HomeTownLife.com, part of the USAToday Network, reports an “Alarming increase in autistic students creates ongoing challenges for school districts”, the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools (PCCS) is facing a staggering 47% increase in the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) students enrolled in its district since 2010. PCCS employs approximately 150 Special Education staff members and a large group of para-professionals, and the costs to taxpayers are spiraling completely out of control.
When anyone sees the overwhelming mountain of medical and scientific evidence, it appears the only conclusion is that MDOT’s main purpose & sole mission is to promote & protect the MDOT Flying Club Special Interest & Industry Lobbyist Clique and NOT Michigan’s vulnerable populations, go figure.
Of course, the following abbreviated list represents just a tiny sampling and NOT an official or thorough survey of the tidal wave of accumulated medical and scientific evidence linking Tetraethyl Lead (TEL) Poisoning to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Lead Poisoning: Diagnostic Challenges and Management Complexities (html). Hauptman, M., Stierman, B., & Woolf, A. D. (2019). Clinical Pediatrics, 58(6), 605–612. [PubMed html]. https://doi.org/10.1177/0009922819839237.
Baby Teeth Link Autism and Heavy Metals (html) 2017, NIH study suggests | National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Fetal and Postnatal Metal Dysregulation in Autism (html) (pdf) 2017 | Nature Communications.
Long-Lasting Effects of Childhood Lead Poisoning (html) 2017 – Consumer Reports.
Environmental Chemical Exposures and Neurodevelopmental Impairments In Children – Bellinger – Pediatric Medicine (html) (pdf) doi: 10.21037/pm.2018.11.03, Bellinger DC. Pediatr Med 2018;1:9.
Blood Lead Concentrations and Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Problems: A Cohort Study | Anxiety Disorders | JAMA Pediatrics | JAMA Network (html) (pdf) JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(8):737-745. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.332, Journal American Medical Association (JAMA) (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf).
Childhood Lead Exposure and Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms: A Meta- Analysis, 2018, Walden University ScholarWorks, Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection (pdf).
The Association between Lead and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review, 2019, (html) (pdf) (PubMed html) (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf).
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – PubMed – NCBI (PubMed html). Evidence Synthesis Number 174. Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality https://www.ahrq.gov. (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf) AHRQ Publication No. 18-05245-EF-1 April 2019.
Screening for Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force – PubMed – NCBI (PubMed html). Evidence Synthesis Number 175, Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality https://www.ahrq.gov. (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf) AHRQ Publication No. 18-05245-EF-2 April 2019.
Children and ADHD: What you need to know| MIBluesPerspectives (html). Michigan Blue Cross & Blue Shield, April 1, 2019. Despite extensive research, any exact cause(s) of ADHD is still inconclusive. However, evidence strongly suggests links to genetics and environmental factors such as lead poisoning. The latest Health of America Report (pdf) from Blue Cross Blue Shield has more data (xlsx) on ADHD and its growing impact on children and adolescents. Read the full report here, that presents statistics that everyone in Michigan should be concerned about.
Early Childhood Lead Exposure and Academic Achievement: Evidence from Detroit Public Schools, 2008–2010 (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf).
Lead (Pb) Toxicity: What Are the Physiologic Effects of Lead Exposure? (html) (pdf) | Center for Disease Control (CDC), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) – Environmental Medicine & Environmental Health Education – Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM).
Lead poisoning – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic (html). Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children younger than 6 years are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development
It seems that when you put Tetraethyl Lead on pregnant women, babies, and school children, or any vulnerable populations for that matter, this is what happens. What are these people thinking?
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The Effect of Leaded 100LL Aviation Fuel on Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) of Over 1 Million Children in Michigan
Hopefully Michigan Solicitor General Fadwa Hammoud (html)(html), Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy (html) (html), Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (MIAG), Michigan Auditor General Doug Ringler (MAG), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Public Corruption Program (PCP) are well aware of this dire situation directly linked to the Flint Lead Poisoning Debacle.
The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasonline [sp] on Blood Lead in Children html() (pdf) by Associate Professor Shawn P. McElmurry (html), Wayne State University (WSU), Detroit, Michigan et al. First published in August 2014 right in the middle of the Flint Lead Poisoning crisis / debacle as it was unfolding. It certainly makes anyone wonder WHAT did then Governor Snyder, and now MDOT and MDHHS know and WHEN did they know it. Many in the community believe that this looks like part of the same or perhaps yet another attempted Lead Poisoning related coverup. As they say, when something walks like a duck, quacks like duck, and looks like a duck, it probably IS a duck. It is so surprising that highly respected Michigan based research results and reporting using official BLL data from over 1 million Michigan children (!) supplied by the State of Michigan would go unnoticed by so many for so long. Unfortunately, only the Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (MIAG) or maybe the Michigan Auditor General Doug Ringler (MAG) have the power and access required to really uncover the truth! This is way beyond our pay grade!
An updated version was published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (home): Vol 4, No 2, April 11, 2017 (html) (https://doi.org/10.1086/691686) with the corrected spelling title “The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasoline on Blood Lead in Children”
To address an EPA request for more evidence, the authors constructed a novel dataset that links time and spatially referenced Blood Lead Level (BLL) data from 1,043,391 children to hundreds of nearby airports in Michigan, as well as a subset of airports with detailed data on the volume of piston-engine aircraft traffic. The Michigan Department of Community Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Project [State of Michigan] provided the blood Tetraethyl Lead data used in this study, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program (home) provided financial support. Additional Michigan Lead Poisoning Prevention resources [Wayne County] [Oakland County] [Washtenaw County] [Detroit] [Ingham County].
The evidence shows that Piston Engine Aircraft (PEA) (including helicopter) traffic imposes a substantially higher burden on children within 2 km of an airport, as compared to children living beyond 2 km of an airport. More precisely, the likelihood of a child’s BLL exceeding 5 μg/dL for a standard deviation in PEA traffic is higher for children residing <2km relative to children residing >2km from an airport. Additionally, damages from [exposure to Tetraethyl Lead and other chemicals] were calculated to be at least $10 per gallon, which can be compared to a pump price [at the time] of about $6 per gallon. BTW: 2 kilometers is over 6500 feet, this amounts to a moderate walk for ~20 minutes in any direction. Additionally, NOTE: that the CDC now states that there is NO safe BLL for Tetraethyl Lead in children, period!
