UPDATE: Many thanks to the great volunteers and contributors, https://close1d2.org is fully funded & staffed until December 31, 2029. This is a marathon NOT a sprint!
NOTE: site content was brought to our attention that could be harmful and or misleading, it has been removed, we apologize for any unintentional problems!
Our single goal is to promote the Health, Safety and Welfare of vulnerable populations including pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly.
Many thanks to A2 Hosting an Ann Arbor, Michigan company with excellent support staff & great performance!
a successful democracy requires
an informed & educated populace
whose voices are all heard!
A true measure of any group is how they respect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the most vulnerable populations . . .
If pro is the opposite of con.
Is Progress the opposite of Congress?
Organized People Defeat Organized Money!
Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) is the unrecognized “Secondhand Smoke” of this decade (html) (html), only ten times worse!
Question: How can you tell when the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is Lying?
Answer: When MDOT mouths or propellers are moving.The four pillars of Negative Aviation Impacted (NAI) communities:
Politics. Money. Lobbyists. Special Interests.
It’s not rocket science . . .
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Blunder Over Michigan
Please watch this space for exclusive updates about the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) “Blunder Over Michigan”, the largest waste of taxpayer dollars in Michigan history!
State, National & International Sister Sites, Organizations & Coalitions Update
Please check back often, thank you for your patience & support!
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol | Largest Waste of Taxpayer Money in Michigan History
- https://MDOTClownPatrol.org
- https://youtube.com/@MDOTClownPatrol
Official Close 1d2 Youtube Channel: @close1d2 – 50 Years of 1d2 MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies
Please SEE: https://youtube.com/@close1d2 for information regarding 50 Years of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Bullying, Deception & Lies.
While joining forces with other National Coalitions of Community Advocates working to eliminate Negative Aviation Impacts (NAI), Youtube is seen as a natural evolution to discover, inform & share experiences & lessons learned from other organizations, individuals, communities, neighborhoods and their school systems across the entire US & around the world.
All across the US angry, frustrated, deceived, lied to, abused residents are taking back control of their communities & neighborhoods, protecting their homes & schools, and protecting the health safety and welfare of pregnant moms, babies, schoolchildren & elderly.
NOTE: General Aviation or GA airport closures across the US are not ONLY about eliminating Leaded Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuels with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). Taxpayers are literally Sick & Tired of Toxic Noise, Toxic People, Toxic Pollution, and Wasted Tax Dollars ONLY for an elite select few!
Closing the Michigan Department of Transportation owned MDOT Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “Frat House” will protect Community Health, Safety & Welfare:
- Protection from “Involuntary Poisoning” that violates “Bodily Integrity” protected by US Constitution
- Extreme Toxic Noise Pollution “disturbing the peace” & “public nuisance” including aerial intimidation, bullying, harassment and stalking AKA Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH)
- Crashes & Life-Threatening Events-Incidents
- Environmental impacts of Toxic Pollution
- Diminished Quality of Life, Enjoyment of Property, Neighborhoods, Parks, Playgrounds & Schools
- Reduced Community Desirability & Property Valuation
- Unrealized Tax Revenues, improper and or non-compatible land usage(s)
- Millions & Millions Wasted Taxpayer Dollars duplicating existing, closer, more appropriate aviation facilities
NOTE: MDOT is responsible for the largest single waste of Taxpayer Money in Michigan History!
Literally since the 70s, 1d2 is an unneeded unwanted non-sustainable toxic non-strategic non-mission-critical non-essential insignificant personal hobby sport recreational & social entertainment venue. Literally for only for a handful of ‘elite’ people. And has never been important to the county, has no critical infrastructure, activities or purpose. Provides no jobs, no tax revenues. And has nothing to do with science, technology, engineering, arts or mathematics. And has NOTHING to do with 10 million Michigan Residents.
Secondarily, 1d2 closure efforts help to expose MDOT’s ongoing campaign of incompetence, fiscal irresponsibility, professional negligence, dereliction of duty, overreach, abuse of power, malfeasance, unethical, immoral “willful neglect” & just plain reprehensible abhorrent creepy behavior clearly on behalf of “burrowed in” special interest & industry lobbyist cronies. MDOT has literally become a Retirement home for “Burrowed In” Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists Cronies.
These are NOT friends and neighbors BUT nasty vindictive Community Pariah pursuing on-going revenge and retaliation for “interfering” with their “Flying Social Club Frat House” and private “Playpen” provided & protected courtesy of MDOT. These “Protected” groups, entities & individuals, part of the MDOT Clown Patrol Family, an Organized “Gang”, believe they can do whatever whenever they want, without ANY accountability or repercussions. Apparently, they actually can!
- Ford Eagles – MI Licensing & Regulatory Affairs – LARA
- Dawn Patrol Flying Club – MI Licensing & Regulatory Affairs – LARA.
- University of Detroit Flying Club INC – MI Licensing & Regulatory Affairs – LARA
- N110PF (year unknown) CESSNA 177B – FAA
After a brief hiatus, the angry hostile untouchable & invincible Civil Air Patrol (CAP) are back at 1d2 in full force. Starting with the sniveling angry hostile Livonia ThunderDolt Composite Squadron GLR MI-183 (html) flying aircraft N305CP| Civil Air Patrol Michigan Wing (home) | Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters (home). True “Community Air Pariah (CAP)” in every sense of the word!
Parents don’t be deceived and let your kids be anywhere near these Civil Air Patrol (CAP) fools, everyone knows they’re NOT the role models & legends they think they are in their own minds. While MANY Civil Air Patrol Squadrons are a worthy objective, MANY are a failure in implementation led by clowns & buffoons with limited qualifications and self-serving integrity with rampant widespread problems of systemic corruption and safety concerns.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) creeps & other “gang” members fly-in from ARB & YIP, while several CAP Clowns use personal aircraft in regular Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) “Air Raids” at 1d2!
Residents of Michigan demand a stop to MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies while wasting their hard-earned taxpayer dollars over and over again! It’s long overdue & finally time to “Fix the damn MDOT” and Close 1d2!
Please SEE @close1d2:
- Part 1: 1d2 “Frat House” – 50 Years of MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies
- Part 2: 1d2 “Frat House” – 50 Years of MDOT Bullying, Deception & Lies
Executive Summary = Top 6 Urgent Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “MDOT Frat House” Airstrip Related Detailed Facts
#1 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Determines Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Emissions from Aircraft Engines Endanger Public Health & Welfare, EPA Reiterates NO Evidence of ANY Threshold (AKA zero) to Reduce Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Exposure’s Harmful Effects – 10-18-2023
EPA Determines that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution That May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare. (html) 10-18-2023 | US EPA. The FINAL Endangerment Finding does not ban or impose restrictions on the use, sale, distribution, dispensing, and general availability of leaded fuel, nor does it establish any new control measures regarding aircraft lead emissions. EPA announced its proposed determination on October 7, 2022, which underwent public notice and comment.
NOTE: EPA reiterated in the October 18 announcement that there is NO evidence of ANY Threshold to fully reduce Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) exposure’s harmful effects. In other words only ZERO (0) Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) is considered “Safe”.
EPA’s FINAL determination demands swift action from Congress and the “So Called” Industry (Cartel) to STOP the use of 100LL leaded aviation fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). While this announcement is a small step forward, NO US Citizen can be complacent. Every Taxpayer, We the People, everyone must finish the job and protect our Nation’s Vulnerable Populations from all Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs) Negative Community Outcomes (NCOs) including sources of Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) and extreme Noise Pollution.
- Federal Register:: Final Finding That Lead Emissions From Aircraft Engines That Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution That May Reasonably Be Anticipated To Endanger Public Health and Welfare. 10-20-2023 (html) (pdf) (local pdf) 33pg. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, 40 CFR Parts 87, 1031, and 1068, [EP A–HQ–OAR–2022–0389; FRL–5934–02– OAR], RIN 2060–AT10.
- Final Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines That Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare (html) | Regulations for Lead Emissions from Aircraft (html) | US EPA.
- EPA Finalizes Endangerment Finding for Lead Emissions from Aircraft that Operate on Leaded Fuel (EPA-420-F-23-022, October- 2023) Regulatory Announcement Fact Sheet (pdf) (local pdf)
- Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare – Response to Comments (EPA-420-R-23-031, October 2023) (pdf) (local pdf) 706pg.
- Technical Support Document (TSD) for the EPA’s Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare (EPA-420-R-23-030, September 2023) (pdf) (local pdf) 144pg.
- Petitions and EPA Response Memorandums related to Lead Emissions from Aircraft that Operate on Leaded Fuel (html)
- Letter from members of Congress including Joe Neguse, Suzanne Bonamici, Stephen F. Lynch, Jerrold Nadler, Jason Crow, Seth Moulton, Donald S. Beyer Jr, Brittany Pettersen 10-18-2023 (pdf) (local pdf) 3pg, to Michael S. Regan urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to expedite the release of its final determination for the “Proposed Finding That Lead Emissions From Aircraft Engines That Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution That May Reasonably Be Anticipated To Endanger Public Health and Welfare.”
- Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines That Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare (html).
- Public Hearing on Proposed Endangerment Finding Regarding Lead Emissions from Aircraft Operating on Leaded Fuel, Docket Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389 – Transcript – Corrected (November 1, 2022) (pdf) (local pdf) 243pg.
#2 Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Civil Aviation Noise Policy Comment from matthew grisius – 09-29-2023
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Meetings: Civil Aviation Noise Policy (html) (pdf) (pdf) (pdf) (local pdf) FAA-2023-0855-0001, Comment Period May 1, 2023 thru September 29, 2023 | Regulations.gov.
Official Comment – Docket ID FAA-2023-0855 – Comment from matthew grisius (html) FAA-2023-0855-3422 (attachment1 pdf) (attachment2 pdf) Posted by the Federal Aviation Administration on Sep 27, 2023 (attachment1-local pdf) (attachment2-local pdf): Request for Comments on the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Civil Aviation Noise Policy as it Relates to Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airport AKA “MDOT Frat House Airstrip” in Canton Township, Michigan – A Tiny Non-Strategic, Non-Mission-Critical, Non-Essential Insignificant Personal Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venue in Densely Populated Neighborhoods Surrounded by Schools, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Facilities – My Community “Lived Experience” with Aviation Noise.
Official Comment – Docket ID FAA-2023-0855 – from Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA) (html) (pdf) (local pdf) FAA-2023-0855-2206.
#3 Local Michigan Journalism in Action – 09-2023 – Highlights MDOT Pathological Lying
Oakland County’s role in leaded aviation gas – Special Issue (html) September 2023. Danger above: Threat of toxic lead in aviation gas (html) September 2023, Stacy Gittleman. September 2023 (digital), Lead Fallout – Special Issue, pg 33, Stacy Gittleman. There’s more than just planes in the air at Oakland County’s three airports thanks to LEAD fuel for some aircraft | Downtown NewsMagazine (html) | Birmingham Bloomfield.
NOTE: MDOT spokesperson stated the MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airport has not received many complaints or concerns about lead air emissions from school officials or neighboring residents continuing MDOT’s long term almost fraudulent Justification & Pathological lies. Nothing could be further from the truth!
#4 EPA Comment from matthew grisius – 12-28-2022 – Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft [Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) including Helicopter] Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare
Public Comment from matthew grisius (background, history, summary) Posted by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Dec 28, 2022, Tracking Number: lc5-1q39-yi73, regarding EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389-0001 – Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft [Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) including Helicopter] Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare (pdf) (html).
#5 Blood samples of 1,043,391 children within 1km of 448 airports in Michigan – 08-15-2014 – Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Coverup
The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasonline [sp] on Blood Lead in Children (html) (pdf) including Michigan author Associate Professor Shawn P. McElmurry (html), Wayne State University (WSU), Detroit, Michigan et al. First published August 15, 2014 right in the middle of the Flint Lead Poisoning crisis / debacle as it was unfolding. Quietly swept under the rug. An updated version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (home): Vol 4, No 2, April 11, 2017 (html) (https://doi.org/10.1086/691686). Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHSS) blood samples of 1,043,391 children within 1km of 448 airports in Michigan whom are at greatest risk links time and spatially referenced blood lead data from over a million children to 448 nearby airports in Michigan. Not only did the levels of lead in children’s blood rise in proximity to airports, they tracked the monthly peaks and valleys of air traffic. NOTE: it was as close a link to avgas and lead exposure as scientists had ever found! Yet the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has thus far failed to even acknowledge let alone mention results published back in 2014!
#6 Multiple Suitable Strategic Long Term Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Towered Facilities Available to Replace MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airport AKA “MDOT Frat House Airstrip”
Multiple suitable Strategic Long Term Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Towered Facilities (nowhere near schools) are literally available within minutes driving time of MDOT owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airstrip.
Now is the time to stop wasting & abusing Taxpayers Health, Safety, Welfare, Patience, Time, Money & Resources. Taxpayers demand Closure of Non-Sustainable, Non-Mission Critical, Non-Essential, Non-Strategic Hobby Sport Recreational Social Entertainment Venue MDOT owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2 ) Airstrip AKA “MDOT Frat House” once and for all to move & isolate the Negative Aviation Impacts (NAI) to appropriate Strategic FAA Towered Aviation venue literally ~7 minutes away by car:
- Willow Run Airport gets $12M from FAA to build new taxiway (html) 08-23-2023 |ClickOnDetroit.
- Willow Run Airport set to receive almost $12.8M from feds for improvements (html) 04-25-2023 – mlive.com.
- Dingell Announces $12.7 Million for Willow Run Airport (html) 04-25-2023 | Congresswoman Debbie Dingell.
- Two Mich. airports get millions from feds for infrastructure upgrades (html) 08-26-2022 | Detroit News.
- Stabenow, Peters Announce Over $23 Million for Improvements at Detroit Metro Airport and Willow Run Airport (html) 04-27-2023 | News | Press | U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan.
- Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA)
Or nearby alternative Strategic FAA Towered Aviation venues:
- Ann Arbor (html)
- Ann Arbor Airport (KARB) Strategic FAA Towered
- Oakland County, MI | Home
- Oakland County Airports (html)
- Oakland County International Airport (PTK) Strategic FAA Towered
- NOTE: Oakland County International Airport (PTK) is one of the top 100 Lead Producing Airports (pdf) in the United States.
- Oakland/Southwest Airport (Y47) Non-Strategic Non-FAA Towered
- Oakland/Troy Airport (VLL) Non-Strategic Non-FAA Towered
Millions of Taxpayers deserve Accountability, Justice and Protection from Negative Aviation Impacts (NAI) Impacts including Extreme Noise Pollution & Toxic Pollution from Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) “Involuntary Poisoning” violating individual “Bodily Integrity” rights protected by the United States Constitution including vulnerable populations such as pregnant moms, babies, school children & elderly. Eliminate Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs) NOISE & TOXIC POLUTION at the source.
We the People, Michigan Taxpayers DEMAND:
- #1 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) & Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Close: 63 acre Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip AKA Elite “MDOT 1d2 Frat House”.
- #2 Move Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) activities: to 2,392 acre Willow Run Airport (KYIP) Strategic FAA Towered which is literally ~7 minutes away!
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues their witting decisions to acquiesce leaving vulnerable populations exposed to Flying Junk Pile (FJP) Extreme Noise & Toxic Pollution from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) demonstrating their will & choice to further their professional negligence, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, malfeasance, unethical, immoral “willful neglect” & just plain reprehensible abhorrent creepy behavior on clearly on behalf of Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists!
The bottom line is that Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airport AKA “MDOT Frat House Airstrip” is an “Uncontrolled” (non-towered, e.g. No FAA ATC Tower) Airstrip that is really “Out of Control”, rife with 50 year old Flying Junk Piles (FJPs), literally everything is optional, recommendations, guidelines, patterns, Noise Abatement Procedures, “Fly Quiet” Requests, approaches for Take-Offs, Landings, etc. It’s all about saving time, money, NOT about minimizing Negative Community Outcomes from Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs) in the Community at all. Local Social Flying Clubs Clowns are “Assistant Managers” at the “MDOT Frat House”. Since when does ANYONE put Frat House Members in charge of a Frat House?
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airport AKA “MDOT Frat House Airstrip” in densely populated Neighborhoods in Canton Township, Michigan – Concentrated Uncontrolled “Out of Control” Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs) directly across the street from Hulsing Elementary School (S) – Plymouth Christian Academy (S) – East Middle School (S) – Crystal Creek Assisted Living (AL) Facility with excellent ALTERNATIVE aviation facilities literally ~7 minutes away by car at Willow Run Airport (YIP)!
- Willow Run Airport (YIP) = 2,392 Acres (REALLY its ~7 minutes away by car!)
- Willow Run Airport (html) – Google Maps.
- Willow Run Airport (html) – Bing Maps – Directions, trip planning, traffic cameras & more.
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1d2) Airstrip = 63 Acres
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airstrip (html) – Google Maps.
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airstrip (html) Bing Maps – Directions, trip planning, traffic cameras & more.
It’s time for Gov. Whitmer and Democrats to finally ‘Fix the damn law!’ (html) | Detroit Free Press. When she was running for governor, Gretchen Whitmer said she would increase transparency in Lansing. Six years after she won the job, we’re still waiting. Nobody can seem to “Fix the Damn Roads” or “Fix the Damn MDOT”. Nobody can figure out even what the Damn MDOT is doing anyplace anytime anywhere for anybody other than Special Interests & industry Lobbyists! Ok so “Fix the Damn Law” and let’s try that!
Negative Aviation Impact (NAI) Resources
- Track Any Negative Aviation Impacts in Canton Township Michigan and the Responsible Creeps & Community Pariah
- Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport (1D2) (html) AKA “MDOT Frat House” – FlightAware (home) – track community pariah aircraft including helicopter flying rodeo clowns with delayed historical view.
- Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport (1D2) (html) AKA “MDOT Frat House” – ADS-B Exchange (home) – track community pariah aircraft including helicopter flying rodeo clowns live.
- Local Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Based Civil Air patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Pariah AKA Sniveling Air Patrol AKA Swivel Chair Patrol :
- Civil Air patrol (CAP) Clowns (Swivel Chair Patrol) Civil Air Patrol Inc, 105 S Hansell ST, Maxwell AFB Alabama 36112 (CAP) [Facebook] [Michigan Wing] (Satellite) [DOD Maxwell-Gunter AFB] [Facebook]
- Livonia Thunderbolt Composite Squadron GLR MI183 (html) | Civil Air Patrol Michigan Wing (home) | Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters (home).
- Live USAFX Civil Air Patrol Flight Status (html) – FlightAware.
- History ✈ USAFX Civil Air Patrol #2035 (N305CP) – FlightAware.
- Oregon Aviation Watch – Home. Research, educate and advocate on behalf of the public interest and public welfare about Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs).
- SOS | SAVE OUR SKIES ALLIANCE – HOME. Air traffic is something that should concern us all, especially when it comes to small planes that contribute disproportionately to the noise, pollution, and safety concerns of those living under the path of travel in and out of these airports.
- Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance (AICA) – A National Advocate for Quieter Skies. Protect communities from harmful levels of aviation noise and emissions.
- aiREFORM.com – Aviation benefits a few and the Impacts are many. Reforms are long overdue, and require action by Congress and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- C.A.G.E. – Citizens Against Gillespie’s Expansion. Safety. Security. Noise. Environment. Funding.
- CALLOUS INDIFFERENCE Propeller planes dump 467 tons of lead into our breathable air every year (html) 11-07-2023 – YouTube. In the US, hundreds of millions of gallons of highly toxic tetraethyl lead-formulated gasoline are consumed annually by piston-engine powered propeller airplanes releasing more than one million pounds of airborne lead into our environment each year on average. Four million people reside and about six hundred K – 12th grade schools are located “in the lead zone” within 500 meters of propeller airports. These adults and children end up breathing toxic airborne lead every day. Toxic pollution by airplanes disproportionately harms people of color and lower income as they most often reside in the lead zones near propeller airports. This program exposes nothing short of the poisoning of the American public by the aviation industry and reveals how they plan to continue indefinitely. NOTE: Gross Negligence Perpetuating Special Interest & industry Lobbyist Continued Lies and Mis-information re mis-fueling, from a sitting US Senator no less, shocking & pathetic. Politicians truly believe Taxpayers are stupid! Sounds like he must own a Flying Junk Pile (FJP) too!
- Home – Stay Grounded. Flying is the fastest way to fry the planet. The Stay Grounded network works on a global level to reduce air traffic and build a climate-just transport system.
- Home – Quiet Communities, Inc. (QCi) is a nonprofit 501C3 organization that is dedicated to helping communities reduce health and environmental harm from noise and pollution. It operates through five programs: Quiet American Skies, Quiet Landcare (formerly Quiet Outdoors), Quiet Coalition, Quiet Healthcare, and Quiet Empowerment (formerly Quiet Conversation). Each strives to generate long-lasting structural and behavioral changes that result in quieter, more sustainable, and more livable communities. Please DONATE (html).
- NTSB Aviation Investigation Search (html) | National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The NTSB aviation accident database contains civil aviation accidents and selected incidents that occurred from 1962 to present within the United States, its territories and possessions, and in international waters. Foreign investigations in which the NTSB participated as an accredited representative will also be listed.
- University of California (UCal) | University of California, Davis, (UCD) One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011.
- Noise as a Public Health Hazard (html) 10-26-2022, Policy Number: 202115 | American Public Health Association (APHA).
- Canton–Plymouth Mettetal Airport 1D2, Michigan MS Flight Simulator 2020, Ultra settings (html) 11-05-2023 – YouTube. NOTE: SEE comment: There is an ongoing effort to close 1D2. A local group cites prohibited test flights, noise abatement procedures, illegally registered aircraft, the presence of two dozen nearby airports, a high annual budget, numerous fatal crashes, and more to advocate for the airfield’s closure.
- Canton–Plymouth Mettetal Airport (html) – Wikipedia. NOTE SEE comment: There is an ongoing effort to close 1D2. A local group cites prohibited test flights, noise abatement procedures, illegally registered aircraft, the presence of two dozen nearby airports, a high annual budget, numerous fatal crashes, and more to advocate for the airfield’s closure.[8]
- Anyone can search the latest up-to-date NTSB database here: NTSB Aviation Investigation Search (html) | National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
- AuxBeacon News (HOME). Shining the light on the U.S. AirForce & Its Auxiliary, the Civil Air patrol (CAP): True reporting on Civil Air Patrol (CAP) incompetence and corruption.
Update 4Q / December 2023 Update #1: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) “Business as Usual”, Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Pariah AKA Civil Air Pariah (CAP) “Business as Usual”, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) “Business as Usual” and Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist “Business as Usual”
MDOT Clown Patrol “Business as Usual”
As of November 25, 2023 nothing has changed: still a “steady stream” of “Take-offs” & “Landings” with ADS-B turned completely OFF. The Harassment, Threats & Intimidation via Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) “Air Raids” are increasing and getting closer to roof tops. Didn’t think they could get any closer, but Local Flying Clubs AKA Assistant Managers plus the usual “Regular Suspects” are proving anyone wrong, some are now literally 50 feet over roof tops! These Creeps are emboldened and are literally UNTOUCHABLE, literally ABOVE any laws so to speak or protection whether it’s Local, County, State, Federal. Nobody can control these Community Pariah including the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)!
Ignore, delay, acquiesce, obfuscate, “Carry on Business as Usual” ZERO Urgency.
NOTHING can stop the MDOT Stooges Juggernaut Clown Mobile & Clown Plane from Steam Rollin’ Vulnerable Populations anywhere in Michigan.
Absolute Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Surgically Precise Incompetence! Truly a State, National & International Embarrassment!
So what does the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) do other than acquiesce, delay, dawdle, and bumble along continuing to placate, coddle, protect & advertise yet another “So Called” Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Event (NOTE: MDOT consistently removes or re-arranges any history or audit trail of any information regularly), A Chili Fly-In November 11, 2023 11:00am ET to 2:00pm ET, they all make a truly pathetic “MDOT 1d2 Clown Patrol”.
Ok MDOT let’s have yet another Special Interest & industry Lobbyist Event at the expense of surrounding communities, densely populated neighborhoods & schools.
See video below of Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) at MDOT advertised, condoned & sponsored Special Interest & industry Lobbyist Event and ‘normal’ angry follow on Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) continuing during & after Thanksgiving festivities 2023.
Starts at 7:00am continues until way after dark! Some videos are taken at night to provide ‘impact’, BTW a preferred time for Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) creeps as it’s obviously hard to record details.
Remember this is a “Sick Contest” to see who can FLY closest to roof tops whether it’s take-off or landing! As the event progressed thru the day and evening it appeared participants were getting angrier and angrier getting closer & closer until aircraft were just barely above the power / telephone lines! This is roughly ~30-40 feet (9-13 meters) above homes! Doesn’t seem like Neighbors & Friends at all does it?
Wealthy Elite Helicopter, CIRRUS SR22 & SR22T (145km/hr) and Flying Junk Pile (FJPs) owners continue “Air Raids” over homes in Canton Township Michigan! Nothing is EVER going to change.
How low can you FLY? Community Pariah have NOW set a new record at ~30ft over homes, just barely ~15 feet over Power/Cable/Telephone lines.
Every Clown with a Flying Junk Pile (FJP) streams in from all over the place daily to vet their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist grievances & disagreements to mete out their retribution, revenge and punishment.
Local 1d2 Pariah continue their barrage starting at 7am well into the dark, many without ADS-B, No Callsign and no radio.
Many local Michigan Flying “Social” Clubs (featuring both 1d2 Based “MDOT Clown Patrol Members”) as well as individual Clowns from Howell Michigan (OZW), Ann Arbor Michigan (ARB), Ypsilanti Michigan (YIP), South Lyon Michigan (Y47), Pontiac Michigan (PTK), Troy Michigan Airport (VLL), Grosse Isle Municipal (ONZ), Brighton Michigan (45G), Romeo Airport (D98), Ray Community (57D) and others many without ADS-B, No Callsign and no radio. Lest we forget the Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Pariah (CAP) and their Sympathizers, Sycophants and Bootlickers, one a Canton resident with 58-Year-Old Flying Junk Pile (FJP) 1965 Cessna 172G stored at 1d2 also member of Defunct Willow Run (CAP) Clown Squad, truly a Turd with a capital “T” in every sense of the word. NOTE: Parents don’t let your Children anywhere near these vengeful vindictive immature Swivel Chair Patrol CAP Idiots!
NOTE: This includes many of the same “Repeat” Stalkers, Creeps, Community Pariah & “So Called” Flying “Social” Clubs, as well as regular “No ADS-B” and “No Callsign” procedures that have been “Officially” reported to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) but NOTHING ever seems to change or happen at all, NOTHING!
Pariah from all over stream in daily, many make their “Special Trips” on a ‘regular’ basis for Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) purposes & practice runs:
- One Repeat Clown flies all the way across the state on a regular basis
- A recent ‘regular’ Clown flies from Beaver Island Michigan!
- Another Clown from Coraopolis Pennsylvania, they “appear” from everywhere like flies on poop
- Or Pathetic Clowns from Middleton Wisconsin Muni/Morey Fld (C29). Sort of Kindred Clown Spirits with the two Local Social Flying Club Clown Pariah based at 1d2.
All to do repeated circles over Canton Township Michigan homes to see how close they can get to rooftops! Many of the same stalkers & Community Pariah over & over again, different day.
There is no protection, there is no action, and nothing anyone CAN or WILL do at the Local, County, State or Federal Level to protect against MDOT & FAA condoned & endorsed Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) or Toxic Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Pollution at the Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “MDOT Frat House”!
NOTE: At the end of video SEE: Angry Chopper descends & ‘attacks’ tiny Canton Township Senior Condo Village with Daylight PLUS Nighttime “Raids” while playing ‘The Ride of the Valkyries’ by Richard Wagner, the only thing missing was playing ‘The Ride of the Valkyries’ ☹ | ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ (html) | Apocalypse Now – YouTube | Apocalypse Now (1979) – IMDb. This is practically a ‘regular occurring’ event. People are guessing that this makes these Helicopter folk feel important that NOBODY can tell them what to do, truly sad & pathetic!
Who in their “Right Mind” plans, positions, locates, approves & signs-off on a Commercial Part 135 Aviation Operation Heliport DIRECTLY across the street from an “Assisted Living” Facility, and DIRECTLY behind the “Assisted Living” Facility is Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) Hulsing Elementary School (home)!
- Commercial Part 135 Aviation Operations absolutely do NOT belong in Densely Populated Neighborhoods Surrounded by Schools, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living & Rehabilitation Facilities with suitable facilities literally ~7 minutes away by car at Willow Run Airport (YIP).
- Part 135 Aviation Operations covers on-demand service, otherwise known as nonscheduled air transportation and includes airplane sightseeing, air taxi, and helicopter (flying limo) transportation. More specifically, Part 135 covers the following aviation transportation services:
- Ambulance services
- Nonscheduled chartered freight air transportation
- Nonscheduled chartered passenger air transportation
- Scenic and sightseeing transportation
See video of continued Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) as of 11-25-2023 including latest Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist “So Called” Event at the MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip AKA “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” (mp4) (7:17m). There is no protection, there is no action, and nothing anyone CAN or WILL do at the Local, County, State or Federal Level including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the State of Michigan that in reality does NOT actually CONTROL the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) a fully functioning autonomous governmental organization directed, controlled, funded & sponsored by Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists!
What a solemn Veterans Day 11-11-2023 remembering ALL of the sacrifices that have been made to preserve Democracy and the Will of the People for ALL. ALL Gave Some. Some Gave ALL. Close1d2.org thanks Veterans and current members of the military forces for their service.
Pilot returns home over 70 years later (html) 11-09-2023 | C&G Newspapers (html). After 71 years, Capt. William Nelson Coombs returned home to his final resting place, Acacia Park Cemetery in Southfield, October 5, 2023. Coombs was a combat pilot who served in World War II and the Korean War. During the Korean War, he was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska, where he was active in local search and rescue missions. On his way home amid a blizzard and extreme weather conditions, the plane he was on crashed at full speed into 9,629 ft (2,935 m) Mount Gannett in Eastern Alaska, disintegrating upon impact.
This should remind many in Michigan about supporting the brave men & women defending our country with vehicles, equipment, tools and associated technologies that are developed, engineered and produced right here in Michigan.
- Defense industry has big role in Michigan economy (html) 11-11-2023 | subscription required Detroit Free Press. It’s an industry that contributes $31 billion to the economy here yet most folks don’t hear much about it, even though its presence is felt economically across all 83 counties, according to the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.
- Defense industry has big role in Michigan economy (html) 11-11-2023 – News Nestles.
Defense | Industries | Michigan Business AKA Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). From the Arsenal of Democracy to the Arsenal of Innovation, Michigan’s defense industry ranks high above the rest. In partnership with the Michigan Defense Center, MEDC acts as a liaison between the state and defense interests in the federal government, defense agencies, the defense industry, academia and the defense community. The Michigan Defense Center develops and offers defense specific resources to assist Michigan companies in doing business in federal contracting and the supply chain.
- Michigan Matters: A Look at the Vital Defense Industry (html) 11-06-2023 – Detroit Regional Chamber (html). The Michigan defense industry is critical, as it contributes more than $31 billion to the economy each year. Tammy J. Carnrike, Civilian Aide to
the Secretary of the Army and Chief Operating Officer of the Detroit Regional Chamber, was featured on CBS Detroit’s “Michigan Matters” to discuss what opportunities there are to grow this sector and what challenges may arise. Carnrike was also joined by Alissa Roath, Chief Executive Officer of the National Advanced Mobility Consortium, and Mark Hackel, Macomb County Executive.
- Michigan Matters – A look at the vital defense industry: What’s going on with the $31 billion sector (html) video (24:21m) – CBS Detroit.
It is just as important to note that REAL Aerospace & Defense has NOTHING to do the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and ridiculous bloated phony biased almost fraudulent out of date Michigan Aviation System Plan (MASP) (html) (pdf) and pathetic “Aviation in Michigan”. The Future of anything in Michigan has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) and Clowns that own them!
National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) | Defense Technology Collaboration. The National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2008 with headquarters in Ann Arbor and an office in Sterling Heights. Its membership consists of approximately 500 organizations and companies that bring cutting-edge advanced mobility technology to the US Department of Defense (DoD). NAMC acts as a liaison between the government and the defense industry.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Absurd Non-Sequitur Assertions & Pathological Lies Continue!
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) reports that “Michigan’s state-rescued local airports supporting themselves”. Being “Self-Supporting” has absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING! MDOT continues their 50-year campaign of “Justifying” their bullying, mis-information, dis-information, millions upon millions of WASTED Taxpayer dollars, Toxic Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Extreme Noise Pollution Denial & Pathological Special Interest Industry Lobbyist Lies & Agendas.
- Michigan’s state-rescued local airports supporting themselves (html) 11-11-2023 (COMMENTS) | Detroit News.
- Lead pollution from small planes threatens human health, EPA finds (html) 10-18-2023 | Detroit News. A brewing fight over how long airports – particularly smaller ones – can continue selling leaded gasoline, despite the health hazards from this powerful neurotoxin. Ongoing dispute about how quickly this form of fuel can be phased out at thousands of airports nationwide.
- NOTE: the “REAL question: “Should Unneeded, Unwanted, Non-Sustainable Toxic, Non-Mission Critical, Non-Essential, Non-Strategic Hobby Sport Recreational Social Entertainment Venue Duplicate Special Interest Industry Lobbyist Based Facilities be supported with Tax Payer dollars ANYWHERE in Michigan for a mere handful of people?” The common-sense answer is “emphatically” NO! “Fix the DAMN MDOT Now!”
Time to examine the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) BS Fantasy & tangled web of lies of which ALL of the Ludicrous Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) “So Called” Points Couldn’t Be Further from the Truth:
- “At a time when local airports were transitioning from private to public ownership” Nothing could be further from the truth.
- False assumption, unneeded unsuccessful businesses were going “out of business” period and are NOT a Taxpayer problem.
- Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip has NEVER been necessary to the County or the State for ANY reason EVER.
- NO other US State “Road Department” comprised of Unelected Lifetime “Burrowed In” Bureaucrats purchased ANY airstrips to rescue & preserve for a handful of people during this “Totally Imaginary MDOT Invented Transition”.
- “All airports are now financially self-sufficient”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
- Airport-Generated Revenue or Operating Revenue – Aligning Community Expectations with Airport Roles (html) | Transportation Research Board (TRB) | National Academies (html). It is not uncommon for GA airports to operate at a loss. Airports are capital-intensive enterprises, and the amount of money needed to meet FAA safety and operational requirements generally far outweighs the ability of GA airports to generate revenue. Debunked myth: General Aviation (GA) airstrips TYPICALLY operate at a loss!
- “Because those airports were a part of a statewide system, the state invested some resources into preserving them”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
- The “State of Michigan” didn’t do anything, there was NO referendum, no public budget discussion, plans or allocation approved or even condoned by taxpayers or their duly elected representatives. MDOT “Played the System” spurred on by Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas working around duly elected official or in many cases exploited any “political agendas” that matched “short election term limited politician(s) protection(s)”.
- Rescue & Preservation of useless airstrips is NOT a Taxpayer issue, has nothing to do with anything related to Taxpayer “Mass Transportation” related agendas EVER anywhere in Michigan. Taxpayers have been deceived by the concealment & denial schemes of MDOT Altruistic Ideological Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas for decades.
- “A 2019 memorandum from the House Fiscal Agency said the department purchased the privately owned Plymouth-Canton airport in 1995 for $4.1 million when it was intended to be sold and converted for other purposes.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
- House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation: MDOT-Owned Airports (pdf) May 9, 2019 doesn’t provide any NEW or USEFUL information. This is NOT the TOTAL amount of expenditures (Taxpayer Dollars) used to “Prop Up” a private Enterprise prior to MDOT purchase or any other exorbitant expenditures after MDOT purchase including repaving ALL runways & taxiways, even the parking areas in 2020! Zero TRANSPARENCY Zero TRUTH Zero Accountability. Perfect example of the “Tail Wagging the Dog” “Unchecked” for decades!
- Public record shows what appears to be Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) coordination & collusion efforts with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) bullying, lies, harassment to FORCE the “Purchase, Rescue & Preservation” of Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “MDOT Frat House” airstrip against the will of the duly elected local officials & concerned residents of surrounding communities.
- “Michigan Aviation System Plan, which is part of the department’s aeronautics program, was crucial for purchasing the airports.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
- Reminder: MASP – phony, outdated, irrelevant wishful biased thinking with phony ROI calculations from people with multiple conflicts of interest, with no grounding in reality for decades. The “MDOT Clown Patrol” run amok, literally the “Inmates running the Asylum” for decades wasting millions & millions of taxpayer dollars! See Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) ridiculous bloated phony biased almost fraudulent out of date Michigan Aviation System Plan (MASP) (html) (pdf) with truly false justifications with imaginary ROI calculations for pathetic “Aviation in Michigan”.
- “At the time, they fit in specific geographic categories,” MDOT Wunderkind Buffoon Heir-Apparent to the current Autocratic & Mercurial MDOT Aviation administrator Head Clown said. “If they would have closed, there would be a lack of better available aviation infrastructure.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
- There is an overabundance of nearby Strategic Airports and has been since 1975, in fact way more than ten suitable nearby airports then and more than ~20 currently.
- “While the department is discussing possibly transitioning ownership of the airports to the counties, it wants to ensure they remain as functioning public-use airports.” Nothing could be further from the truth & reality.
- Since when does a State “Road Department” set ANY Policy at ALL. Especially when it concerns the Health, Safety & Welfare of vulnerable populations including pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly let alone ANY Taxpayer related Fiduciary or Legal responsibility or agendas. MDOT’s absolute overreach and abuse of power is absolutely absurd! Who do these MDOT Clowns think they are a Benevolent Non-Profit bestowing or bequeathing Assets directly under MDOT Legal or Fiducial control?
It is long past time to “Close MDOT airstrips Down Completely” to protect surrounding communities, e.g. take them off Taxpayer funded “life support” & “sustained handouts”. Unelected public-servant bureaucrats of the “Michigan Road Department” are there to serve the will of the taxpayers NOT rescue any BUSINESS anywhere in Michigan ever for any reason against the Will of the Michigan Taxpayers. It is NOT NOW and NEVER has been a Michigan Taxpayer issue, responsibility, priority or mandate to rescue & preserve airstrips for the benefit of a handful of people. In the “Real World” people get fired or criminally convicted for millions & millions of wasted Taxpayer Money non-sense like this.
MDOT & FAA have literally defied the “Will of the People” and continue to advocate, rescue, proliferate Unneeded, Unwanted, Non-Sustainable Toxic, Non-Mission Critical, Non-Essential, Non-Strategic Hobby Sport Recreational Social Entertainment Venue Duplicate Special Interest Industry Lobbyist Based Facilities providing Negative Community Outcomes (NCOs) from Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs).
Public Health, Safety & Welfare Policies Protecting Vulnerable Populations including Pregnant Mothers, Babies, Schoolchildren and Elderly have absolutely NOTHING to do with being “self-sustaining” at all.
Public Health, Safety & Welfare Policies have EVERYTHING to do with ELIMINATING direct sources of Negative Community Outcomes (NCOs) from Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs) that accommodate a minuscule number of select elite privileged people:
- Adverse Health, Safety and Welfare impacts including:
- Environmental impacts of toxic Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Pollution
- Extreme Noise Pollution including aerial intimidation, bullying, harassment, and stalking
- Crashes & Life-Threatening Events with continuing high probability Potential Events, Incidents & Threats from ancient > 50 year old Collectors’ Items & Museum Pieces AKA GA Flying Junk Piles (FJPs)
- Diminished Quality of Life
- Reduced Community Desirability & Property Valuation
- Wasted Taxpayer Money duplicating MANY existing more appropriate nearby aviation facilities
- Unrealized Tax Revenues based on improper and or non-compatible land usage(s)
It’s also time to “Clean House at MDOT” with agendas, goals, tactics, strategy and even People (“Burrowed In” Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Clowns) that No Longer “Fit In” with the Direction and Future of the State of Michigan!
Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Pariah AKA Civil Air Pariah (CAP) “Business as Usual”
Local 1d2 Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol AKA Swivel Chair Pariah are back with a vengeance without skipping a beat! Neighborhoods, Homes & Schools keep flushing but can’t get these Turds to just go away! These Clowns are protected, coddled & UNTOUCHABLE! Truly a National Embarrassment & Disgrace.
AuxBeacon News (html). The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is a taxpayer supported 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that attempts to serve as a “benevolent” civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. Under a command structure of volunteers of limited qualifications and self-serving integrity, CAP attempts to perform three key missions: emergency services, to include search and rescue and disaster relief operations; aerospace education for the general public; and pre-military cadet training programs for teenage youth. This worthy objective is a failure in implementation with widespread problems of systemic corruption and safety concerns.
This information is methodically suppressed from candidate members and cadet parents.
AuxBeacon News is unaffiliated with the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) or the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and its academy. Its contributors are those who have suffered increased risk in the air, property damage, physical or verbal intimidation, sexual assault and whistle blower reprisal by either or both of those organizations. Current contributors seek open accountability and corrections. We are not disgruntled terminated members, but a growing network of members, retired and former members who are taking a stand to stem the corruption.
AuxBeacon is not a satire, parody, lampoon, fake news or humor website. Our mission is to aggregate the truth of what has already been reported with new findings because we seek an end to the fraud, waste, abuse, concealment and reprisals against innocent members. Contributors to this cause seek reform from top to bottom with transparency and accountability to foster servant leaders of integrity. Here, members and taxpayers are provided a channel for their voice without fear of reprisal.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) “Business as Usual” Continued Foot Dragging & Delays Coupled with Boiler-plate Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Double-Talk and Gibberish
Unleaded Avgas: More Foot-Dragging (html) 03-23-2023 – Aviation Consumer. Of the potential unleaded fuel suppliers, two use engine-harming additives (MMT), one doesn’t meet octane needs and one is ready to go. Yet EAGLE dithers. From what we’ve seen, it’s our opinion that EAGLE should change its acronym from a soaring bird to a flightless one—KIWI—Keep Industry Waiting Indefinitely. We think that it’s time for [FAA] EAGLE to declare victory, disband and finally get the lead out.
