10Close 1d2 NOW! 1d2 has been a source of continual noise problems since the 1970s. The taxpayers from many surrounding neighborhoods complain, 1d2 quiets down for a very brief time, then the noise almost immediately resumes, when 1d2 participants think that no one is watching or are tired of watching.
Complaints about 1d2 come from neighbors as far away as Novi, Northville, and Livonia. There is no central place to complain, no one is recording, tracking or keeping any metrics. Here is a list of useful contact information so any taxpayer can report ANY safety, health, or noise related problems/issues at 1d2:
- Canton Township – no number/contact
- Plymouth Township – no number/contact
- City of Plymouth – no number/contact
- Wayne County – no number/contact
- Local Police, Wayne County Sheriff, State Police – no number/contact. Violating an established Michigan Noise Abatement Procedure is an infraction of State of Michigan Compiled Law after all.
- MDOT – no number/contact
- State of Michigan – no number/contact
- FAA – send an email to 9-AWA-NoiseOmbudsman@faa.gov (This very weak process is described in more detail later).
- 1d2 – send an email to manager@mettetalairport.com, metetalairport.com is an unofficial domain that isn’t owned by the State of Michigan and does not seem to be monitored anyway, or call 734-459-0012, which never gets answered, and if you leave a message, it never gets returned. Or call one of the secret cell numbers in the 1d2 Noise Abatement Procedure document that are not published anywhere else, e.g. 248-981-8127, 248-379-4935, 734-233-2675. WARNING: do NOT rely on any of these sources to record, forward, or respond in any way to complaints regarding 1d2. They work for a third party management company that bills the State of Michigan to operate the 1d2 airport in our neighborhood and are financially motivated above all else.
The third party mgmt. company airport personnel at 1d2 are hostile, arrogant, threatening people, ask anyone in the neighborhood who has gone to 1d2 to complain, and there are many who have gone to 1d2 and have been subjected to this unacceptable behavior from people acting as agents of the State of Michigan at a public airport.
All complaints are ignored, literally discarded, no local governmental officials, MDOT, or FAA seem to be aware or maybe don’t care about the continual noise or other lead pollution or problems reported to the 1d2 airport personnel. There is much pent up anger, rest assured that ultimately people will come forward to report the history and long list of abuse and infractions at 1d2 from all of the surrounding communities.
In response, surrounding neighborhood volunteers are keeping a log of noise, safety concerns and issues from low flying take-offs and landings, helicopter test flights, and reckless/aerobatic/test Experimental Amateur Build (E-AB) flights over the densely populated neighborhoods and schools of our community. Anyone that is affected by the noise of aircraft at 1d2 should keep a log of as much information as possible, e.g. time of day, direction, FAA N-Number if possible, etc. See Timeline Section for log.
After many many historical trips over the years, and several recent trips to 1d2 it was decided that the community volunteers should start logging not only noise complaints, but safety complaints, that is when planes are way too low which occurs on take-off as well as landings due to the very short runway length, extremely close set-backs, the proximity of Joy road, and the surrounding noise sensitive areas.
Additionally, the log captures prohibited Helicopter MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul) Test Flights that occur on regular basis. Any Helicopter MRO activity should be located at YIP-Willow Run in an appropriate industrial setting as is usually the case for certified FAA MRO stations and other FBOs. There are NO other Helicopter MROs located among ‘densely populated neighborhoods’ and schools in Michigan. And there does NOT seem to be other Helicopter MROs located among ‘densely populated neighborhoods’ and schools in the rest of the United States!
FAA section §91.305 regarding Flight test areas, states that “No person may flight test an aircraft except over open water, or sparsely populated areas, having light air traffic.” ANY Test Flights are strictly prohibited by FAA rules! Yet they occur constantly, see Helicopter section for more details.
The 1d2 neighborhood E-AB, NAP, Helicopter log that records as much information as possible including the N-Number for planes unsafely flying low, helicopters, people that ignore the established State of Michigan Noise Abatement procedure, and Experimental Amateur Built Aircraft (E-AB) aircraft that perform prohibited acrobatic maneuvers or test flights over the surrounding densely populated neighborhoods and schools will be updated on a regular basis and will be available in pdf form, and forwarded to FAA and MDOT in MS .Excel format. This seems to be the only way to get anyone’s attention with respect to noise issues!
There are several extremely loud planes at 1d2. One is an antique pusher style Experimental Amateur Built (E-AB), that is so loud it completely drowns out a face-to-face outdoor conversation! The noise level of this E-AB easily exceeds OSHA/NIOSH health and safety limits. This nuisance E-AB plane does not belong in a densely populated neighborhood at all.