Transparency International (home), defines Corruption (html) as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Too often whistleblowers face retaliation after bringing corruption, fraud, negligence, and financial malpractice to light. These attacks are sometimes professional, sometimes legal, and can even be directed against the whistleblower’s family, property or physical and mental well-being as discussed for World Whistleblower day.
MSU, Flint water cases show difficulty of holding public officials criminally culpable https://www.mlive.com/news/2019/06/msu-flint-water-cases-show-difficulty-of-holding-public-officials-criminally-culpable.html Professor Steven Winter (html), a Wayne State law (html) professor whose expertise includes legal theory, says he thinks public officials were criminally negligent in the Flint and MSU cases, and they should be charged accordingly. Particularly in the Flint water crisis, “at some point, public officials went on path of being negligent to reckless to malevolent,” he said. “We’re talking serious culpability.”
From ‘awful’ to hopeful, dismissal of Flint water cases prompts mixed reaction https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2019/06/from-awful-to-hopeful-dismissal-of-flint-water-cases-prompts-mixed-reaction.html “There were millions of documents and a lot of devices that should have been turned over that would have aided in getting the justice that we seek,” Flint (html) Mayor Karen Weaver (html)(Wikipedia) added. “How can our [any] community regain any trust and respect from all branches of government when all levels failed them, then you allow the people you are prosecuting to decide what evidence they want you to have? This is once again an entire administrations clear lack of respect for human life and common decency, another attempt to cover up what should have never happened to begin with.”
“Restorative justice is critical for healing. Today’s news that prosecutors are dismissing Flint water crisis criminal cases to restart discovery is painful,” said Mona Hanna-Attisha (book)(TEDMED)(Twitter)(MSU). “I urge prosecutors to make public all Flint water crisis investigative documents. Flint deserves the truth.”
The statement from Hammoud and Worthy said the team ‘has already identified additional individuals of interest and new information,” and “these investigative leads will be aggressively pursued.”
A “community conversation” is set for June 28 in Flint, at which Hammoud and Worthy will speak and answer questions.
“Legitimate criminal prosecutions require complete investigations,” Hammoud and Worthy said in their statement, adding they would not answer questions from the media about the dismissal decisions until after the Flint meeting.
However, “we recognize the only acceptable remedy is the vigorous pursuit of justice, which demands an uncompromising investigation … and professional prosecution of all those criminally culpable.”
Gravel lobbyist steered MDOT report on gravel shortage https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2019/06/06/michigan-gravel-shortage-mdot-report/1269110001/ Many Michigan communities are angry about losing local control. MDOT’s major contribution was paying for the nearly $50,000 study with taxpayer dollars, records show. That’s really underhanded political dealing, people think. Many find it disgusting that MDOT employeesare able to utilize the power of MDOT to give them a leg up on any legislation at all. Washtenaw County’s Lyndon Township Supervisor said he’s not surprised to hear that MDOT sees its interests as aligned with industry, over residents. MDOT defends study even as one official says it promotes a ‘hostile land grab’
Water at a site is considered contaminated if it has PFAS greater than 70 parts per trillion. Groundwater at Willow Run, where heavy industrial manufacturing occurred since it opened as a Ford Motor Co. bomber plant in 1941, was measured at 380 ppt [over five times government limit!]. BTW: current PFAS tests are only able detect about 24 of up to nearly 5,000 known PFAS chemicals.
Childhood Blood Lead Levels and Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Cross-Sectional Study of Mexican Children. – PubMed – NCBI Brisa N Sánchez, Karen E. Peterson; University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1510067 (PubMed html) (PubMed pdf) (EHP html) (EHP pdf) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26645203
Low-level lead exposure and autistic behaviors in school-age children – ScienceDirect (html). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161813X16300146?via%3Dihub Conclusion: Even low blood lead concentrations at 7–8 years of age are associated with more autistic behaviors at 11–12 years of age, underscoring the need for continued efforts to reduce lead exposure.
What Gave This Little Boy Lead Poisoning? – WebMD (html) https://www.webmd.com/special-reports/lead-dangers/20170906/lead-poisons-austin-poteet States Fail to Act: Under the law, an elevated level of lead in the blood is a “notifiable condition”– one that is required to be reported to government authorities. Highlights the Relationship Between Lead and Autism
Association of Childhood Lead Exposure With Adult Personality Traits and Lifelong Mental Health.JAMA Psychiatry, 2019 DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.4192
Social challenges amplify negative effects of childhood lead exposure: Research shows poverty increases impact of blood lead levels on preschoolers’ cognitive and language development – ScienceDaily (html) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170504083126.htm
On-going Special Interest and Industry Lobbyist events featuring continued lead poisoning and chemical contamination described below continue to destroy the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the PCCS Schools, Canton and Plymouth neighborhoods, and the community at large, including babies, young children, students, families, nursing & pregnant mothers, retired & elderly at the many local assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities.
Lead and chemical contamination and poisoning costs tax payers big money in many ways too numerous to list, and chases away companies, investments, and jobs.
Once informed, and the true medical, scientific, and technological facts of lead poisoning at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 are exposed, nobody, including those in the technical community, such as librarians, teachers, engineers, police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, technicians, software developers, professors, and scientists, want to live, raise a family, work, or shop near any lead and chemical contamination and poisoning.
Many in the community think that friends or neighbors and their children don’t do this to other friends or neighbors and their children! Seems like many in the community are sadly mistaken? Many thanks go out to Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip and its participants from the school children at Hulsing Elementary, East Middle, and Plymouth Christian!
It does NOT appear that there is any urgency from the State of Michigan to protect the community from Lead Poisoning! It’s “Open for business as usual”!
BTW: The US National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (NLPPW) (pdf) , is held this year from October 21-27, 2018.
Tell MDOT to STOP poisoning our children with 100LL leaded aviation fuel NOW! Tell Governor Whitmer to STOPMDOT from lead poisoning our children NOW!