Taxpayers are tired of repeating the same old garbage again over the last 60 years:
- Taxpayers Do NOT CARE about Microscopic number of Race Aircraft that numbers in the hundreds. Taxpayers should NOT pay for any of this garbage to be used anywhere ever for any reason!
- Why not use good old MOGAS or Autogas that’s been available for years. Way back in
2012 MOGAS or Autogas was usable by over 80% to 83% of GA aircraft including helicopters! Another brilliant successful cover-up & delay tactic!
- Instead of Harming engines with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) now worried about Harming “Engines” using Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT or MCMT). What about Harming “Pregnant Moms, Babies, School Children & Elderly in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools, assisted living, rehabilitation & retirement homes”?
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT or MCMT), a highly toxic “organometallics” compound brought to you by the same company that manufactures Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). Great, let’s replace Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) metal with Manganese metal compounds so we don’t disturb anyone’s revenue $tream$ anywhere.
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards – Methyl cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (as Mn) (html)
- Target Organs: Eyes, central nervous system, liver, kidneys
- Exposure Routes: inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
- Methylcyclopentadienylmanganese Tricarbonyl (MMT) | CAMEO Chemicals |National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
- Neurotoxicity mechanisms of manganese in the central nervous system (html) 2021 – ScienceDirect.
- Chronic exposure to manganese has been known to cause “manganism”. The symptoms of manganism are similar to those of Parkinson’s disease. MMT has been shown to be cytotoxic and especially damaging to dopaminergic PC-12 cells. Toxicokinetic studies have shown that manganese derived from MMT absorbs into rat blood plasma at a rate 37 times that of inorganic manganese.
- PubChem | National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) | National Library of Medicine (NLM) | national Institute of Health (NIH) | US Department of Health & Human Service (HHS) | US.gov.
How is this ANY different than the last several decades of the Failed “Piston Engine Aviation Fuels Initiative (PAFI)” Junior High School Project “Avgas Coalition-Cartel” “EAGLE Coalition-Cartel” Clown Show debacle? And it’s NOT even a good Clown show at that. Seems to be EASY to literally burn thru Taxpayer monies with ZERO responsibility ZERO accountability and ZERO results for decades. SEE: Piston Engine Aviation Fuels Initiative (PAFI) – Background and Program Update (pdf).
More questions than answers surround unleaded fuel (html) 06-12-2023 — General Aviation News.
There’s also a lot of questions about other key characteristics of the candidate fuels including:
- Toxicity: “It’s important we don’t replace one fuel with another that’s also harmful.”
- Corrosive properties
- Stability: “What happens when it is stored in tank? We have to make sure the octane doesn’t drop.”
- Production: “We need a fuel that is producible repeatedly.”
- “How will the new fuel impact these older airplanes, It’s very important that we get this right.”
- STCs are not applicable to experimental aircraft. And as the homebuilder is the manufacturer of the aircraft, it will be up to them to test the new fuels to ensure they are compatible with their aircraft. Or exploit “Fleet Authorization”.
- Economics?
- “All the pieces of the puzzle have to come together. That’s what EAGLE is set up to do.”
- The EAGLE initiative hopes to beat that ban by finding a solution by 2030.
SEE SME comments:
SECTION: Senior Editor Aviation Consumer sums the Unleaded Gas vs. EAGLE concerns succinctly: UNLEADED AVGAS: EAGLE’S DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN:
One would think that the folks at EAGLE (Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Emissions by 2030) would be delirious with success and hanging “Mission Accomplished” banners on tankers hauling unleaded avgas across the nation. Sadly, perhaps EAGLE recognizes that if it declares victory and admits it did what it was supposed to do—get a 100 percent drop-in unleaded avgas to general aviation pilots—before 2030, it’s out of business and will miss out in millions in federal money. Accordingly, EAGLE, through its members, initially stalled, offering vague excuses about additional testing for G100UL (to “build confidence”) even though it went through 12 years of testing by the FAA and further testing by the two largest OEM airframe producers who reported no issues in their flight testing. Then EAGLE members started an active disinformation campaign against G100UL, asserting that because it was FAA-approved and had an FAA spec, that it was not satisfactory unless it also had an ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) approval and spec. Some EAGLE members made false statements that FBOs would only be protected from liability in a lawsuit regarding avgas if the avgas had an ASTM spec. I learned that one went so far as to falsely state that it’s illegal to sell an avgas that doesn’t have an ASTM spec.
Those are lies. The FAA has long recognized that there are two methods of getting an avgas approved: via the FAA or via ASTM coupled with more FAA testing. One is not better than the other or preferred. It is not illegal to sell avgas that has an FAA approval/spec and not an ASTM approval/spec—just as it’s not illegal to sell an avgas that has an ASTM approval/spec and not an FAA approval/spec.
Further evidence of EAGLE’s unwillingness to work toward success is that two of the EAGLE participating fuels, Lyondell/VP Racing and Phillips 66/Afton Chemical, contain manganese—which has long been unacceptable in fuel because of combustion chamber and spark plug deposits. Why didn’t EAGLE call foul immediately? EAGLE should never have accepted either fuel into a taxpayer program. Not surprisingly, those fuels have recently been withdrawn to be “reformulated.” It sure looks like petroleum giant Phillips is now getting a government subsidy to do its R&D via EAGLE. This has been raising the question—who is EAGLE working for, the oil companies or aircraft pilots/owners?
Who is working for the American Taxpayer? And of course NOBODY is protecting the “Health, Safety and Welfare of vulnerable populations including pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly” from Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) poisoning or other highly toxic “organometallics” compounds e.g. Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT or MCMT) or the LATEST GREATEST NEXT UNTESTED Highly Toxic Toxicokinetic Chemical Substitute(s) PLUS Extreme Noise Pollution including aerial intimidation, bullying, harassment, and stalking. Who’s gonna do that? Oops, wait a minute, NOBODY is lining up to do ANYTHING or provide ANY protection ANYWHERE?
Because of continued foot-dragging, EAGLE change its name from a glorious soaring bird to what it really is, a flightless one—KIWI, Keep Industry Waiting Indefinitely.
Aviation Consumer Editor calls on AOPA and EAA to evaluate their posture in the EAGLE process to make sure that they are truly supporting their members who need unleaded avgas and NOT organizations trying to delay its implementation out of what seems like misguided self-interest.
EAGLE Coalition AKA EAGLE Cartel AKA Avgas Coalition AKA Avgas Cartel continue to give American Taxpayers the BIG Middle Finger just as they have for the last 50 years almost 6 Decades!
SEE Other SMEs comments:
- Is anyone thinking of how many variants of fuel an airport will have to have? Now it is two, Jet A and 100LL. Now we are looking at how many variants? I can see having to flight plan based on what airport sells the version of fuel I need. Not the most economical way to fly.
- All the while for the vast majority of light aircraft owners there is relative inexpensive, proven Mogas option, available most everywhere, STCs for most aircraft for Mogas, and nearly all new aircraft engines are designed to operate on it. We are so backwards in this country.
- So far, however, sandbagging helps the airplane and engine manufacturers save lots of money and allows them to use technology developed in the 40s and 50s until today, even in brand new airplanes.
- Welcome to the world of another Bogeyman and the Scama-A-Rama game of let’s make some more money off the unsuspecting recipients, with bureaucratic blender oversight.
- It been so sad to watch this effort over so many decades to get a unleaded 100 octane fuel for piston aircraft, when the real truth is it will never happen, but it appears no one will live up to the truth.
Same Old Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists Reactions, Nothing Has Changed for Decades, Still Want Yet Another Decade to Do Anything and Let the Clock Run Out
Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists “Business as Usual”, no threat, no urgency, not a care in the world, no changes, just status quo all the way. To wit: the EPA notice does not change the current production, distribution, sale, or use of 100 low-lead (100LL) fuel. A primary tenet of EAGLE is to ensure that 100LL remains available for the safe operation of the current fleet as the community transitions to unleaded fuel. Everyone remains committed to removing lead from avgas by the end of 2030 or sooner, and are making considerable progress toward the introduction of market-viable high-octane unleaded replacement fuels that meet the safety performance needs of the entire U.S. fleet of piston aircraft.
The finding sets plans in motion to define regulations intended to enable a safe transition to a lead-free replacement, blah, blah blah . . .
More Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist boiler-plate non-sense has absolutely nothing to do with “So Called” “Safety of Aviation” that 100-octane low-lead fuel AKA AVGAS AKA 100LL leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) continues to be available for piston engine aircraft (PEA) AKA Ancient Collectors’ items and Museum Pieces AKA Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) that require its use.
- EPA’s Proposed Endangerment Finding: What It Means for GA’s Use of Leaded Avgas Now and in the Future (html) 10-07-2023| Experimental Aircraft Association Inc. (EAA)
- EPA releases final avgas emission endangerment finding (html) 10-18-2023 – Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
- EPA Determines that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution (html) 10-19-2023 | Aviation Pros.
- Aviation Stakeholders Respond to EPA Endangerment Finding on Leaded Avgas (html) 10-18-2023| NBAA – National Business Aviation Association.
- EPA Releases Endangerment Finding on 100LL (html) 10-18-2023 – FLYING
- FAA Statement on EPA Finding Regarding Lead Emissions from Piston Engine Aircraft (html) 10-18-2023 | Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- The FAA “Timing, Outcomes & Actions” were “already pre-determined” long ago: ACRP 03-73 [Active] (html) Airport Guide for Transitioning to Unleaded Aviation Gasoline.
EPA issues final determination on lead in avgas (html) 10-19-2023 — General Aviation News. Please SEE SME comments:
- The old saying of “When all is said and done, a lot more is SAID than actually done” This should be the official tag line for all 100LL articles until something is really done.
- I am a member of one of your so called “enviro-whacko groups” and I also love aviation, especially taking flight in a piston engine plane. I have never advocated for a complete ban of leaded fuel before a universal drop in fuel that meets an ASTM standard is approved that 100% of all GA planes can use. But I have advocated for unleaded UL94 to be offered alongside leaded avgas to reduce the danger of lead contamination to communities surrounding general aviation airports. Hopefully you’re not putting everyone that would like to see unleaded offered alongside leaded until an ASTM universal drop in [if ever] is on the market in the category of an “enviro-whacko.”
- Editorial: Small aircraft shouldn’t be allowed to keep spewing toxic lead (html) 10-24-2023 – Los Angeles Times.
- This is also a matter of environmental justice. Communities near airports tend to have higher proportions of people of color and low-income residents than areas that are more distant. Many of these communities are among those with the highest lead pollution.
- These developments are a good start, but a patchwork of local laws is no substitute for a strong, nationwide ban with clear and enforceable deadlines.
- It’s time for officials to act again, remove leaded fuel from the aviation system and replace it with alternatives that don’t pollute neighborhoods and put children’s health at risk.
- US Says Lead Emissions from Small Piston-Engine Aircraft Pose Public Health Danger (html) 10-18-2023| US News & World Report (home).
- Again, why not use good old MOGAS or Autogas that’s been available for years. Way back in 2012 MOGAS or Autogas was usable by over 80% to 83% of GA aircraft including helicopters!
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is running out of room on stickers & placards to accommodate yet another “Single Drop In” fuel now turned into a “Group” “Drop In Replacement”. By 2030 the “So Called” placards & stickers will be at least a meter wide to accommodate all this “Single Drop-In” non-sense & lies!
Again, why not use good old MOGAS or Autogas that’s been available for years. Way back in 2012 MOGAS or Autogas was usable by over 80% to 83% of GA aircraft including helicopters! Another brilliant successful “Smokescreen” effective tactic to deflect/delay & cover-up continuously! Just doesn’t make any sense NOT to use an approved cheap, readily available Un-Leaded Solution.
Same Good Old Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) decades & decades later, many different pumps later, many excuses & delay tactics later! And of course, many billions of dollars of profits producing & using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). Taxpayers Demand Tangible Results after 50 years of Continual Procrastinating, Delays, Deflection & Continual Lies. Just doesn’t make any sense NOT to use a 2012 approved safe, cheap, readily available Un-Leaded Solution AKA MOGAS or automobile gas.
Avgas Coalition [AKA Avgas Cartel] Wealthy Elite Errant Shameful Buffoon & Clown Troupe Pinhead Ensemble
Avgas Coalition [Avgas Cartel] expresses concerns about unsafe elimination of 100LL (html) (pdf) – AOPA. The letter explained that the action to suddenly not offer fuel that had recently been available by an obligated airport to the aircraft and engines that require it “could pose a violation of federal grant obligations by creating an access restriction to that airport and unjust discrimination.” See letter for a FULL list of the Wealthy Elite Errant Shameful Buffoon & Clown Troupe Pinhead Ensemble that signed this ridiculous letter, truly sad pathetic clown Liars, with a small “c” large “L” trying to create the “illusion of truth is reality.” HINT: tilt your head to the right when looking at image below!
- Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions – EAGLE Cartel Home Page. Same Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist double-talk & gibberish, different day, actually many decades later, and now want another decade!
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). Your Freedom to Fly, Your Freedom to Pay for it Yourself.
- 100 Unleaded Avgas (html)
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
- General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
- Helicopter Association International (HAI)
- International Council of Air Shows (ICAS)
- National Air Transportation Association (NATA)
- EAGLE – Unleaded Aviation Fuel (html)
- National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO)
- National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
- SEE pathetic member-list of “So Called” “Avgas Coalition” AKA “Avgas Cartel”.
The letter goes on to state that the Avgas Coalition respectfully requests “that any agreement include the availability of 100LL fuel at Reid-Hillview during a transition to unleaded fuel … Allowing the County’s unilateral action to unfairly discriminate against certain users of our public-use airport system is wrong and if not addressed could exacerbate the situation by causing a domino effect at airports across the nation.”
What isn’t mentioned by the “So Called” “Avgas Coalition” AKA “Avgas Cartel” is unfair “Involuntary Poisoning” discrimination blatantly violating innocent bystander’s individual “Bodily Integrity” rights protected by the United State Constitution including vulnerable populations of pregnant moms, babies, school children & elderly while providing ZERO Health, Safety & Welfare Warnings, Mitigation, or Clean Up Guidelines, Processes or Procedures anywhere anytime anyplace in the ENTIRE United States! This SHOULD cause a shameful “domino effect at underused superfluous over-hyped “Non-Taxpayer Responsibility” airports across the nation!” Taxpayers are tired of being duped into funding Toxic Non-Strategic, Non-Mission-Critical, Non-Essential Insignificant Personal Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venue Toxic People & Noisy Toxic Flying Junk Pile (FJP) Garbage near Neighborhoods, Schools & Homes.
Not sure which Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) EAGLE conspiracy theory to believe? Exactly what does EAGLE acronym represent?
- “Enviro-Whacko” Groups:
- Endless Avgas Generates Lead Emergency
- End Aviation Gasoline Lead Exceptions
- Endless/Eternal Aviation Gasoline Lead Emergencies/Exceptions/Excuses/Extensions
- Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Denier Groups:
- Enact Aviation Gasoline Legal Exceptions (EAGLE). AKA ‘rig’ everything so nobody can be sued later “down the road” with all the pathetic “So Called” Untested Unleaded Alternatives. Again, why not use good old MOGAS or Autogas that’s been available for years. Way back in 2012 MOGAS or Autogas was usable by over 80% to 83% of GA aircraft including helicopters!
- Eternal/Expedite/Extend Aviation Gasoline Lead Everywhere/Exceptions/Extensions, etc.
All aboard the barreling out of control Juggernaut: EAGLE Clown Car and EAGLE Clown Airplane Flying Junk Pile (FJP) Steam Rollin’ Vulnerable Populations across the United States of America.
BTW: Maybe picking a “Soaring Eagle” wasn’t such a great marketing move? Or maybe it is and this a harbinger of things to come from the EAGLE Cartel? Eagles are suffering from extreme Lead Poisoning just like vulnerable populations across the United States including pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly. Wow! What a GREAT marketing faux pas 😊! A “Fly EAGLE” that CANNOT fly ☹ due to lead poisoning.
- Nearly Half of US Bald Eagles Suffer Lead Poisoning (html) 02-20-2022 | Voice of America (VOA). America’s national bird is more beleaguered than previously believed, with nearly half of bald eagles tested across the U.S. showing signs of chronic lead
exposure with harmful levels of toxic lead found in bones of 46% of bald eagles sampled in 38 states from California to Florida.
- Search “bald eagle lead poisoning” (html) – Google Search.
- Search “bald eagle lead poisoning” (html) – Bing Search.
- Eagles in the USA poisoned by widespread lead pollution (html) 02-18-2022 | Natural History Museum (NHM) London, United Kingdom (UK). Almost half of all American bald and golden eagles are being poisoned by lead. The impacts of the toxic metal are holding back the recovery of the eagles in the USA, with its effects becoming more pronounced in winter. Symptoms of lead poisoning in eagles include bowed head, drooped wings, and green stained tail feathers. Lead poisoned bald eagle NHM (image-1) Image © The Raptor Center, licensed under Public Domain via USGS. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) Lead poisoned bald eagle (html) (image-2).
The EAGLE CARTEL & all it stands for continue to give the US PUBLIC the Big Middle Finger just as they have for the last 50 years!
‘Avgas Coalition’ [AKA Avgas Cartel] Petitions DOT And FAA To Retain 100LL During Transition Period (html) 10-22-2022 – Avweb. SEE SME comments:
- . . . I predict that the DOT (and FAA) won’t care about this petition and will continue on their present course, as planned.
- . . . UL94 is approved for many low-compression engines, but unusable on high-compression engines (which power about 30 percent of the GA fleet but burn
approximately 70 percent of all the avgas pumped in the U.S.).
- . . . The expensive GAMI and Swift 100UL SHOULD be considered a “temporary fix until a final replacement fuel is ever found”
- Enough is enough! This lead fuel problem should have been over a decade ago. Just make the drop dead date the end of this year. I am so tired of buying fuel for my Cessna with lead in it just to keep the people happy with planes that should have be[en] modified years ago. I am tired of enduring the extra cost that goes with leaded fuel. This is a total embarrassment for Aviation to have not fix[ed] this problem, shame on all of us in aviation.
Really, why not use good old MOGAS or Autogas that’s been available for years. Way back in 2012 MOGAS or Autogas was usable by over 80% to 83% of GA aircraft including helicopters! Another brilliant successful “Smokescreen” effective tactic to deflect/delay & cover-up continuously! Really, just doesn’t make any sense NOT to use an approved cheap, readily available Un-Leaded Solution. No sense whatsoever!
The World is Still Trying to Understand Exactly How the AVGAS Controversy “Pace Was Stepped Up” at This Pathetic Clown Tribunal
Unleaded Avgas Controversy Steps Up Its Pace At Sun ‘n Fun (html) 04-06-2022 – Avweb. Nobody is exactly sure how the “pace was stepped up”, doesn’t seem to be any urgency? Elite Senior Executive C-Level “Avgas Cartel” AKA “EAGLE Cartel” Clown, Buffoon, Brain Trust & Thought Management (image-1) Leadership Team having some fun at “Sun ‘n Fun 2022” sharing their “Brain Farts” publicly with the press, on purpose that is, and with a straight face? Doesn’t appear like the esteemed panel is worried much about vulnerable populations including pregnant women, babies, school children and elderly. Truly some real “Political Animal Movers & Shakers”. Might also be a good time to cut down a little on the proverbial $100 (now $250 due to inflation) hamburger now sausage, barbecue & carbs ☹.
More historical “Sun ‘n Fun” EAGLE CARTEL Clown, Buffoon, Brain Trust & Thought Management Leadership Team, the backbone of the “Avgas Cartel” AKA “EAGLE Cartel” images from “Sun ‘n Fun” past years (image-2) (image-3) (image-4) (image-5), rare early EAGLE Cartel Color Press Photo (image-6), EAGLE Cartel Consensus Building Session (image-7) . Early rare previously unseen archive photos of esteemed leadership members wives (image-8) and daughters (image-9) surfaced recently. Almost impossible task to identify “Who’s Who” 😊?
Not sure, but maybe need some new young blood in Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Bleedership? Esteemed Panel comments:
- “The fuel, itself, is only one. There’s also distribution, storage, and the fuel refiners and blenders that will make it.” The panel noted that to support multiple options for unleaded fuels, FBOs would be challenged to add dedicated tanks for each grade. [Let’s not forget PROFITS]
- . . . made the case, further, that counting on multiple octane grades of fuel is impractical and dangerous, as misfueling a high-compression engine with low-octane fuel could cause an engine failure. Oh whoa is me, too confusing. “Misfueling” excuse is another “Smokescreen” myth used effectively to deflect/delay.
- “An STC is proprietary. We [manufacturers represented by GAMA] have no transparency. All the chemicals [in the fuel] must be vetted, not only by the FAA, but also by Europe [to ensure against] issues 10 years down the road. We need industry consensus standards.” He cited the recent development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) as an example of such a consensus.
“So Called” “Consensus” is yet another “Smokescreen” myth used effectively to deflect/delay. NOTE: European Union (EU) is banning Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) outright from 1 May 2025 without any “So Called” “Consensus”. So much for all this imaginary “Consensus” garbage trash talk visions & delusions of grandeur. En français: Comment dit-on merde? Et voilà, a continuing international embarrassment & disgrace.
Current United States Industry Avgas – EAGLE Cartel Consensus: “Hear NOTHING, Say NOTHING, See NOTHING”:
“Consensus” when translated means “Continue to Say NOTHING, Commit to NOTHING & Do NOTHING” for as long as possible and let the clock run out until 2030 and hope nobody figures out the phony marketing hype.
Also SEE SME comments:
- If the goal is to, “Facilitate the development and deployment of an unleaded AVGAS with the least impact on the existing piston-engine aircraft fleet” Why don’t AOPA and EAA seem to support George Braly and his 100UL fuel? [Simple, it’s patented & proprietary, nobody else get’s a share of profits, not rocket science. Same problem with MOGAS/Autogas not profitable for Cartel members]
- I thought AOPA and EAA were supposed to be on our side. Here they are going along with the FAA’s latest plan to study unleaded fuel to death. They should be pushing the FAA for blanket approval of GAMI’s fuel. Not that it would help much.
- Yes this is a great embarrassment for the entire Aviation community. Probably the worst public relations disaster for Aviation I’ve ever seen.
Again, why not use good old MOGAS or Autogas that’s been available for years. Way back in 2012 MOGAS or Autogas was usable by over 80% to 83% of GA aircraft including helicopters! What’s wrong with this EAGLE Picture? It Doesn’t make any sense at all!
The esteemed EAGLE CARTEL Clown, Buffoon, Brain Trust & Thought Management Leadership Team (image-1), the backbone of the “Avgas Cartel” AKA “EAGLE Cartel” working on latest & greatest Fly EAGLE CARTEL web site, video, marketing materials, branding & collateral for new unique “EAGLE CARTEL Green Marketing Messaging”: (mp4).
EAGLE Cartel Four Strategic Pillars To Delay and Avoid an Unleaded Future Anytime Soon: Meaning “In This Decade”
The EAGLE Cartel “So Called” Green Work is comprised of Four Strategic Pillars, each led by suitably vetted biased Special Interest or Industry Lobbyist SMEs including many “Burrowed In” members of “Captive Government Organizations” with multiple conflicts of interest, self-serving integrity including Career Advancement Interests with limited qualifications other than personally, friends or family owning one or more Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) and or living at or near a convenient Elite Tax Payer Funded “Residential AirPark” Enclave or having “Powerful, Influential or Political Connections”.
The Four Strategic Pillars: Money. Special Interests. Industry Lobbyists. Politicians. It’s NOT Rocket Science!
EAGLE CARTEL “So Called” Goal: Dupe American Tax Payers with “Lather, Rinse, Repeat” of “Same Old” Altruistic Ideological Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas of last 50 years almost 6 DECADES of In-Action before anyone figures out phony marketing hype copied from Big Oil, Tobacco & Lead Industries. NOTE: ALWAYS use “Green” lettering wherever & whenever possible to fool the public.
Please SEE: somewhat more detailed outline but not exhaustive exposé about the EAGLE Cartel “So Called” Problems & multiple conflicts of interest (pdf).
EAGLE Cartel Intellectual Property Warnings
BTW: Quoting the “White House” or “brandishing” any governmental organization(s), branches, division(s) names “does NOT constitute or imply ANY STATED endorsement, ORAL, WRITTEN, EXPLICIT, or IMPLIED”
EAGLE Cartel web site should include a huge “warning & disclaimer” per current 16 CFR Part 255 – “Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising guidance” stating that EAGLE Coalition AKA EAGLE Cartel and it’s “So Called” members have NOT disclosed any material connections, potential conflict(s) of interest or accept ANY LEGAL responsibility for ANY site contents or information Anywhere at Anytime by Anybody or even guarantee it’s authenticity with respect to being factual & correct. What’s good for the goose is also good for the gander, right?
- Federal Register :: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (html) (pdf) 07-26-2023.
- eCFR :: 16 CFR Part 255 — Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (html) 07-26-2023.
- 16 CFR 255 – GUIDES CONCERNING USE OF ENDORSEMENTS AND TESTIMONIALS IN ADVERTISING – Content Details – CFR-2023-title16-vol1-part255 (html) (pdf) 01-01-2023.
So What Exactly is a “Residential Airpark”?
$10m homes with hangars and planes: the lavish lifestyle of America’s ‘fly-in’ residents (html) 08-03-2021 | The Telegraph (subscription required). Airparks, or fly-in communities, refer to areas predominantly in America where all or most of the residents own an airplane typically stored in a hangar attached directly to their home. There are reported to be over 630 residential airparks in the world; the first developed in California in 1946.
Wide Streets, Massive Garages: Meet the Neighborhoods Designed for Pilots and Small Planes (html) 01-05-2021 | The Drive. The only active real estate listing in the neighborhood is to the tune of $1.5 million—and yes, it has a glorious garage. That might seem expensive (and for the average person, it is), but these are pilots that we’re talking about. Yeah, no kidding, aviation pioneers & legends in their own mind! Mostly a bunch of Community Pariah & Selfish Misanthropes to say the least, none of this garbage should be paid for or subsidized by Taxpayers ever and has absolutely nothing to do with the future of anything anywhere.
- Aviation Home and Hangar Map (html) – Airparks – HangarMap.com – Google My Maps.
- AirparkMap.com – Michigan Airparks.
- Residential Airparks: Living at the Airport (html) 02-11-2014 – FLYING Magazine.
- Living With Your Plane (html) – The Ultimate Aviation Lifestyle.
Michigan currently has around 22 Airparks, including Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Linden Prices Airport (9G2) that are supported directly or indirectly abusing and wasting State and or Federal Taxpayer Money “Phony Grants & Handouts”!
NOTE: Linden’s Prices Airport again is an “Airpark” which largely serves the needs of a special, privileged elite wealthy group of individuals who own palatial homes with attached aircraft hangars, directly adjacent to the state-owned runway. Only ~15 palatial dwellings directly benefit from this airport, See
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Linden Prices Airport (9G2) – Google Maps (9G2), Bing Maps (9G2).
- 9G2 – MDOT Owned Prices Airport: FAA, GlobalAir, AirNav, AOPA, FlightAware.
- Home – Horizon Lakes Airpark. Incredible, truly unbelievable negligent MDOT “Abuse of Power” and “Professional Negligence”. A complete total utter waste of
taxpayer money. MDOT is responsible for the single largest waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan!
- Horizon Lakes Airpark (html) | Linden MI | Facebook
- Home – Horizon Lakes Airpark. Incredible, truly unbelievable negligent MDOT “Abuse of Power” and “Professional Negligence”. A complete total utter waste of
- Phony Bloated Nothing Could Be Further From the Truth “Aviation in Michigan” doc
What’s All The Fuss About GAMI Anyway? Why Doesn’t the EAGLE Cartel Do Something? Anything?
GAMI Should Be Allowed To Sink Or Swim On Its Own (html) 08-03-2023 – Avweb. The market should determine which of multiple unleaded avgas products would ultimately prevail. What Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist CARTEL fail to mention is that the EAGLE industry consortium AKA EAGLE CARTEL IS hell bent on keeping their thumb on the invisible hand’s scale. And they’re not reticent to use federal law to do it. See SME Opinion/Commentary:
I have little doubt that if GAMI did achieve the consensus standard, EAGLE would create some other barrier or objection to G100UL’s deployment. We shouldn’t forget that EAGLE’s “stakeholders” include current avgas producers and the oil industry broadly. Avgas is a small market, but it’s profitable, and companies selling it will do all they can to protect that market. Another thing not to forget, if you even knew, is that the 2018 Reauthorization bill (before EAGLE existed) had language prohibiting using an STC for fuel approvals. At the last minute, since-retired Sen. James Inhofe removed it.
And thus politics intrudes constantly in ways favorable to vested interests, but counter to sound public policy.
SEE Other SME Comments:
- The sooner the [AVGAS AKA 100LL Leaded aviation fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)] ban happens, the sooner unleaded avgas gets to market.
- GAMA is NOT representing the rank and file pilot’s interests … they represent the manufacturers who have decided what they want … and when.
- The FAA has already determined that the GAMI fuel is safe to use in the entire fleet.
- …shameful display by GAMA, and those alphabets who are supposed to represent pilot interests, doing all they can to roadblock the only approved solution from making it to market. From the very outset 12 years ago, GAMI’s decision to fund their own R&D and seek STC approval outside the PAFI club has drawn the ire of those who wanted to control the process but could not offer a solution. Now, with a solution approved for more than a year, the bureaucratic self-interests cannot be hidden. Led by GAMA, we live in a “any fuel but GAMI” industry as evidenced by the last minute manipulation of the legislative process to require a consensus (ASTM) spec.
- What a joke this whole getting the lead out of avgas has become. No real practical
solution will come about ending 100LL legal use, unless the politicians say no more lead in avgas and set a drop dead date, the endless charade will continue.
- I don’t think we want to have government policy decided by the entrenched interests.
- As for the industry consensus requirement, it’s just more noise.
- Congress is putting a thumb on the scale at the behest of the current [AVGAS AKA 100LL Leaded aviation fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)] suppliers.
- Using MoGas since 1985 or so. No problem. Why there aren’t MoGas tanks at every airport eludes me.
- I was maintaining a fleet of 100/130 engines when they forced 100LL on us. There was nothing anybody could do to stop this fuel from replacing everything. None of the commercial operators wanted it but, the FAA said it was for our own good. The funniest part of this whole lead topic is how we are told every year for over 50 years that leaded fuel is going away ‘Tomorrow’ because the oil companies are running out of tetra-ethyl lead and the EPA is shutting it down. “Will Tomorrow Ever Come?”
- This is ridiculous; why should I be forced to buy a fuel that is harmful to my engine, harmful to the environment, and harmful to me? I am not interested in supporting “vested interests” who no interest except profit using any means; ethical or unethical; the “American way of business”.
- GAMI 100UL is approved for all piston engine; eliminate 100″LL” as fast as possible.
It’s so hard not to forget the “EAGLE Cartel” Clown, Buffoon, Brain Trust & Thought Management (image-1) Leadership Team waxing philosophic. They seem to be “thinkin but nothins happenin”, hopefully nobody “mentally impacted terrain” or injured themselves too badly.
Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) initiative (flyeagle.org) is “a comprehensive public-private partnership consisting of the aviation and petroleum industries and U.S. [captive government department with multiple conflicts of interests] “So Called” government stakeholders, and a wide range of other constituents and interested parties, all working toward the transition to lead-free aviation fuels for piston-engine aircraft.” Yet another feeble attempt to dupe the American Public with relentless bottomless marketing budgets for continued Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Double-Talk, Gibberish and Gobbledygook with NO Concrete, NO Measurable or even ANY Quantifiable Actions with ANY Quantifiable Results protecting their VERY Profitable Revenue Streams!
EAGLE Cartel Lead Poisoned Bald Eagle Mascot (image-1) (image-2).
In reality it’s a “EAGLE Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Clown Car” full of Biased Blatant Multiple Conflicts of Interest Clowns that should never be involved in ANYTHING related to Public Health, Safety & Welfare Policy Urgency, Discussions, Decisions or Determinations whatsoever anywhere at any time. Identical problem with “Tobacco Industry” and their “Policy” efforts er Marketing Campaigns, Identical.
Tobacco Products – Worldwide (html) | Statista Market Forecast (html). The Tobacco Products market worldwide is projected to generate a revenue of USD$941B in 2023. Does this indicate markets should grow and flourish based on their revenue stream size with continued support, funding & success coddling Industry Lobbyists & Special Interests with continued protection of ridiculous Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) poisoning across the United States?
It’s so hard not to forget the “EAGLE Cartel” Clown, Buffoon, Brain Trust & Thought Management (image-1) Leadership Team waxing philosophic. They seem to be “thinkin but nothins happenin”, hopefully nobody “mentally impacted terrain” or injured themselves too badly.
Poll: What Did You Think of the EPA’s Lead Endangerment Finding? (html) 10-22-2023 – AVweb. Poll: What Did You Think of The EPA’s Lead Endangerment Finding? Here are the incredibly enlightening list of possible responses:
- Not impressed with health risk claims.
- Lead is an environmental risk and always has been.
- Frankly, I’m embarrassed our industry can’t get unleaded fuel done.
- Just more kicking the can down the road.
- Other
Not sure about the scientific accuracy, consistency as the poll numbers appear to change strangely somehow? But at least it provides a “pulse” of what some people “believe” with respect to (WRT) proven, accepted, non-refutable technological, scientific & medical facts & data. Possible reasons:
- Appears to be a “Mis” or “Dis” “Informational”, debunked conspiracy theories and or lack of “educational” or “training” materials issue(s) crisis.
- Surprising there are that many Flat Earthers, Luddites & Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Deniers. See where you might fit in? Are you a Flat Earther, a Luddite, or a Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Denier?
- Not sure what part of “Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)” is POISON people cannot comprehend? The rest of the World’s understanding seems crystal clear, simply: “No Safe Level of Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Exposure. The only Safe Level of Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Exposure = 0”. Doesn’t seem to be rocket science.
- There is truly an abundance of all of the above for sure.
It’s so hard not to forget the “EAGLE Cartel” Clown, Buffoon, Brain Trust & Thought Management (image-1) Leadership Team waxing philosophic. They seem to be “thinkin but nothins happenin”, hopefully nobody “mentally impacted terrain” or injured themselves too badly.
European Union (EU) & United Kingdom (UK) See Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Public Health, Safety & Welfare Carnage & Damage Realistically and Practically
United Kingdom (UK) is preparing to Ban Tetraethyl Lead (TEL): Campaigners call for tetraethyl lead to be phased out in UK due to toxic emission fears (html) 01-17-2023 | ENDS Report. The UK banned leaded petrol in 1999, however TEL is still used as an additive in fuel for small piston-engine aircraft (pea) used by hobbyist pilots.
A 2022 study (pdf) published by the University of Kent found that the majority of aviation fuel sold in the UK is leaded, and it is estimated that the 370,000 households which live within a 4km radius are at risk from exposure to lead emissions. The study also found that emissions from leaded aviation fuel may be 14,000 times higher than previously thought.
As a first step, Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) was added to the European Chemicals Agency’s authorisation list in April 2022, and is set to be phased out from 2025. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US has also recognised the harms of tetraethyl lead and has [with shameful invented exaggerated delay] proposed to eliminate leaded aviation fuel by 2030.
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adds Tetraethyl lead (TEL), a petrol additive once described as ‘one of the most serious environmental threats to human health’, has now been placed on the EU’s authorisation list.
- European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
- Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorisation – Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) (html) .
- EUR-Lex — Access to European Union law — choose your language.
- EU law – EUR-Lex – EN.
- EUR-Lex – Document 32022R0586 – (html) (pdf). Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/586 of 8 April 2022 amending Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (Text with EEA relevance).
- SEE Entry Number 55: Sunset Date.
- NOTE: European Union (EU) outright BANS import of Tetraethyllead (TEL) (for Avgas 100LL) from 1 May 2025.
Congress Poised to Mandate Continued Sales of Leaded Aviation Gasoline. Taxpayers Must Not Let Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Provide a Green Light for the Continued Poisoning of Vulnerable Populations Across the Nation.
- EPA Issues Endangerment Finding for Leaded Aviation Gas (html) 10-18-2023 – Earthjustice. NOTE: while EPA is making progress on eliminating the use of leaded avgas, Congress is working on a new five-year reauthorization of the FAA that includes a provision that would make it next to impossible for many general aviation airports to transition away from leaded aviation gasoline, also known as avgas [AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)]. Nearly 100 community groups and organizations have called on Congress to remove this bad provision and instead speed up the transition away from leaded avgas.
- Congress poised to mandate continued sales of leaded aviation gasoline (html) 08-22-2023 | The Hill. It’s not too late. The Senate should drop Section 620 and let a reconciled bill go forward that won’t interfere with efforts by local governments and communities to expedite an end to lead air pollution. This is the least it can do for communities that have carried this toxic mantle for a century.
- EPA announces final endangerment finding for regulating leaded aviation gas (html) 10-18-2023 | Friends of the Earth (FOE)
- Final Finding That Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines That Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution That May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare (html) 10-18-2023 | National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH)
- Victory: EPA Issues Final Endangerment Finding on Aircraft Lead Pollution (html) 10-20-2023 – Center for Environmental Health (CEH). Dr. Jimena Díaz Leiva, Science Director at the Center for Environmental Health. “We know that hundreds of thousands of children in the U.S. live, play, and attend school near general aviation airports, where they are breathing in lead from general aviation traffic. The EPA’s positive endangerment finding has been a long-awaited step towards permanently phasing out leaded aviation fuel. For too long low income communities and communities of color living closest to these airfields have been suffering the effects of lead exposure. We are proud to stand by so many community advocates and advocacy organizations who have fought tirelessly for this action.”
- Santa Clara County House Reps React to EPA Endangerment Finding Confirming Leaded Avgas is a Dangerous Pollutant (html) 10-18-2023 | Congressman Ro Khanna.
- Small planes’ leaded fuel remains a public health hazard, EPA says (html) 10-18-2023 | Popular Science. NOTE: EPA reiterated in its October 18 announcement that there is NO evidence of any threshold to fully reduce lead exposure’s harmful effects.
Op-ed: FAA bill gives lawmakers a chance to prevent poisoning children (html) 09-29-2023 – San José Spotlight. It started with local chatter about the poor health of young children living in one disadvantaged and often-overlooked area near a small airport. It can end with the U.S. Senate acting to prevent lead exposure in one of the Last American Industries that still sells AND uses a Harmful Pollutant.
Taxpayers must not let the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) “So Called” Reauthorization provide a green light for the continued poisoning of Vulnerable Populations across the nation.
Lest We Forget Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Does Not Have the Expertise to Develop Noise Policy That Captures the Impact of Aviation Noise (and Pollution) On the Public’s Health
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not have the expertise to develop a noise policy that captures the impact of aviation noise (and pollution) on the Public’s Health. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shall enter into appropriate arrangements with the Health and Medicine Division (html) of the National Academies (NA) of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine per Congressional guidance:
- R.2562 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Air Traffic Noise and Pollution Expert Consensus Act of 2023 (html) | Congress.gov | Library of Congress (LoC).
- R. 2562 (IH) – Air Traffic Noise and Pollution Expert Consensus Act of 2023 (html) (pdf)| GovINFO | U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO).
3Q / September 2023 Update: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Continues 50 Years of Debunked Lies, Deception, Misinformation, Lies & Bullying
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), their contractors plus Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies, families & friends continue their debunked lies & misinformation regarding the Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airport stating they have NOT received any complaints or concerns about lead air emissions from school officials or neighboring residents and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) poisoning or exposure “does not pose ANY threat”.
The Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport (1D2) clique AKA MDOT Clown Patrol including MDOT Contractors, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Cronies are NOT friends & neighbors but aggressive, vindictive Community Pariah & Creeps with ZERO vested interest in local Community or Schools protecting their little clubhouse AKA the “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” seeking revenge, intimidation & retribution emboldened with impunity & protection just as they have for the last 50 years!
These plain old Nasty Creeps come from all over: Livonia, Novi, Northville, Farmington Hills, Royal Oak, Southfield, Bloomfield, Troy, South Lyon, West Bloomfield, Brighton, Howell, Ann Arbor, Milford, Whitmore Lake and of course a few legendary Klingons (turds) from the Canton & Plymouth area. Most are from elsewhere and don’t give a damn about anyone else’s Community or Schools. Much more to come on this shocking topic regarding these extremely hostile arrogant elite privileged turds!
Easily verifiable publicly documented complaints, lies & abuse go back to 1975, almost 50 years, regarding this ongoing shameful embarrassing MDOT “Pack of Complete Aviation in Michigan Lies” debacle. The Michigan Governor & Michigan Attorney General (AG) should investigate continuing MDOT fraudulent claims & outright lies while noting that convenient MDOT silence (acquiesce) is complicity for the largest waste of Taxpayer money in the history of Michigan! Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), their contractors and Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies = professional pathological liars perfecting & pitching their ‘fictional storyline’ to anyone that will listen over the last 50 years.
Please read some excellent September 2023 local Michigan journalism in action with the honesty, courage & fortitude to unravel the “Best kept MDOT secret in Michigan”:
- Downtown NewsMagazine (html) | Birmingham Bloomfield.
- Oakland County’s role in leaded aviation gas – Special Issue (html) September 2023.
- Danger above: Threat of toxic lead in aviation gas (html) September 2023, Stacy Gittleman.
- September 2023 (digital), Lead Fallout – Special Issue, pg 33, Stacy Gittleman. There’s more than just planes in the air at Oakland County’s three airports thanks to LEAD fuel for some aircraft.
- Open Letter. Support Local Journalism. Please Donate to Downtown Magazine (html).