Recently, after officially recording and logging several noise complaints, these were sent to the local FAA FSDO, and an FAA sponsored Safety Class was scheduled for the week January 16, 2017, email reminders were sent out to 1d2 hangar renters. Barely two months later (March 2017) and the noise has resumed again. It is very ironic, and almost laughable that feedback during the FAA Safety Training Class at 1d2 included the comment that:
“. . .several attendees expressed their concern to the FAA that the actions being taken by the concerned individual(s), e.g. the painstaking efforts of people that are recording the N numbers and keeping a log, that they may take more drastic measures creating a deep concern of their own safety and well-being.”
It is pretty clearly stated in the State of Michigan laws that a pilot in charge PIC must follow any Local Noise Abatement Procedure, period. People should obey the State of Michigan laws, it is that simple.
Michigan Law
The laws of Michigan are collectively called by the Michigan Legislature, the Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 563 of 2016. The area of interest to drill down to is MCL Chapter 259 – Aviation, Act 327 of 1945, Chapter V, Regulation of Aircraft, Airmen, Airports and Air Instruction. This part clearly states several keys points of MCL with respect to noise and ‘aerobatic or reckless driving’ as follows:
- 259.80b Conformance with standard traffic patterns recommended by federal air regulations; exceptions; flying aircraft acrobatically; payment of storage, repair, and supply charges; responsibility for safe operation; report of accident; distance requirements.
- (2) Aircraft shall conform with properly established local noise abatement procedures.
- (3) A person shall not fly an aircraft acrobatically over a licensed aeronautical facility except upon written authority of the airport manager, and then only when the site is closed to traffic.
- (7) A person shall not operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger, or be likely to endanger, the life or property of another. Other than at a licensed or approved landing area, a person shall not fly an aircraft less than 25 feet
1d2 DOES have a properly established Noise Abatement Procedure. It is ‘hidden’ or ‘obsured’ purposely or by accident, or just by bad web site design. Here is an image of the 1d2 web page on the MDOT web site, click on the image to see MDOT 1d2 web page.
The red Box labeled number 1 is a link (url) to the 1d2 Noise Abatement Procedure. It is camouflaged and not directly ‘called out’ as THE noise abatement procedure, and should be correctly labeled as “click here for 1d2 Noise Abatement Procedure”. This is just a very poor web page obscuring details regarding 1d2, to recap:
- link “Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport (1D2)” NAP is not clearly labeled as a Noise Abatement Procedure.
- link “5010 Airport Master Records and Reports” is an unofficial non-State of Michigan related external web site with no relevant/useful info. I hope nobody that works for or represents the State of Michigan is receiving monetary kickbacks or any business advantage for directing internet traffic to this site!
- again, the email manager@mettetalairport.com, metetalairport.com is an unofficial domain that isn’t owned by the State of Michigan and does not seem to be monitored at all.
This is all so basic, either purposeful hiding of info or very naive, you decide.
FAA Safety Side Note
As a side note, the red box labeled number 2 highlights the entry codes to the 1d2 terminal building so that ANYONE on the public internet can gain access to the 1d2 terminal building year round.
- “To access the terminal the door code is the following: depress V, then simultaneous III-II, then I”, voila! Anyone can enter the unguarded/unsecured facilities at any time 7 x 24 x365 days a year with all the contents fully exposed, vulnerable, and available for the taking!
This appears to be an FAA compliance violation. Additionally, it foolishly places people and property at risk, and creates an insurance nightmare for the State of Michigan that is probably not even covered by any insurance rider. A disaster could occur if someone hid in the building/bathroom waiting for an unsuspecting person that gets mugged or raped, property is stolen or vandalized, or taken hostage, or just stealing an aircraft for nefarious purposes.
The stealing scenario is not as far fetched as one might think. Aircraft theft has previously occurred at 1d2 , see the Timeline section for more details. A public, unattended airport with a warm place to sit, a nice old velvet couch (a sure health, safety fire hazard) to nap on, with laptops for public use, and you can enjoy cheap hot coffee, while you check out the viagra ads on the for sale/want ads bulletin board, which is the most prominent feature in the State of Michigan 1d2 public airport terminal building. 1d2 doesn’t even look like a public airport terminal with so many oddball personal pictures and strange memorabilia appearing almost as some sort of a surreal and garish altar to a completely by-gone era. The boom-line is that this is unacceptable and unneeded access to an unattended public facility without any concern or protection for the public.
1d2 Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP)
The only NAP notification available for people to see is an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper hanging next to the bathroom as pictured:
And a lengthy 7 word notification taped on the door:
Even though these signs appear to be from a bad junior high school project, they do represent a significant improvement! Originally there were NO signs at all, next there was a sign that stated “No Right Turn”. The latest sign pictured above improves on the old sign by adding the additional words “out Exiting the pattern.” The community should always applaud improvement no matter how slight. Excellent job, our taxpayer dollars hard at work!
Some suggestions for FAA, MDOT, and Canton Township regarding the personal, hobby, sport, recreational activities and participants at 1d2:
- Provide local (Canton, Plymouth), State (MDOT), or local FAA contact info regarding people, phone numbers, email addresses for any 1d2 related safety, health, or noise related issues, concerns, or complaints.