It has been 2 years, 26 days (24 months, 26 days) (Monday April 10, 2017 thru Sunday May 5, 2019) since notifying the State of Michigan, County, and Local authorities of Lead Poisoning from leaded 100LL aviation fuel used at State owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) continues to knowingly remaining silent (acquiesce) while contributing to the sum of Community Health, Safety, & Welfare negligence & malpractice, financial waste, misuse of taxpayer funds and public funding abuse.
Update: Sunday May 5, 2019 & Saturday May 4, 2019: Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip Still open for “business as usual”: Another very busy day Saturday and Sunday, seems it is NOT possible to control MDOT, Special Interests & Industry Lobbyists at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. Everyone is waiting for Governor Whitmer to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the community as declared in her first Executive Directive [PressRelease] [html] [pdf] January 2019. Even the Civil Air Patrol Inc, 105 S Hansell ST, Maxwell AFB Alabama 36112 (CAP) [Facebook] [Michigan Wing] (Satellite) [DOD Maxwell-Gunter AFB] [Facebook] seems to endorse, condone, support, sponsor, and or otherwise approve of Lead Poisoning of vulnerable populations like nearby school kids and the entire community with clowns & buffoons like N992CP at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip. CAP is a non-governmental non-profit organization that many believe has lost their respect along the way, e.g. many make comments like “Looking back, it didn’t really benefit in any way, and the grown up side is just a [pathetic] flight club for [arrogant] people that want to pretend they are/were military.” It’s no surprise Why CAP Members Are Leaving either, while there are some good people left, the Livonia group is stuck with the “bottom of the barrel”! Quite disturbing, sad and very disappointing . . .
Update: Tuesday April 2, 2019: Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip Still open for “business as usual” with No End in Sight!: N957CS helicopter, N519LT helicopter, N1677W FAA NOTE: this aircraft’s registration status may not be suitable for operation, N416G SR-22, N812CS SR-22, N1522V, N17177, N603SA Staudacher Pro Stunt Plane. Several of these are MDOT cronies, and even get paid from MDOT budgets. Continuing N992CP immature childish Civil Air Patrol (CAP) [Wikipedia] behavior, in the process of determining and contacting CAP management in Montgomery, Alabama, as continued poor judgement sets bad example for cadets & community.
Update: Monday March 24, 2019: Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip Still open for “business as usual”: N603SA Staudacher Stunt Plane, N812CS, N957CS helicopter, N2020Z. Seems the ‘well to do folk’ have separate rules. And everyone has keys to the all of the buildings, including the main hangar, untrained, unlicensed people regularly utilize the State owned CAT front end loader, surely NOT covered by insurance, what a liability nightmare. The State of Michigan can’t control anything at the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2, and MDOT doesn’t even try! What a complete joke!
Update: Sunday March 24, 2019 & Saturday March 23, 2019: Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip Still open for “business as usual”: N3512X, N729AJ, N992CP, N1522V, N957CS helicopter, N6902T, N733AY, etc.
Update: Sunday March 17, 2019: Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip Still open for “business as usual.” It’s certainly still not clear when and if the State of Michigan can stop the lead poisoning of children at this point? When is the Governor Whitmer going to take action?
Update: Tuesday February 12, 2019: Snow, ice, snarl 4,000 flights (CNN), frustrate commuters across much of US, including the entire Detroit area. While homeowners struggled to get kids to and from schools, get to and from work, and dig out their homes, driveways, and streets, Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip was immediately plowed and “Still Open for Business as Usual!” NOTE: NO airplanes or helicopters took off or landed the whole day, but it is plowed. Gee, wonder who profited from this activity? This is really our taxpayer dollars hard at work, thank you again MDOT for a complete waste of taxpayers hard earned money!
Update: Sunday February 10, 2019, Saturday February 9, 2019, Sunday February 3, 2019: Still open for ‘business as usual’: Still NO protection of the Health, Safety, & Welfare of our vulnerable populations or the rest of the community from Lead Poisoning! There has been absolutely NO response from MDOT!
Update: Monday January 14, thru Friday January 11, 2019: Still open for ‘business as usual’: a usual ‘free for all’ from the ‘usual suspects’: N94891, N17177, N2020Z, helicopter N76DC , N87965, N4145U , and many others . . .
Update: Sunday January 6, 2018, Saturday January 5, 2018, Friday January 4, 2019, Thursday January 3, 2019: Still “Open for business as usual” – Sat/Sun: very busy weekend, almost all fly due south ignoring Noise Abatement Procedure, usual morons N94891, N17177, N94SK EXPIRED, N2517X, exciting to see a seaplane flying 150ft over homes too! Friday: N992CP, the Civil Air Patrol again, no live saving events going on here, guys were just bored at lunchtime, came over to buzz the Canton Plymouth schools, assisted living facilities, and neighborhoods and leave quickly. Thursday: first decent sunny day of the new year, N657CP, The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) [Livonia], a “usual suspect”, logged frequently, hostile, immature, ignoring State mandated Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP), flying due south over Heartland Health Care Center-Canton, 7025 N. Lilley Road in Canton, MI 48187, a post-hospital skilled nursing care facility, and Crystal Creek Assisted Living and Memory Care, 8121 N Lilley Rd, Canton, MI 48187. Very sad, some believe that the ‘rules’ just don’t apply to them as they’re special, they should learn more than just how to fly, go figure. N305CP is also a ‘usual suspect’. Both of these planes should be flying with CAP Willow Run Composite Squadron (WRCS) [UnitedWay] [Facebook] [UMich] [EMich] [Wikipedia] [MICAP], at Willow Run Airport (YIP), not over the densely populated neighborhoods, schools, and assisted living facilities of the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 area!