- Threatened Planet (html) | Downtown Newsmagazine. Essential Information about Mother Earth.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) – Historical Perspective – 50 Years of MDOT Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1d2) Deception, Misinformation, Lies & Bullying (UPDATED)
This section discusses several news media articles, including the original MDOT discussions captured by local media outlets that provide background information and highlight MDOT airstrip expansions that have violated original understanding & agreement and betrayed the public trust in multiple ways over the last 47 years.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airport AKA “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” is THE direct source of the full gamut of Negative Community Outcomes from Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs):
- Adverse Health, Safety and Welfare impacts
- Environmental impacts of toxic Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) pollution & noise pollution
- Diminished quality of life
- Reduced Community desirability & property valuation
- Wasted taxpayer money (massive amounts, largest single waste in the history of Michigan)
Let’s be clear, and in no uncertain terms has the community at large EVER needed or wanted the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Hobby Sport Recreational Entertainment Venue Airstrip purchase to ever take place. The MDOT purchase was forced on local communities with no way out, pushed by former Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) members, one from Plymouth, many with Special Interest, Industry Lobbyist & Political cronies & connections! It’s plain & simple, this is common knowledge that has been purposely selectively forgotten & avoided by MDOT, while they continue to acquiesce.
These are NOT isolated incidents but premeditated, calculated & predictable MDOT modus operandi! This is what MDOT + Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist Clowns do. Say one thing, and do another over many years hoping everyone will forget or eventually give up in frustration. Death by a thousand MDOT cuts.
There is NO community protection from the MDOT Clown Patrol provided by ANYONE! This includes ZERO protection provided by the State of Michigan, Wayne County, Canton Township, any surrounding communities, or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)! Zip, zero, zilch, nada, none!
To put things into perspective here is a very brief summary of the 1d2 timeline starting back in 1975 (OMG!) almost 50 years ago. It might be interesting to know that many in the community were around then and remember the MDOT 1d2 Carnival Side-show Events vividly! This is where the term “MDOT Clown Patrol” originated as it was quite a public spectacle, actually a “sham” Political Circus on full public display. Why does MDOT even own an Airport? Many Michigan residents don’t know that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owns several airports that Michigan Taxpayers are paying dearly for! Once people see any hidden or obscured details regarding MDOT Phony “Aviation in Michigan” it’s easy to see it’s gone from Ridiculous to Sublime to absolutely Ludicrous!
There is mountain of common knowledge & well-known public record available described below. MDOT has been dishing out the same crap for such a looong time. When you step back and look at the “big picture” it’s pretty easy to see & expose the pattern of MDOT abuse, deception, lies & acquiescence.
Look at what MDOT does, NOT what MDOT says.
Here are the several brief media summaries (10 are newspapers, remember those?) highlighting MDOT and their continued “Failure to Communicate” with anyone ever about anything.
Plymouth Observer & Eccentric | May 19, 1975
Plymouth Observer & Eccentric | May 19, 1975 | [full original (pdf) 172mb.
Airport Opposition Grows. I just don’t believe the airport should be expanded. It will mean bigger planes landing there, more air traffic. It will increase noise. and increase the hazard of crashes”
We don’t know the effect of Mettetal on the Plymouth-Canton area. No doubt it is responsible for noise and homeowner discomfort, problems that would be aggravated should the airport be expanded.
Expansion of the airport seems assured if the facility is purchased by Canton. The financial feasibility study most recently completed by R. Dixon Speas and Associates says the airport fails to meet federal standards to receive federal assistance. Without federal assistance, cost of the air-port would virtually double and the township would be unable to purchase it.
Atchley, like other concerned home-owners commented “I don’t see why they can’t use Willow Run. Why don’t they get in their cars and drive over there.” [BTW: Willow Run (YIP) airport is only ~7 miles away, a few minutes by car on Michigan Avenue.]
Canton Observer Thursday July 16, 1981 (Volume 6 Number 101)
Canton Observer Thursday July 16, 1981 (Volume 6 Number 101) (pdf).
Another plane crashes following Mettetal takeoff. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials are investigating the second case within a month of a plane crashing almost immediately after leaving Mettetal Airport. ACCORDING to Michigan State Police the plane came down about 400 feet from the airport’s sole runway in a vacant field northeast of the airport. The Canton Township airport is near Lilley and Joy roads. [NOTE: this sad clown STILL owns SEVERAL Flying Junk Piles (FJPs). NOTE: Joy Road “Low Flying Aircraft Sign”].
Community Crier July 25, 1990 (Volume 17 Number 25)
Community Crier July 25, 1990 (Volume 17 Number 25) (pdf). 2 planes collide in P-C ’s worst air disaster. ‘It was just like a war movie’. The single (engine) plane went straight down. The right engine (of the twin-engine) came off howling.
Canton Observer Thursday July 26, 1990 (Volume 16, Number 3)
Canton Observer Thursday July 26, 1990 (Volume 16, Number 3) (pdf). Officials probe deadly mid-air plane crash. Three men were killed Monday in the mid-air collision of two small planes in the skies over western Plymouth Township, SEE individual Sections:
- Crash won’t be concern in possible airport purchase. [nobody surprised by this!]
- Check bag from plane crashes through roof.
- Witness: crash like seeing a war movie.
- Young witness shaken by mid-air plane crash.
- Investigators comb area of crash. Onlookers line road near site.
- Rare mid-air plane crash claims three lives.
- Resident startled when bag hits roof.
- Airplane mishap. The Plymouth-Canton area’ s second airplane mishap in three days [both separate from the mid-air collision].
07/23/90 – Fatal Crash NTSB# # CHI90FA190 (pdf) Mid-Air Collision. N55354 Destroyed 2 Fatal. N8060J destroyed 1 fatal. Instructional / Part 135: Air taxi & commuter – Non-scheduled. Causes(s): inadequate visual lookout by the pilot of the pa-60. A factor related to the Accident was that neither of the flight crews had obtained atc/radar Assistance. Previously reported as: NTSB # CHI90FA190A, NTSB # CHI90FA190B.
Canton Observer | January 28, 1991
Canton Observer | January 28, 1991 | [full original (pdf) 76mb]
Trustees move to block airport purchase. Canton joined a citizens group, Plymouth Concerned Citizens, in a request for an injunction against the airport purchase, charging that state law requires that the host community, Canton, approve the purchase. “It’s not an accident we’re meeting in an emergency session at 12 p.m. (noon on Friday),” Canton Supervisor Tom Yack said adding that he believed actions were taken last week to speed up the purchase process before an injunction could be granted.
It is apparent that the driving motivation behind this effort has NOT been what is in the best interests of the greater community and its residents . . . “
Yack said he doesn’t believe public funds should be used to buy the airport, because only a SMALL group of people use it.
However, Kirchgatter presented a letter Friday from the Michigan Department of Transportation that said there are NO plans for expansion. Clerk Loren Bennett said at the special meeting that he DIDN’T trust the validity of that letter. Canton residents would be subjected to noise pollution and OTHER environmental problems.
Plymouth Observer | January 31, 1991
Plymouth Observer | January 31, 1991 | [full original (pdf) 129mb]
Airport JOA foes launch recall campaign. “Our recalling them is to make them realize we can’t afford city commissioners who disregard the residents of the city,” said Bill McAnnich, Plymouth Concerned Citizens member.
Canton Trustees reject a committee’s recommendation for public ownership. They argued that the land is zoned industrial and should be developed as such.
I am referring to his [Vos] smug statement that those who object to the noise of Mettetal Airport should not have moved here in the first place or should consider moving to another locality.
City didn’t know facts about airport. The degree of ground contamination from 50 years of operation.
Mettetal a land grab. Read that as “tax dollars” folks. If Mettetal can’t operate profitably as a private airport, what makes elected officials think it can make a profit as a government entity? The word “might” is a very flimsy justification for the expenditure of tax dollars already spread thin on other special interests.
Commission vote was arrogant. To the editor; What a sad day it is for the wonderful city of Plymouth and its residents when a powerful airport lobbying effort which includes people from as far away as [INSERT MANY OTHER COMMUNITY NAMES] Bloomfield township can influence our commission to disregard the feelings of the residents of our fair city.
A reporter who observed the meeting later stated that in all of years reporting he had NEVER seen a board or commission so arrogantly disregard the wishes of its constituency.
Canton Observer | February 4, 1991
Canton Observer | February 4, 1991 | [full original (pdf) 72mb]
Mettetal ‘not important’ to county. The feud between the supervisors in Canton and Plymouth townships over Mettetal Airport isn’t worth putting future joint projects at risk, according to Mike Duggan, deputy Wayne County executive. The airport, at Lilley and Joy roads in Canton, is classified a “Reliever Airport” for Metropolitan Airport, but the county doesn’t place a lot of emphasis on that roll. “As far as we’re concerned it doesn’t make a difference,” Duggan said. “As a matter of air traffic, it is not important to the county.”
“It’s not a county issue. If this issue is tearing apart people, that airport isn’t worth it “
NOTE: Designating 1d2 as “Reliever Airport” was a sneaky & clever MDOT maneuver to dupe taxpayers and garner undue FAA funding and therefore protection. “Reliever Airport” capability has never been needed or required, especially from tiny 1d2 airstrip close to many other more appropriate real airports. Just for comparison, Oakland County International Airport (PTK) is also designated as General Aviation Reliever Airport with 120k takeoffs & landings yearly, 554 aircraft of which 150 are corporate aircraft, several FBOs, training and sales operations with a 6520 foot runway with full Air Traffic Control (ATC) services including Advisory Radar. NOTE: Oakland County International Airport (PTK) is one of the top 100 Lead Producing Airports (pdf) in the United States.
For more details SEE: AIP Handbook (html)| Change 1 to FAA Order 5100.38D, Airport Improvement Program Handbook (pdf), 26 February 2019 – Appendix A. Definitions of Terms Used in this Handbook (html) – Office of Airports (html). Appendix A: Technical Analyses of General Aviation Airports: A National Asset. Reliever airports (268) are high activity general aviation airports that provide general aviation with alternatives to congested hubs (where their presence might cause additional delay).
Petitions for vote on Mettetal rejected.” The omission of the names of the persons or organization sponsoring the circulation of the petition requires me to reject the petition,” she wrote. Eckler said the action is an attempt to thwart the group’s efforts. “They’re looking for ways to stop us from letting the people vote,” Eckler said. He questioned why it took since Dec. 22, when the petitions were filed, to find the error. Warren Dusbiber, another Plymouth Concerned Citizens member, said the city’s action is an intentional roadblock.
Canton in way of JOA for Mettetal. There are NO plans to expand Mettetal Airport This can be easily confirmed with the Michigan Bureau of Aeronautics and the FAA.
Plymouth Observer Monday August 10, 1992 (Volume 106 Number 96)
Plymouth Observer Monday August 10, 1992 (Volume 106 Number 96) (pdf). Crash victim had strong desire to help kids. Three persons died in the Cessna 172 four-seater aircraft. The flight originated at [Canton-Plymouth] Mettetal Airport in Canton Township. Pilots and employees at Mettetal Friday said they knew him to nod hello to. He was retired and flew for recreation.
Canton Observer Monday November 23, 1992 (Volume 18 Number 39)
Canton Observer Monday November 23, 1992 (Volume 18 Number 39) (pdf). $1.4 million awarded in lawsuit. A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit filed in the wake of a two-plane [mid-air] collision over Plymouth Township that killed three persons. One of the planes had taken off from Mettetal Airport in Canton.
Canton Observer | December 6, 1993
Canton Observer | December 6, 1993 | [full original (pdf) 55mb]
Runway project may cause stir. A plan to move a runway at Canton’s Mettetal Airport could cause a controversy. Some say the spirit of an agreement between the state and township would be violated by the action. The agreement was designed to protect interests of residents.
While discussing the wish list, board vice chairman Mark Merlanti of Canton said ANY type of expansion would have to be spelled out, including how changes would affect the airport’s operations. “There will be some strong concerns on how the operation will be changed,” he said.
Stankov reminded Coller that the community “was sold” on the state purchase based on assurances the airport would NOT be expanded. “It was just a point I needed to make,” he added.
The spirit was broken by seeing those things today,” Stankov said, based on provisions of the agreement.
Coller admitted moving runway south 300 feet would allow for larger airplanes.
Pilots asked to try quieter approach. [Noise abatement has been a continual issue that is still totally ignored and used as a weapon of intimidation and harassment!]
Fatal Crash 06/28/93 MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airport
06/28/93 – Fatal Crash NTSB # CHI93FA234 (pdf) N3899Y Destroyed 1 Fatal. Personal. Witnesses observed the airplane maneuvering at low altitude for several minutes before it pitched up abruptly, entered a steep right bank and descended into terrain [crashed]. Cause: pilot’s physical impairment.
Canton Observer | April 14, 1994
Canton Observer | April 14, 1994| [full original (pdf) 88mb]
Mettetal concerns.
Let’s take a long, last look at Mettetal Airport. Has anyone seen a profit and loss statement regarding the operation of Mettetal Airport?
The reason is the airport has been operating at a loss under private ownership and to continue in operation, it had to be purchased with public money. Almost $5 million from the FAA Trust Fund — or 10 percent of every plane ticket. To stay in operation no one has been told how much taxpayer money will be needed.
Is there a need for Mettetal? Does an alternative exist that has the capacity that could provide the service that Mettetal does?
Yes, the Willow Run Airport manager has stated that “there is more than enough capacity at Willow Run to house and provide a runway for all of the small airplanes at Mettetal.”
Let’s look at a few criteria as to whether or not we want to own Mettetal Airport:
- Safety — the 2,000 foot runway was declared “unsafe” by the FAA in 1964 and nothing has changed.
- Liability — if there was to be a plane crash or accident at Mettetal the taxpayers of of Plymouth and Canton Township would have to foot the bill.
- Noise — just listen and you can hear for yourself. Ask any resident of Romulus about whether or not the noise and vibrations from Metro Airport have caused any structural damage to the houses in Romulus.
- Contamination — why have we not heard anything about the removal of five underground storage tanks that were leaking and left contaminated soil at Mettetal Airport within the last three years.
- Expansion — any expansion is prohibited by the Joint Operating Agreement between the state and the citizens of Canton Township. Everyone knows that the state has already purchased land on the north and south side of Joy Road. This expansion will allow for jets to land and take off. Providing for small jet traffic is the only way for Mettetal to make any money.
- Taxes – the airport now encompasses 84.9 acres. The industrially-zoned $1.2 million in property taxes in 1990. Public ownership of Mettetal has resulted in all of that property being tax-exempt and a loss of over $1.2 million.
Supervisor Tom Yack, of Canton Township, stated that, “The only reason Mettetal Airport was being purchased was to tie – up land that was prime for light – industrial development and therefore would also eliminate competition for Metro-West in Plymouth Township.”
Thus, we have a political pay-back by politicians, including Gov. Engler to Bob DeMattia, who is a financial investor in a local Plymouth newspaper.
Fatal Crash 03/09/94 MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airport
03/09/94 – NTSB # CHI94FA310 (pdf) N8470S destroyed 1 Fatal, 1 Serious, 2 Minor. Personal. The airplane reached an altitude of a few hundred feet. He stated that he heard a loud noise that sounded like a backfire and the engine lost power. A forced landing approach was made to a small field located in a congested industrial park. Cause: carburetor ice, and improper use of (or failure to use) the carburetor heat. Factors related to the accident were: carburetor icing (weather) conditions, and the lack of suitable terrain [surrounding densely populated neighborhoods] for a forced landing.
Canton Observer Thursday December 21, 1995 (volume 21 Number 46)
Canton Observer Thursday December 21, 1995 (volume 21 Number 46) (pdf). Plane crashes, pilot injured. A two-seat aircraft crashed Saturday in a Plymouth Township storage yard, sending its pilot to the hospital for treatment of injuries. Police said a man who pulled the pilot from under the burning plane may have saved his life. The pilot told police his Whitman W-8 aircraft was having engine trouble, and he was trying to get hack to Mettetal Airport. Instead, the aircraft, which was made from a kit [Experimental Amateur-Built (E-AB)], crashed into a trailer at the A & D Storage Yard at 41960 Ann Arbor Road, just east of the Plymouth Township Police Department. A Plymouth Township Police Sgt. said the aircraft destroyed the trailer, which after impact with the aircraft struck a boat, which struck a second boat, which struck a second trailer. Police estimated property damage from the crash at $10,000. A witness stated that the pilot was laying under the wing when he was thrown out adding the aircraft was on fire. “The majority of the fire was coming from the cab and right wing.”
Canton Observer Thursday April 11, 1996 (Volume 21 Number 78)
Canton Observer Thursday April 11, 1996 (Volume 21 Number 78) (pdf) Pilot error likely cause of crash.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says it’s likely that the pilot medical helicopter caused the December 1, 1994 in which a Canton nurse was killed along with the pilot and a doctor. The pilot of the Midwest Medflight helicopter that crashed Dec. 1, 1994, killing three people, including a Canton resident, probably caused the crash by shutting down the wrong engine and failing to safely execute an engine-out landing, according to a report from the National Transportation Safety Board.
Canton Observer Thursday June 26, 1997 (Volume Number)
Canton Observer Thursday June 26, 1997 (Volume Number) (pdf). Two injured in plane crash. A sole witness heard a thud. “It flipped around after the impact,” said a pilot who saw a Cessna 172 crash on the north (Plymouth Township) side of Joy Road as it attempted to land at Canton’s Mettetal Airport about 10:30 p.m. The pilot, who regularly flies out of Mettetal, was reported in serious condition with severe cuts, while the passenger was in critical condition with apparent head injuries. The pilot and passenger were thrown from the plane on impact in a field directly across from the runway and between a house and business on the north side of Joy Road.
06/25/97 – NTSB # CHI97FA188 (pdf) Cessna 172N N7031Q Substantial 1 Serious, 1 Minor. Personal. Cause: loss of engine power due to fuel starvation from a binding throttle/power lever cable.
Canton Observer Sunday April 19, 1998 (Volume 23 Number 81)
Canton Observer Sunday April 19, 1998 (Volume 23 Number 81) (pdf). Plane crash stuns neighbors. Two men were seriously injured and residents in the Nottingham Forest subdivision were in shock early Saturday evening when a single-engine airplane, apparently out of Mettetal Airport, plunged into the subdivision near Ford and Lilley, crashing onto the sidewalk and bursting into flames in front of a home on Avon Street. One is a flight instructor, according to police, although it was unclear who was in the pilot’s seat. “I looked out my window and saw the plane, it just dropped almost straight down,” said a witness. “It barely missed our house.” Another resident said the Cessna 150 “was about the next block over when I saw it turn one wing up. It was on its side kind of and then boom.” “It was flying real low a witness said. “A guy on bike said he was following it for a couple miles as it flew really low.”
04/18/98 – NTSB # CHI98LA131 (pdf) N50566 Substantial 2 Serious. Instructional flight had just taken off from a stop-and-go landing. Crash into subdivision at Ford Road and Morton Taylor. Cause: undetermined loss of power reported by the pilot. Contributing factors were the residential nature of the landing area and unsuitable landing terrain [densely populated neighborhoods]. Cessna 150j crashes into Canton family driveway while doing “go rounds”. Witness: ‘I’m sure they [kids] heard his screams’!
Canton Observer Thursday April 23, 1998 (Volume 23, Number 82)
Canton Observer Thursday April 23, 1998 (Volume 23, Number 82) Clues Sought in Crash (pdf). The NTSB investigation of Saturday’s plane crash in a Canton subdivision is under way as a student pilot and his flight instructor recover at University of Michigan Hospital. Little is known about why a Cessna 150 sputtered out of control and crash landed in a Canton neighborhood early Saturday evening. According to a pilot at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport, the flight instructor and his student pilot were practicing takeoffs and landings for about 30 minutes prior to the crash about one mile south of the airport. Flight patterns are recommended, but not regulated by the FAA because the airport doesn’t have a control tower. Witness: ‘I’m sure they (kids) heard his screams’
Canton Observer Thursday August 6, 1999 (Volume 35 Number 18)
Canton Observer Thursday August 6, 1999 (Volume 35 Number 18) (pdf). Canton man dies in plane crash. The twin-engine plane a Beech King Air 65A90 was carrying nine skydivers and the pilot from Canton, reached an altitude of about 200 feet before it crashed and exploded, killing all 10 people.
Serious Crash 08/18/2001 MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airport
08/18/01 – NTSB # CHI01LA285 (pdf) N62PT Substantial 2 Serious. Personal. The airplane experienced a loss of engine power during cruise flight and was substantially damaged during a forced landing. Pilot forgot to select the left wing fuel selector to ON, and when the right wing fuel tank ran out of fuel, the engine quit. Cause: fuel starvation due to the pilot’s improper fuel calculations.
Canton Observer | January 30, 2000
Canton Observer | January 30, 2000 | [full original (pdf) 26mb]
Airport activity takes off with changes. The bureau which is a division of Michigan’s Department of Transportation, has completed more than 50 projects at Mettetal since taking over.
A 14-unit “T-hangar”, which cost $450,000, was also installed. Mettetal currently has 126 hangars. Coller said more will added as funding allows. “I’d like to see more new hangars,” added Fixed Base Operator Doug Kitze. “We have a waiting list of 200 plus.” “Many of our first lessons are in the air” he commented. “If you can drive to the airport, you can fly a plane.” Certainly not a comforting thought for surrounding communities worried a bout safety. [NOTE: all expansion done using taxpayer money to “prop” up a Private Commercial Interest coupled with Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists with MDOT protection hidden from taxpayer view!]
The board consists of four state-appointed representatives, two Canton residents and one from Plymouth Township. Merlanti said the board is a “procedural animal” that has no binding authority. [In other words it’s basically useless. People in the community eventually gave up as nothing ever changed. Now people roll their eyes at any mention of Mettetal, you know “you can’t fight city hall AKA MDOT, right”?]
Mettetal’s activity level could go even higher in years to come, while no plans are on the board, Coller said the possibility of adding a restaurant to the airport exists. [If there are NO plans why is there ANY possibility of a RESTAURANT? More MDOT mumbo-jumbo double-talk and continual lies.]
Canton Observer | February 17, 2000
Canton Observer | February 17, 2000| [full original (pdf) 38mb]
Airport no blessing.
What a wonderful article on Mettetal Airport! (Observer, Jan .30) Wonderful for whom? While there are some who are happy with the outcome of the purchase of Mettetal Airport by the State of Michigan. I’m sure the residents of northeastern Canton are anything but pleased.
I have lived near Hanford and Lilley for 25 years and had no objection to the state purchasing Mettetal Airport; as it was here before I was and I had no problem with the planes.
After the last Six years, however, I wish it (the airport) had gone away. The amount of air traffic coming over my house is becoming intolerable. Having your house buzzed by these planes is not particularly enjoyable. Many of these planes come spitting and sputtering so close to the top of your house, you wonder if they are going to crash on the roof.
Fly-In pancake breakfasts may be fun for those flying in and out, but is not for those of us who have to listen to planes landing or taking off over our houses every one-two minutes, hour after hour, after hour, after hour. Etc. I am sick and tired of the noise. It makes me incredibly angry.
If the activity level hadn’t increased so dramatically, I still would not have any objection to the airport. Little did I realize that when the state bought the airport, air traffic would triple in five years time. Now, there are plans for adding additional hangars; which, of course, means more takeoffs and landings.
How much more? There needs to be some limit put on the activity in and out of that airport. Wasn’t this considered when the state purchased the airport? Didn’t our wonderful Canton Board of Trustees, who are so concerned over “quality of life” in Canton, address this issue? If not, maybe it’s time that they did.
After all. Northeast Canton is still part of Canton and “quality of life” is just important here as it is west of Canton Center Road.
Canton Observer | April 5, 2001
Canton Observer | April 5, 2001 | [full original (pdf) 16mb]
Residents miffed over runway shift
More than 100 Canton and Plymouth Township residents packed the Canton Township Board of Trustees meeting room Tuesday to protest a 240-foot runway shift at the state-owned Mettetal Airport.
“If you put down one square inch of pavement, that’s an expansion,” said Plymouth Township resident Bob Zaetta, former spokesperson for the Concerned Citizens grassroots group who opposed the 1993 state purchase of the airport.
Noel said the runway does not currently meet FAA safety zone standards, and shifting the runway is one way to bring the runway into compliance. While the proposal was brought up because of pilot concerns, he added compliance is linked to future FAA funding for capital improvements.
“We were told that this airport was safe and that this airport was in total compliance with all state and federal standards,” he said. “I think we were misled.”
The majority of the meeting’s attendees were Coves of Canton condominium residents, who said the shift would effect their safety and “quality of life”. 102 homeowners had signed a petition in opposition to the shift, and 146 had sent letters expressing concerns.
“The state and Canton Township ought to find another location altogether,” Herriman said, prompting applause from the audience.
He said he opposes the changes because it’s a waste of tax money. “There was approximately $7 million paid for this airport with yours and my tax dollars,” Stankov said, “There’s been a lot of money pumped into what is essentially a hobby airport.”
Further, Stankov said the state has designated Canton as a “non-densely populated area,” which enables the particularly noisy Ultra Light aircraft to use the airport.
Canton Observer | April 26, 2001
Canton Observer | April 26, 2001 | [full original (pdf) 20mb]
Airport runway shift shot down
Township officials have told the state [MDOT] to take its Mettetal runway shift and shove it in the wake of news that state officials knew the airport was out of compliance with federal guidelines when it was purchased in 1994.
The Canton Township Board of Trustees grounded plans to shift the Mettetal Airport runway when it unanimously voted down the action Tuesday.
At the heart of the denial to shift the runway 240 feet to the south was the balance between pilot and Joy Road motorist safety – and the concerns expressed by Coves of Canton condominium residents.
Also weighing heavily in the vote was the board’s hostility about falsehoods reported to them when the state bought the airport in 1994.
The big lie [BTW: MDOT copyrighted the term “The Big Lie ⓒ” many years ago]
“The FAA and MDOT, people who are supposed to look after our safety and welfare … intentionally lied to the people who are involved,” said Trustee Melissa McLaughlin. “They lied about FAA standards they are now trying to enforce.”
The Michigan Department of Transportation [MDOT] Bureau of Aeronautics and the Airport Advisory Board brought the proposal to the board earlier this year, stating new FAA standards would require a shift.
Noel said the proposal is a shift, not an expansion, and the pavement at the north of the runway could be torn up or left in place to provide a paved buffer between the runway and the road.
By contract, the 2,500-foot runway cannot be modified without a resolution from Canton and the state.
However, the board recently learned when the state bought the airport in 1994, the FAA standards requiring longer safety zones at the end the runway were already in place and had been since 1989. The board alleged the Bureau [of Aeronautics AKA MDOT] lied in order to push through the state purchase of the airport.
McLaughlin quoted a 1990 memo from Wendell Proudfoot, manager with the Bureau of Aeronautics, to Peter Serini, manager with the FAA. Proudfoot stated, “Once we have a public sponsor serving the 120 or so aircraft at this facility, we will then evaluate steps, required to make the airport meet standards.”
Safety standards
Township Supervisor Tom Yack said the resolution to deny the request suggested the state seek a more appropriate and safer location for an airport.
“We would defend ourselves, naturally. The entity that really has to worry about this is MDOT,” Yack said. “They [MDOT] only have deceived us and lied.”
Former U.S. Navy aviator Greg Pappas of Plymouth suggested if MDOT and FAA are “really interested in making the airport safer. … They should either restrict the airport to only those aircraft that can easily take off and land with 2,200 feet of runway or close the airport.”
Serious Crash 08/18/2001 MDOT Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airport
08/18/01 – NTSB # CHI01LA285 (pdf) N62PT Substantial 2 Serious. Personal. The airplane experienced a loss of engine power during cruise flight and was substantially damaged during a forced landing. Pilot forgot to select the left wing fuel selector to ON, and when the right wing fuel tank ran out of fuel, the engine quit. Cause: fuel starvation due to the pilot’s improper fuel calculations.
Aviation Pros | Canton Township: “We would prefer not to have the airport in Canton, period.” | March 2005
Mich. Dept. of Transportation to Hand Over Romeo Airport to County (html) 03-21-2005 | Aviation Pros. Canton Township Clerk Terry Bennett, who serves on the advisory board for Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport, said that while that airport [1d2] is in better financial shape than many, “We would prefer not to have the airport [1d2] in Canton, period.” If the state wants out of the airport business, there’s probably a reason for it” she added. NOTE: There has been NO action or even mention from MDOT regarding ANY of the four absurd MDOT Owned & Operated Airports in decades, period. Appears to be an MDOT ‘theme’ emerging, right? Say one thing and do other things, actually, its clear MDOT does whatever they want and answer to no one for decades.
MDOT Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” Crash Summary
Exclusive elite antique collectors’ items AKA Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) are for the passionate, dedicated and wealthy, but at what cost? The “Cost” in question is the “Cost” to the surrounding communities AND the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for a handful of elite wealthy passionate people that own these Flying Junk Piles (FJP)?
- Pilot makes emergency landing on U.S. 23 in Green Oak Township (html) 06-04-2022 | Detroit Free Press. The 75-year old pilot was able to land a 1946 airplane from Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip in the median miraculously & luckily without any major injury or deaths to others on the ground. Police said this was the second time the pilot had experienced engine failure in the plane. It was unclear when the first incident of engine failure occurred. NOTE: nobody warns or mentions these incidents to the general public! Notice how the MDOT 1d2 “Frat House” airstrip name is conveniently left out, hmmmm, how convenient!
- Plane makes emergency landing on U.S. 23 (html) 06-04-2022 – mlive.com.
(subscription required).
- Small plane lands on US-23 near Brighton on Saturday, police say (html) 06-04-2022 | Click On Detroit.
- Pilot makes emergency landing on U.S. 23 in Green Oak Township (html) 06-04-2022 | Livingston Daily.
- Small aircraft makes emergency landing on US-23 near Pinckney due to stalled engine (html) 06-04-2022 – NewsBreak. “Ironically enough, this is second time the engine has failed in that plane, so this is the second time he’s had to do this type of landing,” said Green Oak Township Police Chief Steven Kramer.
- N85697 | Aeronca 7AC Champion | Private | Andrew Thompson | JetPhotos.
- This is just one of MANY MANY more similar ancient collector’s items and museum pieces AKA Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) stored at the “MDOT1d2 Frat House”.
This brief list does NOT include so many other Critical Non-Fatal Events, Accidents, Incidents and pilot “Screw-Up” reports including other “fuel exhaustion”, e.g. “running out of gas” and other just plain bone-headed ignorant stupid behavior etc. over and over again. Here are a few more recent more serious ‘events’ . . .
06/13/10 – NTSB # CEN10CA317 (pdf) Helicopter N47WK Substantial. Personal. Cause: The pilot’s failure to use carburetor heat, which led to carburetor icing and a loss of engine power following takeoff. HELICOPTER MRO ‘Post Maintenance Flight’. Helicopter had a total loss of engine power about 2 miles northeast of 1d2.
06/29/11 – NTSB # CEN11FA431 (pdf) N8AL Substantial 2 Fatal. Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB). Instructional flight, which originated at an unknown time from Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport (1D2) near Plymouth, Michigan. Cause: The pilot’s failure to maintain airplane control and airspeed during final approach, which resulted in an aerodynamic stall/spin at a low altitude. Purpose of the accident flight was for the pilot to obtain a flight review in the airplane that he owned. Toxicological testing revealed the presence of several medications in both the pilot and flight instructor; however, it is not likely that they resulted in any impairment.
2 die as Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) plane crashes into house in SE Michigan (html) 06-30-2011 | MLive. Oddly but NOT surprising NO mention of originating airstrip: MDOT Owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Frat House.
Canton Man Who Flew Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) Remembered by Fellow Pilots (html) 07-05-2011| Patch. Home built plane crashed into a Howell Township, MI, house near the Livingston County Airport, originated from Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airport. Also aboard: 70 year old flight instructor from Westland. E-AB planes are made by hand, and maintained and modified too. These [E-AB] projects are not easy nor inexpensive, often taking years to complete.
UPDATED: Names of Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) Plane Crash Victims Released (html) 06-30-2011 | Patch. Witness stated “the plane was coming straight at me. The plane was out of control.” Flight originated from Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airport.
Media articles Part-1 (pdf) covering Canton Township MDOT owned Michigan Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip crashes, accidents, incidents and events.
Media articles Part-2 (pdf) covering Canton Township MDOT owned Michigan Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip crashes, accidents, incidents and events.
Anyone can search the latest up-to-date NTSB database here: NTSB Aviation Investigation Search (html) | National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
Summary of Expansions that happened with No MDOT Plans for Expansions
Reported hangar usage in 01-30-2000 was reported as 126, so it’s not clear exactly how many aircraft there are in 2022. What is clear is that 1d2 aircraft capacity expansion has doubled. This represents ~100% expansion in hangar space.
Hangars were added close to Lilley Road, so the view from Lilley road obscured the addition of additional hangars that have been constructed. Very basic sneaky MDOT tactic to camouflage expansion of hangar space without the general public noticing anything unusual.
All of these capital improvements and the many items on the previously mentioned “wish list” kinda seem like “expansion” to most rational taxpayers.
In 1993 the runway was 2,105 x 45 feet. In 2022 FAA lists runway dimensions as 2,302 x 75 feet. Somehow the runway has been mysteriously extended over time by 197 feet. I guess this IS spontaneous or accidental expansion?
This was no accident, but done to accommodate cronies with heavy twin engine aircraft to REALLY punish the community. Heavy twin engine aircraft should have NEVER been allowed to land at this minimal airstrip over densely populated neighborhoods near schools. Heavy twin engine aircraft are loud enough to drown out an outdoor conversation on take-off, 99.95% of Aviation SMEs also seem to agree with these views. Basically, everyone seems to agree except MDOT and cronies that own heavy twin engine aircraft.
2,105 x 45 = 94,725 sq feet expansion to 2,302 x 75 = 172,650 sq ft.
This represents an 82.3% expansion in runaway square footage!
To summarize MDOT expansions that occurred without ANY MDOT plans for expansions:
- 60% runway width expansion (30 feet) from 45 to 75 feet
- 9.4% runway length expansion (197 feet) from 2,105 to 2,302 feet
- 82.3% expansion (79,925 sq feet) of runway surface area from 94,725 to 172,650 sq feet
- 20,000 gallon fuel farm expansion added! [Must be needed for NO anticipated expansion in aircraft traffic?]
- Who can forget the dedicated 1d2 expansion RADAR dome installed after a costly deadly mid-air Collison that rained bodies & luggage on densely populated neighborhoods? Taxpayers have absolutely NO idea how much astronomical RADAR costs were back then! Of course all airstrips have custom RADAR domes, right? It was finally removed after it fell into embarrassing disuse and became an MDOT eye$ore. Another MDOT laughing stock move echoed in surrounding communities for literally years.
- New lighting system expansion including Precision Approach Path Indicator Lights
- Hangar space expansion 100% = doubled
- 14 unit T-hangar expansion $450,000
- 14 unit T-hangar expansion $450,000
- 14 unit T-hangar expansion $450,000
- 7 unit Box-hangar expansion $225,000.00
- Hidden hangar expansion costs exceeding $1.575 million dollars (year 2000 costs)!
- 3 x 14 unit T-hangars and a 7 unit Box-hangar unit have been added over time for a total of 49 additional units, that can and do hold more than a single aircraft
- The total number of aircraft doesn’t include the Main Hangar that can hold 6+ more aircraft, and the Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist “Tennant” hangar that can hold 4+ more aircraft.
- Additionally, it’s NOT clear who pays or paid for the longtime MDOT Special Interest + Industry Lobbyist “Tenant” Commercial Grade Hangar expansion, property improvements and on-going social events with weekend man power support, state reimbursed cell phones, etc. It’s quite obvious to everyone in surrounding neighborhoods & communities of Special and Preferential treatment with NO clear separation of MDOT duties, very disturbing indeed.
- 100% aircraft expansion from the “original” 52 units adding 49 additional new units + 4+ Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist “Tennant” Commercial Grade Hangar aircraft + Main Hangar 6+ aircraft = capacity for hundreds of aircraft in 2022. NOTE: The actual aircraft expansion total count could still be higher as modern T-Hangars can house more than one aircraft here and do! The actual total number of aircraft is hidden and closely guarded by MDOT!
- Initial cost somewhere between $5 million and $7 million taxpayer dollars, nobody really knows
- MDOT bought more additional parcels that increase land from ~64 acres to ~84.9 acres for larger aircraft expansion, nobody really knows
- Ongoing Yearly Loss of ~$1.2 million zoned ”Light Industrial” stable tax base revenue
- The costs to Michigan taxpayers is absolutely astounding, the LARGEST single waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan!
In late 2020 the runway was reconstructed and all paved areas completely resurfaced, including the parking lot. Runway is in now “excellent” condition, the highest rating, a rarity for a small airstrip, but NOT one with the “right” MDOT connections. The 1d2 runway reconstruction was completed quicker with higher priority than any MDOT road work performed anywhere else in the State of Michigan, roughly two weeks total for several fully equipped paving crews. Surrounding communities get pot holes filled, the MDOT “Frat House” gets fully equipped paving crews.
It is clear that MDOT has “Dug in Their Heels”, “Doubled Down” and is in this for the long run at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip all at the expense of the surrounding communities. MDOT has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars propping up their own MDOT “Frat House” airstrip and will continue to do so!
NOTE: how close Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is to several assisted living and rehabilitation facilities and two schools in the image. The third school, out of view, is just slightly North:
- Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
- Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~190 meters, ~248 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
- East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!).
Please see more detailed aerial views:
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airstrip AKA “MDOT Frat House” (html) – Google Map
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2) Airstrip AKA “MDOT Frat House” (html) Bing Maps – Directions, trip planning, traffic cameras & more.
47 years, since 1975, of continuous Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) deception, lying, community abuse and a complete waste of taxpayer money, enough is enough. In fact, all Michigan citizens & taxpayers should see that MDOT phony budgets and spending are one of the largest wastes of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan.
Other parts of this web site detail some of the massive waste and abuse of public funding money including COVID Relief funds used for weekend overtime to cut grass and replace mulch, paying the groundskeeper to work on & repair aircraft, MDOT 4 Star “business meetings” on Mackinac Island, over a half dozen vehicles including multiple pick-up trucks, can’t keep track but seems like 4 to 6, professional $250k CAT Front End Loaders, High-End Exclusive Pro Golf Course air-conditioned grooming lawn-mower, custom fencing, free internet & coffee, electricity bill for non-State of Michigan owned holiday decorations, the list goes on ad nauseum.
The above brief timeline is just a small sampling of the long local history of MDOT 1d2 Expansion Deception, Lies & Bullying that continue to this day.
Anyone can search or browse past issues of the Canton Observer (html) | Canton Public Library | Canton Township Michigan. There are over 400 results if you search “mettetal”.
Anyone can search or browse the Plymouth District Library (html) Newspaper Archives (html) serving Plymouth Township Michigan & the City of Plymouth Michigan. There are over 1300 results if you search “mettetal”.
It’s way past time for the State of Michigan to finally “Fix the damn MDOT!”
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Retirement Home for Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists
It should also be noted that MDOT has become a “Retirement Home” for many (current and past) Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, especially individuals relating to MDOT or Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) activities, cronies, families or friends that have successfully “burrowed in” MDOT or Michigan County Airport payrolls for a taxpayer provided lifetime of protection, immunity and impunity. Sweet “Aviation in Michigan” MDOT related “Revolving Door” positions if you can get one!
The problem with MDOT rampant “burrowing in” is that it diminishes trust in the merit system. Even when appointees are highly qualified, few observers trust that the appointment or hiring process was fair. Michigan citizens need to know that their government is not utilizing people based on their politics, conflicts of interest, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas, special abilities or lack thereof to take advantage of public funding abusing Taxpayers or Taxpayers money. The multiple MDOT “Conflicts of Interest” are so obvious it is disheartening & sickening to say the least.
MDOT malfeasance continues unabated: MDOT “appointed” Local Flying Club AKA “Social Club” Crony Community Pariah Goons as “Assistant Airstrip Managers” to do as they please for the last decade, these creeps, bullies, scumbags, community pariah answer to no one! Recently MDOT removed “Noise Abatement Guidance” that’s been in place for decades to further punish surrounding Communities that complain!
Much more to come on the “meticulously documented” Community Abuse via Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) meant to harass & intimidate. Especially by the two Local Hobby, Sport, Recreational Flying local (1d2) Social Clubs plus selected “Usual Suspects”, and some Social Clubs that come to 1d2 from elsewhere just to feel important & powerful over densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools, assisted living, rehabilitation & retirement homes. “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” doesn’t really have anything to do with REAL Aviation, Real Infrastructure or Real Transportation and never has, just elite privileged park & fly entitlement convenience for a handful jerks that own outdated Flying Junk Piles (FJPs) or Millionaires.
So what is Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH)? It’s some sort of a sick game, doesn’t matter whether it’s Landing or Take-Off, the “goal” is to see exactly how close you can get to roof tops, pushing to the limit of the law, since there’s literally nobody to check or follow-up, no repercussions, no accountability. Target people that have ZERO recourse to do anything, to make people feel helpless by attempting to demonstrate that no one can control their actions, true Bullies in every sense of the word! Using DLFH as “Tool” of revenge, retaliation, harassment & abuse is common knowledge in the Aviation, Aerospace & Defense community that is laughed at, boasted and joked about, anyone that says otherwise is a complete unadulterated liar.
Who are these Creeps & Where Do the Creeps Come From?
The Creeps come from all over: Livonia, Novi, Northville, Farmington Hills, Royal Oak, Southfield, West Bloomfield, Brighton, Howell, Ann Arbor, Milford, Whitmore Lake and of course a few legendary Klingons (turds) from the Canton & Plymouth area. Most are from elsewhere and don’t give a damn about anyone else’s community.
These Creeps are Flying Rodeo Clowns in Million Dollar Helicopters, Professional Stunt Planes, Million Dollar Cirrus SR22 & SR22T made up of Law Office Managing Partners & Lawyers, Real Estate Magnates, Successful Business Tycoons, Auto Company Big Wigs, Automobile Dealership Bigshot, many other wealthy elite owners of multiple aircraft, including His & Her aircraft stored in their personal hangar, plus creepy aggressive hostile Flying “Social” Clubs & Military Wannabes, basically anybody that owns a Flying Junk Pile (FJP) and wants to conduct “Air Raids” on unsuspecting Communities.
Let’s not forget to mention Big Shot Medical Doctors, including an Emergency Medicine Physician and an Internal Medicine Physician. Ensuring patient safety is at the heart of the Hippocratic Oath: First, Do No Harm (html) 03-16-2023 | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Guess the guiding principles of the Hippocratic Oath have lost all meaning when it comes to Doctors’ personal hobby sport recreational social entertainment time & activities related to “Harm” from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)?
