06 – NASA # 684373 – INCIDENT Critical event, took evasive action to avoid collision
- 01/06/06 – NASA # 702739 – INCIDENT Critical event, loss of aircraft control, prop destroyed
- 03/10/06 – FAA # 20061003020579I – INCIDENT DAMAGE MINOR
- 2009 – EPA Sets new limits on Leaded Gasoline. 4 Mar. 1985. Oct. 2009.
- 06/13/10 – NTSB # CEN10CA317 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: HELICOPTER MRO ‘Post Maintenance Flight’. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing] The helicopter had a total loss of engine power about 2 miles northeast of 1d2.
- 08/13/10 – NTSB # CEN10LA482 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 1 Minor, 3 Uninjured.
- 06/29/11 – NTSB # CEN11FA431 – ACCIDENT Fatal(2): Fatal(2) E-AB crashes into home. [see 1d2 crash fatal info, save file for best viewing] [fatal article]
- 08/28/11 – NTSB # CEN11CA604 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal:
- 04/07/12 – FAA # 20120704023259I – INCIDENT DAMAGE
- 05/13/2012 – State may help save City Airport – Crain’s Detroit Business
The state took ownership of two failing general aviation facilities — Romeo State Airport and Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport in Canton Township — and contracted management of them to private companies. “The state would rather not own airports,” Michigan’s top public aviation official Mike Trout said. - 05/20/12 – NTSB # CEN12LA308 – ACCIDENT Nonfatal: 3 Minor, 1 Uninjured.
- 01/12/14 – NASA # 1222317 – INCIDENT ATC issued new clearance, incorrect approach
- 06/29/2015 – The unofficial Facebook page for 1d2: Canton–Plymouth Mettetal Airport – Canton, Michigan – Airport | Facebook
Many in Canton, Plymouth and surrounding densely populated neighborhoods are angry about the complete waste of taxpayer money and lead pollution at 1d2! - 1d2 Hangars are so cheaply priced to desperately attract tenants that some are used only for junk storage, as seen below, e.g. there is no visible aircraft stored in the hangar at all! It looks like a rummage sale or flea market instead of an airstrip. FAA should do a hangar inspection inventory as is done at other airfields. 1d2 fuel prices also undercut many other airports to desperately attract people as well, it does not seem like fair competition from a State/FAA funded airport!
- April 1, 2017 – finally the local Symbol for Taxpayer Waste and LEAD Poisoning has been removed! Taxpayers have been continuously paying for the big “LEAD Ball” radar dome that hasn’t been used in 20 years. It’s about time!

Finally Gone. Taxpayers only paid for 20 years of NON-USE!
- September 7, 2017 – The State of Michigan, Wayne County, and Canton Township do NOT have money to allocate to repair township roads and may be forced to depend on local dollars, BUT the State of Michigan/MDOTis paying a third party contractor to work on a personal airplane, use State trucks, on State paid time, using a State paid cell phone (248-981-8127, call off hours or weekends to see for yourself) and other taxpayer paid resources to perform the work! The third party contractor was clearly visible seen working on and repairing a private/personal airplane from the gas station across the street at Joy Road and Lilley Road. People gathered in awe and couldn’t believe their eyes. Simply unbelievable, another slap in the taxpayers face! The abuse of taxpayers money continues at 1d2! The gas station worker and some on-lookers say this is a very frequent sight at 1d2 and goes on for hours on end all the time! It is the first hangar and is very visible from all directions, locals and people at 1d2 all surely know who this is!