Update: December 30 thru December 24, Sunday December 16, 2018, Saturday December 15, 2018, Friday December 14, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual” – Shortly after Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB) [EAA] [pdf] Detroit Flying Cars (DFC) WD 1 experimental hand built prototype (N112SD) assembled at Canton Plymouth Mettetal (1d2) airstrip crashed with substantial, almost complete and total damage of the airframe, at Willow Run Airport (YIP), CantonTownshipneighborhoods were treated to an Oshkosh like thrill show from helicopter N76DC, demonstrating reckless, erratic, aerobatic flight maneuvers, swooping unnecessarily low over neighborhoods, extreme changes of altitude, speed, with obviously observable unsafe and dangerous flight characteristics, that would easily appear on local FAA Air Traffic Control radar [ATC], over many close PCCS schools, and assisted care living & rehabilitation facilities for a full 45 minutes. The FAA [faa] cannot seem to manage or control ANY of these out of control clowns! [ASN] [aeronews] [wxyz] [avweb] [fox][youtube][facebook][pilotsofamerica].
Update: Thursday December 13, 2018, Monday December 11, 2018 thru Friday December 7, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual” there doesn’t appear to be any end in sight, N416G is back, N17177, N63126, N733AY, 38010, and others, constant stream of helicopters N776BH, N155MG, N76DC. Almost all ignoring State mandated Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP), flying due south over Heartland Health Care Center-Canton, 7025 N. Lilley Road in Canton, MI 48187, a post-hospital skilled nursing care facility, seems like a sad time to disturb recovering octgenarians and nonagenarians, tragically, nobody at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 seems to care about anyone but themselves!
Update: Sunday December 2, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual”, very busy day for N17177 and the usual suspects, more to come. BTW: publicly available downloadable Aircraft registration information is also available.
Update: Saturday November 10, 2018. The State of Michigan MDOT Advertisement for the November 10, 2018 “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Event”:
Another “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Event” scheduled for Saturday November 10, 2018 from 11 am to 2 pm. The Fall Chili Fly-In, “Bring a pot of your favorite Chili or Desert to share, or try one of ours. Hot Dogs also available.”
Continuing Aircraft flights using leaded 100LL aviation fuel will take place over the Schools, neighborhoods, and the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities implying to the general public that lead poisoning is “OK”, and therefore officially condoned, approved, and/or sanctioned by the State of Michigan and (MDOT) – the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Update: Monday November 5, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual”, N17177, N157RP, and N416G [FlightTracker], and others. It’s interesting to note that N416G, instead of walking 35 feet to use the restroom in the old clubhouse as the lady did, he went 35 feet in the opposite direction behind the garbage container. This is in plain sight of many women in the industrial park offices across from Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2. Obviously everyone was shocked and offended, pretty pathetic! Hopefully he washes his hands when he gets to CNU (GCM diverted) per FlightTracker. And then there’s N733AY, goin’ ’round in little six minute circles for over an hour, flying low due south, two sad angry little men for sure! Update: Saturday & Sunday November 3 & 4, 2018. Busy weekend, still “Open for business as usual”, including clowns from the same club/Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist group (N17177, N1522V) that get paid by MDOT mentioned above, N2020Z, 1602L helicopter, N26396, and many more. Update: Monday October 22, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual”, N201WG, N4145U, N85288, N416G, N1250D, N2020Z, and many more. Update: Friday October 20, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual”, same Special Interest and Industry Lobbyist event as occurred on September 22, 2018, this is a continuing problem as can be seen. Update: Friday October 12, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual” – N4174d, N9471V, N8318J, etc. . . . All of these aircraft could land at YIP or ARB instead! There is no reason to land here except for “Uncontrolled airstrip” convenience, period! Update: Monday October 8, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual” – N87965 17:21pm, 17:28pm, 17:34pm due south, etc. others right up until 19:18pm, due south 150-200ft above homes . . . Update: Wednesday October 3, 2018. Still “Open for business as usual” – N56227, N113JL, N89KP, N4174d-NOT VALID, etc. Update: Saturday September 29, 2018. Up to 25 – 30 aircraft gathered with a 3/4 full parking lot of cars, it was a very busy day at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 clubhouse. Including N1522V, N106RT, etc.
N733AY, also owns N9846G, not sure if this group is related to Ford Employee Recreation Association (FERA) and the FERA flying Club or not, they seem to use Ford Trademarks. Trademark Infringement occurs when a party unaffiliated with Ford uses Ford’s trademarks without authorization. This can occur in many different ways, including the use of Ford logos or trademarked names on advertising materials, internet web sites, and apparel items.
I certainly don’t believe that the Ford Motor Company would approve of or condone the use of their trademarked name in connection with lead poisoning or hostile activities aimed at the local community. The club administrator is paid by the State of Michigan, and a member of multiple Special Interests and Industry Lobbyist groups, most appear to be revenue generating tax-exempt non-profits and other revenue generating business concerns.
And N94891. When this aircraft is not left overnight at 100LL leaded aviation fuel pump because it won’t start, this aircraft almost always flies low due south ignoring the Noise Abatement procedure, and many times, comes at lunch time to do this for well over an hour at a time, then re-fuel, lather, rinse, and repeat. Very sad treatment of the community from this aircraft, also owns N68812, another habitual pariah, a story for another time.
It’s interesting to note, that there does not seem to be ANY objective taxpayer voice at 1d2 at all, everyone is a third party contractor, friends or family of a third party contractor or MDOT employee, and/or a member of one or more Special Interest or Industry Lobbyist groups that do not seem to prioritize the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the schools and community at all, go figure.
Update: Friday September 28, 2018. In addition to many other take off and landing examples, N6902T starting in the afternoon ~1:24pm repeatedly flying due south ignoring the Noise Abatement procedure, also owns N6044L.
Additionally, everyone in the community can identify N99MQ by sight and noise whether coming or going, which drowns out an outdoor conversation, you can ask almost anyone around! Sadly, this person really seems to enjoy doing this, there are many logged sightings and occurrences. See live Flight tracking of N99MQ.
Update: Wednesday September 26, 2018. In addition to many other take off and landing examples, up until sunset N80522 making continuous ‘go rounds’ 7:27pm, 7:34pm, 7:42pm, etc. dangersously about 100ft -150ft above homes, low enough to almost see the person with the naked eye. Original Update: September 24, 2018.
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip Still “Open for Business as Usual” With Absolutely No Sense of Urgency at All from the State of Michigan!
There is absolutely No Sense of Urgency at all from the State of Michigan!