Please, let’s not forget the Pathetic Local Civil Air Patrol (CAP) clowns are back at the “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” after a brief hiatus of “Laying Low” out of sight & sound between campouts, sleepovers & pajama parties at Harbor Springs, Charlevoix & Traverse City. Good old N305CP has landed again waiting to poke their head out to take full command of air superiority of local skies once again to punish everyone in sight with their Special Brand of Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) & Intimidation Mission Critical Recon Missions & “Air Raids”! A complete waste not matter how you look at! There’s a lot more to say about these complete local idiots coming in a separate and very detailed & lengthy exposé!
The same continuous lather, rinse, repeat “Cast of Characters” looking for the cheapest readily accessible convenient unsupervised (certainly no adult supervision) “closest to their home” park & fly benefits & preferential treatment with zero LIMITS, certainly “No Government BS” to quote “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” members, at an undersized out-of-place Personal Hobby Sport Recreational, Social venue forced on local communities endorsed, embraced & coddled by MDOT literally pitted AGAINST Old People & Children in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools and assisted living, rehabilitation & retirement homes! What could possibly be wrong with that?
Most are simply “hangar renters” or itinerant visitors and have NO vested interest in the schools or community!
BTW: so called ‘Flying Clubs’ in Michigan are classified as “Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Clubs” exactly the same as ‘Old Car Clubs’ that have absolutely nothing to with the future of anything!
It is important to note that the “MDOT Clown Patrol” Pariah includes Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Cronies, Aviation Oligarchs plus all their families & friends, this is a small tight knit group of parasites that have infected Michigan.
Special Preferential Treatment for the “MDOT 1d2 Frat House”, literally decades of lies, abuse of power, negligence, malfeasance from Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) coupled with Disingenuous Low Flying Harassment (DLFH) Intimidation, Bullying, Tetra Ethyl (TEL) Lead & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Exposure & Poisoning plus “Disturbing the Peace” and “Public Nuisance” Noise. There is literally NO protection from MDOT on any level. Local, County, State or Federal!
Entire surrounding Communities, literally 10s of thousands of people vulnerable to Negative Aviation Impacts (NAIs) at the mercy of any Clown with an airplane, helicopter/primitive-rotorcraft or aircraft of any kind.
MDOT continues to acquiesce, demonstrating their will & choice to further their professional negligence, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, malfeasance, unethical, immoral “willful neglect” & just plain reprehensible creepy behavior! All while Michigan Taxpayers are tricked into paying the complete bill for ridiculous hobby, sport, recreational social “MDOT Aviation in Michigan” venues whether Taxpayers know it or not!
1Q / January 2023 Update #1: What are the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Grinning Buffoons, Hostile Threatening Bullies, Town Idiots & Vengeful Flying Rodeo Clowns REALLY Thinking?
Attorney General James and Multistate Coalition Support EPA Finding on Danger of Plane Fuel (html) (pdf) 01-19-2023 (19pg) | New York State Attorney General. Joining Attorney General James in submitting today’s comment letter are the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin.
Connecticut, The Office of the Attorney General William Tong, Attorney General Tong Supports EPA Finding on Leaded Aviation Gas (html) (pdf) 01-18-2023.
Earthjustice, Attorneys for Petitioners, sent letter (pdf) 01-17-2023 (24pg) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan in support of Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0389, on behalf of:
- Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT)
- Center for Environmental Health (CEH)
- Oregon Aviation Watch (OAW)
- Friends of the Earth (FoE)
Letter January 17, 2023 (pdf) (63pg) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan in support of Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0389, submitted by Environmental Law Clinic, Mills Legal Clinic at Stanford Law School on behalf of:
- County of Santa Clara, California
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco, California
- City of Oakland, California
- City and County of San Francisco, California
- City of Santa Monica, California
- Boulder County, Colorado
- City of South Bend, Indiana
- City of Northampton, Massachusetts
- Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office (html) (html) (html), Michigan
- County of Travis, Texas
- Town of Middleton, Wisconsin
Findings of County-Commissioned Airborne Lead Study Published Online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences –Office of Communications and Public Affairs (html) 01-11-2023 | County of Santa Clara. An abbreviated version of the 113-page (html) (pdf) results of an airborne lead contamination study commissioned by the County of Santa Clara, which found that children living near Reid-Hillview Airport had increased blood lead levels due to airport operations, have been published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed online version of the scientific journal – the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The County-commissioned study, Leaded Aviation Gasoline Exposure Risk at Reid-Hillview Airport in Santa Clara County, California (pdf) 08-03-2021 (131pg), on lead exposure risks for children found that leaded aviation fuel from airport operations contributed to significantly increased blood lead levels for those within a half-mile of Reid-Hillview Airport. For context, the lead levels during peak hours were double the levels seen during the height of the Flint Water Crisis in Michigan.
Letter (pdf) 03-21-2022 (14pg) to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan in support of Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare Docket EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0389, urging the EPA to make the long-overdue endangerment finding for leaded aviation gasoline AKA Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) submitted by Earthjustice on behalf of:
- Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco, California
- City and County of San Francisco, California
- City of Oakland, California
- City of Santa Monica, California
- County of Santa Clara, California
- Dane County Towns Association, Wisconsin
- Town of Middleton, Wisconsin
Letter (pdf) March 16, 2022 (46pg), in support of Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OLEM–2021–0762: Multistate Comments Concerning EPA’s Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities (November 16, 2021) to Michael Regan, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from Attorneys General of New York, California, District of Columbia (DC), Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin.
Scientific Adjudication of Leaded aviation gasoline exposure risk and child blood lead levels Published by National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Leaded aviation gasoline exposure risk and child blood lead levels (html) (pdf) 01-10-2023 | The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (NAS) PNAS Nexus (about) | Oxford Academic. PNAS Nexus, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2023, pgac285, an Open Access Scientific Journal, a sibling journal to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac285, states:
In support of the scientific adjudication of the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) recently announced endangerment finding, Proposed Rule EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389-0001, this in-depth case study indicates that the deposition of Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) significantly elevates the Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) of at-risk children. Zahran et al (11) find that sampled 1,043,391 children within 1km of 448 airports in Michigan are at greatest risk. The EPA (14) maintains that children within 500m of PEA-servicing airports are at highest risk of exposure to aviation-related atmospheric lead. Our inner distance of <0.5 miles (~800m) sits between the consensus range of exposure risk at 500m to 1km.
NOTE: “Leaded Aviation Gasoline” refers to Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). This is only one of MDOT’s many best kept secrets in Michigan!
Leaded aviation gasoline exposure risk and child blood lead levels (html) – PubMed | National Library of Medicine (NLM) | National Institute of Health (NIH) | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) | USA.gov. Children’s Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) increase with measured concentrations of atmospheric lead at airports. In support of the scientific adjudication of the EPAs recently announced endangerment finding, this in-depth case study indicates that the deposition of avgas AKA 100LL Leaded aviation fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL), significantly elevates the BLLs of at-risk children. Keywords: aviation gasoline; Avgas; 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL); child blood lead level (BLL); piston-engine aircraft (PEA); piston engine helicopter (PEH). DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac285.
Leaded aviation gasoline exposure risk and child blood lead levels (html) (pdf) – PMC | National Library of Medicine (NLM) | National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) | National Institute of Health (NIH) | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) | USA.gov. PNAS Nexus. 2023 Jan; 2(1): pgac285. Published online 2023 Jan 10. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac285. In the United States, hundreds of millions of gallons of tetraethyl lead-formulated gasoline [AKA Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)] are consumed by piston-engine aircraft (PEA) annually, resulting in an estimated half-million pounds of lead emitted into the environment. About four million persons reside, and about six hundred K-12th grade schools are located, within 500 meters of PEA-servicing airports. In a study involving over 1 million children and 448 airports in Michigan, Zahran et al (11) found that child BLLs: (1) increased dose-responsively in proximity to airports; (2) declined measurably among children sampled in the months after the tragic events of 9-11, resulting from an exogenous reduction in PEA traffic; (3) increased dose-responsively in the flow of [Piston Engine Aircraft including Piston Engine Helicopters (PEH)] PEA traffic across a subset of airports; and (4) increased in the percent of prevailing wind days drifting in the direction of a child’s residence.
Exactly what are these Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Grinning Buffoons, Hostile Threatening Bullies, Town Idiots & Vengeful Flying Rodeo Clowns REALLY thinking? Obviously ONLY about themselves, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist unneeded non-essential non-strategic non-mission critical personal hobby, sport, recreational social entertainment venues, agendas & maximizing convenient unfettered instant access drive-up, park & fly leisure activities for the Select, the Privileged Few, at the Elite, Sanctioned, Protected Fiefdom Club House & Playground AKA “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” (google maps) Headquarters (HQ)!
Elite Local Executives, so-called prominent Business Owners, other so-called VIPs and MDOT cronies can’t be bothered with any added delays & inconveniences like all us ‘ordinary people’ AKA Taxpayers, many own multiple aircraft, some 2, 3 or more even up to 10, or ~$1 Million USD Cirrus SR22 or SR22Ts or high end Piston Engine Helicopters (PEH) easily priced at half a million USDs and easily higher ALL demand their unique special preferential treatment and “Their Freedom to Fly” that is owed to them.
It’s no longer the issue of wrong-doing, what’s done is done, it’s MDOT’s continued & concerted effort to acquiesce, conceal & cover-up, NO accountability, NO, transparency, NO public mention anywhere, NO public effort to protect ANYONE in Michigan, a clear dereliction of duty to protect ALL residents of Michigan, complete unadulterated incompetence coupled with professional negligence & social indifference while the Transportation & Mobility industry including Aviation, Aerospace, Automobile, Truck related Autonomous Vehicles (AV), Aircraft or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) & related technologies move away from Michigan without massive incentives to re-locate or remain. The collective bunch of MDOT, assorted pals cronies families & friends, truly a gang of flying carnival geeks & rodeo clowns that could care less about vulnerable populations including pregnant women, babies, school children & elderly anywhere in Michigan!
NOTE: Michigan is in the Top Five States for diseases linked to air quality, racking up $1.5 billion per year in excess health care costs, with Southeast Michigan having some of the most polluted air. It’s easy to witness the ‘Slow-Motion Battle’ to protect ANY Michigan Residents, especially from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown (dawn) Patrols everywhere you look, or at least at 448 locations plus the surrounding neighborhoods & schools anyway. MDOT is a NOT only a State of Michigan SoM) embarrassment, but a National & International embarrassment and disappointment as well. How will Michigan ever become a center for clean energy and electric vehicles riding in an MDOT Clown Mobile or MDOT Clown Airplane or MDOT Clown Helicopter? Seems like quite a stretch!
However, several things are crystal clear:
- Nothing is going to happen with MDOT on a “Wing and a Prayer”
- MDOT can’t continue to make stuff up as they go AKA “Fly by the Seat of Their Pants”
- MDOT can’t continue to “Wing It” with the world watching
- NO safe Atmospheric EXPOSURE level: Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) or Ethylene Dibromide (EDB)
- TEL a heavy metal, organometallic, organolead compound & EDB a banned pesticide, both identified well known Endocrine Disruptors (EDC) (pdf). The endocrine system is the network of glands and organs that produce, store, and secrete hormones. When functioning normally, the endocrine system works with other systems to regulate your body’s healthy development and function throughout life
- About 5 million people live within 500 meters of an airport runway
- About 163,000 children attend schools within 500 meters of a runway
- The EPA & especially the FAA do NOT really need more money, just need to cut phony costs & spend what they have properly for Taxpayer Protection & Demonstrable ROI including elimination of completely preventable negative health outcomes
The MDOT ‘Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)’ Denial Cover-up Debacle continues to be one of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) mysteries & best kept secrets in the State of Michigan, second only to bogus MDOT “Aviation in Michigan” phony related costs, literally millions of misused taxpayer dollars, the largest single waste of taxpayer money in the entire history of Michigan! BTW: this is only the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ when it comes to wasted Hard Earned Taxpayer Dollars plus continued duping Michigan Residents with phony bogus imaginary MDOT “Aviation in Michigan” hyperbole & delusions of grandeur BS, many more Taxpayer insulting details to come!
UPDATE: Early 2023 late 2022 someone in Michigan is very busy boring & extracting thousands of soil test samples within a square mile of the exalted “MDOT 1d2 Frat House”. BTW: someone forgot to tell MDOT there’s way more to Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning & Exposure than only detecting TEL in dirt. While it is important, “Atmospheric Lead Exposure” is the real Key Performance Indicator (KPI). OMG, hopefully this isn’t another repeat of 2020 / 2021 MDOT efforts desperately trying to salvage, protect & save the fate of the “Club House” at the “MDOT 1d2 Frat House” at any cost but not sharing any details, test results or bogus claims! Another gimmick, decoy, distraction, all while “Atmospheric Lead Exposure” at levels 10 x less than NAAQS standards ALLOW permanently damaging Local PCCS school children! Or perhaps this round of soil sampling is done in an effort to ward off or counter any legal challenges related to claims of MDOT incompetence, professional negligence, etc. Guess nobody will ever really know?
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Continues to Blatantly Flaunt Wasted Money on Phony “Aviation in Michigan” While Inflation Bites Taxpayers Hard and Michigan Population Declines
UPDATE: NOTHING has changed in February 2023 at the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip in Canton Township Michigan, AKA the “MDOT Club House” AKA the “MDOT Frat House”, btw: just ONE of MANY Elite MDOT self-perpetuating personal hobby, sport, recreational entertainment social venues, with the same local defiant repeat Gang of “Usual Suspects”, same handful of local Flying Rodeo Clowns.
As in the past, includes many from other remote locations with no vested LOCAL Community interest that “descend like flies on poop” just looking to stir up a fight for any reason, truly Pro-Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Provocateurs, Progressively Anti-Science, Anti-Pregnant-Mom-Babies-School-Children Pariah, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Puppets & Lackeys (SIILPLs), many “Social Flying Club” clowns, several “Commercial Business” interest Buffoons, even an Offshore Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) Manufacturer joining the fray to further combined efforts of so-called Aerial protest, community punishment, revenge & retaliation via disingenuous low flying take-offs & landings meant to bully, harass and intimidate the general public with impunity practiced and expertly executed producing increased non-essential, non-mission critical, non-strategic aircraft including helicopter take-offs, landings, accidents & crashes, regularly flying aircraft with improperly configured or broken, tampered with or disabled ADS-B exactly for “disturbing the peace” and “public nuisance” revenge fly-bys intended to bully, harass and intimidate over local schools & densely populated neighborhoods.
The 1d2 “MDOT Frat House” continues to flourish complete with MDOT protection & impunity. BTW: many more appropriate underutilized FAA Towered Regional Airports alternatives exist and are conveniently located with minutes flying or driving time! Same Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) deception, bullying & lies, different decade for over 50 years and counting!
- Inflation is making the middle class tap their savings (html) 02-04-2023 | Fortune.
- Millennials are relying on parents to pay the bills (html) 02-04-2023 | Fortune.
- S. Census report for 2022 shows migration from Michigan (html) 01-24-2023 – Michigan Capitol Confidential.
- Michigan faces uphill fight to jumpstart sluggish population gain (html) 01-30-2023 | Ground News. Michigan faces an uphill fight to jumpstart what has been a slow and sporadic gain in residents during the past two decades, demographic experts said.
- How Michigan’s birth decline could impact the future of our economy (html) 01-18-2023 – YouTube. Michigan’s population loss has been costly. The state lost a congressional seat as part of the last census, and new numbers show the state’s birth rate is below its death rate for the second consecutive year.
- New census estimates show a tepid rise in U.S. population growth, buoyed by immigration (html) 01-04-2023 | Brookings. One of the highest level of natural decrease occurs in Michigan, which has relatively older populations.
- Michigan’s Population Continues to Plunge. Has Detroit’s? (html) 01-02-2023 – The Ballenger Report. The number of people living in Michigan slipped for the second consecutive year, according to new census data released a couple of weeks ago. Michigan was one of 18 states that saw population decline (actually we were 17th out of 50 states in population loss). Bottom line: Economist Don Grimes at the University of Michigan says that if this long-term trend of stagnant or declining population continues in Michigan, it will hurt our economy.
- Michigan losing population again, after decade of tepid growth, Census shows (html) 07-01-2022 | Bridge Michigan.
- A Third of States Lost Population in 2021 (html) 04-25-2022 | The Pew Charitable Trusts (PCT). Four states experienced population declines because more people moved out than in, and more people died than were born, this includes Michigan. Apart from states with declines one of the slowest population growth rates was recorded in Michigan.
- Michigan (html) Population 2023 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs).
- State of Michigan Population Structure, 1990-2019 (html) | Michigan Labor Market Information(MLMI) | Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget (MDTMB) | MI.gov.
Further Reading
Team 5: Get the Lead Out (html) — CleanEarth4Kids. There is NO SAFE LEVEL OF LEAD exposure according to the World Health Organization (WHO) (html) (html), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (html) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (html).
Since when is any amount of lead allowed in baby food? (html) 01-31-2023 | Detroit News. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) (html) 01-24-2023. Levels of lead in the environment can vary depending on the geographical makeup of local areas and proximity to current or past pollution, for example, from the widespread use of lead in a variety of products, such as gasoline [AKA Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)], urged food manufacturers last week to significantly reduce the amount of lead in processed baby food. Lead is toxic for anyone, but children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of lead exposure because they are still growing. Why is there any lead at all in my baby’s food? Fruits, vegetables, and grains absorb lead through the soil they’re grown in. Soil naturally contains some lead, though contamination from leaded gasoline, exterior lead-based paint, and industrial development have raised lead levels in soil.
EnviroMail 44 Canada – Tetraethyl Lead: Soil Testing and Sampling Artifacts from Entrained Solids in Groundwater (html) (pdf) 01-31-2023. Tetraethyl lead (TEL) in soils almost always co-occurs with residual hydrocarbons from historical gasoline contaminants, which can present serious challenges for its measurement at trace levels. | ALS | A Global Leader in laboratory testing, inspection, certification and verification solutions. Guided by science and innovation and grounded in a values-driven culture, we are committed to building a sustainable future for everyone. Safer, smarter, healthier, together!
A science-based agenda for health-protective chemical assessments and decisions: overview and consensus statement (html) (pdf) 01-12-2023 | Environmental Health. Low-wealth communities and communities of color often bear disproportionate burdens of exposure and impact; all compounded by regulatory delays to the detriment of public health. This consensus identifies five principles and scientific recommendations for improving how agencies like the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approach and conduct hazard and risk assessment and risk management analyses. These recommendations constitute key steps for improved evidence-based environmental health decision-making and public health protection.
Concentrated poverty, ambient air pollution, and child cognitive development (html) (pdf) 11-30-2022 | Science Advances. Although a large volume of evidence indicates that neighborhood poverty negatively affects child outcomes, little is known about the mechanisms that might explain these effects. In this study, we outline and test a theoretical model of neighborhood effects on cognitive development that highlights the mediating role of early life exposure to neurotoxic air pollution.
Lead exposure from general aviation emissions in the UK: A review and call for action (html) (pdf) 11-14-2022 – Mills – 2022 – Public Health Challenges – Wiley Online Library. Avgas has been shown to increase the blood lead levels (BLLs) of children living nearby to clinically significant levels. Whilst this problem is recognised by the EPA in the United States, it has received little attention in the United Kingdom.
MDPI | Biology | Free Full-Text | From Molecular to Functional Effects of Different Environmental Lead Exposure Paradigms (html) (pdf) 08-03-2022. Simple Summary: Our comparative study brings new insights regarding the effects of environmental lead exposure on the cardiorespiratory and nervous systems. We show how various kinds of exposure can lead to different toxicities, with various degrees of nefarious effects. The developmental period is of utmost importance to the toxicity of environmental lead; however, we found that the duration of exposure is the prime reason for stronger effects, even though the dual effect of intermittent exposure causes greater molecular neuronal alterations. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11081164.
Lead exposure from general aviation emissions in the UK: a review and call for action (html) (pdf) 07-13-2022 | medRxiv. Leaded fuel emissions exposed a global population of children to lead and its profound health consequences. Recognition of its harms precipitated a global phase out and replacement with unleaded substitutes for road vehicles. Despite this widespread recognition and action, aviation fuel for piston engine aircraft (PEA) AKA Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) still contains lead.
Considering Toxic Chemicals in the Etiology of Autism (html) (pdf) 12-01-2021 | Pediatrics (html) | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). A large body of evidence, including decades of research on lead and child IQ, indicate a link between toxic environmental exposures and poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes. The environment may act in concert with genetic risk pathways or affect the intrauterine environment directly. In addition, the environment may induce similar epigenetic signatures in twins during gestation. Thus, the shared environment is itself complex and not easily disentangled from shared genetics. Given the emerging evidence and potential impact of work to investigate chemical exposures and autism, federal agencies and foundations must expand research funding for studies on environmental factors and gene environment interactions.
Pediatric Lead Poisoning and the Built Environment in Kansas City, Missouri 2000-2013 (html) (pdf) 2021. A Dissertation in Economics and Social Sciences | University of Missouri (UoM) Library Systems (UoMLS).
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) 04-16-2019 | Guidelines | Journal American Medical Association (JAMA) | JAMA Network. Conclusions: Screening questionnaires were not accurate for identifying children with elevated blood lead levels. Chelating agents in children were not associated with sustained effects on blood level levels but were associated with harms. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.1004.
Monograph on Health Effects of Low-level Lead (html) June 1, 2012. Topic Overview. CASRN: 7439-92-1. Status: Evaluation completed. NTP Monograph – Final (pdf). National Toxicology Program (NTP) | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) | USA.gov.
- Appendices A – E: Human Studies Considered in Developing Conclusions (pdf) (includes all appendices)
- Appendix A: Human Studies of Neurological Effects of Lead Considered in Developing Conclusions (pdf).
- Appendix B: Human Studies of Immune Effects of Lead Considered in Developing Conclusions (pdf).
- Appendix C: Human Studies of Cardiovascular Effects of Lead Considered in Developing Conclusions (pdf).
- Appendix D: Human Studies of Renal Effects of Lead Considered in Developing Conclusions (pdf).
- Appendix E: Human Studies of Reproductive and Developmental Effects of Lead Considered in Developing Conclusions (pdf).
Groups Comment on EPA Lead Endangerment Finding 01-18-2023 – Avweb
Groups Comment on EPA Lead Endangerment Finding (html) 01-18-2023 – Avweb. SEE SME comments:
- The answer is clear and logical. Just do it.
- Yeah! I can’t wait to give GAMI unlimited control and profit over our only fuel source once TEL is banned!
- but to suggest that the EPA’s decision to eliminate it is based on “non-scientific testing” is absurd and flat out wrong.
- I don’t dispute the facts; I dispute that banning 100LL (or gas stoves) will have any measurable impact on childrens health in cities. Basically you’re overturning an industry for zero (or unmeasurable gain) on childrens health. Cutting 100LL while letting people poop in the streets is irrational.
- I could care less about the EPA and AOPA, EAA because they DO NO CARE for me as a private pilot. All I need is 91 octane E-zero [MOGAS available since the 80s] and the entire world has refused to deliver it in any form at airports.
- But to say that the level of exposure to Pb from avgas to either pilots or the public is harmful is simply politically motivated nonsense.
- EAGLE is trying desperately [sp] to delay the roll out of any new STC’d fuel. Their candidate fuels are YEARS away from being ready, if they even work at all. They are also working HARD to prevent any of the MILLIONS of government monies from getting to the STC players SWIFT & GAMI to get their fuel out. GAMI’s is resorting to selling their STC now for a slightly higher than expected price so they can afford to get fuel made.
- GAMI’s already jacked up their price? Wow, that was sooner than expected. Giving a 100% monopoly over our sole remaining fuel source (once TEL is banned) to a single company couldn’t possibly have negative consequences for us, could it?
- My modern aircraft engine does not need lead and runs perfectly on 91 octane mogas, clean and efficient. If most FBO’s carried it I would be set.
- This is ridiculous and everyone out there should see this. Mobil, BP, Cenex, Phillips, Marathon gasoline all meet or exceed certain federal transportation fuel standards and I can put each and every one of them in my car without buying a license for 5 suppliers to burn it. Why are we treating aircraft any different like it is completely unique? Let’s cut the hokey here. These engines were, for the most part designed in the 1940s and have not undergone major engineering design enhancements in half a century. Most still use fixed advance magnetos, primitive carburetors or simple fuel injection systems with manual control of mixtures and primitive induction and control instrumentation. Fuel technology has evolved and we are no where near the same quality of any fuel pumped out of a fuel pump in 1940.
- When and where will this end? The FAA needs to set a standard, certify the fuel that meets the standard and that fuel should be usable by any aircraft without “STCs” or purchasing a fuel license/permit to use it.
- This whole issue is noting but a big annoyance shoved down upon us by incompetents in our FAA. The least intelligent people in aviation end up working there. The fellow that mentioned that the FAA needs to set up a minimum standard for Avifuel and then get out of the way is right. Keep those idiots away from anything to do with Aviation and the world and our lives will be better for it.
Sleepwalking To 100UL 01-13-2022 – Avweb
Sleepwalking To 100UL (html) 01-13-2022 – Avweb. In yet another milepost in the galactically slow train wreck that is finding a replacement for lead-spiked avgas, the EPA has finally announced its intent to declare leaded fuel environmentally hazardous. And this time, says EPA, we’re serious so all you FAA footdraggers better pay attention. No, really. We mean it. But wait, hold up. What the press release headline said was this, exactly: “EPA to Evaluate Whether Lead Emissions from Piston-Engine Aircraft Endanger Human Health and Welfare.” The waffle word here is “whether.” If the answer is no, no endangerment, then what? Or was this just sloppy prose? Try not to think about it.
I wouldn’t take a bet on any of this, but my guess is, given the FAA’s recent panicked reorganization of what sort of looks like the moribund Piston Aviation Fuels Initiative (PAFI) [AKA Pathetic Aviation Fuel Initiative], this time we might actually blunder toward a solution of some kind.
I’m not sure where this process is going because Shell, once thought to be a leading contender, exited PAFI [literally Dead on Arrival (DoA) for third time], Phillips 66 never entered it and the only company to produce a certified fuel, General Aviation Modifications Inc. (GAMI), was never in it, either. Swift also bailed.
See SME Comments:
- Lead is bad for people and for engines; the footdragging on unleaded AVGAS is nonsensical.
- And start providing MOGAS everywhere. Many planes can use MOGAS but airports don’t want to deal with it. They will be forced to change.
- One is alcohol free mogas availability. Overnight this will reduce the use of 100LL. My airport refuses to carry it so I tanker it in. It is available at the pump in premium grades 91/93, although my STC says it’ll run fine on 80/87. Some airports I regularly fly to carry it. One switched back from Swift to mogas.
- I suspect most aircraft engines could use high octane alcohol free mogas.
- European light aircraft generally either use Rotaxes running on Mogas, or diesels running on jet fuel.
- There is no earthly reason someone cannot produce a fadec for common aircraft engines that will let them run on premium Mogas; the only problem is certification, and a US legal system which preys on innovation.
- Most privately owned piston aircraft will run happily on 91 octane Mogas already, it is only the few firebreathing engines [e.g. ~$1M USD Cirrus Aircraft SR22 or SR22T] that need 100 Octane, and there are products available for them.
- IF necessary, I could rebuild it and then use MOGAS.
European Union (EU) to Sunset Tetraethyl Lead (TEL), Tetraethyllead, EC No: 201-075-4, CAS No: 78-00-2 on May 1, 2025
European Union (EU) to Sunset Tetraethyl Lead (TEL), Tetraethyllead, EC No: 201-075-4, CAS No: 78-00-2 on May 1, 2025:
- EUR-Lex, European Union (EU) Law: Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/586 of 8 April 2022 amending Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (html) (html)
- Tetraethyllead AKA Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) (html) (pdf) 04-08-2022, EC No: 201-075-4, CAS No: 78-00-2
- Sunset Effective date: May 1, 2025
- Intrinsic property(ies) referred to in Article 57: Toxic for reproduction (category 1A)
- Changes of market volumes of chemicals subject to authorisation in 2010-21 (pdf), October 2022 | European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
Little Things Matter
- Little Things Matter (html). The Little Things Matter goal is to raise awareness of the environmental risks we face as a global community and to provide actionable steps to empower families. This is our pledge for prevention. We aim to shift the narrative from pursuing profits to protecting children and our planet. But this won’t happen until the public demands it. No safe blood lead level in children has been identified. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to negatively affect a child’s intelligence, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement. While the effects of lead poisoning may be permanent, if caught early, there are things parents can do to prevent further exposure and reduce damage to their child’s health.
- Crime of the Century: The Failure to Prevent the Lead Pandemic (html) 12-17-2018 8:31m – YouTube. Over the past century, the largest mass poisoning in human history – a corporate collusion to extract immense profit from the sale of the toxic metal lead – cast a shadow over the planet, leaving in its wake, death, disease and crime. The impact of Lead on ADHD. Levels of lead considered safe. The body burden of lead. Death for coronary heart disease.
- Little Things Matter: The Deadly Impact of Airborne Particles (html) 08-04-2017 4:14m- YouTube. The link between air pollution and death was established in a series of disasters around the world. About 15% of all deaths in the world are from ischemic heart disease; that’s when your heart literally suffocates. As the levels of air pollution increase, the percent of deaths from heart disease rises sharply – even at levels below the World Health Organization guidelines.
- Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxic Chemicals on the Developing Brain (html) 01-06-2023 6:59m- YouTube.
- Autism web ltrbox 4K. Who is at risk? The impact of toxic chemicals on children’s behavior (html) 06-23-2021 1:03m – YouTube.
Major 1Q / 2Q 2023 Web Site Updates Directly Supporting Critical Health, Safety & Welfare Topics, Important Navigation & Content Updates Plus Detailed Exposés
Major Exposés / Updates coming 1Q / 2Q 2023 Directly Supporting Critical Health, Safety & Welfare Topics. Please check back often for updates!
Topic #1: EPA Leaded Aviation Fuel 100LL AKA Avgas with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Endangerment Finding, Regulation & Outright Ban
Regarding Proposed Rule EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389-0001 by the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to Regulations.gov.
Federal Register :: Proposed Finding That Lead Emissions From Aircraft [Including Helicopter] Engines That Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution That May Reasonably Be Anticipated To Endanger Public Health and Welfare (html) (pdf) 10-17-2022, Document # 2022-22223.
A Proposed Rule by the Environmental Protection Agency on 10/17/2022.
Rulemaking Docket (EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389).
Proposed Rule (PR) EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389-0001 (html) (pdf). Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft [Including Helicopter] Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare. Posted by the Environmental Protection Agency on Oct 17, 2022.
Regulations for [Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)] Lead Emissions from Aircraft (html) | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
NOTE: SEE EPA Particulate Matter PM2.5 comparison (image) showing combustion particle relative size, e.g. particulate matter less than < 2.5µ (microns) for Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) and other metals, almost thirty times smaller than human hair.
20,000 so-called aviation facilities in the United States provide 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas, over 16 million people are within 1 kilometer of those facilities, this includes 3 million children. Over 600 schools are located within half a kilometer (500 meters or 1640 feet) of such sites. This includes three Michigan Plymouth Township & Canton Township area Schools, two which are Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) all within hundreds of feet of both “Run Up” areas at Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned non-essential non-strategic Personal Hobby, Sport, Recreational Social Entertainment Venue Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip (pdf) in Canton Township Michigan (MDOT) (MDOT) AKA the ”MDOT 1d2 Frat House”. How is it even possible to ignore an Alarming 47% increase of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) students (html) 07-17-2019 | Hometown Life | USA Today | Gannett.
Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) poisoning at the ”MDOT 1d2 Frat House” and across the entire State of Michigan including minimally over a million kids near any one of 448 Aviation facilities & airstrips continue to be one of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) mysteries & best kept secrets in the State of Michigan, second only to bogus MDOT “Aviation in Michigan” phony related costs, literally millions of misused taxpayer dollars, the largest single most hostile clandestine non-transparent insulting waste of taxpayer money in the entire history of Michigan! More details coming soon!
Please SEE Comment submitted by Close1d2.org Team regarding anticipated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) “Endangerment Finding” and “Complete Ban” on behalf of All Pregnant Moms, Babies, School Children & Elderly Across America:
Comment submitted by Matthew Grisius (html) 12-26-2022, Posted by the Environmental Protection Agency on Dec 28, 2022, Tracking Number: lc5-1q39-yi73, regarding EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389-0001 – Proposed Finding that Lead Emissions from Aircraft [Including Helicopter] Engines that Operate on Leaded Fuel Cause or Contribute to Air Pollution that May Reasonably Be Anticipated to Endanger Public Health and Welfare.
Please SEE Comment Attachments:
- Comment submitted by Matthew Grisius (pdf) 12-26-2022
- Reference attachment #2 (pdf) OAW_EPA_MichaelRegan_email_05-23-2022 (email to EPA Michael Regan)
- Reference attachment #3 (pdf) FOE_PM_04-04-2022 (PM2.5 Particulate Matter 2.5)
- Reference attachment #4 (pdf) EarthJustice_03-16-2022_EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0389-0001
Executive Summary, Conclusion & Taxpayer Demands
Millions of Taxpayers deserve Accountability, Justice and Protection from Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) “Involuntary Poisoning” violating individual “Bodily Integrity” rights protected by the United State Constitution including vulnerable populations such as pregnant moms, babies, school children & elderly and DEMAND:
- Immediate Full Endangerment Finding for Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)
- Immediate Ban on Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL)
- Immediate Distribution of Multiple Existing Unleaded Aviation Fuel’s including Mogas per National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Regional Air Mobility (RAM) Blueprint with Back to Basics “Targeted Investments” at an enormous number of readily available Local Municipal, County, State or Federally owned Commercial Grade Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Towered facilities Across Entire United States
- Remedy & Right-size ridiculous ancient phony Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) justifications / ROI calculations, Budgeting and Bloated “Government Handouts” AKA “Aviation Welfare” AKA Airports Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP)
- Terminate & Right-size outrageous Subjective Monopolistic Protectionist Arbitrary Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) manufactured Bureaucratic Grant Assurance Obligations, harmful Protections & Red Tape
- Remove & Right-size ANY Federal Support and or subsidies and or “Government Handouts” AKA “Aviation Welfare” for non-essential & un-needed Personal Hobby Sport Recreational Social Entertainment Venues & Privately Owned Commercial Businesses
- Enact Federal MANDATES with stringent requirements eliminating Loopholes and “Multiple Conflict(s) of Interest” on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to expedite the process of eliminating Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) “Once and for All”
- Enact Federally MANDATED Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Key Airport Guide to: Evaluate, Verify and Validate Medical Implications of Long-Term Exposure to Unleaded Aviation Fuels with Proprietary Unleaded Chemical Compositions (PUCCs)
- Enact Federally MANDATED Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Key Airport Guide to: Implement 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Contamination Abatement, Remediation, Cleanup, Removal, Disposal Best Practices, Protocols & Knowledge Base
- Extricate and ban RAMPANT Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Pariah Political Agendas, Multiple Conflicts of Interest, Mis-Information, Dis-Information, Propaganda & Influence Peddling
- Enact Federally MANDATED U.S. Government Accountability (GAO) Avgas AKA 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Transition Investigation
NOTE: Oakland County International Airport (KPTK) in Waterford Township, Michigan is in the top 95 of ALL Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) emitting airports in the United States and is featured in the Pulitzer.org funded four part series referenced in the EPA comment. SEE: Do You Live Close Enough to a Small U.S. Airport to Have Lead Exposure? Check Our Maps (html) 06-16-2022 | Pulitzer Center.
Please check back often for coming detailed Exposés including:
- Bogus Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) “Aviation in Michigan” phony related costs, literally millions of misused taxpayer dollars, the largest single most hostile clandestine non-transparent insulting waste of taxpayer money in the entire history of Michigan!
- Civil Air Patrol (CAP), a pathetic local ”MDOT 1d2 Frat House” based Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Civil Air Pariah (CAP) AKA Swivel Chair Patrol (SCP).
- Extreme threatening violent rhetoric, coupled with revenge & retaliation via disingenuous low flying take-offs & landings, regularly flying aircraft with improperly configured or broken, tampered with or disabled ADS-B coupled with “disturbing the peace” and “public nuisance” revenge fly-bys meant to bully, harass and intimidate the general public with impunity practiced and expertly executed by individual aircraft including helicopters, and their owners, operators, so-called pilots (AKA flying rodeo clowns), especially the many so-called aviation clubs AKA flying clubs AKA “Social Clubs” based at cozy ”MDOT 1d2 Frat House” and other assorted local & non-local pariah, includes shameful & perhaps embarrassing publicly available information to identify hidden aircraft pariah “beneficial owner(s)”, and expose them for what & who they are and undoubtedly surprise or even shock Taxpayers!
BTW: A beneficial owner is a person who enjoys the benefits of ownership though a property’s title is in another name. Beneficial ownership is distinguished from legal ownership, though in most cases, the legal and beneficial owners are one and the same.
To register civil aircraft, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) generally relies on self-certification of registrants’ eligibility and does not verify key information. There are glaring risks associated with FAA not verifying applicant identity, ownership, and address information. The registry is further vulnerable to fraud and abuse when applicants register aircraft using opaque ownership structures that afford limited transparency into who is the actual beneficial owner (i.e., the person who ultimately owns and controls the aircraft). FAA is limited in its ability to prevent fraud and abuse in aircraft registrations, which enable aircraft-related criminal, national security, AND safety risks.
Most everyone knows some people act very poorly, recklessly or even threatening violently with malice when they believe nobody is looking or they cannot be directly identified to the Community they are bullying, harassing or intimidating.
Hiding behind these opaque ownership structures of varying sophistication, e.g. using corporate structures, LLCs & trusts, coupled with fake or misleading names & addresses which is common, generally obscures beneficial ownership, and in some cases makes it possible to almost completely block identification such that it hinders the ability of law-enforcement & safety officials to detect fraud and abuse while denying the general public the right to publicly identify beneficial owner(s) that might be involved in unsafe or even illicit operations. It appears that “hiding beneficial ownership” enables the belief or feeling of being invincible, that anything can be done anywhere with full impunity & protection.
BTW: using “opaque ownership structures” which also includes government or government related affiliations such as Civil Air Patrol (CAP) AKA Civil Air Pariah (CAP) registration to “hide behind” providing “blanket protection” with full immunity, impunity & invincibility to whomever is operating the CAP aircraft much to the chagrin of communities below wherever & whenever Civil Air Pariah (CAP) go. This is way more common that Taxpayers are aware of and is a well hidden secret!
SEE: Aviation: FAA Needs to Better Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Fraud and Abuse Risks in Aircraft Registration (html) (pdf) 03-25-2020 | U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). The GAO made 15 recommendations, including that FAA verify key owner information. No improvements have been implemented.
- EPA to Evaluate Whether Lead Emissions from Piston-Engine Aircraft Endanger Human Health and Welfare (html) 01-12-2022 | US EPA plans to issue a proposal for public review and comment in 2022 and take final action in 2023. A Finalized EPA Endangerment Finding for Leaded Aviation Fuel will form the basis for regulatory control & phase-out of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL).
- Supporting Petitions and EPA Response Memorandums related to Lead Emissions from Aircraft (html) | US EPA.
Topic #2: US House Committee on Oversight and Reform: Environment – Toxic Air: How 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel AKA Avgas with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Is Poisoning America’s Children
- Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children (html) 07-28-2022 | House Committee on Oversight and Reform. YouTube – Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. ET. The hearing is well worth listening to. It runs for 106-minutes, listening time is only 76-minutes, due to a 30-minute recess (starts at minute-24, skip ahead to minute-54) for a House Vote.
- “Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children” (html)| Congress.gov | Library of Congress SEE: Video of Proceedings, Witness Testimony, Supporting Documentation, etc.
- “Toxic Air: How Leaded Aviation Fuel Is Poisoning America’s Children” (html) | Committee Repository | U.S. House of Representatives. SEE: memo – reference: Zahran, S., Iverson, T., McElmurry, S. P., and Weiler, S., The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasoline on Blood Lead in Children, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, (2017) (online at https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/691686) Links time and spatially referenced blood lead data from over a million children to 448 nearby airports in Michigan.
- The US House Committee expressed bipartisan shock at the scope of the problem and how hidden it has been from the public agenda.
- US Representative Rashida Tlaib, who represents the 13th congressional district in Michigan, voiced concern that the nation is undergoing a lead crisis, with action needed to protect people from lead exposure. “When planes from these airports fly over our communities, they are crop-dusting our neighborhoods with lead-poisoned air,” Tlaib said.
- 70 percent of all lead emissions, or over 450 tons, are emitted by Piston Engine Aircraft
- 20,000 aviation facilities in the US use 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas), and within 1 kilometer of those facilities, there are over 16 million people, including 3 million children. Over 600 schools in the US are located within half a kilometer of such a site. This includes three Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) within hundreds of feet of both “Run Up” areas at Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) Airstrip in Canton Township Michigan.
- The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) & Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) Clown Patrol aggressively expanded Canton-Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip that uses 100L Leaded Aviation Fuel (Avgas) with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools: HomeTownLife.com, part of the USAToday Network, reports an “Alarming increase in autistic students creates ongoing challenges for school districts”, the Plymouth–Canton Community Schools (PCCS) are facing a staggering 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students enrolled in its district since 2010. PCCS employs approximately 150 Special Education staff members and a large group of para-professionals, and the costs to taxpayers are spiraling completely out of control.
Please Check Back Soon for This Major Web Site Update! Thank You for Your Patience!
- Earthjustice praises Congressional oversight of lead in aviation fuel (html) 07-29-2022 | Earthjustice. Despite multiple attempts to compel participation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notably declined to participate. We urge FAA and EPA to protect families and children by banning the use of leaded aviation fuel.
- Oregon Aviation Watch – Home. Research, educate and advocate on behalf of the public interest and public welfare about aviation issues to enhance and protect the quality of life for Oregon residents by eliminating the adverse impacts of aviation activity.