Third party Contractor working on personal plane on State paid time!
- Kathryn’s Report: Van’s RV-4, (N59RB): Incident occurred October 14, 2019 at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2), Michigan (html)
- The Timeline / History is a work in progress, with more updates coming soon . . .
It’s interesting to note that since MDOT hired a third-party contractor to run Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip there has only been 1 single FAA, NASA or NTSB incident, the last one above, filed by anyone at 1d2 since 2014! It’s all MDOT family & friends, third-party contractor family and friends, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist family and friends, one big happy incestuous family of cronies and pals! It’s so incredibly ridiculous to taxpayers, you can’t even make this stuff up!
Voters Wisely Flush Patrick Colbeck, Jeff Noble, and Joe Barone!
Thank goodness! Voters decided to wisely flush Patrick Colbeck, Jeff Noble, and Joe Barone to ensure the community receives protection of the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing and pregnant mothers, retired and elderly at the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities, our most vulnerable populations, from toxic effects of lead pollution from 100LL aviation fuel used by aircraft, and helicopters at Plymouth-Canton Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. BTW: NONE of the three have children or grandchildren in the Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) System.
Representative Jeff Noble has done absolutely nothing to protect the PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community when first notified in April 2017 while saying that he would pursue EPA Lead Tests in January 2018. Ok, Representative Jeff Noble what’s taking so long to protect the community and why haven’t YOU done something, anything thus far? The old web sites are gone, but the damage is done: www.votejeffnoble.com and OurJefNoble.com! Representative Jeff Noble is on the House Families, Children, and Seniors Committee, House Health Policy Committee, and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
It’s time to start asking the committees that Representative Jeff Noble is on just what actions Representative Jeff Noble has taken to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
Is this really how Representative Jeff Noble “Makes protecting Michigan’s Children a top Priority?”
Senator Patrick Colbeck when told about the Lead Poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip simply replied “Hey wait a minute, I’m a pilot” and the conversation ended. After repeated calls over several months to Penny Crider, his District Manager, she stated that “Senator Colbeck is waiting for an EPA determination!”
Gee whiz, we can thank Senator Patrick Colbeck for his legacy contribution, that is knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce), to 8 years of lead poisoning of our schools and community. BTW: lead poisoning from 100LL leaded aviation fuel is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for over a decade. It’s pretty clear that we can add “Community Health Malpractice” to the list of reasons why there’s really No place for Senator Patrick Colbeck in Michigan’s future!
The web sites “Patrick Colbeck for Governor” or “Colbeckforgovernor.com” are gone but you can’t still ask why he didn’t do anything about lead poisoning at Principled Solutions for Michigan. Why did a self proclaimed Aerospace Engineer, do absolutely nothing to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead Poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip?
After meeting with Wayne County Commissioner District 10 Joe Barone for the first time, when asked he stated that his children attended private schools and NOT Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS), the conversation was technically over at that point and ended quickly. Many calls later Wayne County Commissioner District 10 Joe Barone failed to respond in any fashion re any interest in lead poisoning of schools and the community, period.
A brief recap:
- Patrick Colbeck [somehow] reached term limits for Michigan Senate District 7, and failed primary bid for Governor. Patrick Colbeck didn’t protect the community from lead poisoning, nobody is quite sure who would hire a self-proclaimed Aerospace Engineer (bozo) at this point? [ballotpedia][Facebook][Facebook][Twitter][wikipedia][Pseudoscience][Ridiculous][Conspiracy][Conspiracy].
- Joe Barone failed re-election bid for Wayne County Commissioner District 10 [ballotpedia][Facebook]. Joe Barone didn’t protect the community from lead poisoning, but maybe Joe can get his old job back?
- Jeff Noble failed bid for Michigan State Representative District 20. [ballotpedia][Facebook][Facebook][Facebook][Twitter]. Jeff Noble didn’t protect the community from lead poisoning, but maybe Jeff can get one of his two old jobs back?
Collectively, taxpayers, and the Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) can thank all three of you for your combined and continued efforts to knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) adding to the “Community Health Malpractice & Negligence” for failing to do anything to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) students, families, nursing and pregnant mothers, retired and elderly at the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities, our most vulnerable populations, from toxic effects of lead pollution from 100LL aviation fuel used by aircraft, and helicopters at Plymouth-Canton Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
Patrick, Joe, Jeff – there is still some time, no matter how brief, left in 2018 for some miracle to occur. So if there’s been a grievous mistake and any of you did or do decide to take some, or any action at all, even while finishing your terms as lame lame ducks, to protect the PCCS schools and community from lead poisoning, please send an email and the facts will be updated accordingly!
It’s 2020, and There Was Never Any Response From Any of These Clowns!
It appears that nobody, especially MDOT, seems to care about protecting the Health, Safety, & Welfare of vulnerable populations from leaded aviation fuel used at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip? I guess that the community has to wait and see exactly what the newly elected officials State of Michigan class of 2019 does?
No elected officials (politicians) or any public officials have made any statement about protecting the Health, Safety, & Welfare of vulnerable populations to date!
MDOT sent a lame excuse ridden MDOT May 9, 2019 Response, more on this later as it relates to yet another Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Lead poisoning coverup, SEE: 1 million Michigan Child BLLs Show MDOT Lead Poisoning Coverup.
Third Party Contractor Clown Doin’ What He Does Best

MDOT Third Party Contractor doing what he does-best
First thing, get the $35k lawnmower stuck in the mud. Second thing, burn out the engine. Third thing, get $200k CAT Front End Loader (FEL) to pull the $35k lawnmower out the mud. Fourth thing, illegally operate the $200k CAT FEL with out proper Michigan LARA Heavy Equipment Operator certification and then illegally operate the CAT FEL on Public Roads during rush hour traffic! You can’t even make this stuff up! Michigan citizens are fed up with paying for this ignorance and complete waste of taxpayer money!
How to Lookup Up FAA, NASA, NTSB #’s Used Above
Anyone can lookup NTSB numbers used above here:
NTSB Aviation Accident Database & Synopses
Copy the NTSB # of your choice from the timeline above and paste it under the NTSB Status heading into the “Accident Number” box, and then hit “submit query” button in the lower left.
Alternatively, you can lookup NTSB#’s here too:
FAA Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS)
NTSB Aviation Accident and Incident Data System (NTSB)
You can lookup FAA#’s here:
FAA Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS)
FAA Accident and Incident Data System (FAA AIDS)
You can lookup NASA#’s here:
FAA Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS)
Aviation Safety Reporting System (NASA ASRS)
References and Further Reading
The unofficial Facebook page for 1d2: Canton–Plymouth Mettetal Airport – Canton, Michigan – Airport | Facebook