Many of the community pariah above have been previously reported to MDOT and FAA and no actions have occurred. The State of Michigan owned 100LL leaded aviation fuel pump logs corroborate 100LL leaded aviation fuel purchases to many occurrences, but not all, as obviously some 100LL leaded aviation fuel purchases may be made at other intermediate destinations, e.g. YIP, ARB, etc.
Please be advised, and this must be stated emphatically, as of the date above the State of Michigan owned hobby/sport/recreational Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is still open for “business as usual!”
Piston engine aircraft using 100LL leaded aviation fuel are still taking off and landing over PCCS Schools. Another example to continue to mock and insult the State of Michigan, the State of Michigan Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission (CLEEC), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), and the State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), without any regard whatsoever for the schools, children, families, & the community at large. Many of these community pariah have been previously reported to MDOT and FAA and no actions have occurred.
Nobody, let me repeat that again, Nobody at the State of Michigan can seem to control what goes on at the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip at all in an effort to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the community, this includes Governor Rick Snyder, Lt. Governor Brian Calley, and Attorney General Bill Schutte!
There is no legal protection under Michigan law to safeguard the Health, Safety, and Welfare of PCCS School and Canton Plymouth Children from lead poisoning from 100LL leaded aviation fuel use at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airport!
The Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) School season started on Tuesday September 4, 2018 and piston engine aircraft using 100LL lead aviation fuel are still taking off and landing over PCCS Schools!
The State of Michigan continues to conduct social events, picnics, and even carnivals with kiddie rides and popcorn throughout and up thru September 2018. The terminal building/country club is packed with coffee-klatsch gatherings in full-swing with regular steady attendance, and piston engine aircraft and helicopters using leaded 100LL aviation fuel still offering/conducting classes and many regular take offs/landings overs schools and neighborhoods. The sign below is still up desperately beckoning to people for training classes!
State of Michigan owned hobby/sport/recreational Canton-Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip is open for “business as usual!”
Request FOIA to check the receipt logs on the State of Michigan owned leaded 100LL aviation fuel pump to see continual fill-ups! This is a steady daily/weekly/monthly occurrence as the leaded 100LL aviation fuel logs will show.
So, for all practical purposes not much has changed, and the airstrip is as previously stated open for “business as usual!!”
The State of Michigan owned hobby/sport/recreational 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airstrip continues to advertise and conduct “Social Events” for “Special Interests/Industry Lobbyists” much to the community’s disgust. This is all in light of trying to protect the health, safety, and welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing and pregnant mothers, retired and elderly at the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities from lead poisoning emanating from aircraft and helicopters using 100LL leaded aviation fuel.
A recent “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Event” was on Saturday September 22, 2018 as pictured in the attached photo below. Aircraft flights using leaded 100LL aviation fuel were offered that obviously would take place over the neighborhoods, schools, and the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities implying to the general public that lead poisoning is “OK”, and therefore officially condoned, approved, and/or sanctioned by the State of Michigan and (MDOT) – the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Special Interest / Industry Lobbyist Event
The advertising banners were draped on State of Michigan owned property in several prominent locations. Again, these banners imply to the general public that the “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Event” is officially condoned, approved, and/or sanctioned by the State of Michigan and MDOT – the Michigan Department of Transportation.
MDOT – The Michigan Department of Transportation “Lead Poisoning Carnival” at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2
As previously mentioned via email to the many Michigan stakeholders, including Elected Officials and State of Michigan Departments, a previous “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Event” event was held June 17, 2018 from 07:00 AM – 11:00 AM as mentioned by the “Official” link on the State of Michigan, Department of Transportation web site located here:
See the You Tube video of the great time at the ‘MDOT Lead Poisoning Carnival’ that was had by all, which included kiddie rides and popcorn, at the Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip, all at the expense of the health, safety, and welfare of the rest of the community, neighborhoods, schools, and children.
So Is Anyone Really Getting Hurt by the ‘MDOT Lead Poisoning Carnival’?
It doesn’t look like anyone is getting hurt, kids playing, people strolling about, popcorn, picnic baskets, etc. If everything was really ok, we’d still be using leaded gas in our cars, right? That’s the sneaky, dishonest, unethical, immoral, insidious part of all this. It IS damaging the surrounding community, schools, and the people, the children, it’s poisoning everybody with tetraethyl lead! This is common knowledge and is well known in the aviation industry for over a decade!
See the table on the Lead Poisoning page, that uses a simplistic minimal consumption estimate for leaded 100LL fuel usage. Actual usage could be significantly greater based on many factors, but you get the point.
BTW: anyone can follow live flight tracking and flight history of the Henry Ford Health System Helicopter.
NOTE: No other helicopters from any other Michigan Hospitals that have heliports were making appearances, marketing, sponsoring, supporting, or condoning lead poisoning of children at the “MDOT Lead Carnival,” including the following Michigan Hospitals that also have a heliport:
(MI32, MI14) Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Medical Center (UMMC) Heliport
83MI, Pontiac, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland-Bassett Street (SJMO) Helipad
Perhaps public appearances and marketing in densely populated neighborhoods over many local PCCS schools at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airport are not as important to other medical institutions, go figure. Seems to be a complete waste of time and effort for a seemingly valuable, and very expensive critical care resource.
15 Minute Use Case – Tetraethyl Lead Generation at Mettetal 1d2
These are just very rough estimates as not all aircraft are in flight, or actively impacting terrain, e.g. consuming fuel, it’s not a perfect model and does not include running aircraft on the ground etc.
There are complete models and methods available for more accurate results which are beyond the scope of this post available here:
Minimum 15 minute use case: 50 aircraft x 1.06 teaspoons per 15m x (4 grams per tea spoon) = 53 tea spoons x 4 = 212 grams of lead, almost a half a pound of lead in 15 minutes
Maximum 15 minute use case: 50 aircraft x 4.24 teaspoons per 15m x (4 grams per teaspoon) = 212 teaspoons x 4 = 848 grams of lead = 1.8 pounds of lead in 15 minutes
Results: 50 aircraft (40 planes, 10 helicopters) generate between one half a pound and 1.8 pounds of Tetraethyl Lead that are deposited on the community every 15 minutes!