- C.A.G.E. – Citizens Against Gillespie’s Expansion. Citizens for a Friendly Airport filed a lawsuit against the County of San Diego due to a lack of transparency and deficient environmental studies to protect the residents of North County!
October 2020 (Week #40) – Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip Still Open for “Business as Usual” – Dumping Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) on PCCS Schools, Surrounding Communities, and Businesses
Breaking News Flash – Canton Township, Michigan September 2020: Courageous, Dedicated & Skilled Michigan aviators but really wannabes (N99MQ) quell senior citizen revolt by severely startling wheelchair bound elderly 80 & 90 year old’s recovering at local retirement and rehabilitation homes, along with local neighborhood pregnant moms, families with school children, pushing strollers, walking their dogs with bizarre repeated aerial displays going round in little circles (html) all day long. Everyone is trembling, with laughter that is, after all this is quite an unseen before spectacle of macho air power & superiority! This strange toxic behavior is so predictable, laughable, basically a pathetic plea for attention, from somebody, anybody.
Surrounding communities are wondering how this weird malignant behavior is going to change community Health, Safety and Welfare concerns going forward. Is this really how Pure Michigan is going to attract necessary talent for Michigan to ever recover allowing Community Pariah & Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel based flying Rodeo Clowns free reign at MDOT owned & operated uncontrolled airstrips such as 1d2 and beyond?
Once informed with the true medical, scientific, and technological facts & information regarding Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel are exposed, NOBODY, including those in any technical community, such as librarians, teachers, engineers, mathematicians, geologists, biologists, police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, technicians, software developers, students, professors, and scientists, want to invest, live, raise a family, work, play, or shop anywhere near out of control MDOT and their Cronies uncontrolled systemic lead & chemical contamination and poisoning scattered across the entire State of Michigan.
NOTE: Astonishingly, both “run-up” areas at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip are as close as 190m to 950m from THREE schools & TWO elderly assisted living & rehabilitation facilities!
Since contacting Local, County, and State officials Monday April 10, 2017 to Thursday October 1, 2020, it has been:
- 3 years, 5 months, 21 days
- 41 months, 21 days
- 181 weeks and 3 days
- 1270 days
- 30,480 hours
- 1,828,800 minutes
Sometimes it’s difficult to really care about so many important individual issues when more than 1,000 Americans are dying every day, secret police are taking out their frustrations on suburban moms with rubber bullets, batons, teargas & pepper spray, U.S. economy plunged a record-shattering 32.9% annual rate, 19th straight week with more than 1 million people applied for jobless aid as layoffs keep rising while benefits expire, Detroit Automakers lose Billions, while Commercial Air travel not expected to recover until 2024. The catastrophic plunge in US GDP underscores unprecedented economic hit experts say will take years to fully recover from, and shows no signs of abating anytime soon while a record US budget deficit approaches 3 trillion dollars
But, it is comforting to local communities to know that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned & operated Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is still open for “Business as Usual”, a great uninterrupted summer vacation for all the privileged few at the airstrip. It seems that “Fixing the Damn Roads” is not a real taxpayer priority having been continually delayed, now even further extended by MDOT!
Silly hangar parties, clubhouse coffee klatsch gossip gatherings, even barbecuing next to the runway! No Sense of Urgency, or care in the world, certainly not about OTHER people’s neighborhoods, schools or vulnerable populations e.g. babies, children, pregnant moms, etc.
BTW: Critical new Henry Ford Medical Center (html) construction seems to have been halted, nobody wants to invest, live, work, shop, play, or raise a family anywhere near MDOT Cronies armed with Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) dumped on everyone across the state.
Civil Air patrol (CAP) Clowns (Swivel Chair Patrol) Civil Air Patrol Inc, 105 S Hansell ST, Maxwell AFB Alabama 36112 (CAP) [Facebook] [Michigan Wing] (Satellite) [DOD Maxwell-Gunter AFB] [Facebook] have stepped up their hostile activity towards the community and surrounding neighborhoods and seem to endorse, condone, support, sponsor, and or otherwise approve of Lead Poisoning of vulnerable populations at nearby schools and the entire community for that matter. Community members witness repeated banned touch-n-gos and report blue mustang only car parked at CAP hangars, hostile loser, consistently bad management decisions, community cannot wait for Civil Air Clown Patrol (CAP) to leave and take their petty revenge games to an industrial airport where they belong, not in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools!
CFI Flights (94891) and other ‘Revenge Take Off and Landings’ continue from 7:30am until 9:30pm including many sad pathetic very specific local Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist ‘blow hards’ enabled, endorsed and supported by senior MAC & MDOT administration for sure. Never seen such an arrogant hostile bunch of wannabes that give responsible airmen and airwomen everywhere a bad name! Waste of oxygen and taxpayer money that’s for sure, they’re just embarrassing themselves and their respective communities on a continual basis. They wouldn’t do this in their own backyards (NIMBY), but they will do it in others backyards.
The real truth will ‘come out in the wash’ as they say (html) so everyone in the State of Michigan and across the country can see the true measure of MDOT & their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Cronies a combined group of sad little pathetic people that the local communities are dealing with, you can’t even make this stuff up.
See new section: “Michigan is Broken” (html) for embarrassing details that all Michiganders should know about to protect their neighborhoods, families, and vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, babies, children, schools and families!
See news section “Hall of Shame” (html) used to illustrate what kind of Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2, MDOT and Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists clowns the local schools neighborhoods and families are dealing with here.
Michigan is Broken: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Malfeasance Continues Rampant Non-Essential Hobbyist, Sport, Recreational Airport Funding at Taxpayer Expense!
Currently there are 19 self-sustaining Commercial airports (html) supported by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) that benefit all Michigan taxpayers. This is great news and taxpayers will take all of the self-sustaining Commercial airports that keep society moving, growing sustainably, generating verifiable tax revenue & jobs. BTW: none of these airports need any help or intervention from MDOT to operate smoothly, just ask any of them! Most would prefer MDOT stay at ‘arms length’ as nobody can figure what they really do anyway besides doing the self-congratulatory ‘Living Legend’ strut very well.
However, Michigan really does not need more than one single, yes you read it correctly, one (1), a single Non-Commercial Non-Essential Hobby Sport, Recreational MDOT supported airport per Michigan county for a total of 83 Non-Essential Non-Commercial airports, bringing the Grand Total of ALL Michigan Airports to 19 Self-Supporting Commercial + 83 Non-Essential Non-Commercial Non-Self-Supporting Hobby, Sport, Recreational airports = 102 airports for the ENTIRE State of Michigan! Think about it, really, it just does NOT make any pragmatic sense and is completely indefensible without any real evidence and hard facts to have any more than 102 airports total.
There is no need for taxpayers to tolerate supporting more than 103 airports in the entire State of Michigan, period!
Even this is being overly generous as several Michigan counties do not have ANY registered aircraft at all! But alas, Michigan could say that the entire state could be connected via aviation, albeit in an out-of-date antiquated way where eVTOL or Future Vertical Lift (FVL) technology will render these antique Tetraethyl Leaded 100LL based junkpiles and relic airstrips obsolete, totally useless for future innovation & technology growth as they are now today. In fact, when people realize the many negative aspects they feel ‘chased’ away from even being close-by due to Health, Safety & Welfare well-being reasons, from totally unsustainable Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS dumps.
MDOT currently contributes, sponsors, supports, funds, requests and/or provides grants or Federal taxpayer dollars on behalf of, manages, owns or continues to dabble & needlessly interfere in the operation of and waste taxpayers hard earned money, State & Federal, for hundreds of airports, the majority of which are Non-Commercial, Non Self-Sustaining, many just airstrips, additionally the vast majority cannot exist on their own without ‘protection & oversight’ from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Clown Patrol, and are certainly NOT important or even relevant to ANY National or State Transportation Plan, real or imagined, and never have been.
Currently there are 210 Non-Commercial airports (html) supported by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the vast majority provide absolutely NO verifiable benefit for Michigan taxpayers at ALL, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA! They do not have anything to do with jobs or revenue at all.
Airports like Golf Courses are a wonderful thing for a very select few, and should be paid for by the people that use them, certainly NEVER paid for by Michigan taxpayers. This has NEVER been a taxpayer problem, MDOT has quietly, cleverly, almost secretly saddled Michigan taxpayers with the largest waste of taxpayer dollars in the history of Michigan. MDOT & MAC are after all are in reality ‘retirement homes’ for Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, complete with multiple conflicts of interest.
Rapidly shrinking personal aviation demographics & severely reduced market demand are well known and common knowledge known by practically everyone in the Aerospace, Aviation & Defense industry for over a decade, yet MDOT has failed to adjust or even try to compensate budgets appropriately, recklessly continuing to waste tax payer dollars at the same woefully out of date levels of over a decade ago just because they can.
The financial aspects & implications of this continuous decades long downward spiral of Non-Commercial Non-Essential Hobby, Sport, Recreational aircraft owner & operator demographics as well as the Health, Safety and Welfare dangers of Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS are both common knowledge and are very well known in the Aviation, Aerospace, and Defense communities for well over a decade!
Supporting Non-Commercial Non-Essential airports or increasing the numbers of aircraft & helicopter owners or operators has NEVER been a taxpayer problem, however MDOT malfeasance, mismanagement, negligence, malpractice and abuse of power cleverly disguised Non-Commercial Non-Essential airports & their other related issues as taxpayer problems!
MDOT has ignored their ‘Duty to Intervene’ in terms of Health, Safety and Welfare as well as their fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers. One of the highest legal duties of one party to another, being a fiduciary, requires trust & being bound ethically to act in the other’s best interests, MDOT has blatantly shunned ethics altogether and continues to acquiesce betraying the public trust.
The whole group of clowns, that is the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), the Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC), and their Special Interest and Industry Lobbyist cronies, pals, and buffoons are truly a State of Michigan embarrassment and a National scandal & disgrace.
Time to remember that over 11,000 families lost their homes in the Edenville Dam area with yet another declared state of emergency, all while schools and roads crumble yet MDOT budgets continue to thrive, even expand and grow consuming scarce 2020 Federal CARES (html) (map) dollars! Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip received $30,000.00 Federal CARES act money and used it for weekend overtime to cut the lawn and install new landscaping mulch for MDOT advertised Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist parties!
The total number of aircraft in Michigan as shown by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Registry – Aircraft – State / County Inquiry (html), is less than 7,080 and shrinking quickly, which btw includes all hot air balloons (html) (html) (html) (pdf) (pdf) [Wikipedia] [Wikipedia]. Balloons are fully registered aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and are subject to regular airworthiness checks by authorized personnel. Balloon pilots need to have different levels of experience before they are allowed to progress to be commercial Balloon pilots, this is carefully controlled & monitored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), as is anything else that appears in the sky, even some ‘aircraft’ that do NOT require any certificate, uh minimum ‘license’ or permit to operate, and these other ‘aircraft’ are barely ‘aircraft’ at all.
NOTE: the total number of FAA registrations in Michigan is way less than the number of families that lost their homes and livelihoods, over 11,000, while the extremely high costs to operate & maintain 210 Non-Commercial Non-Essential Michigan airports for the miniscule total number of Michigan aircraft are certainly not borne evenly, justly or even rationally.
To see just how totally outrageous MDOT is see the comparison that shows MDOT unrealistic budget ambitions are almost equal with the State of California (html), yet Michigan has one quarter, yes 25% of the requirements of California! It’s easy to see how MDOT funding is way out of control (html)! It is just sickening to see Michigan Schools & Infrastructure suffer at the expense of blatant MDOT malfeasance & abuse!
Time to FORCE Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) like the rest of the world with transparency, accountability, consequences for ethics violations, abusing & breaking rules and laws, while cleaning up the MDOT trail of Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS cover-ups, Poisoning & Contamination, and STOPPING the continuous waste & abuse of taxpayer time, effort & resources across the State of Michigan.
It’s way past time to cut taxpayer losses, consolidate & downsize MDOT spending, staffing, useless consulting budgets & fraudulent ambitions and align MDOT with real-world taxpayer realities. The time to #DefundMDOTClownPatrol is NOW!
The State of Michigan is Falling Apart at the Seams, So Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC), Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) & Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) Plan Five Day Party at Exclusive Mackinac Island, Michigan Four Star Luxury Resort!
The entire United States including the State of Michigan is Falling Apart at the Seams, especially our schools & infrastructure. Michigan airport employees are starting to suffer from COVID-19 impact as well.
- Are layoffs coming to DTW? (html) | Fox2 Detroit.
- DTW announces layoffs; number of employees affected not yet determined (html) | WXYZ.
- Detroit airport announces layoffs (html) – mlive.com.
- Layoffs, separations coming to Detroit Metro Airport due to financial hit from COVID-19 pandemic (html) | Click on Detroit.
- Layoffs coming to DTW as airlines struggle to stay afloat travel reductions (html) | Fox2 Detroit.
What does MDOT, do they manipulate a vendor Boondoggle & plan it as an MDOT office party to “Party Like It’s 1999” as is their usual modus operandi.
The Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) Meeting (pdf) Wednesday September 16, 2020 is at Mackinac Island, Michigan. The 2020 meeting will be in conjunction with the Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) Fall Conference on Mackinac Island, how convenient.The MAAE annual meeting is to help Assisting Airport Executives in Fulfilling Their Responsibilities to the Airports & Communities They Serve.
The MAAE Annual Fall Conference held in September of each year and provides an excellent opportunity for Airport Managers, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and State Office of Aeronautics Representatives (More MDOT Clowns along for yet another free-ride fancy office boondoggle), airport engineers, consultants and airport equipment and service providers to meet, exchange ideas and discuss problems and solutions facing Michigan airports.
The 2020 Annual MAAE Fall Conference, September 14-18, 2020 will be held at Mission Point (html). Truly, a First Class Award Winning hotel on the shores of Mackinac Island. Voted ‘Best Place to Stay in Michigan’ by Condé Nast Traveller (html). Mackinac Island, Michigan (html) (html) (html) (html) (html) (html) (PureMichigan). I guess all State departments of transportation stay at Four Star Luxury Resort Hotels for ‘business meetings’ right?
Gimme a break pullleeeze! Michigan is falling apart at the seams, however MDOT just got a quarter billion dollars, yes $256 million Federal CARES Act dollars, so it’s time to celebrate some more at taxpayers expense.
See Mackinac Island Michigan Mission Point Luxury Resort (Google map). I think we’d all like to have our ‘business meetings’ at this awesome place, right?
This is the typical bootlicker ‘business meeting’ complete with Sponsorships, Door Prizes, Lighthouse Tours and Golf Outings, where all the important MDOT business is conducted! Many say Mission Point is the best ‘alternative’ to the Mackinac Island Grand Hotel (html) [Wikipedia], if you can’t afford, or in this case if you can’t get away with it, e.g. ‘expense it’. Somehow, unbeknownst to anyone else, besides MDOT, Specials Interest & Industry Lobbyists groups or Highly Paid & Trusted Consultants this meeting must be a mandatory requirement for either the State of Michigan or a National transportation Plan or both!
When it comes to Consequences and Public Funding | General Aviation News (html), some in the industry call this the Kabuki dance — posturing between the airport consultants and the government’s gate-keepers, the people in a state’s division of aviation who dole out the funding. That consultants are very good at this dance can be seen at any given annual conference for a state airport association. The largest sponsors and exhibitors are invariably the consultants. It also comes as no surprise that there exists a revolving door between the bureaucrats who control who-gets-what and the management of leading consulting firms.
Wow, you can’t even make this stuff up . . .
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Dupes Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) & US Department of Transportation (US DOT) for More Than a Quarter Billion Dollars, $256 Million Dollars and Counting!
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) – funding airports like propping up zombie companies with zero accountability to taxpayers! Once you get the MDOT stink on you it’s almost impossible to get it off.
The United States will slowly recover but is in challenging financial trouble for the next decade or more. The report “An Update to the Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030” (html) (pdf) by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states their belief that the unemployment rate won’t recover for the next decade.America’s recovery from the pandemic recession could last well through the better part of the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s 10-year forecast published Thursday July 2, 2020. The CBO now forecasts the unemployment rate will remain above its pre-pandemic level until after 2030!
Noted US economist says a full US recovery is unlikely before 2022 — and warns of a stock-market correction before year-end (html) | Markets Insider. Most experts agree, it will take a long time for life to return to anything near normal.
Meanwhile real US gross domestic product, the broadest measure of the economy, will be an average 3.4% lower over the next decade than what was originally predicted in January. This means the U.S. economy will grow by over $7.9 trillion less than was originally expected. It will take until 2028 until GDP will grow in line with long-term trend growth again.
But wait, that’s not all: This recession could nearly quadruple the federal budget deficit this year, pushing it to a whopping $3.7 trillion, according to projections from April. MDOT fails to ‘get’ the memo everyone else got.
Lest we forget, 1.3 million more Americans file for unemployment benefits in July as states reverse reopening (html) | MSNBC | Stephanie Ruhle.
USDOT $10 Billion Dollar ‘Relief’ Package
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $10 Billion in Relief for America’s Airports (html)| US Department of Transportation. “This $10 billion in emergency resources will help fund the continued operations of our nation’s airports during this crisis and save workers’ jobs,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao. The CARES Act also provides funds to increase the Federal share to 100 percent for grants awarded under the fiscal year 2020 appropriations for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and Supplemental Discretionary grants.
Under normal circumstances, AIP grant recipients contribute a matching percentage of the project costs. Providing this additional funding and eliminating the local share will allow critical safety and capacity projects to continue as planned regardless of airport sponsors’ current financial circumstances. It appears MDOT believes that a long stay at a Four Star Luxury Resort Hotels for ‘business meetings’ is critical, while employees at DTW lose their jobs.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $477 Million in Infrastructure Grants to 264 Airports in 44 States (html)| US Department of Transportation. This is the third allotment of the total $3.18 billion in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funding for airports across the United States. See the complete listing of grants (html).
This large amount of taxpayer dollars is in addition to the previous announcement that U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $477 Million in Infrastructure Grants to 264 Airports in 44 States (html) | US Department of Transportation.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) CARES Act
FAA 2020 CARES Act Grants – Airports (html). The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (H.R. 748, Public Law 116-136) (pdf), signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020, includes $10 billion in funds to be awarded as economic relief to eligible U.S. airports affected by the prevention of, preparation for, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- FAA Map of CARES Funding (html).
- CARES Act airport allocations – Central States (html) including Michigan – Google My Maps.
MDOT Bloated Phony Grants & More Wasted Tax Dollars
USDOT Announces Over $1 Billion in Grants to 439 Airports in 50 States (html).
“The 439 grants will ensure that airport sponsors can make the necessary improvements so their airports can operate in a safe and efficient manner for years to come,” said FAA Administrator Stephen M. Dickson.
Michigan airports awarded $256 million in coronavirus crisis aid (html)- mlive.com. The Federal Aviation Administration funding will support airports experiencing severe economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
$256-million dollars in grants will be distributed to help airports get through the crisis and prepare for when people resume normal air travel.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every business sector — big and small — across Michigan and these grants will provide much-needed resources to help airports across the state weather this public health crisis and be prepared when more people resume air travel,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a written statement. “I want to thank our congressional leaders for securing this critical funding.”
You might think that 264 airports / 44 states = 4 airports per state? And you might also think that all of the airports accommodate normal air travel, right?
Or maybe you would think the median or average distribution of funding w/b each of 44 states would receive funding for 4 airports for a total of 264 airports. NO, Michigan had 90 airports or 22.5 times the National average for state that did receive funding! A quarter of a billion dollars, $256 Million dollars in addition to the already bloated many Millions of dollars of wasted budget, we can’t be sure where the money is wasted due to lack of visibility as to the true amount. First, nobody knows how much is being spent, and secondly nobody knows where it is being spent! Thirdly, the grants are based on out-of-date amateur estimates that no longer apply, clearly deceiving taxpayers along the way. Here’s some back of the envelope calculating:
$477m, 44 states, 264 airports
$477m / 264 = 1,806,818.18 US average airport payout
$256m / 90 = 2,844,444.44 MI average airport payout
MI 90 airports = 34% of total airport 264
MI $256m 53% of total grants $477m
44 264 100% $477m 100%
MI 90 34% $256m 53%
Of the 439 AIP Grants MDOT also received more additional funding:
Michigan $47,278,711 $9,366,667 $56,645,378
Astonishing amounts of money! Just because MDOT ‘requested’ and ‘received’ money does NOT constitute an ‘endorsement’, ‘approval’ or any indication of ‘validity’ from US DOT or FAA at all, for what was requested! Using the 80/20 rule, generously, for MDOT:
MDOT Commercial Airport requests – 80% might be valid, 20% probably phony?
MDOT Non-Commercial airstrip requests – 80% probably phony, 20% might be valid?
Nobody knows for sure, there is ZERO transparency in the MDOT Fiefdom [define], MDOT is basically an area over which someone exercises control [NOT taxpayers] as or in the manner of a [personally biased non-essential hobby, sport, recreational MDOT aviation] Feudal Lord. MDOT is propping up ‘Zombie Airstrips’ all over the State of Michigan.
Taking advantage of Taxpayer generosity is no longer an option at a time of shrinking budgets, especially at the expense of education, jobs & a sustainable future for all Michigan residents.
MDOT continues blatant malfeasance, abuse, malpractice, negligence with multiple conflicts of interest, using outdated exaggerated National Airspace System (NAS) inventory assets & stats:
- MDOT continues to invest in outdated, unsustainable technology they and their friends, family, contractors, consultants, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists are personally heavily over invested in equipment & facilities that have no verifiable ROI for generating revenue or jobs growth for Michigan taxpayers.
- Many close-by alternate ‘real’ airports that highlight Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) is unneeded based on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements and guidelines, however MDOT & MAC members DO live close by to ‘protect’ their turf.
- MDOT supports 100’s of Non-Essential Non-Commercial Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips that are NOT taxpayer concerns.
- Own, finance & operates airports for the wealthy (html) including Canton Plymouth Mettetal (html) (1d2), Linden’s Price’s Airport (html) (9G2) (html), how many others are? Even Michigan lawmakers can’t figure it out!
- Ignore ‘Duty to Intervene’ in fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers Fraudulent non-verifiable biased amateur estimates, e.g. made by people that own & operate aircraft, based on obsolete decades old market size & demand that is common knowledge and well known in the industry.
- Ignore ‘Duty to Intervene’ in terms of Health, Safety and Welfare of vulnerable populations
- Conspire, acquiesce with other State of Michigan Departments, bureaucrats & politicians to actively coverup Leaded Aviation 100LL Tetraethyl Lead & PFAS contamination & poisoning referencing Blood Lead Level (BLL) data from 1,043,391 Michigan children to 448 nearby airports in Michigan (html), as well as a subset of airports with detailed data on the volume of piston-engine aircraft traffic.
- Aggressive Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip expansion & growth directly correlates to 47% increase (html) in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS).
- MDOT Retirement Home & Concierge service for Special Interests & industry Lobbyists creating one gigantic MDOT ‘conflict of interest’.
- Abuse Federal, State & Local funding including CARES Act money with Four-Star Luxury Resort Hotel parties, weekend overtime for lawn cutting and installing landscaping mulch, paying & supplying equipment including cell phones, etc. to State compensated third party Contractors, Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists to work on their own aircraft and others, hosting, advertising & facilitating semi-private Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists parties on State owned property.
- Ignore ‘Duty to Intervene’ Failed to notify Michigan Medical Systems & General Public of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning dangers, Duped Henry Ford Medical System with Plymouth & Canton townships, exposing government failures at every level across multiple departments.
- MDOT actively providing false contacts, web sites, addresses, emails & phone numbers owned by Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists NOT owned or operated by the State of Michigan. Actively supporting, facilitating, executing weekend Special Interest & Industry Lobbyists Activities, Events, etc.
MDOT Enabled by Problems at Every Level of State Government
Reports and references are available here:
- US Department of Transportation (DOT)
- Office of Inspector General (OIG)
- DOT Employee Whistleblower Protection (html)
- Report Fraud Hotline – Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse (html)
BTW: the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) appears to have more OIG reports than any other US Agency at (1336). There is also an unusually large number of Michigan aviation related reports (html).
January 28, 2020, Audit Initiated of FAA’s Oversight of the National Airspace System Inventory (html) (pdf). OIG initiating an audit of FAA’s oversight of its National Airspace System (NAS) inventory. The audit objective was to determine if FAA has effective oversight controls for managing the NAS inventory, including controls to appropriately account for excess, obsolete, or unserviceable items.
The results were disturbing. Recent reports from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and an independent public accountant have found weaknesses in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) internal controls for tracking inventory. In December 2019, OIG reported that the Agency’s Logistics Center does not have a detailed aging report for tracking its inventory supporting the National Airspace System (NAS), which might include items that are 30 or more years old. As such, OIG could not determine if FAA had overstated the inventory value, reported as $656 million in 2018. In addition, in a review of FAA’s financial statements for fiscal years 2018 and 2017, KPMG LLP found that the Agency’s controls were not designed and implemented to ensure the accuracy of inventory data.
April 20, 2020, Memorandum to the Secretary: Supporting DOT’s Efforts To Meet CARES Act Responsibilities (html) (pdf). Additionally, as the Department is aware, the volume of CARES Act funds and the speed with which they must be disbursed puts them at a higher risk for fraud, waste, and abuse. The volume of CARES Act funds and the speed with which they must be disbursed puts them at a higher risk for fraud, waste, and abuse.
June 17, 2020, Memorandum to the Secretary: Key Potential Risk Areas for the Department of Transportation in Overseeing CARES Act Requirements (html) (pdf). By maintaining focus on these risk areas early on and putting in place key internal controls, DOT can promote efficiencies; help ensure compliance; and better prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.
Congress Created Virus Aid, Then Reaped the Benefits | US News (html) | AP News (html).
Unfortunately, much of the CARES Act funding is bogus and hurts taxpayers with fraud, waste, and abuse. Besides the ridiculous MDOT funding levels based on phony decades old amateur stats, here are more examples:
Similar MDOT ‘Like Examples’ of CARES Act Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Why Is Humboldt County’s $17M Windfall in CARES Act Funding for COVID Relief Going to the Airport, Of All Places? (html) | Lost Coast Outpost | Humboldt County News. If that sounds like a lot of money for our little regional airport, well, it is. The figure represents four times the airport’s annual operating expenses. All of which raises the question: Is the airport really where federal relief funds are most needed right now? Our local airport isn’t the only one to haul in an unexpectedly large sum. Regional airports across the country have received what Politico dubbed (html) “CARES Act Bonanzas,” with figures that left airport administrators and industry experts scratching their heads (html). ‘Windfall’: Funding formula allows some small airports to cash in big on stimulus money. Some facilities receive enough money to pay for decades of operations – others just a few months, many shouldn’t receive any taxpayer dollars at all.
Feds sending $108 million to Ohio airports as part of CARES Act (html) | Ohio | thecentersquare.com. The Buckeye State received less than half of that of Michigan, where 94 airports received a total of nearly $257 million.
Avoiding Improper Use of CARES Act Airport Grants (html) – Law360.
FAA takes back 80% of CARES Act funding for Merced Regional Airport (html) | YourCentralValley.com.
California City of Santa Monica might forgo airport grant to guarantee 2028 closure (html) | Santa Monica Daily Press.
Why some small airports got Cares Act bonanzas (html) – POLITICO.
Covid-19: GAO Can’t Solve the $2.7 Trillion Federal Aid Mystery (html) – Bloomberg. A lack of transparency and accountability means few know where federal money is landing, what impact it’s having and how the effort to battle the virus is going. Last week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued the first comprehensive analysis (html) (pdf) of how trillions of dollars of taxpayer money is being spent to protect Americans, the economy and public services from the ravages of Covid-19. Its broad conclusions aren’t reassuring.
U.S. GAO – Airport Infrastructure: Information on Funding and Financing for Planned Projects (html) (pdf) (highlights pdf), Feb 13, 2020. “Inadequate funds” translates to “Taxpayer Dollars Wasted” with no ROI especially for Non-Commercial superfluous duplicate airstrips that generate no revenue or jobs, e.g. located within short distances of other airports that do generate revenue and jobs.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board, Financing Airport Improvements (html) (pdf), 2019-3-15.
U.S. Airport Infrastructure Funding and Financing: Issues and Policy Options Pursuant to Section 122 of the 2018 Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act (html) (pdf), appendixes (pdf)| RAND. Smaller airports by definition have a smaller user base that offers fewer opportunities for raising revenue. These airports are therefore more reliant on federal grants than larger airports for paying the high fixed costs related to runways, taxiways, aprons, safety, and security. Taxpayers should NOT be paying for any of these Non-Essential Non-Commercial Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips and the associated high fixed cost necessities.
A ‘rare’ good example use of FAA funds: Final Environmental Assessment (pdf): Runway 14-32 Closure and Removal, Willow Run Airport (YIP), June 2014, Ypsilanti, MI. Prepared on behalf of: Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) Wayne County (html), Michigan (html).
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Financing Small Commercial-Service Airports: Federal Policies and Options (pdf), April 1999. Applies to Commercial, NOT Non-Essential Non-Commercial Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips that fall thru the cracks and leech taxpayer dollars on useless MDOT “Pork Barrel” projects.
Michigan State Airport System Plan (now called MASP) from 1990 (pdf). Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 wasn’t even on the radar so to speak. Report shows roughly 1 airport per county for counties with aircraft requirements including existing Very High Frequency (VHF) Omni-Directional Range (VOR) VORs requirements are probably pretty much still the same. MDOT aggressively expanded 1d2 because several MDOT & MAC members live close by, and otherwise is not strategic or required for any transportation plan at the State or National (Federal) level, and never has been.
State Aviation Journal (html) – might help to try to figure out what the MDOT Clown Patrol is thinking, but then again probably not?
It’s not even possible to make this stuff up, zero checks & balances, incredible largest waste of taxpayer money in the history of the State of Michigan that continues!
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Immune From All COVID-19 Limitations
In a matter of months, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has killed more than 112,000 Americans, cost more than 41 million people their jobs, based on initial jobless claim filings, and completely upended the longest economic expansion in U.S. history.
An unprecedented physical and financial toll over the very short term that led Congress to pass and the president to sign the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law more in under two months.
Now the State of Michigan, counties, and municipalities are deep in red ink, hemorrhaging money and the State of Michigan Department of Transportation continues to fund & operate Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, a major source of Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning in densely populated neighborhoods closely surrounded by many schools abusing Local, State and Federal taxpayer money openly laughing.
Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) facing massive state funding decrease (html) – Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) leaders brace for potential devastating cuts to state funding. The severity of funding cuts was uncertain, however, estimates as high as $2,000 per student are possible while MDOT flaunts the abuse of Local, State and Federal dollars for weekend overtime to cut the lawn and add new landscaping mulch to facilitate, plan, execute and support Parties (Fly-Ins) for Wealthy Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists! This most certainly is MDOT malfeasance of the highest degree on display!
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues their decades old journey wading further and further into the private sector, and has not learned a thing continuing to support and subsidize un-needed non-essential Recreational, Sport, Hobby Airstrips across the State of Michigan. When the MDOT folly is revealed it will amount to the largest single waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan, millions and millions of taxpayer dollars with no provable benefits or ROI, only biased phony stats and fabricated testimonials made up using amateur estimates with multiple conflicts of interest. MDOT continues to condone, support, acquiesce, and even openly advocate and encourage sickening Michigan residents with Tetraethyl Lead from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel damaging & destroying the Health, Safety & Welfare of vulnerable populations.
It’s all about Privilege, Wealth, and Connections judging by the number of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Administration and Michigan Aeronautical Commission (MAC) officials that live close by protecting their ‘sponsored’ non-essential Hobby, Sport Recreational select ‘pet project’ airstrips of their choice across the State of Michigan. In the case of Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, MDOT/MAC officials live very close minutes away in Dearborn, Canton, Plymouth Townships etc.
Nobody will miss any of these hostile clowns once they can no longer destroy the Health, Safety and Welfare of Canton and Plymouth Township Michigan. Taxpayers will realize they’ve been duped by the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the last 20 years. It’s just a matter of time until all these turds (html) get flushed from our neighborhoods and communities, the sooner the better! Nationwide Flint Michigan is synonymous with Lead Poisoning and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Owned & Operated Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 is synonymous with Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning!
Why is Michigan in The Airport Business? (html) – Michigan Capitol Confidential. Michigan Lawmakers have been asking questions but not finding answers. Nobody can get straight answers (from the Michigan Department of Transportation MDOT) about what the costs are and why taxpayers and the State of Michigan continue to be ripped off by MDOT malfeasance, negligence and malpractice.
With more than 200 airports in Michigan available for public use, which is way too many per capita btw, nobody in the State of Michigan is convinced that State ownership of any of these ridiculous airstrips is critical. Besides Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2, Linden’s Price’s Airport (9G2), largely serves the needs of a private group of people who own homes with attached hangars, adjacent to the state-owned runway. Non-essential Hobby, Sport, Recreational airstrips, a travesty and blatant abuse of taxpayer money the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) thinks they can continue to fund, operate, and hide.
James Hohman (html) [Facebook], director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy (html), said operating the airports without annual subsides is laudable, but “these are private purposes that can be provided by the private sector without the state needing to get involved.” Taxpayers demand investments in Schools & Infrastructure for the good of all, not continued special MDOT treatment for wealthy Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists across the State of Michigan. Favoritism, bias and multiple conflicts of interest appear to be the typical MDOT modus operandi and show a continuing pattern of negative MDOT behavior resulting in the largest waste of taxpayer dollars in the history of Michigan.
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 openly ridicules and mocks the FAA including local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO), laughs at FAA “Safety Classes” and boasts of FAA, aka “the Feds”, and their inability to enforce any rules as 1d2 locals are protected from Federal abuse or intervention at a State of Michigan Department of Transportation owned and operated airstrip. This includes not only MDOT clowns & bullies and their appointed third-party contractors, but also Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists plus family and friends. Helicopter Maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) [Wikipedia] [pdf] should have never be allowed to operate in densely populated neighborhoods surrounded by schools under any circumstances.
MDOT makes archaic public statements regarding misleading test findings, facts, statistics and conceals information related to Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel. Michigan taxpayers must be given accurate, complete and timely information to understand, respond to and limit the impact of Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel and its devastating effect on Vulnerable populations across the State of Michigan.
MDOT continues to perpetrate the largest waste of taxpayer money over the last 25 years sickening local communities, defying logic, all common sense, financial, scientific, and medical facts, all with no end game in sight. It’s desperate times like these that make it clear to examine every line-item in any Michigan or MDOT budget for waste, abuse and mis-use of taxpayer funds at every airport & airstrip with any MDOT involvement across the entire State of Michigan.
MDOT has run rampant for too long prioritizing MDOT personal agendas at the expense of Public Education and the Health, Safety and Welfare of children, neighborhoods and families. The special interests and industry lobbyists that benefit from using these facilities must pay for them themselves, NOT Michigan taxpayers.
It’s also clear that air pollution, like that from 100LL Lead Aviation Fuel exacerbates Covid-19 (html)(html) (html)(html) – A recent study found that even small increases in fine particulate matter, known as PM2.5, have had an outsized effect in the US. An increase of just 1 microgram per cubic meter corresponded to a 15% increase in Covid-19 deaths (html) (pdf), according to the researchers at the Harvard University (html) T.H. Chan School of Public Health (html). Areas With More Air Pollution Do Have Had More Covid-19 Fatalities (html). COVID-19 PM2.5 Project (html) – Exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States (Updated April 5, 2020). The latest on the coronavirus (html) | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Is air pollution making the coronavirus pandemic even more deadly (html)?
Experts are predicting that the crisis (medical & financial) will persist for two more years – Covid-19 Pandemic Likely to Last Two Years, Report Says (html) – A report from University of Minnesota (UMinn) Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) – COVID-19: The CIDRAP Viewpoint (pdf) predicts the coronavirus pandemic is likely to continue in waves that could last beyond 2022. Additionally, the Pandemic’s Long-Term Pain Is Just Becoming Clear to Markets. Investors Beware, Virus’s Long-Term Pain Just Becoming Clear (html). Study sees need for some social distancing into 2022 to curb coronavirus (html). Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period (html) (pdf) | American Association for the Advancement of Science. Analysis suggests states need to plan for second wave of COVID-19 (html).
It’s certainly way past due to shut down Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip to protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of surrounding communities and protect Michigan taxpayers hard earned money!
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) & Michigan Regional Aviation Cuts
American Airlines suspends service to 15 U.S. cities, August 19, 2020 (html) – CBS News. 15 cities including Kalamazoo, Michigan. Travel industry experts have predicted that the pandemic could cost domestic airlines more than $20 billion in lost revenue this year. The industry globally could lose up to $84 billion this year, according to the International Air Transport Association. More than 80,000 pilots, flight attendants and other airline workers could be furloughed as carriers attempt to navigate catastrophic losses stemming from COVID-19.
Delta will stop flying to 11 US cities indefinitely: list (html) – Business Insider. The US Department of Transportation (html) approved the cuts, scheduled to take effect on July 8, which primarily affect small regional destinations across the US.
Delta Air Lines announced the suspension of service to 11 American cities indefinitely as part of an effort to reduce its route network after a devastating first half of 2020. Effective July 8, the cuts come as part of Delta’s plan to reduce domestic flying by 80% for the second quarter and international flying by 90%.
Flint, Michigan: Flint Bishop International Airport (html) (KFNT) will no longer see Delta service to Atlanta, the airline’s Detroit hub is less than an hour drive away.
Delta to suspend flying in select U.S. cities (html) | Delta News Hub. Flint, MI (KFNT) Bishop International Airport, Flint Michigan.
Airlines seek to cut service at these cities due to the coronavirus (html) | USA Today. Cities push back as airlines seek dozens of new service cuts. Is your airport on the list? Three airports in Michigan landed some congressional support in their bid for clout with the DOT. Michigan’s two senators, Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, teamed with Reps. Fred Upton, Daniel Kildee and Elissa Slotkin in a bipartisan protest cuts service in Lansing, Flint and Kalamazoo/Battle Creek. Their letter said the proposed cuts “do not comport with Congress’ intent to preserve aviation service” in having passed the federal stimulus bill that bailed out the airline industry.
Press Releases | Newsroom | U.S. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan. Peters, Stabenow, Upton, Kildee, Slotkin Urge Trump Administration to Reject Requests to Halt Service at Airports in Lansing, Flint & Kalamazoo/Battle Creek (html). Text of the letter is copied below and available (pdf).
Delta Airlines aims to suspend flights in Lansing, officials push back (html) | Lansing State Journal. Sen. Gary Peters, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, Rep. Dan Kildee, all Democrats, and Rep Fred Upton, a Republican, Monday sent a letter to federal transportation officials asking them to preserve service to the Capital Region International Airport in Lansing, as well as airports in Flint and Kalamazoo.
$10M to help offset losses at Capital Region International Airport (html) | Lansing State Journal. More than $10 million from the federal government will help sustain Lansing’s Capital Region International Airport (html) (KLAN) during the novel coronavirus outbreak. The Capital Region International Airport will get $10.3 million of the $256 million provided to Michigan through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act to offset any impact from the COVID-19 outbreak. The Mason Jewett Field Airport (KTEW) will get roughly $30,000 through the grant program.
The Economy Will Not Soon Return to Normal: Here’s Why (html) – Friday May 22, 2020 the FAA granted airlines the right to halt service to regional cities. As many as 60 cities face flight shutdowns, some may be cancelled for good. This includes Flint Michigan (Delta) and Kalamazoo Michigan (United) for now, and probably many more to come. An objection period lasts through next Thursday May 28, 2020 when the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) will make a final ruling. The airlines have targeted 60 cities. Airlines should certainly decide, not the government, and there should be complete transparency so taxpayers know what’s going on with their tax dollars.
Michigan Regional Impact – Taxpayers may be inconvenienced a bit, having to drive an additional hour or less, the FAA should announce more details shortly.
- Airlines to Abandon Dozens of Regional Cities (html).
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information from the FAA (html). For latest FAA updates refer to: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update (html).
- Essential Air Service (html) | US Department of Transportation. Essential Air Service (EAS) – Abused program shows total waste of taxpayer dollars when people can drive a car a short distance to a major airport.
Congressional Research Service (html) – R44176 – Essential Air Service (EAS), Updated December 19, 2018 (pdf). The 70-Mile Rule and Measures to Shrink the Program. Over the years, Congress has sought to limit the scope of the EAS program, mostly by eliminating subsidy support for communities within a reasonable driving distance of a major hub airport and by imposing a cap on the per-passenger subsidy. Although numerous communities have been removed from the program, these efforts have generally failed to contain overall spending on EAS.
The Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2000 prohibited DOT from subsidizing carriers that provide EAS service to communities in the 48 states plus Puerto Rico that are located fewer than 70 highway miles from the nearest large or medium hub airport.
These measures are meant to protect Air Carriers AND taxpayers. Taxpayers get stuck footing the bill at the Local, State, and Federal level by design.
This would eliminate large amounts of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) taxpayer waste for phony, misleading and fraudulent justification & support for airports & airstrips on life support that are absolutely NO LONGER required, and really never have been! Michigan taxpayers have been duped long enough.
It’s time to get the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) involved along with the Federal Inspector General to reveal Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) fraud on the grandest scale. Phony, misleading, fraudulent Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Michigan Aviation System Plan (MASP) (pdf) tries to support & justify Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip generates higher benefits & ROI than Flint Michigan FNT (KFNT). The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues the largest waste of Local, State, and Federal tax dollars in the history of Michigan!
- Aviation (html) | Office of Inspector General (html) | U.S. Department of Transportation (html).
- USDOJ Office of the Inspector General (html).
- USDOJ/OIG | Report Waste, Fraud, or Abuse (html).
- USDOJ/OIG | Whistleblower Rights and Protections (html).
- Oversight.gov (html) | All Federal Inspector General Reports in One Place.
- Report Fraud Hotline (html) | Office of Inspector General | U.S. Department of Transportation.
- FAA Hotline Information System (FHIS) | US Department of Transportation.
- POGO.org Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
- Report Waste, Fraud, Abuse, or Retaliation (html) | Oversight.gov.