1 Hour Use Case – Tetraethyl Lead Generation at Mettetal 1d2
Minimum 1 Hour use case: 50 aircraft x 4.24 teaspoons per 15m x (4 grams per teaspoon) = 212 teaspoons x 4 = 848 grams in one hour = 1.8 pounds of lead per hour
Maximum 1 Hour use case: 50 aircraft x 16.96 teaspoons x 4 (grams per teaspoon) = 848 teaspoons x 4 = 3392 grams per hour = 7.48 pounds of lead per hours
Results: 50 aircraft (40 planes, 10 helicopters) generate between 1.8 pounds and 7.48 pounds of lead that are deposited on the community every hour!
Most of the trace element particles detected in this study were within a range of 0.01−1.0 μm in size, which has the longest atmospheric residence time (∼100 days)! This means people on the ground have a much longer chance to breathe the toxic emissions and they travel further than people realize.
Studies have shown that the metals component in fine and ultra fine Particulate Matter (PM) is particularly toxic and are the primary contributors to negative human health.
You could almost conclude these PM emissions are like a ‘weaponizedaerosol’ spray on schools and neighborhoods. I as many others thought that friends or neighbors and their children don’t do that to other friends or neighbors and their children! Seems like we are sadly mistaken?
Some Might Grumble This is NOT An Accurate Measurement, but In the End the Emissions are Actually Worse than Anyone Thought
For the sake of discussion the estimate is purposely kept as simple as possible. Measuring emissions is way more complex for many reasons beyond the scope of this post. The scary part is, the more detailed and accurate you want to be, the more toxic dangers that exist are revealed.
To wit, a research report by the Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and communications DETEC, Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA, Aviation Policy and Strategy Environmental Affairs, titled “Aircraft Piston Engine Emissions Summary” (pdf) brings up an important point ignored by many.
Leaded 100LL aviation fuel contains a similar amount of ethylene dibromide, usually a 1:1 ratio, e.g. 2.12 grams of Ethyl Bromide are combined with Tetraethyl Lead AKA Pb(C2H5)4 (CAS # 78-00-2). Ethyl Bromide AKA Bromoethane AKA CH3CH2Br (CAS # 74-96-4) is used to remove (scavenger) lead deposits from the combustion parts of the engine. Otherwise spark plugs can be destroyed and deposits on valves can obstruct their proper operation. Ethyl Bromide, or the scavenger, is an environmentally harmful substance, believed to be carcinogenic and contributing to stratospheric ozone depletion (EPA EDB Hazard Summary 106-93-4)(EDB Banned under International Rotterdam Convention)(home).
Combustion or heating of Ethyl Bromide leads to the production of the decomposition products: bromine, hydrogen bromide, carbonyl bromide, & carbon monoxide. These compounds are much more acutely toxic than ethyl bromide, especially to the respiratory system. So, in the end, the true Emissions including the Ethyl Bromide by products in addition to Tetraethyl Lead are much worse than anyone thought, even if the rough estimate of Tetraethyl Lead might be off by a few milligrams.
Some Might Say Estimating Helicopters is Different Too
Again, for the sake of discussion the estimate is purposely kept as simple as possible. Measuring emissions is way more complex for many reasons beyond the scope of this post. But the information is out there for MDOT and MDEQ to pursue.
The Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), publishes detailed Guidance on the Determination of Helicopter Emissions, December 2015 (pdf). The Swiss Government Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA, also publishes a Calculation Model called ADAECAM, which is a newer, advanced method for calculating aircraft fuel consumption and emissions in the vicinity of airports. FOCA has validated the results for fuel consumption by use of hundreds of recorded real world aircraft flight data.
So Now You Can Say Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip and the Events There DO Hurt the Surrounding Community
So the ‘MDOT Lead Poisoning Carnival’ IS hurting babies, young children, students, families, nursing and pregnant mothers, retired and elderly at the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities from lead poisoning emanating from aircraft and helicopters using 100LL leaded aviation fuel!
The “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Event” put on by the “Third Party Contractor” running the State of Michigan owned hobby/sport/recreational 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airstrip, the Special Interests/Industry Lobbyists, and MDOT – Michigan Department of Transportation, which the community now refers to as the ‘MDOT Lead Poisoning Carnival’, was only a Total distance: of 836.53 ft (254.98 m) (344 steps) away from the Playground area pictured above that is visible from Lilley Road directly across the street from Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip!
The main point is that the State of Michigan owned hobby/sport/recreational 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airstrip is too close to Plymouth Canton Community Schools (PCCS) Schools including:
Hulsing Elementary School 8055 Fleet St., Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~200 meters, ~270 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
Plymouth Christian Academy, 43065 Joy Rd, Canton, MI 48187 (Directly across the street, ~190 meters, ~248 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
East Middle School 1042 South Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 (Just down the street, ~950 meters, ~1230 steps from 1d2 Mettetal lead poisoning!)
And others too . . .
Again, advertising on the official State of Michigan web site and/or State of Michigan property implies to the general public that these “Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Social Events” featuring continued lead poisoning of the community are officially condoned, approved, and/or sanctioned by the State of Michigan and MDOT – the Michigan Department of Transportation.
The “Third Party Contractor” running the State of Michigan owned hobby/sport/recreational 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airstrip, the Special Interests/Industry Lobbyists, and MDOT – The Michigan Department of Transportation, as they knowingly remain silent (acquiesce) as the numerous on-going activities continue to mock and insult the State of Michigan, the State of Michigan Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission (CLEEC), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), and the State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), without any regard whatsoever for the schools, children, families, & the community at large.
The implication to the general public is that nothing can be done to protect the health, safety, and welfare of babies, young children, students, families, nursing and pregnant mothers, retired and elderly at the many local assisted care living and rehabilitation facilities.
Certainly, if the recipients of our previous emails, including Governor Rick Snyder, Lt. Governor Brian Calley, and Attorney General Bill Schutte cannot seem to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the community, nobody can!
Brief Event Summary (not all inclusive)
Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip partial Events Calendar:
February 2018 – State of Michigan sponsored Fly-in picnic
May 2018 – State of Michigan Sponsored Special Interest/Industry Lobbyists event
May 2018 – Two day Paving event Wed may 30, 2018 and Th May 31, 2018 – Shaw Contractors Bay City Road, Tec RX900: A Michigan Contractor – Shaw Contracting
June 2018 – State of Michigan Sponsored Special Interest/Industry Lobbyists ‘Lead Poisoning Carnival’
July 2018 – Another Paving Event – July 3, 2018, Scodeller Construction Inc, 51722 Grand River Ave, Wixom, MI 48393
Monday September 10, 2018 and Tuesday September 11, 2018
Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. (FTCH) Trucks were at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2. FTCH are Engineers, Scientists, Architects, and Constructors. It was not clear what actions they were taking, but could include:
Vapor Intrusion Evaluation – Which is an emerging public health concern. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) has proposed rule changes revising generic cleanup criteria and screening levels. Subsurface pollutants, such leaded 100LL aviation fuel, can migrate significant distances before seeping into homes or businesses through foundation or basement cracks, floor joints, foundation drains, dewatering sumps, or utility penetrations. The health risks posed by these vapors can include headaches and skin rashes, neurological and developmental problems, and, in some cases, the potential for an explosive building environment.
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) leakage evaluation – EPA formed a Lead Scavengers Team to develop an understanding of the potential threat posed by Lead Scavengers to human health and the environment, assess knowledge gaps, and identify next steps. One such ‘Lead Scavenger’ is an additive to leaded 100LL aviation fuel previously mentioned, Ethyl Bromide AKA Bromoethane AKA CH3CH2Br (CAS # 74-96-4) (EPA Hazard Summary 106-93-4)(EDB Banned under International Rotterdam Convention)(home).
September 2018 – State of Michigan Sponsored Special Interest/Industry Lobbyists event
October 20, 2018 – State of Michigan SponsoredSpecial Interest/Industry Lobbyist Event 8:00-11:00 a.m.
November 10, 2018 – State of Michigan Sponsored Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Event Saturday November 10, 2018 from 11 am to 2 pm. The Fall Chili Fly-In, “Bring a pot of your favorite Chili or Desert to share, or try one of ours. Hot Dogs also available.”
Thursday December 20, 2018 – Special Interest/Industry Lobbyist Event, 8512 N. Lilley Road Canton, MI 48187, 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM. Turkey and dressing provided. Please bring a side dish, salad, or desert to share.
The list of events held at the expense of the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the schools and community goes on ad nauseum.
Again, it’s interesting to note, that there does not seem to be ANY objective taxpayer voice at 1d2 at all, everyone is a third party contractor, friends or family of a third party contractor or MDOT employee, and/or a member of one or more Special Interest or Industry Lobbyist groups that do not seem to prioritize the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the schools and community at all.
Who Pays for All This Toxic Nonsense at Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip?
Of course, financial considerations run secondary to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. But it isn’t hard to see the ‘MDOT Lead Poisoning Carnival’, is paid for with taxpayers money, on State owned Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip property, also paid for by taxpayers. The point is that the Canton Plymouth Mettetal airstrip gets better and more paving attention than the public roads, and you guessed it!
The non-flying local taxpayers are forced to pay for public roads with a 20 year millage increase all while paying for additional paving so several dozen well to do pilots can use Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 Airstrip even as excess capacity exists more appropriately elsewhere.
This is all after Canton Township siphoned $10 million from the township’s general fund — money that could have been better spent — to complement cash-strapped Wayne County, which has jurisdiction over township roads, but lacks the money to fix the problem. Additionally, MDOT – the Michigan Department of Transportation spends $154 per capita vs Pennsylvania spend of $530 which costs Michigan residents $865 vs $377 nationally! This all just adds insult to injury!
Take Action to Protect PCCS Schools & Canton Plymouth Community from Lead Poisoning from State Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational 1d2 Canton Plymouth Mettetal Airstrip
The only way to protect the community from lead poisoning from 100LL leaded aviation fuel is to demand the shutdown of:
State of Michigan Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational only Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip 8550 NORTH LILLEY RD CANTON, MI 48187 +1-734-459-0012
Many Helicopter Owners using leaded 100ll aviation fuel
The community must make as many calls, send as many emails as you can, to as many recipients on the Contacts page as possible to demand closure of the State of Michigan Owned Hobby, Sport, Recreational Canton Plymouth Mettetal 1d2 airstrip only then will our Elected Officials and State of Michigan departments react!
See Lead Poisoning page for more detailed supporting information.
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Lead was detected in blood samples collected from all facility personnel. The hangar area had the highest surface concentrations of lead; lead was also found on the steering wheel of an employee’s car.
Employees should use disposable shoe covers and on-site laundering for work clothes to reduce the potential for take-home lead contamination. Investigators also advised that children not be allowed in work areas. Employees were encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly before eating and drinking, before and after putting on gloves, and before leaving the facility.
Do not eat or drink in the hangar area.
In homes with a family member exposed to lead, care must be taken to prevent “take home” of lead, that is, lead carried into the home on clothing, skin, hair, and in vehicles. Lead-contaminated surface dust represents a potential source of lead exposure, particularly for young children.
NOTE: keep in mind the CDC has since eliminated the term “blood lead level of concern” used in this report and declared there is NO safe level of lead in children’s blood.
A related May 2003 (!) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [wikipedia] thesis Controlling Lead Exposure During the Process of Cleaning Aviation Spark Plugs (html) (pdf) explores controlling the lead bromide particulate matter after it is removed from the spark plug electrode. Various control methods and/or procedural changes are discussed that may be employed to control the spread of lead bromide dust throughout the shop environment and the prevention of employee exposure to lead.
The old run down airport at 8550 North Lilley Road Canton, MI 48187 is simply known as Mettetal. The more official name is 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal airport. Mettetal has never had a permanent FBO or flight school offering airplane Rentals or Flight Instruction or any type of flying classes for pilots that are actually based in Canton Township or Plymouth Michigan.
Any pilot training or aviation related classes at Mettetal have been based out of other communities such as Ann Arbor or Jackson. This is basically done to take advantage of the “unattended airport” status and pretty much make up their own rules as they go along, and avoid any responsibility for their actions in another community, and leave at the end of the day.