- U.S. GAO – Commercial Aviation: Effects of Changes to the Essential Air Service Program, and Stakeholders’ Views on Benefits, Challenges, and Potential Reforms (html).
Henry Ford Health System Duped by Plymouth Township, Canton Township, & Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)!
The Henry Ford Health System is a comprehensive, integrated, non-profit health care organization in Metro Detroit. The corporate office is at One Ford Place, Detroit, Michigan 48202, and operates many other locations such as 2799 West Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202, Wayne County, Michigan, U.S. and has over 32,000 employees (2019), and includes 6,200 + nurses (2019).
An affiliation with Wayne State University Medical School (html) provides more than 400 medical students that train at the Henry Ford Hospital each academic year. One of the largest Health Systems in Michigan and one of the most highly rated in the county.
Wright L. Lassiter III (html) is the President and CEO of Henry Ford Health System, oversees the $7.5 billion health system comprised of six hospitals, a health plan and a wide range of ambulatory, retail, and related health services consisting of more than 250 locations and 32,000 employees.
Inconceivably Henry Ford Health has plans for a new Health center at former Plymouth Township Kmart at 40855 Ann Arbor Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170, and it’s not clear if senior management including Richard Chip Davis, PhD, EdM, Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Henry Ford Health System South Market and Henry Ford Hospital, and Robert G. Riney, President, Healthcare Operations and Chief Operating Officer (COO) have been presented the real facts and really appreciate the magnitude of what’s going on? Whom would build a Medical facility practically right on top of a significant source of Lead Poisoning to children? What doctors and nurses would want to work there? And would anyone in the surrounding communities actually want to go there to get healthy? It would be great to hear the President and CEO Wright L. Lassiter III’s opinion!
BTW: This is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for almost a decade, and is well known by elected Michigan officials and MDOT bureaucrats, past and present, from the time of the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle!
The MDOT Health, Safety, and Welfare threats also affect and influence other critical & important local businesses such as Art Van, Bosch, IKEA, Rivian, Webasto, Yazaki, and the list goes on . . .
University of Michigan Health System, Beaumont Health System, Trinity Health and All Other Michigan Health Systems Should be Notified of Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Lead Coverup!
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to ignore, obscure, hide, and lie about the Effects of Leaded Aviation Fuel on Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) of Over 1 Million Children in Michigan (html), all while Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) show a 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students (html). MDOT actively implies, states, and maintains that there are safe levels of Lead!
The State of Michigan Constitution provides obligations to protect & warn taxpayers about the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Lead Coverup and related Health, Safety and Welfare effects including property damage. Shamefully Michigan Lawmakers and Departments, MDOT bureaucrats, County, and especially Local Plymouth Township and Canton Township Officials have done absolutely nothing to warn anyone at all.
Who can citizens and specifically our vulnerable populations count on for protection from Lead? The medical, scientific, and technological evidence is overwhelming and crystal clear. Lead is NOT acceptable for anyone at any level!
Health Systems across the State of Michigan should be alerted regarding any potential Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) related Lead exposure and poisoning to be on the lookout for Lead poisoning symptoms in children that they might not otherwise look for, suspect, recognize, or test for.
Four Prominent Michigan Health Systems:
- University of Michigan Health System – Michigan Medicine – Excellence in Patient Care, Medical Education and Research. Michigan Medicine continues to deliver the Michigan Difference through cutting-edge research and premier patient care. According to U.S. News and World Report, we’re among the best in the nation in a broad range of adult and pediatric specialties. We’ve earned national recognition from other hospital-quality organizations, too.
- University of Michigan | Michigan Medicine 1500 E Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (html)
- Michigan Medicine | University of Michigan 7300 Medical Science Building I — A Wing, 1301 Catherine St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5624 (html)
- University of Michigan | CS Mott Children’s Hospital | Michigan Medicine 1540 E Hospital Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (html)
- Canton Health Center | Michigan Medicine 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (html)
- Adult Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic at Canton Health Center | Michigan Medicine 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (html)
- General Medicine at Canton Health Center 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 | Michigan Medicine (html)
- MLabs (Blood Draw Station) at Canton Health Center 1051 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 | Michigan Medicine (html)
- Beaumont Health System – Beaumont Health is Michigan’s largest health care system (based on inpatient admissions and net patient revenue) and provides patients with compassionate, extraordinary care, no matter where they live. With eight hospitals, 145 outpatient locations, nearly 5,000 physicians and more than 38,000 employees, Beaumont’s commitment to patient and family-centered care contributes to the health and well-being of residents throughout the community and beyond.
- Beaumont Health | Determination Lives Here 44201 Dequindre Rd, Troy, MI 48085 (html)
- Beaumont Professional & Medical Education, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 586 Pioneer Dr, Rochester, MI 48309 (html)
- Beaumont Medical Center – Canton | Beaumont Health 7300 N. Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 (html)
- Beaumont Imaging Center – Canton | Beaumont Health 2050 N. Haggerty Rd., Suite 180, Canton, MI 48187 (html)
- Henry Ford Health System – Henry Ford Health System is committed to improving the health and well-being of our diverse Michigan community and is comprised of hospitals, medical centers and one of the nation’s largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. The System’s flagship, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a Level 1 Trauma Center recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, multi-organ transplants and cancer treatment. With more than 30,000 employees, Henry Ford Health System is the fifth-largest employer in metro Detroit, and among the most diverse.
- Henry Ford Health System | Henry Ford Health System – Detroit, MI One Ford Place, Detroit, Michigan (html)
- Henry Ford Medical Center – Canton | Henry Ford Health System – Detroit, MI 6100 N Haggerty Rd, Canton,MI 48187 (html)
- Henry Ford Medical Center – Plymouth | Henry Ford Health System – Detroit, MI 14300 N Beck Rd, Plymouth,MI 48170 (html)
- HAP | Affordable Michigan Health Insurance | Michigan Health Insurance | HAP 2850 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 (html)
- Trinity Health – Livonia, Michigan (MI) – Trinity Health (html) • 20555 Victor Parkway, Livonia, Michigan 48152 – Trinity Health is one of the largest multi-institutional Catholic health care delivery systems in the nation, serving diverse communities that include more than 30 million people across 22 states. Trinity Health includes 92 hospitals, as well as 106 continuing care locations that include PACE programs, senior living facilities, and home care and hospice services. Its continuing care programs provide nearly 2 million visits annually, with annual operating revenues of $19.3 billion and assets of $27 billion, the organization returns $1.2 billion to its communities annually in the form of charity care and other community benefit programs. Trinity Health employs about 129,000 colleagues, including 7,500 employed physicians and clinicians.
- Saint Joseph Mercy Health System (html), A member of Trinity Health – Saint Joseph Mercy Health System is a health care organization serving seven counties in southeast Michigan including Livingston, Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Jackson, and Lenawee. It includes 537-bed St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor, 443-bed St. Joseph Mercy Oakland in Pontiac, 304-bed St. Mary Mercy Livonia, 136-bed St. Joseph Mercy Livingston in Howell, and 133-bed St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea. Combined, the five hospitals are licensed for 1,553 beds, have five outpatient health centers, six urgent care facilities, more than 25 specialty centers; employ more than 15,300 individuals and have a medical staff of nearly 2,700 physicians. St. Joe’s has annual operating revenues of about $2 billion and returns about $115 million to its communities annually through charity care and community benefit programs.
- St Joseph Mercy Health Center Canton (html), 1600 S Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188
Aggressive MDOT Airstrip Expansion Equals Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Double-Digit Increase
The dramatic double-digit increase of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) enrolled in PCCS Schools (html) Directly Corresponds with aggressive expansion at Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip since 2010.
Out of control and costly to taxpayer expansion secretly, stealthily and almost unnoticed by the community doubled hangar foot print, which more than doubled aircraft including several twin engine aircraft that don’t belong there, several owners with multiple aircraft, many additional helicopters, which more than doubled yearly operations (take offs/landings), coupled with MDOT promoted and advertised Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist events including fly-in Boondoggles, Picnics & Pancake Breakfast Carnivals with expanded parking, free aircraft & helicopter rides, Swivel Chair (Swivel Chair Patrol) oops I mean Civil Air Patrol (CAP) meetings, events, outings, airplane and helicopter training classes still conducted in January 2020, etc.
Industrial Helicopter MROs should never be allowed embedded in any densely populated neighborhoods and are not allowed to anywhere else in the United States. It’s all MDOT friends, family, third party contractors, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists, one big happy incestuous family!
All of this MDOT sponsored activity embedded in densely populated neighborhoods extremely close to 3 local schools with thousands of children, with many more schools in the local vicinity with the singular goal to increase State & FAA funding on behalf of local cronies. Truly sad behavior from a once proud Michigan department and the so-called Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC), another complete joke! Is this the price taxpayers pay for phony MDOT progress, expansion & growth with astonishing and seemingly fraudulent budgets & fictional ROI.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – Reproducible Biomarker: Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead in Canton Township and Plymouth Township Neighborhoods, Schools and PCCS Students
Who poisoned Flint? No one held accountable after 4 years – mlive.com (html). Many understand what happened is shocking & criminal, but you have to make sure it’s the right people that are punished for this mess. However, equally important is testimony that revealed key facts regarding Lead Poisoning that should be very concerning to every Canton Township, Plymouth Township and Michigan parent.
A spokeswoman for Michigan Solicitor General Hammoud who declined to comment on the status of the solicitor general’s current investigation, mentioned that Hammoud herself said during the Shekter-Smith plea review that what happened in Flint was a crime.
“This court heard the testimony regarding lead and the impacts of lead poisoning, which can devastate health throughout a lifetime and may even alter DNA to affect future generations,” she said. “That’s what this crime is about.”
It seems that “Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead” is a reproducible, repeatable, demonstrable biomarker [define], e.g. a measurable substance in an organism whose presence is indicative of some phenomenon such as disease, infection, or environmental exposure that is present in Canton Township and Plymouth Township Neighborhoods, Schools and PCCS Students. Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead has manifested itself and is repeating as shown in student enrollments in PCCS since 2010 in parallel with Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip expansion doubling since 2010.
Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) students and families right to “bodily integrity” has been and is still being violated under the U.S. Constitution.
A serious concern echoed by Dr. Doug Ruden, Wayne State University (html) (html) (html) (GoogleScholar) (LinkedIn), who leads a team of scientists who test blood samples to study the way lead impacts people. His team found that babies are impacted by moms who were exposed to lead. “The way you think about it is: if a mother is pregnant with a baby, she’s also carrying the baby’s children too” Ruden says.“It’s like Russian nesting dolls.”
When Dr. Ruden was asked if he could send one message to Detroiters based on what you know about Lead, what would you say? “All kids under the age of 6 should be tested for Lead.” High Lead levels may not show symptoms for awhile, but once you know lead is a problem, you can take steps to address it.
- See Lead Safe Home: Fact Sheet (pdf)
- In partnership with:
- Sponsored by:
- While Many Communities Openly Fight MDOT and Other Michigan Polluters
- Michiganders find solidarity in fighting hazardous waste (html)
- Sterling Heights seeks long-term sustainability (html) | macombdaily.com
- Michigan Legislators unveil legislation to hold polluters accountable (html)
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Guidelines Have Changed
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has new guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of autism for the first time in 12 years. The changes are based on the latest research for early identification. AAP: Autism Treatment Should Be Early, Intense, and Family-Driven.
AAP also recommends ongoing surveillance, performed by pediatricians and primary care providers, through school age.
Dr. Susan Hyman, MD, of the University of Rochester in New York stated “One of the reasons we’re so strongly recommending screening is, it’s a structured way to listen to parents and their concerns.” She went on to say “In the absence of a Reproducible Biomarker that will let us know who is at risk for autism in infancy, the clinical diagnosis requires that human interaction that pediatricians have 13 times in the first three years of life in the context of well-child care.”
However, continuous local Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) increases show that a Reproducible, Repeatable, Demonstrable Biomarker is present: Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead in Canton Township and Plymouth Township Neighborhoods, Schools and PCCS Students. The State of Michigan should focus on eliminating Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning caused by Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip!
Here is American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2020 updated recommendations report:
- Full Report: Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (html) (pdf)| American Academy of Pediatrics. Susan L. Hyman, Susan E. Levy, Scott M. Myers and Council on Children With Disabilities, Section on Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics, Pediatrics January 2020, 145 (1) e20193447; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2019-3447
- Executive Summary: Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (html) (pdf) | American Academy of Pediatrics
Here is the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) previous 2015 recommendations report:
- Early Identification and Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Executive Summary (html) (pdf), PEDIATRICS Volume 136, Supplement 1, October 2015| American Academy of Pediatrics, PediatricsOctober 2015, 136 (Supplement 1) S1-S9; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2014-3667B
- Early Identification and Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Executive Summary (html) – PubMed – NCBI
Related Key Reports from the US Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), US Department of Health & Human Services (USDHHS), USA.gov
- 2017 IACC Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder Research (html) (pdf) | IACC. Answers Essential Eight Questions for Parents.
- International Portfolio Analysis 2016 (html) (pdf) (News Release) | IACC
- Report to Congress – on Activities Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities (html) (pdf) Thursday, April 11, 2019 | IACC
- DRAFT Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). IACC Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) — 2018 Update (pdf). [MONTH] 2019. Retrieved from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee website
Essential Autism Resources
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – Autism Initiatives (html)
- University of Michigan U-M (UMich) & Michigan Health System (html)
- Finding approved autism evaluation centers and licensed behavior analysts (pdf), Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and Blue Care Network of Michigan (html), For Blue Cross PPO (commercial) and BCN HMOSM (commercial) members Revised January 2020
- Autism spectrum (html) – Wikipedia
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (html) | Autism | National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) | CDC
- Recommendations & Guidelines (html) | Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Community Report on Autism 2018 (html) (pdf)| Autism | National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) | CDC
- Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Every Parent Needs to Know (html): 9781610022699: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com
- National Autism Association (NAA) | Providing real help and hope for the autism community since 2003.
- What is Autism? (html) | American Autism Association (MyAutism)
- State of Michigan (SoM)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (html) – Michigan Alliance for Families (html)
- Autism Alliance of Michigan (html). Navigating Autism Today!
- Autism Society of Michigan (html)
- Michigan Autism Conference (html), 8th Annual Michigan Autism Conference, October 8-9, 2020
Other Important Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Studies
- More Guidelines than states: variations in U.S. lead screening and management guidance and impacts on shareable CDS development (html) (pdf)| BMC Public Health | Full Text | 29 January 2020 – Pediatric lead exposure in the United States (U.S.) remains a preventable public health crisis. Shareable electronic clinical decision support (CDS) could improve lead screening and management. However, discrepancies between federal, state and local recommendations could present significant challenges for implementation. Current variability across guidance poses challenges for clinicians.
- Early Autism Screening: A Comprehensive Review (html) (pdf), 2019 Sep; 16(18): 3502. Published online 2019 Sep 19. doi: 3390/ijerph16183502 (html) (pdf)
- Promoting early autism detection and intervention in underserved communities: study protocol for a pragmatic trial using a stepped-wedge design (html) (pdf), BMC Psychiatry. 2019; 19: 169. Published online 2019 Jun 7. doi: 1186/s12888-019-2150-3
- Life After Lead: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead
- Life After Lead: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead (html) (pdf) | IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. July 2017, Stephen B. Billings Kevin T. Schnepel, IZA DP No. 10872
- Life After Lead: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead (html) | Leeds School of Business (html) | University of Colorado Boulder (html)
- Life after Lead: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead (html) (pdf) – American Economic Association (AEA)
- Life After Lead: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead (html) (pdf) | Semantic Scholar
- Optimizing Outcome in Autism Spectrum Disorders – Deborah Fein, Marianne Barton, Thyde Dumont-Mathieu, 2017, (html) (pdf), Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2017, Vol. 4(1) 71–78, © The Author(s) 2017, DOI: 10.1177/2372732216685098 https://journals.sagepub.com/home/bbs
- Identification and Evaluation of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (html) (pdf) | American Academy of Pediatrics, Chris Plauché Johnson, Scott M. Myers and ; and the Council on Children With Disabilities, Pediatrics, November 2007, 120 (5) 1183-1215; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2007-2361
Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) – Officials Covering Up Lead Poisoning NOT Immune, and Are Accountable!
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) – Officials covering up Lead Poisoning are NOT immune and can and should be held accountable!
The SCOTUS Justices turned away two appeals by City, State and Local officials of a lower court ruling that allowed lawsuits to move forward. The lower court rejected a demand for immunity by the officials, finding that they violated the residents’ right to “bodily integrity” [define] under the U.S. Constitution.
The cases center on the Constitution’s 14th Amendment guarantee of due process under the law, which can protect people from government-induced harm to their personal security or health, a legal principle known as “bodily integrity.” However, calling the water crisis a “government-created environmental disaster” in a 2019 ruling, the 6th Circuit green-lighted the constitutional claims and rejected immunity for the officials. SCOTUS confirmed.
The lawsuit claims the officials failed to protect residents from a foreseeable risk of harm from exposure to Lead. Everyone except MDOT seems to know that Lead really is poison, really it is. The lawsuit and others like it claim that the public has a constitutional right to “bodily integrity” that was duly violated.
- Supreme Court won’t take case prompted by Flint water crisis – Detroit News (html), January 21, 2020
- Supreme Court won’t take case stemming from Flint water crisis – Detroit Free Press (html), January 21, 2020
- Supreme Court won’t hear case related to Flint water crisis – mlive.com (html), Jan 21, 2020
- Supreme Court lets Flint, Michigan residents sue over water contamination – Reuters (html), January 21, 2020
- Supreme Court allows lawsuit against Flint city officials to advance | The Hill (html), 01/21/20
- Attorney says Supreme Court decision on Flint water brings federal trial closer to reality – mlive.com (html), Jan 21, 2020
- Supreme Court Allows Flint Water Lawsuits To Move Forward, Officials Not ‘Immune’ : NPR (html), January 21, 2020
Relevant SCOTUS and Sixth Circuit Court Lead Poisoning Legal Documents
- SCOTUS Petition (pdf) Questions Presented:
- Whether the 14th Amendment’s constitutional right to “bodily integrity” extends to encapsulate a right to be protected by state regulators from a foreseeable risk of harm from exposure to contaminants in public drinking water, or to be free from allegedly false statements by an agency spokesperson.
- If so, whether such a bodily-integrity right was clearly established at the time the defendant officials were fulfilling their official duties.
- Whether mere alleged mistakes and regulatory inaction by state regulators, or allegedly false statements by an agency spokesperson, are sufficiently “conscience shocking” to strip a government official of qualified immunity.
- SCOTUS Motion for Stay docket to review Sixth Circuit Court Decision, Dated: June 7, 2019 (pdf)
- United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (html) Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan at Ann Arbor. No. 5:16-cv-12412—Judith E. Levy, District Judge. Argued: June 6, 2018, Decided and Filed: January 4, 2019 (pdf)
- Bodily Integrity 14th Amendment Claim Allowed by 6th Circuit Court (html) Friday, March 8, 2019 | The National Law Review (html)
- Environmental Injustice/Racism in Flint, Michigan: An Analysis of the Bodily Integrity Claim in Mays v. Snyder as Compared to Other Environmental Justice Cases (pdf) Pace Environmental Law Review (html), Volume 35, Issue 1 Fall 2017, September 2017, Article 3
Approximately 25,000 people have sued over the Flint Lead Poisoning Crisis, in which a change in the source of the city’s water resulted in lead contamination. The lawsuit and others ‘like it’ are expected to go forward in lower courts. In principle Lead Poisoning from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel is basically the same, the contaminants are not in water but in soil & air, and it’s some of the same evil clowns doing the same thing all over again. One major difference is that Officials have known of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Lead Poisoning for almost a full decade!
MDOT Negligence, Malpractice & Sad Pathetic Recycled Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Excuses
MDOT Nefarious Actions, Dastardly & Repugnant Deeds:
- MDOT Secretly Doubled 1d2 Airstrip activity
- MDOT hid study of 1,000,000 (1M) Michigan Child BLLs linking Lead to Airports
- Double-Digit ASD/ADHD Increase at PCCS Schools
- MDOT response: “based on soil-lead concentrations observed, there does not appear to be a health risk to site workers or the public under the current site use conditions.”
A patently false bold-faced lie! MDOT is just a mouthpiece for Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists that much is clear. MDOT regurgitates the same old tired worn out, ‘nobody really believes this crap anyway’ Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist boilerplate mumbo-jumbo garbage. These MDOT clowns really think the public is stupid, and that vulnerable populations have no intrinsic value.
BTW: there are so many things wrong here, for starters MDOT Lead testing (if you can even call it that) was done in the completely wrong part of the year with very limited ops. Michigan just had the wettest water year in 119 years of records (html). Anyone could see samples taken in standing water, anyone within .5 km could see that MDOT hired teams armed with highly advanced precision fence post augers mounted on the back of old model rusty pickup trucks that were literally dripping mud & water! Just ask the third-party service that performed the MDOT’s highly technical sounding field work. This was not high-end certified laboratory work with people in white lab coats like in the movies, quite an amateur operation at best.
Additionally, Lead testing is NEVER a single isolated event by any stretch of the imagination as MDOT would have you believe! Besides MDOT has zero Lead testing history at this site, or in the local vicinity ever! In fact, MDOT does not track Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning at ANY airport in Michigan whatsoever! There is no public history or logs to show any MDOT sustainable activity regarding Lead Poisoning inventories performed or Lead evaluations anywhere in the entire State of Michigan period.
However, there is a very long and rich future schedule and documented history of MDOT sponsored & advertised Fly-in activities including picnics, parties, barbecues and other useless boondoggles. This includes more never-ending meaningless and totally bogus MAC meetings to wax philosophic about Non-existent Pilot Shortages and how it affects the overall aviation hobby, sport, recreation outlook with Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists and MDOT’s own MAC ‘Living Legends’ all while arguing about the next gourmet menu for future Fly-in Picnics & MAC coffee klatsch’s to celebrate their own highly touted but imagined and totally fictional contributions to the corpus of Aviation, Aerospace & Defense knowledge & industry market outlook in such places as Traverse City, truly pathetic!
This (typical Lead Poisoning coverup verbiage) is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for almost a decade, literally nobody in the industry believes any of it for a second! What else is perfectly clear:
- MDOT does not have medical, scientific, or technological qualifications to render such a public opinion, misleading, fraudulent, would be met with a cease & desist order in the real world, people would be fired immediately for implying and defending Lead is safe in any form/quantity/concentration.
- MDOT does not provide data, evidence, or proof that Lead is NOT a health risk under ANY conditions or even stated conditions using descriptions specifically by Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists. Of course, these descriptions are worded by very skillful wordsmiths.
- MDOT opinion is diametrically opposed to a voluminous amount of contradictory medical, scientific, and technological data, testing, measurements, substantial evidence and proof from many expert SME sources worldwide that Lead IS a known health risk at any concentration level or amount. Clearly PCCS kids have been sickened and damaged
- MDOT clearly has multiple conflicts of interest
It appears that the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle is just warming up! These same MDOT clowns and anyone that is complicit, colluded or conspired with MDOT will be held accountable for double digit increase of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at PCCS Schools! There is absolutely no excuse for a totally preventable disaster like this.
MDOT is Clearly Responsible, but Whom Else is Accountable as ‘Officials’?
The SCOTUS response to an appeal filed on behalf of City, State and Local officials and basically stated that anyone acting in an official capacity, an agency spokesperson [define], an agent [define] or representative cannot claim immunity to violating the PCCS students “bodily integrity”.
The term ‘official capacity’ could be construed to include those that provide MDOT Subject Matter Expert (SME) consulting, testing services, providing data, measurements, public statements or endorsements (implied or otherwise), verification or validation of safety, authenticity, operate or conduct business on behalf of MDOT, e.g. third-party contractor with titles such as Airport Manager (Mgrs), Assistant (Asst) Managers listed on official MDOT document ‘Airport Manager and Fixed Base Operators (FBO)’ list showing contact names and numbers in the Michigan Airport Directory (pdf) or Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 documents current (pdf) previous (pdf).
NOTE: phony non-State of Michigan Mettetal email address used to fool, confound and mislead the public for the last 20 years! The mettetalairport.com domain was originally owned by a Special Interest / Industry Lobbyist, MDOT never clarified when it was official and when it was transferred, the link to MDOT was added later when they were caught in the act, go figure! Additionally http://mettetal.com/ resolves to Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist (html), how convenient, sneaky and deceptive! MDOT has been aware and taken advantage of both of these overlooked little details meant to fool the public all along. MDOT has never clarified these details to this day.
Given that, the list of people and groups responsible for violating PCCS students “bodily integrity” gets really interesting, and could include past & present officials, elected or otherwise:
- State of Michigan Elected Officials: Governor, Lt. Governor, MIAG, Senator (Canton pilot & aerospace engineer), Representative (Canton)
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) (Plymouth)
- Michigan Department of Transportation Administration (html) (Canton)
- Agents or spokespersons, e.g. third-party contractors hired by MDOT to operate a State of Michigan owned airstrip on behalf of MDOT, and could include specific members of local flying clubs and/or Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists working as Assistant Managers listed on official MDOT contact information. Cell phone bills & other expenses submitted to MDOT via third-party contractor blanket contract, favors, labor & materials for special events, common keys and access to any equipment & tools including high-end front-end loader, tractors, trucks, etc. not available to the public will show direct MDOT connections and influence
- Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)
- Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) including Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) and Willow Run Airport (YIP) officials
- Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE) previously called the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
- Michigan State Police (MSP) (html) – after hours and weekend drop offs and pickups at private heliport, appeared to be MDOT or other State of Michigan employees, Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC), confidential logs will show details
- Civil Air Patrol (CAP) (Swivel Chair Patrol) – local bullies, community morons & smart alecks [define], and military wannabes [define] special treatment, favors, etc.
- Wayne County employees and Commissioner (Plymouth)
- Canton Township Officials
- Plymouth Township Officials
- Basically, any person, organization, commercial entity, business concern, or operation that traded favors, received preferential treatment, incentives of any kind, etc. to increase growth, utilization, or colluded with MDOT at any airstrip to coverup Lead Poisoning, or violated PCCS students “bodily integrity”. Looks, feels, and sounds like a First Class Class Action suit [define] to many people
Again, must keep in mind, Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel is well known by many people and organizations listed above, and is considered common knowledge and is well known in the aerospace & aviation industry for over a decade!
Almost all of the above have multiple conflicts of interest with literally zero incentive to eliminated Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel whatsoever.
The four key questions going forward will be:
- Who is considered an Official?
- What did Officials know?
- When did Officials know it?
- What did Officials do?
None of them can claim ignorance, kids are damaged and sick and continue to be damaged and sickened due to their actions or inaction of some of the people listed above, and NONE of these people are IMMUNE to criminal prosecution or civil litigation!
How Do We Stop MDOT’s Leaded 100LL Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning Epidemic Against our Neighborhoods, Families, and Children!
When will people stop playing with the Health, Safety, and Welfare of our communities, neighborhoods, families and especially our children?
MDOT: let’s just keep doing what we’re doing, there is no proof that it’s us, so we’re ok!
MDOT: just stands back and keeps repeating “Where’s the proof?”, simply parroting Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists.
A true textbook example of negligence, malpractice, and abuse of power all the way from the ‘Living Legends’ at the top of the Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) food chain, to the many bottom feeders, and petty bureaucratic MDOT administrators (html) protecting their turf and defending existing phony budgets & ROI squawking as quickly as they can spending money on anything before budgets expire and evaporate.
Perhaps the next logical step is to find someone that can stand up to MDOT, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists to protect children. Vulnerable populations could use the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of Michigan (html) (html) is needed now more than ever! Or perhaps a Global Law firm that specializes in fighting Poisoning and Chemical Contamination Bullies like MDOT with backing from employees with Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists connections & multiple conflicts of interest.
That help could come in the form of a Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Class Action Suit on behalf of PCCS Students? Vulnerable populations could really benefit from help with Environmental Counseling & Litigation (html) from a global law firm with the reach, influence and clout needed to take on MDOT and their Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist bully pals.
PFAS Update 2019: Emerging Contaminants – What’s New, and What’s Next? (pdf), April 24, 2019, by Stephanie R. Feingold (html) and Drew Cleary Jordan (html), © 2018 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP – global law firm (html). This report shows Modern Theories of Liability Being Pursued to include:
- Violation of “bodily integrity”
- Public Nuisance and Private Nuisance
- Trespass
- Negligence & Malpractice
- Abnormally Dangerous/Ultra Hazardous Activities
- Failure to Warn
- Design Defect
- Declaratory Judgment Actions (for, e.g., indemnity, remediation, studies)
- On the horizon? – Fraud
- State Statutory Consumer Protection Statutes & Other State Codified Analogs of Common Law Claims – Conspiracy
- Infliction of Emotional Distress
- Claims for both Property Damage and Personal Injury/Medical Monitoring
- Aiding and abetting [define] – generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if they are not the principal offender, perpetrator, or defendant.
The most likely high-level defendants in a class action lawsuit on behalf of PCCS Students whose “bodily integrity” was violated resulting in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) would be:
- Elected officials: State, Wayne County, Canton Township, Plymouth Township (the usual suspects so far)
- Michigan Aeronautics Commission (MAC) (Plymouth)
- Top MDOT Administrators (Lansing, Canton Township)
- Third Party Contractor hired by MDOT as 1d2 Manager and their sub-contracted Assistant Managers
- Helicopter owners and many of their ‘way too cozy’ connections in ‘way too many’ State of Michigan Agencies
- Any other commercial or business concern related to 1d2 that benefited or profited at the expense of the Health, Safety and Welfare of PCCS students
Of course, we can’t make any legal determination here. But maybe it’s time for these MDOT clowns and whomever enabled, acquiesced, colluded, conspired, helped or is complicit in any way with MDOT to ‘lawyer-up’ as they say, if they haven’t done so already!
Ok, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is Reckless & Negligent, Now What?
Most believe that Michigan has the money to fix roads, it’s just being used for personal MDOT purposes, preferences and direction for the benefit of the few, while the many must pay their own way.
Poll show: Michigan voters say the State has enough money to fix roads (html). Compare 2019 millage rates in Michigan (html) and it’s obvious that taxpayers are paying way too much for way too little in return with no visibility or accountability from MDOT whatsoever. This is MDOT’s huge ‘shell game’. Taxpayers are paying their share for the roads in their local communities all across Michigan while MDOT continues to waste massive amounts of money on ridiculous airstrips like Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 that benefit the few while destroying the Health, Safety and Welfare of the communities, neighborhoods, schools and vulnerable populations, e.g. the many.
MDOT is this huge lumbering behemoth who’s used to getting their own way, now with what appears to be openly fraudulent behavior that goes unpunished! The MDOT ‘stink’ seems to stick to everything they touch.
MDOT is so used to getting their own way, even with what appears to openly fraudulent behavior, all without any repercussions whatsoever! Negative headlines regarding Michigan Agency Officials & Spokesperson malpractice & negligence is getting more and more common:
- Senator blasts MDOT’s handling study as ‘outright fraud’! Group wants audit of MDOT’s role in study, Lobbyist steered MDOT report (html) (html) (html)
- A former Supervisor of the Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA)
- Federal Authorities Lock up Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) boss James Warner for 25 years, feds say (html), January 22, 2020 – Detroit News
- Detroit airport employee gets 10 years in prison for $6M kickback scheme (html) | Detroit Free Press
- Ex-Detroit Metro official sentenced to 10 years for bribery (html) | Detroit News
- ‘Despicable’: Internal Emails Reveal Contractor Knew About Lead Risks in Months Before City’s Public Confirmation (html) | Common Dreams News
MDOT & Lead Coverup Conspirators Conclusion: Prosecute, Litigate, Punish
The glaring fact is NONE, not a single one of these people involved with MDOT have publicly said one SINGLE word to investigate or protect vulnerable populations from Lead Poisoning, and in fact several went way out of their way to NOT mention it at all, completely ignoring any mention of Lead Poisoning hoping the problem would just go away.
Victims: hundreds of PCCS students for sure, perhaps thousands, and many more victims across Michigan that could have been prevented or minimized to some extent! Lead poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation fuel at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 is ridiculous, totally unnecessary and preventable.
We all know airstrip users should pay for their own airport & aircraft activities and pay again to clean up the Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead mess already there, and the mess they are knowingly & actively continuing to create. They cannot be allowed to continue shrugging their shoulders and laughing all the way, oh well we get a ‘pass’ this time as it’s not technically illegal!
What’s now called the ‘Flint Effect’, or hiding behind outdated laws, rules, and regulations, is really sick & selfish, MDOT just stands back and keeps repeating “Where’s the proof?” over and over again enabling the Child Lead Poisoning Epidemic to continue. MDOT has perfected what many are now calling the ‘MDOT Mettetal Effect’ or ‘MDOT Clown Effect’ both named in honor of MDOT. E.g. continuing to hide behind outdated laws, rules, and regulations for their own benefit knowing it’s evil.
Every person involved in this senseless violation of PCCS students “bodily integrity” should feel the wrath of communities, neighborhoods, families, and especially the parents of affected PCCS students and be met with:
- Rigorous Robust Criminal Investigation & Prosecution
- Vigorous Civil Litigation
- Generous Punishment, to the maximum extent of the law!
The State of Michigan should be Embarrassed, humiliated, and ashamed of MDOT performance at this point – this is truly ethically devoid and morally bankrupt?
Next Steps: Who Cleans Up Lead After MDOT Negligence and Malpractice?
After taking care of yet another major MDOT Clown Patrol Brain Fart (and there are more to come) now is time to think about cleaning up the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip. It’s pretty clear that NONE of these people will take responsibility for their legacy Lead Poisoning mess left behind for future generations to deal with. The problem is who is going to pay for a new green space for already financially strapped surrounding communities stuck paying for their own roads?
Maybe this is where the shiny brand new & fully empowered Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE), previously called the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) comes in. Help could come from the EGLE Redevelopment Team (html).
The EGLE Brownfield Redevelopment Program – Brownfield properties are those in which the redevelopment or reuse of the property may be complicated by the presence or perception of contamination. Revitalizing and redeveloping these properties protects the environment, reuses existing infrastructure, minimizes urban sprawl and creates economic opportunities.
The Remediation and Redevelopment Division provides financial and technical assistance including grants, loans, tax increment financing and free site assessments to facilitate the redevelopment of brownfield properties.
Contact 1-517-284-5113 or email at EGLE-Brownfields@Michigan.gov for more information and assistance. #mibrownfields (html).
There are many Michigan Resources & Respected Groups fighting toxic pollution and chemical contaminants such as Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Lead Poisoning:
- Michigan Environmental Council (MEC)
- Sierra Club (National) (Michigan) (SE Michigan) (HuronValley)
- US EPA Environmental Info for Michigan (html) | EPA in Michigan (html) | US EPA (html)
- US EPA Contact EPA Region 5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan (html), Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin | About EPA (html) | US EPA (html), US EPA Region 5, 77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604, 800-621-8431 or 312-353-2000
- Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), (EGLE – Air), EGLE – Environmental Assistance Center (html)
- Watered Down Justice – Socio-demographics and Violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act
- Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU)
- Detroit Sustainability Action Agenda 2019 (pdf)
New EPA Rules Directly Threaten Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Efforts
In the article by Professor Gabriel Filippelli, Ph.D. (html), Department of Earth Sciences (html), Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Purdue School of Science (html), Director of the Center for Urban Health (html), [National Academy of Sciences] [TheConversation] [Wikipedia]:
- EPA’s proposed ‘secret science’ rule directly threatens children’s health | The Conversation (html)
- Column: EPA’s proposed ‘secret science’ rule directly threatens children’s health ⋆Michigan Advance (html)
- EPA’s proposed “secret science” rule directly threatens children’s health | Salon.com (html)
the author agrees with the rest of the world that childhood Lead exposure is a public health hazard of epidemic proportions. The impacts from any Lead exposure are permanent and lifelong. It is absolutely critical to identify and eliminate sources of Lead exposure before Lead exposure symptoms are recognized, usually by that time children are already poisoned.
Lead poisoning symptoms don’t appear until blood lead levels are high, so reducing exposure is the only effective way to prevent permanent damage.
One challenge is that public health officials & researchers don’t have adequate environmental measurements for Lead sources. Only fine-scaled results revealed by human health data seems the best way to identify sources, and thus inform policies to protect children. Blood samples from pediatric health screenings can provide valuable data for public health research.
If the new Secret Science rule is adopted, EPA officials will have to pretend that this kind of research doesn’t exist, since the patient records that it draws on can’t be made public.
Many believe this will leave hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of children across the U.S. at risk of a lifetime of avoidable harm from lead poisoning and other types of pollution that researchers analyze using private medical data.
This appears to be how the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) operates now as they continue to acquiesce, ignoring public health concerns, issuing no warnings and conducting their business as usual.
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) encourages, endorses, and supports Special Interests and Industry Lobbyists to bring unwanted unnecessary pollution and disruption into communities, avoiding any disclosure of potentially harmful public Health, Environmental, Safety, and Welfare impacts of Hobby, Sport, Recreational activities using Leaded Aviation fuel 100LL with EDB, PFAS and other pollutants.
Due to new EPA rules and many other complications Legal experts say Flint water crisis trials could be delayed for years ⋆Michigan Advance (html), more to come on this.
Further reading see:
- Seasonality and Children’s Blood Lead Levels: Developing a Predictive Model Using Climatic Variables and Blood Lead Data from Indianapolis, Indiana, Syracuse, New York, and New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 113, No. 6 (html) (pdf)
- 1 million Michigan Child BLLs Show MDOT Lead Poisoning Coverup.
2019 – 2020 Lead Poisoning Updates
It’s time to stop MDOT using Michigan Children’s Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) as sensors to detect their Tetraethyl Lead (TEL), Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), and other Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDC), toxins, poisons, and pollutants!
The Social Cost of Leaded Gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel): Evidence from Regulatory Exemptions
SocArXiv Papers | The social cost of leaded gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel): Evidence from regulatory exemptions (html) (pdf) 92 pages, submitted September 22, 2019, last edited: October 23, 2019. DOI 10.31235/osf.io/rdy6g
The social cost of leaded gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel): Evidence from regulatory exemptions | Semantic Scholar (html) (pdf)
- Assistant Professor Alex Hollingsworth (Faculty) (Twitter) (github) (github) (GoogleScholar) (TheConversation)
- Assistant Professor Ivan Rudik (Faculty) (Faculty) (html) (github) (Twitter) (RePEc) (TheConversation) (NBER) (GoogleScholar)
Leaded gasoline is still widely used in the United States for aviation (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel) and automotive racing. Exploiting regulatory exemptions and a novel quasi-experiment, we find that leaded gasoline increases ambient lead concentrations, elevated blood lead rates, and elderly mortality. The estimated effects indicate the social cost of a gram of lead added to gasoline is over $1,100.
Our results are the first causal estimates linking adult mortality to leaded gasoline (Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel), highlight the historic value of banning on-road leaded gasoline, demonstrate the costs of continued regulatory exemptions, and provide policy-relevant cost estimates of lead emissions at the lowest ambient levels to date.
A Toxic Truth: Lead Exposure Problems Linger In Soil, Air
A study, by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, published in Economics & Human Biology (html) – Journal (html) – Elsevier (html), found adverse effects on the boys from exposure to lead even in counties with levels of lead concentration in topsoil that are considered low according to guidelines from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state agencies that address these issues.
“These findings strengthen our understanding of the adverse effects of lead exposure on children’s cognitive development,” says Edson Severnini, assistant professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, who was part of the study. “They are concerning because they suggest that lead may continue to impair cognition.”
“Our study provides new evidence of the damaging effect of lead on cognitive development, even in areas with low lead concentration,” notes Karen Clay, professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College, who coauthored the study. “This indicates the need for further monitoring of soil in urban areas and suggests that the EPA should revise its standards for acceptable levels of lead in soil.”
- A Toxic Truth: Lead Exposure Problems Linger In Soil, Air (html), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) News, August 23, 2019
- A toxic truth: lead exposure problems linger in soil, air (html) (pdf), phys.org, August 26, 2019
- Higher lead in topsoil boosts probability of cognitive difficulties in five-year-old boys, (html), MedicalExpress, April 10, 2019
- Lead exposure found to affect fertility rates (html) Medical Express, May 22, 2018
- In Cities, Lead Exposure Is Lowering Fertility – CityLab (html), July 5, 2018
- Pollution That Discriminates by Gender – WSJ, May 2, 2019 (html)
- Toxic Truth: Lead and Fertility, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 24607, Issued in May 2018, Revised in June 2019, (acknowledgments) (html) (pdf) (cloud)
Professor Karen Clay (cv) (html) (html) (NBER)
Assistant Professor Edson Severnini (html) (html) (NBER)
Magarita Portnykh (html) (NBER)
Scott Barsotti (html)
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) (Heinz)
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States
Economics & Human Biology | Vol 33, Pages 1-224 (May 2019) | ScienceDirect.com (Issue html) (article html) PubMed (html)
EconStor: The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States (html) (pdf), February 2019
The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States | IZA – Institute of Labor Economics (html) (pdf), February 2019
The legacy lead deposition in soils and its impact on cognitive function in preschool-aged children in the United States. | Semantic Scholar (html)
The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United States by Karen Clay, Margarita Portnykh, Edson Severnini :: SSRN (html) (pdf), Posted: 9 Mar 2019
The Concurrent Decline of Soil Lead and Children’s Blood Lead in New Orleans
The concurrent decline of soil lead and children’s blood lead in New Orleans | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) (html) (pdf), October 29, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1906092116. Other researchers, however, have indicated that Pb contamination of soil from TEL (Tetraethyl Lead) is at least as important, if not more so, than lead-based paint as a source of children’s Pb exposure.
Study finds topsoil is key harbinger of lead exposure risks for children (html) – ScienceDaily, October 14, 2019
Study finds topsoil is key harbinger of lead exposure risks for children | Tulane News (html) (pdf), October 14, 2019
Howard W Mielke, PhD, Research Professor (html) | Medicine
Tulane University (TU)
School of Medicine (Medicine)
1430 Tulane Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112
Lead’s Urban Legacy (html) -“Lead’s Urban Legacy” deals with lead, a pervasive environmental pollutant that alters the biological signals in the human nervous system. The adverse effects of lead on brain health and function have been known since the Roman Empire.
e.hormone (html) at Tulane University is part of the Environmental Signaling Network, a multifaceted program that aims to integrate the vast interdisciplinary signaling field by fostering communication and promoting scientific advancements. Environmental signaling encompasses the many ways plants and animals use chemical signals to communicate life-driving information, to respond to physical or biological stimuli, and to talk to each other.
Lead poisoning in the 21st century, Dr. Jerome Paulson, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP)
Lead poisoning in the 21st century, Dr. Jerome Paulson, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP) (html) (html) (html). Physicians who maintain their FAAP designation make an ongoing commitment to lifelong learning and advocacy for children.
Protecting Children from Environmental Dangers is not easy – when something in your environment makes your child sick, it can be hard to know where to turn.
Physicians, toxicologists, social workers and nurses are part of a national network that focuses on environmental health for children. They help families learn the causes of your child’s illness and achieve the best health outcome.
Lead exposure remains an urgent health problem that requires action, not just calls for more evidence!
Lead poisoning in the 21st century video (html) | Children’s National Health System (html) Dr. Jerome Paulson, MD, FAAP, Medical Director, Child Health Advocacy Institute (CHAI), shares his insights on the dangers of lead poisoning.
Aspects of Children’s Environmental Health (pdf) | National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Dr. Jerome A. Paulson, MD, FAAP
- Professor of Pediatrics & Public Health, George Washington University
- Medical Director for National & Global Affairs, Director, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health & the Environment, Child Health Advocacy Institute, Children’s National Medical Center
- Chairperson, Executive Committee of the Council on Environmental Health (html) (html) (pdf), American Academy of Pediatrics
- Council on Environmental Health. Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity (html) (download pdf) (open pdf). Pediatrics. 2016;38(1):e20161493 | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Dr. Jerome Paulson (html) | Milken Institute School of Public Health | GW
George Washington University (GW)
2121 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Milken Institute School of Public Health (html)
Environmental and Occupational Health (html)
950 New Hampshire Ave. NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20052
About Us (html) | Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health and the Environment (MACCHE) | School of Nursing and Health Studies (html) | Georgetown University (GU)
- Jerome A Paulson, MD, FAAP, Medical Director, PEHSU East, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- Laura Anderko, PhD, RN
- Maryann Mazer-Amirshahi, MD, PharmD, MPH, Toxicologist Consultant
- Katie Huffling, RN, CNM, Reproductive Health Consultant
- Lois Wessel, RN, Family Nurse Practioner (FNP), FNP Consultant
- Stephanie M. Chalupka EdD, RN, PHCNS-BC, FAAOHN, Professor and Coordinator of the Master of Science in Nursing Program at Worcester State University, Visiting Scientist
- Kelly Jones, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Emma Pennea, Center Manager
Home – Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units – PEHSU– Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU), are a network of experts in reproductive and children’s environmental health. An interconnected system of specialists located throughout North America who respond to questions from public health professionals, clinicians, policy makers, and the public about the impacts of environmental factors on the health of children and reproductive-age adults. There is a total of 10 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units across the country with each region dedicated to children’s environmental health issues.
The Children’s Environmental Health (html) | Great Lakes Center (html) Region 5 | University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) – Is one of 10 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs) across the country dedicated to children’s environmental health issues. Our primary area of focus is Region 5, which includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. A PEHSU has experts in pediatrics, toxicology, occupational and environmental medicine, reproductive health, and other specialties. PEHSUs are a source of medical information and advice on environmental exposures influence reproductive and children’s health and work with an array of people, such as parents, schools, and state agencies, to address children’s environmental health issues.
The Region 5 PEHSU published a spectacular guide book, Investigating Environmental Contamination: A Guide for Communities (pdf), June 2019, Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health. The guide is for community members who are concerned about their environmental exposures in their neighborhood. It covers outdoor pollution in the air, soil, and water and offers resources specific for Region 5 states. It also includes a power mapping example to help community members advocate for change and take their environmental concerns to legislators. A printer-friendly version is also available.
- Susan Kaplan, JD Research Assistant Professor (html)
- Susan Buchanan, MD, MPH, Director, Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health Region 5 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (html) (html)
- Emily Szwiec, MPH, Coordinator, Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health Region 5 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (html)
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Great Lakes Center (html)
School of Public Health
1603 W Taylor St, Chicago, Illinois 60612
Dr. Jerome “Jerry” Paulson – Professor Emeritus of Environmental & Occupational Health – The George Washington University- Milken Institute School of Public Health | LinkedIn (html)
Time to Step Up Efforts to Protect Children from Climate Change (html)
HealthyChildren.org (html) – From the American Academy of Pediatrics – The AAP Parenting Website
Home – Jerome A. Paulson MD, EnviroHealthDoctor (html)
1113 N Howard St.
Alexandria, VA 22304
The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(6):1064 – IJERPH | Free Full-Text | The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity (html) (pdf), Received: 21 February 2019 / Revised: 18 March 2019 / Accepted: 20 March 2019 / Published: 24 March 2019
The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity. – PubMed – NCBI (html)
The State of Public Health Lead Policies: Implications for Urban Health Inequities and Recommendations for Health Equity (html) (pdf)
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women, Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review & Recommendation Statement
Lead exposure remains an urgent health problem that requires action, not just calls for more evidence!
There are many proven best practices that involve taking action to prevent exposures, screening of high-risk children, and then referring families who have children with elevated blood lead levels to risk assessors and others who are trained and licensed to identify, quantify, and remediate exposure.
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html), April 16, 2019 | Guidelines | JAMA | JAMA Network, PubMed – NCBI (html) (html)
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement (html) (pdf), April 16, 2019 | Guidelines | JAMA | JAMA Network, PubMed – NCBI (html)
Final Recommendation Statement: Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: Screening (html) – US Preventive Services Task Force
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children and Pregnant Women: Recommendation Statement – U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (html) (pdf) – American Family Physician
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) — Oregon Health & Science University
Lead screening update from the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) (pdf) – The Journal of Pediatrics (html), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.07.011
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Childhood and Pregnancy: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (html) | Semantic Scholar, Published in JAMA 2019, DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.1004
National Toxicology Program – Health Effects of Low-level Lead, June 13, 2012!
The National Toxicology Program (NTP), part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health – Health Effects of Low-level Lead (html), June 13, 2012!, Although reductions in lead exposure for the U.S. population have resulted in lower blood lead levels over time, epidemiological studies continue to provide evidence of health effects at lower and lower blood lead levels. The NTP Monograph on Health Effects of Low-level Lead (pdf) was developed to summarize the evidence for lead-associated health effects in children and adults at these low exposure levels. The evidence provides support for adverse health effects in both children and adults at blood lead levels below 10 μg/dL, and, for some effects, below 5 μg/dL.
The panel agreed with the draft NTP overall conclusions on cardiovascular, renal, and immune health effects associated with blood Pb levels <10 μg/dL. The panel recommended changing the draft summary conclusion for neurological effects in children and for reproductive effects in adult women from sufficient evidence of an association at blood Pb levels <10 ug/ dL to sufficient evidence of an association at blood Pb levels <5 ug/dL.
January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice – Supplement 1, Lead Poisoning Prevention
January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (html) – Social issues dedicated to Lead Poisoning. Here are several articles:
Lead Elimination for the 21st Century : Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S3-S4, PubMed – NCBI (html) – Now is the time to eliminate lead from children’s environments.
Over time, scientific evidence has accumulated and no safe level of lead for children has been identified. Why then has the elimination of lead hazards in the environment not been more of a priority for society as a whole? Lead poisoning is the longest-lasting childhood epidemic in the United States and has never been treated as one.
Using Medicaid Data to Improve Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Outcomes and Blood Lead Surveillance (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S51-S57, PubMed – NCBI (html)
Integrating Childhood and Adult Blood Lead Surveillance to Improve Identification and Intervention Efforts (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S98-S104, PubMed – NCBI (html) (pdf)
CDC’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program: A Long-standing Responsibility and Commitment to Protect Children From Lead Exposure (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S5-S12, PubMed – NCBI (html) (html) (pdf)
Lead Poisoning Prevention: The Unfinished Agenda (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S1-S2, PubMed – NCBI (html) (pdf)
The Flint Water Crisis: A Coordinated Public Health Emergency Response and Recovery Initiative (html), Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: January/February 2019 – Volume 25 – Issue – p S84-S90, Perri Zeitz Ruckart, MPH, Adrienne S. Ettinger, ScD, MPH, MS, Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, Nicole Jones, PhD, Stephanie I. Davis, MSPH, and Patrick N. Breysse, PhD, PubMed – NCBI (html) (pdf)
Causes for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Are Complex & Many
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a brain disorder that affects social skills, communication and behavior control. In the United States, it affects one in 59 children, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Studies show that about one in four children with autism goes undiagnosed.
What causes autism? (html) | NICHD – Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
One in four children with autism goes undiagnosed, study finds (html), January 10, 2020 – UPI.com
Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet (html) | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Noteworthy Lead Poisoning Related Books
Toxic Truth: A Scientist, a Doctor, and the Battle over Lead: Lydia Denworth (html): 9780807000328: Amazon.com: Books (html), Toxic Truth Site (html)
What the Eyes Don’t See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha (html) [Wikipedia]: 9780399590832: Amazon.com: Books (html)
Miscellaneous Lead Poisoning Updates
- Poisoned by their homes: how the US is failing children exposed to lead | US news | The Guardian (html) Wed 26 Jun 2019 – “We are currently doing things backwards [by] using children’s blood as detectors of environmental contamination,” said Dr Mona Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who famously uncovered elevated levels of lead in her pediatric patients and linked it to a new water source in Flint, Michigan. “The screening that needs to happen is in the environment before children are ever exposed.”
- This Lead Is Killing Us: A History of Citizens Fighting Lead Poisoning in Their Communities (html) | U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (USDHHS), US Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Lead – CDC’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (html), part of National Center for Environmental Health, (NCEH), Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice (EHSP)
- Exploring the long fight against lead poisoning in the United States (html) – The Washington Post, November 9, 2019
- ‘Troubling’ audit reveals state failure to test millions of babies for toxic lead | CalMatters (html), January 7, 2020 – “Because we know that lead has such harmful effects on kids and the impacts last a lifetime, the state [California] has a responsibility to want to eliminate all exposures so kids are not exposed in the first place,” said Dr. Jill Johnston (html), assistant professor of preventive medicine in the Division of Environmental Health at the USC Keck School of Medicine (html)
- Environmental Chemicals Are Stealing IQ Points from American Children and Costing Trillions to the Economy – Citizen Truth (html), January 18, 2020
- The Pediatrician Who Woke America Up to the Lead Crisis | Discover Magazine (html) November 13, 2019. Crisis – Thanks to one man’s perseverance, we know even small doses of lead can permanently harm growing kids
- Recent Increases in Air Pollution: Evidence and Implications for Mortality (html), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 26381, Issued in October 2019
- Get the Lead Out – Center for American Progress (html) January 17, 2019 – Lead poisoning is completely preventable. But, because lead has no smell, taste, or color, communities and public health officials have significant challenges finding and measuring the presence of the toxic metal. Lead Exposure Activity Detection (LEAD) Innovation Fund – to be managed by the National Science Foundation, would accelerate the development of next-generation approaches to lead detection and monitoring. Specifically, it would focus on approaches that are smarter and cheaper and that better meet benchmarks set by federal agencies such as the EPA and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Lead Poisoning Prevention: The Unfinished Agenda (html) (pdf), 2019 January 25, J Public Health Manag Pract.
- United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Urban Technical Note No. 4, January 2018 – Urban Soils in Agriculture – (pdf) Studies have found that 57 to 100 percent of the trace metals, e.g. Lead, found in storm-water are from atmospheric deposition
- Lead (Pb) Bioaccessibility and Mobility Assessment of Urban Soils and Composts: Fingerprinting Sources and Refining Risks to Support Urban Agriculture – Sharp – 2017 – GeoHealth – Wiley Online Library (html) (pdf)
- Case studies and evidence-based approaches to addressing urban soil lead contamination – ScienceDirect (html) (pdf), Applied Geochemistry, Volume 83, August 2017, Pages 14-30
- Report Highlights Effective State Strategies to Improve Lead Screening and Treatment in Children – The National Academy for State Health Policy (html), A Publication of the National Academy for State Health Policy, State Strategies to Improve Childhood Lead Screening and Treatment Services under Medicaid and CHIP (pdf), April 2018, National Academy For State Health Policy (NASHP)
- Early lead exposure and outcomes in adulthood, IFAU – Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education(2017) (html) (pdf)
- The Deadly Biology of Lead Exposure – Science in the News, Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (html), June 27, 2016
- Linking Source and Effect: Resuspended Soil Lead, Air Lead, and Children’s Blood Lead Levels in Detroit, Michigan | Environmental Science & Technology (html) (sample statistics pdf), February 21, 2013, PubMed (html)
- Lead Exposure and Lead Poisoning (html), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- Learn about Lead | Lead | US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (html)
- American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) – Home4601 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 630 | Arlington, VA 22203. To Contact your local Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222, Help – PoisonHelp.org, Call 1-800-222-1222 or Get Help Online – Poison.org
Michigan Map Looks Like a Waterproof, Stain Resistant, Fireproof, Non-stick PFAS Mitten with a Secret Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Lining That MDOT Just Happened to ‘forget’ to Tell ‘anyone’ About! How Convenient!
Elevated levels of PFAS found in water in Miami, New York, Philadelphia, other major cities (html) – UPI.com– The latest EWG study tested for 30 different PFAS compounds, but there are currently 600 PFAS compounds currently being used by various industries. Most of these aren’t well studied, so their potential toxicities aren’t understood.
Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (html) | US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – The FDA states there are nearly 5,000 types of PFAS, some of which have been more widely used and studied than others.
Part of the problem is that researchers working to study the safety of these compounds and their prevalence in the environment can’t keep up with their production by industrial sources, who are not required to report the development of new PFAS compounds and are reluctant to share trade secrets.
In Europe, PFAS compounds are banned — not so in the U.S.
Previous testing has found extremely high levels of PFAS in water samples collected near U.S. Navy and Air Force bases.
Hmmmm, sounds familiar, surely MDOT knows something, like Grand Rapids Michigan airport (GRR) (KGRR) (html), MDOT will deny, hide, obfuscate, and won’t tell anyone for sure. Seems like a common repeating pattern of behavior?
“People tend not to care about cleaning up after there is an aviation accident,” Rediske said. “They’re just trying to put out the fire and save people’s lives.”
PFAS Contamination – Michigan’s Biggest Environmental Crisis in Decades (html), May 28th, 2019 – Michigan Green Consortium (MGC)
PFAS in Michigan: What we know and what we need (html) – Michigan Environmental Council (MEC)
Research on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (html) | Safer Chemicals Research (html) | US EPA (EPA)
What About Exposure to Multiple Toxins Together: Tetraethyl Lead, PFAS, EDB?
PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported (html), EWG.org, Wednesday, January 22, 2020 – “The most significant factor, from a toxicology standpoint, is that certain ones stick to proteins in our blood,” Rediske said. “DDT and pesticides go in to our fat. Lead goes into our bones. Mercury goes into muscle. Because PFAS are carried around in our blood and aren’t discarded, they naturally concentrate over time. And they attach to the proteins that carry antibodies, cholesterol and hormones, that’s why you get so many different health effects caused by these compounds.”
The technical (real) answer is – even the SMEs do not know and can’t predict or isolate any particular health outcome(s). The marketing answer – MDOT is looking into it!
MDOT Continued Lead & PFAS Silence Threatens Recovery & Growth of Southeast Michigan
This MDOT silence not only threatens the recovery and growth of Southeast Michigan, it threatens the reputation of the entire State of Michigan on the national and international stage! What a needless pity caused by a handful of Lead loving clowns wagging the dog with no regard for the community or environmental sustainability!
Even while Ann Arbor was rated a top #3 tech hub in the nation, retaining and growing a tech hub in Southeast Michigan with so much competition worldwide should be a significant worry for Michigan business leaders at Michigan Business Aviation Association (MBAA), Ann Arbor SPARK, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC| MiPlace| PlanetM), Michigan Venture Capital Association (MVCA), American Center for Mobility (ACM), and Pure Michigan the Official Travel & Tourism Website for Michigan which is a ‘nice marketing’ view but sadly currently does NOT reflect the true environmental and sustainability status and record of the State of Michigan!
The Brookings institute released a report Monday December 9, 2019, The case for growth centers: How to spread tech innovation across America (html) (full report pdf) (Exec Summary pdf) (Press release pdf) (Appendices pdf) that basically states:
What’s happening: “Most notably, just five top innovation metros — Boston, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and San Diego — accounted for more than 90% of the nation’s innovation-sector growth during the years 2005 and 2017,” per the report. NOTE: these cities have a proven record of sustainability and environmental responsibility.
The report goes to say that “That’s not to say other metro areas didn’t see some growth in this sector. Cities like Denver, Atlanta and Salt Lake City increased their share, but their gains were smaller than those in the top five. Most metros have stayed relatively flat or lost innovation-sector share.”
Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI or basically SE Michigan, lost a notable percentage of jobs, but potential for growth is there (USNews) (Reuters) (Wired) if MDOT ignorance and belligerence doesn’t destroy our chances.
Every person in Michigan should remember that Detroit is only 5 years out of bankruptcy. Tuesday December 10th marks the Detroit’s bankruptcy 5 year anniversary. While great strides have been made, can Detroit avoid another one? (FreePress) Can Michigan ever shed the Lead Poisoning and Bankruptcy mantle? Can Michigan survive an economic recession or even a downturn? (MMTC) (SaveMICity) (MetroTimes)
The chance that Michigan will have continued weak economic fundamentals is one of the highest in the nation. In fact, Michigan’s state coincident index’s growth rate was negative in July all but confirming that its economy is on shaky grounds (Lendingtree). As MDOT squanders taxpayer money for pet projects and politicians fight over the bureaucratic ‘pork barrel’ budgets it should come as no surprise Michigan still has a long recovery road ahead:
- After 10 years of steady growth, Michigan’s economy faces headwinds (html) | Bridge Magazine
- Outlooks continue to show slower growth ahead for Michigan, U.S. economies (html) | MiBiz
- The Era of Fed Power Is Over. Prepare for a More Perilous Road Ahead (html) | WSJ
With the looming shortage and challenge of finding and retaining talent required for the next decade of Michigan growth (html), it’s clear that nobody wants to live, work, play, shop, or raise a family anywhere in Southeast Michigan with MDOT obscuring, hiding, accepting, encouraging, endorsing, sponsoring, and even directly misrepresenting and openly lying about known unsafe levels of Lead as safe which amounts to Lead Poisoning! This is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for almost a decade.
MDOT has historically expended zero time, money or effort to truly address or even acknowledge Chemical contamination and Lead Poisoning. This is just the tip of the MDOT iceberg of chemical poisoning and contamination coverups that will affect Michigan’s future for years to come.
Michigan Residents Tired of the MDOT Tail Wagging the Dog and Demand Action
Taxpayers demand Michigan Lawmakers & Elected Officials remove all helicopters and airplanes from our Canton Township and Plymouth Township Michigan Neighborhoods, near our Schools, School Children & our Homes.
MDOT – the Michigan Department of Transportation has betrayed the public trust by promoting and protecting Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist agendas, wasting tax payer dollars, and withholding vital information regarding Health, Safety, and Welfare of vulnerable populations include pregnant women, babies, and school children.
MDOT, Special Interests, & Industry Lobbyists have misled, misrepresented, obscured, hidden, and outright lied to taxpayers about Public Health, Safety, & Welfare dangers from these helicopters and airplanes.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) budget contains the largest single waste of taxpayer money in the history of Michigan all while Michigan students and schools are completely ignored and neglected.
- Study: Michigan ranks last in school funding growth over 20 years (Crains)
- Michigan ranked 44th nationally in higher education spending in 2019 (TheMichiganDaily)
- Fewer students, tepid state funding roil Michigan public universities (BridgeMagazine)
- States with the best (and worst) schools. Few state school systems report worse achievement metrics than Michigan. (USAToday)
- National Education Association (NEA) Rankings of the States 2018 and Estimates of School Statistics 2019, NEA Research April 2019 (PDF)
It is absolutely unconscionable, and embarrassing as residents that the State of Michigan has not made any public statement regarding Public Health, Safety, and Welfare regarding Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at Plymouth Canton School System (PCCS), nor has any other responsible authority for that matter!
Some Recent Lame MDOT Activity History
2019 Week 43 Monday October 21, 2019 thru Sunday October 27, 2019. Busy MDOT weekend with Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist event complete with helicopter & airplane rides in a carnival like event giving community pregnant women, babies, school children & neighborhoods the middle finger!
The PCCS School Season began long ago and planes and helicopters are still buzzing in and out indiscriminately. The third-party contractor hired by the State of Michigan allows the right people to enjoy their Labor Day vacations and summer & fall time off flying over PCCS Schools and Plymouth and Canton Township neighborhoods. Hangar A2 is one such privileged hangar renter that gets the nod-nod wink-wink and enjoys toxic time over our schools and community. That is after this very well to do person’s additional extra or spare green car stored in the hangar is moved out the way, what a scam and insult to parents and taxpayers!
It’s all about the money, connections, Special Interests and Industry Lobbyist friends, family, contractors and MDOT employees. What a complete joke! The State of Michigan can’t seem to control this toxic Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 mess either, and continues to cater to these vindictive & vengeful clowns while the Health, Safety, and Welfare of our most vulnerable populations continues to be ignored, go figure.
The State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 sneaky airplane and helicopter airstrip traffic continued for their summer and now fall vacations. Since there is NO “Closed” sign anywhere to be seen, for all intents and purposes 1d2 appears to be still “Open for Business” as usual, smugly and defiantly offering flying classes & training, helicopter & airplane rides, aviation rental storage units, and even boasting tours and class trip type visits for school age children. Wow, go figure!
Yes, the airstrip is still “Open for business as usual”, flying classes still advertised, take-off & landing from 6:30am to 10:00pm, many less than 200 feet over dangerously close neighborhoods, homes, schools, and retirement, nursing & rehabilitation centers. Now a commercial entity that owns ~7 helicopters from Oakland/Troy Airport (VLL) is offering Helicopter rides & classes like a side show carnival, nobody seems to take this seriously at all.
This is easily shown in 3D radar data sets used in typical NTSB & FAA aircraft & helicopter accident & crash investigation & reconstruction, e.g. using data from FAA & USAF Joint Surveillance System (JSS) RADAR station at Geddes & Michigan avenue (4.76 mi, 7.65 km, 4.13 nmi from 1d2) used for DTW, YIP, and others. See J-62, Z-397, Canton, MI, ARSR-4, 42°16′36″N 083°28′27″W, EADS, AGL Great Lakes. Or FAA Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON) Detroit LocID D21. The only people these morons at 1d2 are fooling is themselves!
The whole month of July – September was “open for business as usual” with the regular cast or morons including N1522V, N17177, N94891, N99MQ, and N6902T. However, more troubling is N992CP Civil Air Patrol [CAP] and N513RS Yankee Air Museum [YAM] [YAM], both performing prohibited dangerous touch-n-go’s on a tiny airstrip directly over schools, homes, and the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities! What a sad state of affairs, it’s people at companies and organizations like these that are the perfect example why “we can’t have nice things!”
The Civil Air Patrol Inc, 105 S Hansell ST, Maxwell AFB Alabama 36112 (CAP) [Facebook] [Michigan Wing] (Satellite) [DOD Maxwell-Gunter AFB] [Facebook] seems to endorse, condone, support, sponsor, and or otherwise approve of Lead Poisoning of vulnerable populations like nearby school kids and the entire community with clowns like N992CP (Monday July 8, 2019 10:65am) at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. CAP is a non-governmental non-profit organization that many believe has lost their respect along the way, e.g. many make comments like “Looking back, it didn’t really benefit in any way, and the grown up side is just a [pathetic] flight club for [arrogant] people that want to pretend they are/were military.” It’s no surprise Why CAP Members Are Leaving either, while there are some good people left, the local groups seem to be stuck with some of the “bottom of the barrel” seen in their frequent lapses in management decisions and judgment. Quite disturbing, sad and very disappointing . . .
The Yankee Air Museum (YAM) obviously has some problems of their own, don’t think they need increased bad press with jerks like Red WACO Biplane N513RS on July 6, 2019 between 12:00 Noon and 12:30pm treating Canton Township neighborhoods to an Oshkosh like thrill show, demonstrating reckless, careless, erratic, aerobatic flight maneuvers [AOPA] [FAA] [US GPO] [eCFR], swooping unnecessarily low over neighborhoods, extreme changes of altitude, speed, with obviously observable unsafe and dangerous flight characteristics, that easily appear on local FAA Air Traffic Control radar [ATC], over many homes, close PCCS schools, and assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities. The FAA [FAA] cannot seem to manage or control ANY of these out of control clowns, and neither can MDOT or even the State of Michigan!
These clowns really believe they are “above the law” and can do whatever they want whenever they want and continue to give the surrounding communities the big middle finger!
MDOT does not seem to care or can’t control anything at this airstrip. What a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. There is zero sense of urgency, Michigan residents deserve better!
Mission Statement
NOTE: The single mission of close1d2.org is to eliminate Lead Poisoning of children in PCCS Schools and Plymouth & Canton neighborhoods from 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel used at State of Michigan MDOT owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational – Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airport!
As part of our mission one goal is to Inform, Expose and Eliminate Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Best Kept Secret: Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Lead Poisoning of Michigan children!
Kids are sick and damaged, and continue to be sickened and damaged! MDOT and their Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist cronies continue to profit & benefit from unfettered, unfair, and unjust access to State of Michigan resources, funding, visibility, advertising & endorsement express or implied on State of Michigan web sites, undue political leverage, preferences & favoritism, protection & pandering [define] to Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist agendas and goals, and other benefits & perks as well.
Lead poisoning of Children from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel remains an urgent health problem that requires action, not just calls for more evidence from MDOT, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists!
This site is NOT against Aerospace & Defense, love of country, or patriotism by any means. Lead Poisoning of children has nothing to do with any of these topics! On the contrary, we salute the many fine Airmen & Airwomen protecting our country every single day! Some of the close1d2.org volunteers & contributors thrive in the excitement of the Aerospace & Defense Industry! Please see About page for further information.
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
- US Center for Disease Control (CDC) – National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (html)
- EPA Kicks Off National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week | U.S. EPA News Releases | US EPA (html)
- National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week | Lead | US EPA (html)
- National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week | National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) (html)
- National Safety Council (NSC) Lead Poisoning Prevention – Lead Poisoning Is a Real and Present Danger (html)
- World Health Organization (WHO) | International lead poisoning prevention week of action (html)
- HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (html)
- U.S. National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW) (pdf) was October 21, 2018 thru October 27, 2018.
- CDC | National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, October 25-31, 2020 (html).
Please, don’t forget to Tell MDOT to Stop Poisoning Children 100LL leaded aviation fuel!
- Tell MDOT to STOP poisoning our children with 100LL leaded aviation fuel NOW!
- Tell the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Childhood Lead Exposure Elimination Commission (CLEEC) to STOP the MDOT Lead Poisoning of children NOW!
- Tell Governor Whitmer to STOP MDOT from lead poisoning our children NOW!
MDOT Says Tetraethyl Lead is Harmless, No Threat to Public, Yeah Right!
April / May 2019 Update: Survey & Soil Boring Activities at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip and May 9, 2019 MDOT Response says Tetraethyl Lead is Harmless, No Threat to Public.
Throughout April / May 2019 what appears to be a full topographical survey and many precisely located soil borings were conducted at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. Many in the community were hoping this was the start of environmental brownfield planning and development for a sustainable green space for the entire surrounding community. But tragically, that is NOT the case. Here is the reply from MDOT standing firmly and sadly behind antiquated FAA leaded aviation fuel rules: MDOT May 9, 2019 Response regarding decades old common knowledge and well known facts in the aviation and aerospace industry, and was totally expected from a subjective biased source. MDOT might be legally protected (CYA), but ethically and morally MDOT sure is lacking and in complete denial.
MDOT seems more concerned and focused on:
- Making fraudulent and misleading statements defending Lead as Harmless, No Threat to Public
- Defending phony budgets and astronomical economic impact & community ROI at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 as $16 Million Dollars yearly, divided by 12 months or $1.3 Million dollars per month! That’s $1,333,333.00 of THE most outrageous bunch of fictional garbage MDOT economic impacts ever inflicted on taxpayers thus far.
- Defending cronies at specific local Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists. This site has never mentioned any Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists by name anywhere. As everyone knows many groups do some important work like the rest of community, but anybody’s ‘good work’ has nothing to do with Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning of children whatsoever.
The comments in MDOT response are all personal opinion & personal agenda and has nothing to do with Taxpayers whatsoever.
MDOT should act on the Community Health, Safety and Welfare issues instead of defending ridiculous opinions that have nothing to do with protecting most importantly children from MDOT inflicted Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning and MDOT ‘collateral damage’ to surrounding schools, communities, neighborhoods, families.
Elimination of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Tetraethyl Lead Poisoning is important for local Canton & Plymouth, Southeast Michigan, and State of Michigan families, neighborhoods, and schools, but also has positive Health, Safety, & Welfare impacts for vulnerable populations across the entire United States.
Many in the aviation, airspace & defense industries strongly disagree with decades old FAA & EPA rules (and MDOT hiding behind them) and related Federal gridlock to change specifications that everyone in aviation and aerospace industries knows are inaccurate and woefully out of date with respect to Health, Safety, and Welfare of nearby vulnerable populations. Many medical, governmental, professional, and technical facts and opinions to the contrary are presented here regarding 100LL leaded aviation fuel which is a serious problem for anyone near it, period. MDOT please do your best to join the 21stcentury with respect to 100LL lead exposure, especially with regards to the three very close schools!
“All of the EPA [FAA] lead standards are grossly inadequate and need to be updated to respect the science of ‘no safe level’ of lead exposure [CDC]. Only then will we as a nation [State] be able to fully protect the potential of our children from this preventable neurotoxin.”
Every effort will made to get the MDOT Lead Testing results and the defined tolerances for human exposure, including those used for vulnerable populations such as children, that were used for measurement and comparison. See MDOT Toxic Emissions Inventory at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 for details.
However, the independent testing was done by what appears to be the closest approved / contracted, and a respected engineering company just doing their job for MDOT:
The C&S Companies [LinkedIn][Facebook] [Twitter] – Quality Engineering, Architectural, and Construction Services with offices located at: 38777 Six Mile Rd. Suite 202, Livonia, MI 48152, +1-734-953-2571.
The C&S Companies recently handled the Detroit Metro Runway 4L-22R Rehabilitation. C&S also handles many Environmental projects that help transform blighted properties into integral, vibrant parts of a community, catalyzing revitalization of entire neighborhoods. With specialization in brownfield planning and development, helping individuals, municipalities, and corporations tackle even the most vexing brownfield and contaminant issues. The C&S team’s brownfield expertise includes:
- Area-wide and site-specific brownfield planning
- Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments
- Site and remedial investigation
- Remedial evaluations and cost estimating
- Remediation oversight
- Public outreach
C&S has conducted a number of successful brownfield projects, ranging from small gas stations to large abandoned industrial sites. Their team of engineers, geologists, biologists, and planners have significant technical expertise that allows them to understand the issues inherent in brownfield redevelopment projects and give insight into the regulatory and administrative framework of the various state and federal brownfields programs. They also provide site layout, planning, and conceptual future development for brownfield redevelopment projects. The C&S Companies avidly support Sustainability (pdf), and are members of The American Council of Engineers, New York Section (ACEC NY).
Governor Whitmer will be attending the 2018 Michigan Infrastructure Conference (MIC)(details), jointly hosted by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) [Wikipedia] of Michigan (ACEC MI) and the Michigan (ASCE MI) Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) [Wikipedia].
Executive Summary
There are #6 key takeaways regarding Lead Poisoning of the Canton Plymouth Community and PCCS Schools in this Executive Summary below. See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.
# – 1 – PEW– The Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, produced a set of recommendations entitled 10 Policies to Prevent and Respond to Childhood Lead Exposure: An assessment of the risks communities face and key federal, state, and local solutions, August 30, 2017. The 144 page (pdf) report goes on to say that by “Eliminating lead from airplane fuel would protect more than 226,000 children born in 2018 who live near airports, generate $262 million in future benefits, and remove roughly 450 tons of lead from the environment every year.”
The report also goes on to say: “In 2012, the FAA estimated that phasing out leaded fuel would take 11 years. According to a recent federal task force report, the FAA is working to identify unleaded alternative fuels for most piston engine aircraft by 2018 [FAA delayed until mid-2020 described below], and under section 231 of the Clean Air Act, the EPA is evaluating whether lead emissions from aviation fuel “cause or contribute to air pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.” Based on the results of its investigation, the EPA could help to expedite the elimination of lead in aviation fuel by using its authority under the act to issue an “endangerment finding,” indicating that leaded aircraft fuel emissions are polluting and harmful to public health. Such a ruling would trigger the FAA to issue standards.
However, given the extremely protracted timelines for ANY federal action, the report suggests that states should take steps to address the problem directly, by, for example, requiring all general aviation airports to provide unleaded gas or establishing fees or taxes on airports serving piston engine aircraft to support the cleanup of the soil in parks, near homes, schools, and child care facilities.” The https://close1d2.org/lead-poisoning team suggests a far more expedient solution which is to promptly close an unneeded, unwanted, non-commercially viable State owned hobby/sport/recreational airstrip located in densely populated neighborhoods very close to many schools thereby eliminating the continuous stream of lead poisoning immediately and completely, saving money for the taxpayer at the same time.
# – 2 – Myths & Realities of Leaded Aviation Fuel, prepared by Center for Environmental Health for Friends of the Earth, funding provided by The New York Community Trust, reinforces the relationship between children’s blood lead levels and the proximity of their schools and homes to airports such as 1d2 that exclusively use 100LL leaded aviation fuel for all of the piston engine aircraft and helicopters based there. Lead is highly toxic and causes a variety of adverse health effects; at low exposure levels, it can cause learning disabilities, lower IQ levels, increased blood pressure and nerve damage; at high levels of exposure, it can lead to brain damage and death. Lead puts children at especially high risk because they absorb larger amounts and are more sensitive to lead-induced toxicity. Lead exposure presents a particular danger to the development of children’s nervous systems.
Additionally, many national and international groups, including the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), International Network for Epidemiology (IJPC-SE), plus many others, join the Call for Action for Global Control of Lead Exposure to Eliminate Lead Poisoning (html) (pdf) (Epidemiology).
# – 3 – Lancet Medical Journal – While many might view the Flint Water Crisis as a tragic but isolated incident, a recent study in the medical journal The Lancet, Low-level lead exposure and mortality in US adults (pdf) March 12, 2018, found that exposure to low levels of lead contributes to as many as 412,000 premature deaths of residents across the United States each year.
This figure is approximately 10 times higher than what previous studies suggested, and places premature death from lead exposure almost on a par with deaths caused by smoking, which takes 483,000 American lives each year. Heart disease and Cancer are the leading cause of deaths in Michigan. Around the world everyone is realizing Lead is even deadlier than we feared as the full extent of its toxic effects are revealed. However, people must realize that Fixing America’s costly lead problem could yield billions more in benefits.
Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel with Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) & Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) is the unrecognized “Secondhand Smoke” of this decade (html) (html), and ten times worse!
Over 400,000 U.S. deaths per year caused by lead exposure. Past exposure to lead may be to blame for over 400,000 deaths in the United States every year, according to a new study published in The Lancet Public Health.
Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke (html) | American Lung Association. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard causing more than 41,000 deaths per year. It can cause or make worse a wide range of damaging health effects in children and adults, including lung cancer, respiratory infections and asthma (html) (html).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), notes children are most susceptible to the harms of lead exposure; their developing bodies absorb the toxic chemical in higher amounts and their brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to lead. Lead exposure in children may cause developmental, behavioral, and learning problems, as well as anemia, hearing problems, and irreversible damage to almost all parts of their growing bodies.
The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is one of the world’s oldest and also one of the best known general medical journals. In the 2014 Journal Citation Reports, The Lancet was ranked second among general medical journals, (with an impact factor of 45), after The New England Journal of Medicine (impact factor of 56).
# – 4 – The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Health hazard evaluation report #20042888 Exposures to LEAD and other metals at an aircraft repair and flight school facility (pdf) found that:
- Tetraethyl Lead [toxnet manual search] dust was found on toys and a baby walker in the work area.
- Lead was detected in blood samples collected from all facility personnel. The hangar area had the highest surface concentrations of lead; lead was also found on the steering wheel of an employee’s car.
- Employees should use disposable shoe covers and on-site laundering for work clothes to reduce the potential for take-home lead contamination. Investigators also advised that children not be allowed in work areas. Employees were encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly before eating and drinking, before and after putting on gloves, and before leaving the facility.
- Do not eat or drink in the hangar area.
- In homes with a family member exposed to lead, care must be taken to prevent “take home” of lead, that is, lead carried into the home on clothing, skin, hair, and in vehicles. Lead-contaminated surface dust represents a potential source of lead exposure, particularly for young children.
- NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood.
A related May 2003 (!) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [wikipedia] thesis Controlling Lead Exposure During the Process of Cleaning Aviation Spark Plugs (html) (pdf) explores controlling the lead bromide particulate matter after it is removed from the spark plug electrode. Various control methods and/or procedural changes are discussed that may be employed to control the spread of lead bromide dust throughout the shop environment and the prevention of employee exposure to lead.
# – 5 – OSHA Safety Data Sheets (SDS) & American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specs show LEADED 100LL aviation fuel is NOT like automobile gas at all, it’s Tetraethyl Lead [toxnet manual search] mixed with many other toxic chemicals!
100LL leaded aviation fuel, or avgas, is also known as 100 octane aviation fuel, is a petroleum based fuel designed for reciprocating aircraft and helicopter engines. 100LL leaded aviation fuel adheres to ASTM Specification D 910, and contains 2.12 grams of Tetraethyl Lead [toxnet manual search] per gallon. Again, 100LL leaded aviation fuel contains many toxic chemical additives and is NOT like automobile gasoline at all. It’s a synthetic blend of chemicals, including xylene, toluene, benzene, & tetraethyl lead. The toxicity hazards of these additive chemicals are well documented.
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from BP for leaded aviation fuel 100LL
- SDS from Gelest for Tetraethyl Lead used in leaded aviation fuel (Gelest deleted url)
- SDS from Shell for leaded aviation fuel 100LL
- Ethylene dibromide (MDEQ EDB) (EDB) (EDB) used in 1:1 ratio with Tetraethyl Lead in 100LL.
# – 6 – FAA and EPA Delay Process of Identifying and Mandating Unleaded Fuel Alternative for Piston Engine Aircraft & Helicopters, June 21, 2018.
An update on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website indicates that the 2018 date for identifying an unleaded fuel alternative for piston engine aircraft has now been delayed. Per the FAA, “Based on current projected activities and timelines, the testing completion date for the PAFI program will be mid-2020.” See Aviation Gasoline: Unleaded Avgas Progress Update for details regarding toxic tetraethyl lead used in 100LL aviation fuel.
NOTE: FAA delays were originally: announced June 4, 2018 – push December 2018 to December 2019, now announced September 7, 2018 – push December 2019 to mid-2020!
Additionally, Regulations for Lead Emissions from Aircraft from the EPA based on Endangerment Findings on Lead Emissions from Aircraft fuel has been postponed by the current administration in Washington.
The EPA originally scheduled to issue a proposed finding on the question of endangerment in 2017. This proposed finding would then undergo public notice and comment. After evaluating comments on the proposal, the EPA had plans to issue a final determination in 2018. It remains uncertain as to if and when this action will be pursued.
The use of unleaded aviation fuel cannot be mandated until an endangerment finding by the EPA is issued. NOTE: this means that for the foreseeable future, certainly years, the Plymouth-Canton Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, aircraft, and helicopters have free reign to continue subjecting vulnerable populations to the toxic effects of lead pollution from 100LL aviation fuel.
See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.
See UPDATE: May 2019 – PCCS Schools Still Being Covered with 1d2 Lead Dust for additional supporting information.
It’s interesting to note, that there does not seem to be ANY objective taxpayer voice at 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal at all, everyone is a third party contractor, friends or family of a third party contractor or MDOT employee, and/or a member of one or more Special Interest or Industry Lobbyist groups that do not seem to prioritize the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the schools and community at all, go figure.
Protect the PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from Lead Poisoning
The State of Michigan has a responsibility to the taxpayers to shut down 1d2 to Protect the Health, Safety, & Welfare of the community, densely populated neighborhoods, and schools from lead poisoning, especially the schools that are close and have many students, including Hulsing Elementary, Plymouth Christian Academy, East Middle School, Smith Elementary, and Plymouth Canton Educational Park (PCEP) described below.
- Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
- Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~190 meters, ~248 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
- East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!). Google satellite shows East Middle School [Facebook] with over 75 – 100 PCCS school busses parked next to playground area, which is only 450m from Fairground Park [Facebook], and 850m from Kellogg Park Music in the Park [Arts] [City] [Concerts] [DDA] [Facebook], Downtown Plymouth [Facebook] [Twitter] [PureMI], and other Plymouth Michigan Parks & Events [Events] [Parks] [PureMI] [Weddings].
- Smith Elementary School 1298 McKinley St., Plymouth, MI 48170 (Just down the street, ~1500m, ~2040 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
- Plymouth Canton Educational Park (PCEP), and the three High schools located there which is just down the street, ~2300m, ~3100 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning.
- Canton High School 8415 Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI 48187
Plymouth High School 8400 Beck Rd., Canton, MI 48187
Salem High School 46181 Joy Rd., Canton, MI 48187
- Canton High School 8415 Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI 48187

Hulsing Elementary School – 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI 48187 Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning
Hulsing Elementary School Google Maps (street|satellite) views show the hobby, sport, recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip in the lower right and also shows Plymouth Christian Academy, East Middle Schools, Smith Elementary, and PCEP, all in very close proximity, obviously these schools are too dangerously close to toxic lead poisoning from 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
It’s 2020, Didn’t the State of Michgan Learn Anything from Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle?