As far as “Lead Poisoning” goes, Aviation Maintenance Magazine published a September 2014 article Reducing Lead Exposure in Aircraft Maintenance Employees (subscription required for full article) that states “In 2012 the owners of an aircraft repair facility [MRO] and flight school (flying lessons or flight instruction) contacted the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to request a Health Hazard Evaluation. NIOSH is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and focuses on workplace safety and health.
The “lead poisoning” evaluation was requested after blood tests revealed detectable lead levels in all four of the employees and a high blood lead level in a one-year-old child who was often brought to the workplace and exposed to lead dust deposits on engine parts and external surfaces of the aircraft. Mechanics working on aircraft or in facilities that use leaded avgas are also at risk for lead exposure through ingestion and inhalation of lead particles.
Ingestion occurs when hands touch contaminated surfaces and are not washed before eating, allowing lead particles to enter the body on food. Inhalation of lead dust can occur if employees breathe air from exhaust plumes or if lead dust that has already settled on the ground is lifted into the air. Exposure to tetraethyl lead can occur if employees inhale avgas fumes or get the fuel on their skin.”
The EPA, and many others have found that communities living near airports using leaded 100LL aviation avgas fuel, children attending school near these airports such as Mettetal, airplane pilots, student-trainees and passengers are all at risk of exposure to lead emissions from these GA aircraft and helicopters. Sixteen million people live and 3 million children go to school near airports emitting lead from 100LL leaded aviation avgas fuel.
The Canton Plymouth area is trying to attract high tech software engineers and automotive engineering talent to work on autonomous vehicles, but nobody wants to move near Mettetal, or have their children attend school at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools PCCS, that are being covered in Lead Dust from emissions by helicopters or aircraft using 100LL leaded aviation fuel. 100LL is exclusively used at Mettetal.
Read more about Lead Poisoning, and more about the many Safety issues, additionally see the Timeline section for a complete list of safety incidents, crashes, and fatalities.
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September 7, 2017 – The airplane in question, twin rudder, yellow engine cowl, yellow landing structs was moved into the old hangar so the third party contractor can continue to work on his own plane any time he wants, just walk out of the office into the old hangar, voila! What a devious, manipulative move, still taking advantage of taxpayer dollars!Everyone around and in the airstrip knows this and chuckles at how ridiculous this is. The State of Michigan, Wayne County, and Canton Township do NOT have money to allocate to repair township roads and may be forced to depend on local dollars, BUT the State of Michigan/MDOTis paying a third party contractor to work on a personal airplane, use State trucks, on State paid time, using a State paid cell phone (248-981-8127, call off hours or weekends to see for yourself) and other taxpayer paid resources to perform the work! The third party contractor was clearly visible seen working on and repairing a private/personal airplane from the gas station across the street at Joy Road and Lilley Road. People gathered in awe and couldn’t believe their eyes. Simply unbelievable, another slap in the taxpayers face! The abuse of taxpayers money continues at 1d2! The gas station worker and some on-lookers say this is a very frequent sight at 1d2 and goes on for hours on end all the time! It is the first hangar and is very visible from all directions, locals and people at 1d2 all surely know who this is! Governor Snyder close 1d2 down!
Third party Contractor working on personal plane on State paid time!
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The PCCS School season started on Tuesday September 5, 2017 and piston engine aircraft using 100LL lead aviation fuel are still taking off and landing over the 26 PCCS Schools! Governor Snyder close 1d2 down to protect the school children!
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After the 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal staff leaves at 4pm, pilots still take advantage of the ‘Unattended Airport’ status and do whatever they want. Touch-n-Go ops, ignoring the State mandated Noise Abatement Procedure, following their own made up ‘pattern’ when they think nobody is watching! The airstrip is supposed to be attended from 0700 (7am) to 1600 (4pm). Most of the time you cannot tell if there is any staff to be found on the property, unless they’re hiding working on their own airplanes and getting paid by MDOT to do it.
The FAA, State of Michigan, MDOT, and surrounding communities cannot control this out of control airport. The voters have better things to do than ‘police’ this airport, Governor Snyder close 1d2 down!
Posted inUncategorized|Comments Off on Continued ‘Touch-n-Go’s’, Ignoring State Mandated NAP, etc. . . .
“My name is Matthew A. Grisius. I am a Canton Township resident. I will not state my address for personal safety, privacy, and legal reasons. On Monday April 10, 2017 I sent an email to Governor Snyder and members of the Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission which was formed by a recommendation of Lt. Gov. Brian Calley’s Child Lead Poisoning Elimination Board about a serious lead poisoning issue regarding Plymouth Canton Community School children and toxic lead emissions from the 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport.
I cc’d Pat Williams and John Anthony and forwarded the email to the remainder of the Canton Township Trustees, including Sommer Foster, Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, Dian Slavens, Steven Sneideman, and Michael Siegrist via Jacqueline Shamus for their review.
I believe that Canton Township residents should be aware of the supporting facts and details of the email to Governor Snyder. The details are at https://close1d2.org/lead-poisoning/.”
In light of the enormous amount of uncontroversial medical evidence regarding the toxicity of lead along with repeated warnings from many organizations including the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that reiterates:
“no safe blood level has been identified for young children, all sources of lead exposure for children should be controlled or eliminated”
The many communities around the country concerned about the grave dangers posed by lead poisoning to the public health, welfare and safety, especially young children, are proactively informing the general public and for example working on legislation to prohibit the sale of 100LL leaded aviation fuel.
The Canton Township, Michigan Board of Trustees voted to reduce, edit, and censor the above “Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comment” to the following meaningless sentence fragment:
“Matthew A. Grisius, Canton Resident – refused to give his address, commented on Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission.”
The current agendas and minutes for all Canton Township, Michigan Board of Trustees meetings are available here. Previous years’ agendas and minutes should be found in the Document Center, even though it does NOT appear that the Canton Township, Michigan Board of Trustees minutes are actually stored in that location. A correct url for historical Canton Township, Michigan Board of Trustees minutes will be eventually provided if and when it is located.
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