According to the EPA Lapses at all levels of government made the Flint Lead Poisoning crisis worse. The EPA needed to act more quickly. Even though the medical, scientific, and technological problems of lead poisoning are clear, government, at all levels, are still slow, don’t act at all, and get caught in the ‘analysis-paralysis’ of ‘whom is responsible’ loop hoping the problem will go away. Recognizing Lead Poisoning for what it is, constitutes a failure at all levels of government, including Local, County, and State showing severe management gaps and weaknesses. Canton Plymouth Mettetal 2018 1d2 Lead Poisoning appears to be just like the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle all over again.
After the Flint Lead Poisoning debacle the EPA must strengthen lead poisoning oversight.“EPA needs to learn from Flint and this report,” said Mona Hanna-Attisha, the Flint pediatrician whose research in late 2015 first documented dangerously high lead levels in children’s blood. “All of the EPA lead standards are grossly inadequate and need to be updated to respect the science of ‘no safe level’ of lead exposure. Only then will we as a nation be able to fully protect the potential of our children from this preventable neurotoxin.”
Mona Hanna-Attisha (Hurley) (MSU) (MSU) (html) (html) (html) (html), who is director of pediatric residency at Hurley Children’s Hospital, is leading a group of experts including pediatricians, epidemiologists, developmental specialists, toxicologists, educators, geographers and county and state health officials. She went further to state “We cannot sit back and wait 20 years to see the consequences of lead poisoning in our schools and in our criminal justice system.”
Virginia Tech engineering professor Marc Edwards, a national authority whose Lead tests exposed the extent of Flint’s lead poisoning, told The Washington Post (2016, 2018): “People have realized they’ve been lied to, and EPA knew about this, and the state knew about this. What you really have as it spun out of control is a total loss of trust in government, which failed [residents] miserably. They don’t believe a word that anyone tells them.” Wow, this is starting to sound really familiar . . .
Marc Edwards surely knows and understands the importance of truth-seeking for scientists and engineers first hand. Professor Marc Edwards has received the Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award, and been honored as Virginia Tech’s University Distinguished Professor, additionally the EPA has provided a $1.9 million grant to research lead poisoning where residents are struggling to get help from their governments.
Sadly, new accounting figures from July 2018 show the State of Michigan has spent nearly $25 million on attorneys handling cases involving the Flint lead crisis. Some of this money could have been better spent to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead Poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
Official EPA Reports Regarding Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle
The official EPA reports are available here:
EPA OIG finds management weaknesses delayed response to Flint water crisis
Recommends strengthening Safe Drinking Water Act oversight, revising Lead and Copper rule, July 19, 2018
Report: Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis | EPA’s Office of Inspector General | US EPA
Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis, Report at a Glance (pdf) (1 pg, 50 K)
Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis, Report at a Glance, Full Report (pdf) (74 pp, 1 MB)
Environmental Health Perspectives A Decade Old
Environmental Health Perspectives (ISSN 1552-9924 and ISSN-L 0091-6765) is a monthly open access journal published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
As previously mentioned, Lead Poisoning from leaded 100LL aviation fuel is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for over a decade! Here are two from many examples worth noting, one from 2011 and another 2008, a full decade ago!
-1- Research | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 119, No. 10, A Geospatial Analysis of the Effects of Aviation Gasoline on Childhood Blood Lead Levels (pdf), First Published:13 July 2011, that notes:
- Blood lead screening data were available for 125,197 children in the study counties, including 13,478 children living within 2,000 m of an airport.
- The analysis indicates that living within 1,000 m of an airport where leaded aviation fuel 100LL is used has a significant effect on blood lead levels in children.
- The results further suggest that the impacts of avgas are highest among those children living closest to the airport.
- NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood, as would be found within 2,000 m of an airport like Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
-2- Review | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 116, No. 10, Lead Exposures in U.S. Children, 2008: Implications for Prevention (pdf), First Published:19 May 2008, that notes:
- Not all sources of lead are listed in the U.S. EPA TRI. Some sources of lead poisoning such as Propeller aircraft using aviation gasoline (avgas) are [conveniently] exempt from reporting, fell below reporting quantities, or choose not to report; nonetheless, they can contaminate surrounding communities. For example, at one airport where many airplanes used avgas, average and maximum air lead levels were 0.030 and 0.302 μg/m3, respectively, versus background levels of 0.007 and 0.018 μg/m3 (Environment Canada 2000). Another study showed that even at an airport with few planes using avgas, air lead levels were higher downwind than upwind (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2002).
- Lead binds tightly to soils, and eight decades of leaded gasoline combustion and past industrial emissions have left a legacy entrained in soil.
- NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood.
Current Updates On Childhood Lead Poisoning
The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasonline [sp] on Blood Lead in Children (html) (pdf) by Associate Professor Shawn P. McElmurry (html), Wayne State University (WSU), Detroit, Michigan et al. First published in August 2014 right in the middle of the Flint Lead Poisoning crisis / debacle as it was unfolding. It certainly makes anyone wonder WHAT did then Governor Snyder, and now MDOT and MDHHS know and WHEN did they know it. Many in the community believe that this looks like part of the same or perhaps yet another attempted Lead Poisoning related coverup. As they say, when something walks like a duck, quacks like duck, and looks like a duck, it probably IS a duck. It is so surprising that highly respected Michigan based research results and reporting using official BLL data from over 1 million Michigan children (!) supplied by the State of Michigan would go unnoticed by so many for so long. Unfortunately, only the Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (MIAG) or maybe the Michigan Auditor General Doug Ringler (MAG) have the power and access required to really uncover the truth! This is way beyond our pay grade!
An updated version was published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (home): Vol 4, No 2, April 11, 2017 (html) (https://doi.org/10.1086/691686).
To address an EPA request for more evidence, the authors constructed a novel dataset that links time and spatially referenced Blood Lead Level (BLL) data from 1,043,391 children to hundreds of nearby airports in Michigan, as well as a subset of airports with detailed data on the volume of piston-engine aircraft traffic. The Michigan Department of Community Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Project [State of Michigan] provided the blood Tetraethyl Lead data used in this study, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program (home) provided financial support. Additional Michigan Lead Poisoning Prevention resources [WayneCounty] [WayneCounty] [Oakland County] [Washtenaw County] [Detroit] [Detroit] [Detroit] [Ingham County].
The evidence shows that Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) (including helicopter) traffic imposes a substantially higher burden on children within 2 km of an airport, as compared to children living beyond 2 km of an airport. More precisely, the likelihood of a child’s BLL exceeding 5 μg/dL for a standard deviation in PEA traffic is higher for children residing <2km relative to children residing >2km from an airport. Additionally, damages from [exposure to Tetraethyl Lead and other chemicals] were calculated to be at least $10 per gallon, which can be compared to a pump price [at the time] of about $6 per gallon. BTW: 2 kilometers is over 6500 feet, this amounts to a moderate walk for ~20 minutes in any direction. Additionally, NOTE: that the CDC now states that there is NO safe BLL for Tetraethyl Lead in children, period!
An article in Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Volume 18, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages 181-192, An Update on Childhood Lead Poisoning (pdf), found that:
- Children’s exposure to sources of lead contamination, including leaded 100LL aviation fuel (avgas) continues to be an important public health concern.
- Lead has no biological role in the body, and any detectable lead level is abnormal.
- There is indisputable scientific evidence that blood lead levels (BLL) below 10 µg/dL are associated with adverse effects in infants and children.
- Each lead-exposed child costs an estimated $5600 in medical and special educational services.
- Lead exposure-related cognitive impairments cost an estimated $50.9 billion annually in lost US economic productivity.
- Studies of children with higher BLLs have consistently demonstrated lower IQ scores, more language difficulties, learning disorders, attention problems, and behavioral issues.
The American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health, July 2016, VOLUME 138 / ISSUE 1, article Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity [PubMed] (pdf) found that:
- Primary prevention should be the focus of policy on childhood lead toxicity.
- Low-level lead exposure, even at blood lead concentrations below 5 μg/dL (50 ppb), is a causal risk factor for diminished intellectual and academic abilities, higher rates of neurobehavioral disorders such as hyperactivity and attention deficits, and lower birth weight in children.
- No effective treatments ameliorate the permanent developmental effects of lead toxicity.
- Still, in some communities, such as those surrounding airports, airborne lead is an important source of lead exposure. Airborne lead is ingested primarily after it settles in house dust and soil where children play. Current sources of airborne lead include piston engine aircraft . . .
- The contributions of airborne lead to children’s blood lead concentrations are proportionately greater at the lower levels of exposure than at higher levels.
The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 28, 2017, Vol 317, No. 12, Pages 1191-1286, article by Reuben A, Caspi A, Belsky DW, et al., Association of Childhood Blood Lead Levels With Cognitive Function and Socioeconomic Status at Age 38 Years and With IQ Change and Socioeconomic Mobility Between Childhood and Adulthood, (pdf) JAMA. 2017;317(12): 1244–1251. (doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.1712) [PubMed][JAMA][NCBI] found that the devastating effects of childhood lead exposure could last a lifetime.
What makes this study stand out, however, is that children were found to experience long term harm after even modest levels of exposure. The conclusion was that childhood lead exposure was associated with lower cognitive function and socioeconomic status at age 38 years and with declines in IQ and downward social mobility. As the entire world seems to realize, the medical, scientific, and technological problems of lead poisoning are clear, childhood lead exposure, no matter how small, may certainly have long-term ramifications that are not obvious and observed immediately.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) [LinkedIn][twitter][Wikipedia] is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association (AMA) [twitter][Wikipedia]. It publishes original research, reviews, and editorials covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences.
Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning Cause & Effect
Even the most simplistic “Cause and Effect” relationship of Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning of vulnerable populations and its connection to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often overlooked and sometimes it even appears to be ignored [purposely] by Local, County, and State officials. This is even in light of the massive volume of accumulated medical and scientific evidence.
For instance it should be noted how the Alarming Increase in Autistic Students Creates Challenges for School Districts as reported in [HomeTownLife]. Locally, this means the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) District faces a staggering 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) students enrolled in the PCCS School District since 2010.

State Representative Matt Koleszar with Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, whose research exposed the Flint Water Debacle
Of course, the following abbreviated list represents just a tiny sampling and NOT an official or thorough survey of the tidal wave of accumulated medical and scientific evidence linking Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
- Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Lead Poisoning: Diagnostic Challenges and Management Complexities (html). Hauptman, M., Stierman, B., & Woolf, A. D. (2019). Clinical Pediatrics, 58(6), 605–612. [PubMed html]. https://doi.org/10.1177/0009922819839237.
- Baby Teeth Link Autism and Heavy Metals (html) 2017, NIH study suggests | National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- Long-Lasting Effects of Childhood Lead Poisoning (html) 2017 – Consumer Reports.
- Environmental Chemical Exposures and Neurodevelopmental Impairments In Children – Bellinger – Pediatric Medicine (html) (pdf) doi: 10.21037/pm.2018.11.03, Bellinger DC. Pediatr Med 2018;1:9.
- Blood Lead Concentrations and Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Problems: A Cohort Study | Anxiety Disorders | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network (html) (pdf) JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(8):737-745. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.332, Journal American Medical Association (JAMA) (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf).
- Childhood Lead Exposure and Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms: A Meta- Analysis, 2018, Walden University ScholarWorks, Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection (html) (pdf)
- The Association between Lead and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review, 2019, (html) (pdf) (PubMed html) (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf).
- Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – PubMed – NCBI (PubMed html). Evidence Synthesis Number 174. Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality https://www.ahrq.gov. (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf) AHRQ Publication No. 18-05245-EF-1 April 2019.
- Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – PubMed – NCBI (PubMed html). Evidence Synthesis Number 175, Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality https://www.ahrq.gov. (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf) AHRQ Publication No. 18-05245-EF-2 April 2019.
- Children and ADHD: What you need to know| MIBluesPerspectives (html). Michigan Blue Cross & Blue Shield, April 1, 2019. Despite extensive research, any exact cause(s) of ADHD is still inconclusive. However, evidence strongly suggests links to genetics and environmental factors such as lead poisoning. The latest Health of America Report (pdf) from Blue Cross Blue Shield has more data (xlsx) on ADHD and its growing impact on children and adolescents. Read the full report here, that presents statistics that everyone in Michigan should be concerned about.
- Early Childhood Lead Exposure and Academic Achievement: Evidence from Detroit Public Schools, 2008–2010 (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf).
- Lead (Pb) Toxicity: What Are the Physiologic Effects of Lead Exposure? (html) (pdf) | Center for Disease Control (CDC), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) – Environmental Medicine & Environmental Health Education – Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM).
- Lead poisoning – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic (html). Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children younger than 6 years are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development.
It seems that when you put Tetraethyl Lead on pregnant women, babies, and school children, or any vulnerable populations for that matter, this is what happens. What are these people thinking? Tetraethyl Lead doesn’t disappear or go away by itself, right “Captain Obvious”?

Labor Day Parade with State Senator Dayna Polehanki, State Representative Matt Koleszar, Wayne County Commissioner Melissa Daub
See more references on page “1 million Michigan Child BLLs Show MDOT Lead Poisoning Coverup” for further evidence directly linking Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning.
When anyone sees the overwhelming mountain of medical and scientific evidence, it appears the only conclusion is that MDOT’s main purpose & sole mission is to promote & protect the MDOT Flying Club Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Clique and NOT Michigan’s vulnerable populations, go figure.
Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) and Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Used in 100LL Aviation Fuel, PFASs and Dioxane Are All Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDC) Extensively Used in Aviation Related Activities.
Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) and Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) used in 100LL Aviation Fuel and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and Dioxane are all Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDC) used extensively in Aviation related activities.
- Tetraethyllead | Pb(C2H5)4 – PubChem – (CAS 78-00-2)
- EDB | 1,2-Dibromoethane | Br(CH2)2Br – PubChem – (CAS 106-93-4) (EPA pdf) (WI DHS)(NJ DOH) (ATSDR) (ToxFAQs)
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) (EPA) (NIEHS) (CDC) (LiveScience)
- Dioxane | C4H8O2 – PubChem – (CAS 123-91-1)
A research report by the Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and communications DETEC, Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA, Aviation Policy and Strategy Environmental Affairs, titled “Aircraft Piston Engine Emissions Summary” (pdf) brings up another dirty little aviation secret that is all but ignored, obscured, and most likely hidden on purpose.
Leaded 100LL aviation fuel contains a similar amount of ethylene dibromide (EDB), usually a 1:1 ratio, e.g. 2.12 grams of Ethyl Bromide are combined with 2.12 grams of Tetraethyl Lead AKA Pb(C2H5)4 (CAS # 78-00-2) per gallon of aviation fuel. Ethyl Bromide AKA Bromoethane AKA CH3CH2Br (CAS # 74-96-4) is used to remove (scavenge) lead deposits from the combustion parts of the engine. Otherwise spark plugs can be destroyed and deposits on valves can obstruct their proper operation. Ethyl Bromide, or the scavenger, is an environmentally harmful substance, believed to be carcinogenic, is an EDC and contributes to stratospheric ozone depletion (EPA EDB Hazard Summary 106-93-4) (EDB was banned under International Rotterdam Convention) (IRC home).
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs), and heavy metals in amniotic fluid: a case-control study (09 January 2019) | Molecular Autism | (html) (pdf) Existing studies of autism suggest that prenatal metal exposure may be related to autism. Exposure to Pb (Lead) during neurodevelopment has significant effects on neurobehavioral and intellectual performance, also resulting in attention, hyperactivity, and learning disorders. Lead poisoning has been suggested as a possible risk factor for autism, as Pb (Lead) blood levels of autistic children have been reported to be significantly higher than those of healthy children. Previous studies have shown that perinatal exposure to Mn, Pb (Lead), and Cd from air pollution increased ASD risk. In this study, the authors observed that As and Pb (Lead) levels in AF tend to be positively associated with ASD risk, suggesting the possible role of prenatal exposure to toxic metals in the ASD development.
The study summarized that environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as PFAS, some metals (including Lead), and their biological activities can be detected in amniotic fluid, indicating that EDCs can cross the placenta and increase the potential fetal exposure to these environment contaminants. EDCs might modify ASD risk by influencing the hormone receptor function.
Early Life Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Childhood Obesity and Neurodevelopment, 2016 Nov 18, (html) (pdf). EDCs may increase the risk of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders by interfering with early life thyroid hormone signaling or metabolism. Thyroid hormones play a critical role in neuronal migration, synaptogenesis, and myelination during gestation and childhood. Even clinically non-significant variations in maternal thyroxine or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels during pregnancy are associated with reduced cognitive abilities, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms, and increased autism risk.
A couple of key points of several noted:
- Endocrine disrupting chemicals may increase the risk of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders or obesity by disrupting hormonally-mediated processes during critical periods of development.
- The developing fetus, infant, and child may have enhanced sensitivity to environmental stressors like EDCs and greater exposure to some EDCs because of developmentally appropriate behavior, anatomy, and physiology.
Of course, the following abbreviated list represents just a tiny sampling and NOT an official or thorough survey of the tidal wave of accumulated medical and scientific evidence:
- Higher lead in topsoil boosts probability of cognitive difficulties in five-year-old boys, (MedicalExpress), April 10, 2019
- Pregnant Moms’ Air Pollution Exposure May Affect Babies’ Health | The Scientist Magazine® (html), Sep 23, 2019
- Call to Action on Neurotoxin Exposure in Pregnant Women and Children | Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders | JAMA | JAMA Network | (html)
- The Emerging Clinical Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review | Autism Spectrum Disorders | JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network | (html)
- U.S. Air Quality Was Improving. Now It’s Getting Worse, and data shows more people are dying (PBS) (APNews) (Bloomberg) (WashingtonPost)
- PFAS Chemicals: EDCs Contaminating Our Water and Food Supply | Endocrine Society (html)
- Experts warn PFAS endocrine-disrupting chemicals may drive obesity, osteoporosis (html)
- A restatement of the natural science evidence based on the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on wildlife | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (html) (pdf)
- Clinical Epigenetics | Home page (html)
- Pollution and epigenetics (html)
- Air pollution-induced placental alterations: an interplay of oxidative stress, epigenetics, and the aging phenotype? | Clinical Epigenetics | (html) (pdf)
- Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) – EveryCRSReport.com, (html) (pdf) Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) IP0280E, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, 01-31-1985!
- Dirty Dozen Endocrine Disruptors | EWG (html)
- What is Endocrine Disruption? | Endocrine Disruption | US EPA (html)
- Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals EDCs | Hormone Health Network (html)
- Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals | Hormone Health Network (html)
- WHO | Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) (html)
- The Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids Michigan claims ‘water is safe,’ but won’t say where – Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. This seems to be typical Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), behavior, e.g. avoiding, obscuring, and even hiding the truth from taxpayers when confronted (html)
- Endocrine Disruptors (pdf), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Endocrine Disruptors: from Scientific Evidence to Human Health Protection, March 2019 (pdf) This research paper was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions and commissioned, overseen and published by the Policy Department for Citizen’s Rights and Constitutional Affairs.
- Critical Windows of Development Timeline — The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (html)
- Home — The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (html)
- PFAS Update 2019: Emerging Contaminants – What’s New, And What’s Next?
By Stephanie R. Feingold Drew Cleary Jordan, April 24, 2019 (pdf), states that many different Theories of Liability Being Pursued: Public Nuisance and Private Nuisance, Trespass, negligence, Abnormally Dangerous/Ultra Hazardous Activities, Failure to Warn, Claims for both Property Damage and Personal Injury/Medical Monitoring, and possibly Fraud and or State Statutory Consumer Protection Statutes & Other State Codified Analogs of Common Law Claims.
Important 2020 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) updates:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | Autism (html) | National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) |Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- 2020 Community Report on Autism (html) (pdf) | Autism | NCBDDD | CDC
- Key Findings: CDC Releases First Estimates of the Number of Adults Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States (html) | Autism | NCBDDD | CDC
- National and State Estimates of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (html) | SpringerLink
- Autism (html) | HHS.gov
- NIMH » Autism Spectrum Disorder (html)
- CDC Releases New Prevalence Rates of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (html) – Autism Society
- U.S. Autism Rates Up 10 Percent in New CDC Report (html) – 2020 – News Releases – News – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Public Health
- CDC estimate on autism prevalence increases by nearly 10 percent, to 1 in 54 children in the U.S. (html) | Autism Speaks
- NIMH » Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Please check back for updates.
Why Isn’t the State of Michigan Stopping the Lead Poisoning of PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from a Completely Unneeded State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip?
Wow MDOT non-sense has been going on almost 3 Years, since demanding our State of Michigan Elected Officials and Departments (#1 April 2017 & #2 September 2017 , #3 January 2019 to Governor Whitmer, #4 April 2019, more emails to be published soon) protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead Poisoning by aircraft & helicopters using 100LL Leaded Aviation Fuel at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is still “Open for Business As Usual” for over two years. When is the State of Michigan going to take action to protect our vulnerable populations from MDOT Lead Poisoning?
There is NO end in sight and NO protection of the Health, Safety, and Welfare of PCCS Schools, Canton, Plymouth, and surrounding neighborhoods, and the community at large, including babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities!
See UPDATE: May 2019 – PCCS Schools Still Being Covered with 1d2 Lead Dust for details
NOTE: Million $ Personal Helicopters, Staudacher S600F Professional Stunt Planes, Cirrus SR-22s starting at $539,000+, owners with multiple airplanes, it’s all about money and Special Interests & Industry Lobbyist influence enabled by MDOT – The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) at a State of Michigan (SoM) owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip located in densely populated Canton & Plymouth neighborhoods & PCCS Schools at the expense of the Health, Safety, and Welfare (MDHSS) of the most vulnerable populations subjected to a continuous stream of Lead Poisoning. MDOT– the Michigan Department of Transportation, a State of Michigan Department that prioritizes their Hobby, Sport, Recreational activities while ignoring Community Health, Safety, and Welfare is not only unethical and shameful, it’s just plain disgusting, Michigan deserves better!
The unethical, greedy, self-centered, MDOT, Special Interest, and Industry Lobbyist actions are unfair to FAA budgets and cheat the other 25,000 airports all across the country that have legitimate budget requests and really require positive funding & support in their respective communities. Additionally, MDOT, Special Interests, Industry Lobbyists, and individual aircraft owners and pilots at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 have betrayed the public trust, and have damaged the reputation and integrity of the Aviation, Aerospace, & Defense community at large with past & continued hostile, immature, selfish behaviors with total disregard of schools, neighborhoods, & community. A very sad waste of taxpayer hard earned dollars!
MDOT officials should be held accountable for the obvious, well known, common knowledge of foreseeable lead poisoning personal injury, property damage, and cleanup costs just as a Federal Judge reinstates previous Michigan Governor Rick Snyder as defendant as new evidence was presented that show many believe ‘He covered it up‘ as the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle lawsuit proceeds. This new move now puts his personal wealth at risk.
It does not matter where the toxic lead comes from, Ann Arbor Public Schools are monitoring high lead levels in an effort to protect students, the Ann Arbor School System realizes that lead is toxic even at low levels of 5 parts per billion, why isn’t PCCS Schools and Plymouth & Canton monitoring for toxic lead to protect our students too regardless of where the lead originates? Ann Arbor school officials have immediately laid out a response plan for lead in schools.
Shortly after announcing the initial plan the Ann Arbor School System is quickly and wisely increasing the response to any child lead exposure levels. Most recently, the city of Ann Arbor has agreed to release information under Michigan’s FOIA law about past and present lead component locations that may require additional replacements due to potential lead contamination concerns. Ann Arbor is trying to stay ahead of the curve re water testing and filtering.
The demands for Community Protection under law are reasonable, & simple really:
- Taxpayers demand protection of our schools & community from lead poisoning
- Non-flying Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay for several dozen well to do pilots to use Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip as excess capacity exists more appropriately elsewhere all while taxpayers are forced to pay for Roads with a 20 year millage increase! This is after Canton Township siphoned $10 million from the township’s general fund — money that could have been better spent — to complement cash-strapped Wayne County, which has jurisdiction over township roads, but lacks the money to fix the problem. Michigan DOT spends $154 per capita vs Pennsylvania spend of $530 per capita which costs Michigan residents $865 vs $377 per capita nationally!
2020: Time for NEW Canton Township Leadership, & Flush Three More Stooges!
2020 is the time for Knowledgeable, Responsible, and Accountable Canton Township Leadership from someone like Ann Marie Graham-Hudak [Canton] [Canton] [Crains] [Crains] [PlymouthVoice] [Ford Facebook]. Canton Township needs a respected Leader that will stand up for our Community and actively promote and protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of our most vulnerable populations including many nearby school children, babies, adolescents, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities from Lead Poisoning from Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel used at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip!
- Anne Marie for Canton Supervisor – Home (html) | Facebook.
- Anne Marie Graham-Hudak For Canton Township Supervisor (html). Moving Canton Township, Michigan Forward – We can choose to protect our natural beauty, manage infrastructure and growth, and attract the jobs of tomorrow; but, not if we keep doing what we’ve always done. It’s time for a change! Vote Anne Marie Graham-Hudak For Canton Township Supervisor!
- Home | MovingCantonForward (html).
2020 is also the time to flush three more stooges, clowns, and blowhards not to mention self-proclaimed Lead Poisoning experts: Pat Williams [Canton] [Canton], Michael Siegrist [Canton], and John Anthony [Canton]! The Community cannot afford to let these three almost comedic bozos to continue to schlep around and drag our community and its community health and reputation down with their combined and continued efforts to knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) adding to sum of the Community Health Malpractice & Negligence.
Collectively, taxpayers, and the Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) can thank all three of you for your combined and continued efforts to knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) adding to the “Community Health Malpractice & Negligence” for failing to do anything to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of babies, young children, Plymouth Canton Community School System (PCCS) students, families, nursing and pregnant mothers, retired and elderly at the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities, our most vulnerable populations, from toxic effects of lead pollution from 100LL aviation fuel used by aircraft, and helicopters at Plymouth-Canton Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
Larry, Moe & Curly, er I mean Pat, Michael & John thank you, thank you very little for doing absolutely nothing to avoid a Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel Lead poisoning coverup, SEE: 1 million Michigan Child BLLs Show MDOT Lead Poisoning Coverup.
There has not been a peep from Kurt “Beavis” Heise. Why doesn’t the leader of Plymouth Township take a stand especially in an election year to protect the local communities and schools from Tetraethyl Lead poisoning? BTW: so, if Heise is “Beavis”, guess what? That means that you know who is “Butt-Head right? Yup, it’s Pat “Butt-Head” Williams. Their most recent conversation was overheard discussing the upcoming 2020 election:
Beavis (Kurt): Heh, heh, heh…
Butt-Head (Pat): Uh-huh-huh, uh-huh-huh…
Around the Canton Township Michigan Offices, the so-called Canton Township Clerk Michael A. Siegrist is known as “Shoes”. Many people ask why would anybody be referred to simply as just “Shoes”. The answer is actually quite trivial, almost obvious, mundane in fact:
It seems as Pat “Butt-Head” Williams, the current Canton Township Supervisor, quickly scurries [define] or schleps [define] around the township hall offices, Siegrist is seen following so close behind that if Williams abruptly stops too quickly, all that you see are the “Shoes” sticking out! Thus the moniker [define] “Shoes” was realized and applies to this day, true visual artistry! A couple of Clowns looking for any needy Carnival Sideshow [define] that will have them! Good luck with that! More Canton & Plymouth Follies.
None of could in good conscience vote for “Shoes”, so we all voted for a “write in candidate” that we described on the ballot as “Any PCCS Fifth Grader”!
- Lawsuit against Canton police claims traffic stop, arrests unlawful, April 3, 2020 (html) | Home Town Life.
- Public safety director sues Canton Township Michigan over pension pay (html) | Home Town Life.
- Canton Township Michigan, public safety director part ways after lawsuit (html) | Home Town Life.
- Canton Township Michigan in no hurry to fill vacant public safety director position. Yeah right, there’s no money left! (html) | Home Town Life.
- Lawsuit: Canton complex evicted tenants in addiction recovery program (html) | Home Town Life.
- Judge rules Canton tree ordinance unconstitutional in court case, July 20, 2020 (html) | Home Town Life.
- Canton Township brothers’ businesses are focus of “Trees” lawsuit, June 18, 2019 (html) | Joshi, attorneys + counselors.
- Township’s Tree-Cutting Ban Violates Landowners’ Rights, May 1, 2020 (html) – Michigan Capitol Confidential. Judge calls it an ‘unconstitutional regulatory taking’. The requirement is so onerous that the cost of complying with it could exceed the value of the property itself and is not justified by its alleged contribution to the township’s quality of life.
- $25 million lawsuit filed against Canton Township (html) | Home Town Life. Legal fees for two lawsuits filed against Canton to be paid from police and fire funds. Thank you again Pat Williams!
- Charges Dropped Against 10-Year-Old Playing Dodgeball (html) | Canton, MI Patch. A Canton boy was in legal trouble after a game of dodgeball gone wrong, but his mother said the victim’s medical condition is to blame.
- Police called after campaign staffer videos man taking election signs (html) | Home Town Life. Pat Williams said that several of his campaign’s yard signs placed with permission on private property have been swiped, along with larger, more-expensive six-foot banners. “All I want is for my private property to be returned,” Pat Williams said. “I’m not going to press charges.” “Considering that radical leftists want to destroy America’s history, censor opposing views on social media, and shout down any form of debate, stealing yards signs seems par for the course,” said Whittney Williams. “With half-baked ideas such as defunding the police and the green new deal, it’s no wonder why the left would rather silence their opposition instead of allowing voters to make informed decisions.”
- Union Democrat (radical leftist) Caught Stealing Pat Williams Yard Signs On-Camera (html) – YouTube.
- About Pat “Butt-Head” Williams | Elect Pat Williams for Canton Township, MI Stupidvisor 2016 (html) | WOW! What a historical Mistake!
- Pat “Butt-Head” Williams, Canton Township, MI Stupidvisor – Home | Facebook.
- Elect Pat “Butt-Head” Williams for Canton Township, MI Stupidvisor 2020 NOT! (html).
- Meet several candidates running for Canton Township trustee. Primary Election 2020: Canton Township Board of Trustees democrats, July 27, 2020 (html) | Home Town Life. Primary election 2020: Plymouth Township Trustees republicans, July 28, 2020 (html) | Home Town Life.
- Parent sponsored graduation party at Plymouth Canton campus raises concerns (html) | Fox2 Detroit. “I don’t think we’re ready to go back to school or have a lot of events either” at Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS).
- Slows food truck canceled in Canton due to possible COVID case, July 30, 2020 (html) | Home Town Life.
- Kurt “Hissy Fit” Heise For Plymouth Township, MI Stupidvisor (html). Kurt “Hissy Fit” Heise for Plymouth Township, MI Stupidvisor – Home (html) | Facebook.
- Fostering local Plymouth Michigan Area government collaboration & team work, it appears that Beavis & Butt-Head have friends:
- Kurt “Hissy Fit” Heise Meltdown: Plymouth Township, MI Stupidvisor tells Citizens to “STOP using Facebook” (html) – YouTube 525 views.
- Plymouth Michigan mayor, manager apologize after accused of lying to DDA board (html) | HomeTown Life.
- Incorrect statements prompt apology from Plymouth Michigan city manager, mayor (html) – Plymouth Voice.
- Time’s up Mr. City Manager (html) – Plymouth Voice.
- Conzelman And Starr Are A Bad Fit for Plymouth Township, July 18, 2020 (html) | Plymouth, MI Patch. A very interesting thing is happening in the Plymouth Township election for the Board of Trustees. It seems that a group of extremely left leaning people have suddenly decided that they want to take over Plymouth Township government. The Plymouth Township Clerk decided that the comments of township taxpayers shouldn’t be reflected in the minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings. Canton Township Clerk Michael Seigrist does the exact same thing. We are all believers in transparency, so let’s be transparent. See Canton Township Refuses (Williams & Seigrist) to Publish “Public Comment” Regarding Lead Poisoning Info (html).
Stay tuned for more on the Adventures of Beavis & Butthead as they Do Plymouth-Canton Community & Schools . . .
Take Action to Protect PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from Lead Poisoning from State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal Airstrip
The only way to protect the community from lead poisoning from 100LL leaded aviation fuel is to demand the shutdown of:
Hobby, Sport, Recreational only
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip
CANTON, MI 48187
The community must make as many calls, send as many emails as you can, to as many recipients on the Contacts page as possible to demand closure of the State of Michigan Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip only then will our Elected Officials and State of Michigan departments react!
While financial considerations are secondary to protecting Health, Safety, & Welfare of vulnerable populations, there is a also mandatory requirement to reorganize MDOT to remove the stranglehold of the MDOT bureaucracy on infrastructure essential to the Future of Michigan and place control back in the hands of Taxpayers and their elected officials!
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Bureaucracy, as with all public servants, must abide by the highest standards of the State of Michigan (SoM) set forth by Governor Whitmer [PressRelease] [html] [pdf] [Ethics] and be held accountable for knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) while contributing to the sum of Community Health, Safety, & Welfare negligence & malpractice, financial waste, misuse of taxpayer funds and the consequences of public funding abuse (html)!
See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.
See UPDATE: April May – PCCS Schools Still Being Covered with 1d2 Lead Dust for additional supporting information.
Lead Poisoning of Canton Plymouth Community Continues Unabated!
It’s time to take back our community! All across the country people are realizing that old airstrips like 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal that start out in a rural area and are now embedded in densely populated neighborhoods are a thing of the past. The eventual closure of 1d2 is just a matter of time based on many factors affecting the community.
1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal is a serious community health concern as a major source of highly toxic lead pollution, is unsafe and very dangerous, a hostile, unfriendly environment to anyone outside of the 1d2 clique, was never required or needed, is still not and never has been economically viable, is a huge tax burden, and is a real, concrete deterrent to education, business, and technology progress & development locally.
1d2 is a complete duplication of three very close, much better equipped, and more appropriate airport/runway facilities. 1d2 is a complete frivolous waste of taxpayers hard earned time and money! 1d2 has been a focal point of continual dissension since the ’70s. Now is the time to take action and #DT1D2A “Drain the 1d2 Airstrip” and as a community come to our senses and finally close 1D2 once and for all!
1d2 is strictly a personal hobby, recreational, sport venue airstrip, there are no other jobs other than third party management company jobs minimally cleaning the 1d2 facilities, lawn cutting, and snow plowing. There is no economically viable business that is dependent on this location. 1d2 has no local relevance, has no regional relevance, and has never been considered critical infrastructure to anyone except MDOT employees.
1d2 is a 25 year old State of Michigan owned dilapidated, worn out, failed experiment on “taxpayer life support” and taxpayers are sick and tired of paying for the convenience of several dozen hangar renters, and a couple minor business concerns headquartered in other communities taking advantage of taxpayers via State and Federal handouts. There is NO tangible or demonstrable reason to the majority (99.97%) of the taxpayers in local communities, surrounding counties, or of the entire State of Michigan, that they can see to pay for 1d2 to be there at all!
There are 22 airports within 50 miles of 1d2 that receive 51.4% of the total MDOT/FAA NPIAS 2017-2021 budget for the entire State of Michigan. This amounts to $365,600,480.00 out of $714,881,838.00. With rapidly decreasing personal pilot/aircraft numbers and shrinking demographics, the surrounding 22 airports can easily absorb any and all activities from 1d2.
Not surprisingly, 1D2 is operated by a third party management company that does NOT appear to be beholden, accountable, or controllable by the State of Michigan, MDOT, or the FAA.
But, firstly, the major challenge is to help the most vulnerable and defenseless, our children. We need to protect & defend them from the devastating effects and impact from continuous toxic lead poisoning right here in our own backyard at 1d2. This is described in detail in the section on lead poisoning via piston engine aircraft using 100LL leaded gasoline at 1d2. BTW this includes piston engine helicopters, which are without question some of the largest toxic lead emitters based on their highly inefficient operation and huge fuel consumption.
Secondly, the additional major goals of this web site to close 1d2 are to:
- Share – knowledge, information, and skills regarding contacts, laws, regulations, processes, procedures, gleaned from the collective experience of everyone of our volunteers, stakeholders, and the community so everyone can be accurately informed, completely up to date, and learn how, where, and who to report 1d2 complaints and problems to. Lets all get on the same page!
- Unite – all stakeholders, including families, neighborhood homeowner associations (HOAs), schools, the ACLU of Michigan, universities, colleges, churches, hospitals, government agencies, businesses, and all interested parties that want to save the larger community from continued 1d2 lead poisoning and prolonged damage.
- Protect & Defend – our children, families, and the community, whether it’s Canton, Plymouth, or the whole tri-county area, including Westland, Northville, Novi, Livonia, and surrounding areas. We are all ONE community in unity against 1d2 lead poisoning!
- Gather – all feedback and pay it forward. Especially from people that have complained repeatedly over the years and have not heard or seen any consistent visible or tangible results or that have been subjected to 1d2 arrogance, hostility, harassment, or discrimination, whether in person, in the skies above our homes, or online. 1d2 complaints have been completely ignored, discarded, never recorded anywhere, and reported to no one so no historical records exist. Everyone we talk to feels that there is a lot of relevant feedback just waiting out there. Up to now nobody could find a suitable responsible party, or more accurately anywhere to report complaints to. Please help or contribute anyway that you can as this effort requires as much community feedback and participation as possible to finish the job at hand!
- Promote – a healthier, safer, community and properly utilize the full 63 acres of property at 1d2 for the mutual benefit of everyone not just commercial and special interests and a privileged few. Let’s use everyone’s time and efforts to convert the 1d2 nightmare into something useful for all to generate high tech jobs, tax revenues, and a new vibrant community “green space” together as a community family and team.
- Donate – please volunteer any time and/or donate resources via Paypal to support a joint community effort to close 1d2 that will make a real impact for our children. While the costs are low, there are still costs nonetheless. All donations over and beyond the actual costs plus a small operating reserve will be provided to Canton Township to support student scholarships, provide assistance for battered and abused women via National Domestic Violence HOTLINE, help service members via the USO, or help fund the Yankee Air Museum (Yes! we are proud as some of our fathers helped build Willow Run!) as the Township Supervisor sees fit. Thank you so much to everyone for the generous donations that have helped thus far, it is greatly appreciated!
keywords and local features impacted by lead poisoning and safety issues at “1d2”: the recognized “airport code” for 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airport in Canton Township, Michigan, and Plymouth, Michigan is “1d2” and will used throughout the web site for brevity. PCCS is abbreviation for Plymouth Canton Community Schools. June 18, 2017, annual father’s day pancake breakfast fly-in at 1d2 canton-plymouth mettetal airport, regarding lead poisoning, lead exposure, Tonquish Creek, flying Lessons, Mettetal Airport History, Mettetal Airport Open House, Willow Creek, Shuart Drain, Sheldon Road Wetlands, Huron-Clinton Metroparks, Lower River Rouge Recreational Trail, Morton Taylor Mountain Bike Trail, Lower River Rouge Trailhead, Environmental Toxicity, environmental disaster, Canton Township, Michigan Trail System Overview, airport near canton mi, flying club, airwave, aero, landing at canton-plymouth mettetal (1d2), aviation, 8550 North Lilley Road, Canton Michigan, 48187, Airport & FBO info, parking info, drone no-fly zone, aircraft charter, photos, weather, MDOT, Michigan Department of Transportation, helicopter charter. 26th Annual Canton Township Michigan Liberty Fest at Heritage Park, Thursday June 15 thru Saturday June 17, 2017, behind the Canton Administration Building and the Canton Public Library, just west of Canton Center Road between Cherry Hill and Summit Parkway, 46000 Summit Parkway Canton, MI 48188. Wetlands environmental impact, Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast at Mettetal Airport in Canton, Plymouth – Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport fun place to fly, Mettetal airport flying lessons, flight school, flight instruction, Plymouth Canton Mettetal airport. University of Michigan Mcity, American Center for Mobility at Willow Run, focus on autonomous vehicle technology and other high technology companies. Plymouth Michigan art in the park, Old Village Restaurant Crawl, a Taste of Plymouth, Friday Night Music in the Park, historic Plymouth’s main street, Kellogg Park, Kellogg Fountain, city of Plymouth Michigan 150th birthday, 150th anniversary, Plymouth Community Band, Plymouth Downtown Development Authority, Plymouth Historical Museum, Plymouth-based Michigan Philharmonic orchestra, Kiwanis Club, the Plymouth Historical Museum, the Penn Theatre, Penn Theater, Plymouth Recreation & Arts Complex, the Plymouth DDA, the city of Plymouth Michigan, the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce, the Plymouth District Library and the Old Village Association, http://www.plymouthmich.org or http://www.downtownplymouth.org, Mayflower condominium, historic Plymouth, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha. Plymouth 150th Anniversary Celebration with a Fourth of July parade and an ice cream social, annual ice festival, Daisy Air Rifle factory. Michigan’s second largest art fair, Canton “grub crawl”. Plymouth Old Village Restaurant Crawl, Annual Plymouth Fall Festival, Mettetal Airport picnic. The Starkweather Lofts, situated between the city’s historic Old Village area and Hines Park. Plymouth International Ice Sculpture Festival. Plymouth Ice Festival – Plymouth Rocks! – Plymouth Michigan – Presented by the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce – Great things to do in Plymouth Michigan – http://www.plymouthmich.org/Plymouth-Ice-Festival_ET908S34.html. An experimental “flying car” aircraft crashed on Friday during a test run at Willow Run (YIP) Airport, injuring the male pilot and prompting an FAA investigation Friday December 16, 2018. The Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) N112SD flying car was built at Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airport, the FAA is investigating further. The experimental flying car unexpectedly goes airborne, and crashes at Willow Run. Somehow, the plane took flight and then crashed. The owner/pilot was the only person on the aircraft. He was taken to the University of Michigan Hospital by paramedics. City of Plymouth Wins 4-Star Rating for Economic Development. Shopping Near Me | You’ll Find it on Ford Rd in Canton MI https://www.shopcanton.org/, Concours d’Elegance 2019 coming to Plymouth Township, Michigan.