- Conduct noise abatement training during ground school and flight lessons
- Conduct more Safety Classes at 1d2
- Send Noise Abatement Procedures and training reminders out to area clubs, flight instructors, including Heliports/Helicopters
- Send noise abatement flyers in airport hangar renters lease billings
- Post noise abatement signs at the end of the approach and departure runways like 99.99% of airports across the US.
- Include noise abatement message on ATIS/AWOS
- FAA require rental/charter/helicopter companies to cover noise abatement information in their itineraries.
- FAA visits to flight schools, clubs, heliports
- Ensure transient pilots are getting this information by improving minimal postings.
- Update the sad, old fashioned 1d2 Rules and Regulations of the Canton – Plymouth – Mettetal Airport Plymouth, Michigan. This document was approved October 13, 1994, twenty-three years ago! The document is so out of date and poorly written, again another bad junior high school project.
- MDOT should notify top 4 aviation web sites of updated NAP information
- AirNav: 1D2 – Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport
https://www.airnav.com/airport/1D2 - 1D2 – Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport | SkyVector
https://skyvector.com/airport/1D2/Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal-Airport - 1D2 – CANTON-PLYMOUTH-METTETAL Summary | Globalair.com
https://www.globalair.com/airport/canton-plymouth-mettetal-1d2.aspx - Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport-1D2-AOPA Airports
- AirNav: 1D2 – Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport
- Check out some “best in class” airports, clubs, and flying schools across the country on how to operate an airstrip and constructively coexist in conjunction with the surrounding neighborhoods and communities.
Here is an excellent example of flying club rules reminding pilots about Noise Abatement Procedures.
A great example is the Airport Commission for Mansfield Municipal Airport in Mansfield Massachusetts. A small town that is serious about community transparency and involvement regarding the airport in their community. The town of Mansfield MA with a 2010 population of 23,184 is much smaller than Canton MI, but the 1B9 airport is much larger to accommodate corporate jets similar to ARB Ann Arbor airport. The professional and informative NAP for 1B9 is easily available.
A local example of a good airport home page is the Ann Arbor Airport ARB information web page. The ARB page specifically spells out the ARB NAP for people coming from other areas. Also referenced is a relevant, modern ARB rules manual updated July 17, 2013.
Another smaller city with great rapport between the community and the airport:
- Harvey Field (S43)
http://www.harveyfield.com/ - Harvey Field (S43) – Noise Abatement
http://www.harveyfield.com/Noise.aspx - Harvey Field Airport (S43), Snohomish, WA, Noise Technical Committee
Good example of residential feedback
Their are so many great examples such as this, they just don’t seem exist at 1d2! The rest of the US seems to have up to date airport management!
Here is another great example:
- Welcome to Telluride Regional Airport | TEX | Sits atop Deep Creek Mesa and is North America’s highest commercial airport. Provides airline information and flight schedules, as well as details for pilots.
http://tellurideairport.com/ - Telluride Regional Airport Noise Abatement Procedure
Comprehensive Noise Abatement Procedure and Policies
Staudacher S600 Complaint
Recently the neighborhood complained about an Experimental Amateur-Built (E-AB) airplane that was totally ignoring the established 1d2 Noise Abatement Procedure, flying erratically and in a seemingly aerobatic or even careless or reckless manner that could endanger the life or property of another. The FAA was notified that the plane was an Experimental Amateur-Built (E-AB) Staudacher S600. See 1d2 neighborhood E-AB, NAP, Helicopter log for more details.
A Staudacher S600 is a professional aerobatic stunt plane, and is one of the most sought after for that specific purpose. An S600 has 300hp and a top speed well over 285mph so a “high performance” rating is needed, plus a specific medical certificate is required to fly a Staudacher S600.
Most Staudacher S600 only operate over sparsely populated areas as shown below because aerobatic flight over densely populated areas of neighborhood and schools is strictly prohibited. People buy Staudacher S600 strictly due to the aerobatic nature of the plane.
Here are a couple of great youtube videos that show the aerial prowess, and loudness of a Staudacher S600!
- [HD] Kunstflug Staudacher S-600 OE-VSR in Suben Flugplatz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch8wP3zfW1I - Staudacher S-600 Scalaria Air Challenge 2013
NOTE: both videos are shown in very remote locations, NOT over the densely populated neighborhood areas and schools of Canton and Plymouth!
Many people wonder if the Staudacher S600 pictured is similar to the plane being described on the unofficial 1d2 Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Facebook page?
Reference and Further Reading
Hearing loss may double in the U.S. by 2060, study warns – CBS News
Describes filing a noise related lawsuit
The Noise Manual, Revised Fifth Edition: E. H. Berger: 9781931504027: Amazon.com
OSHA Technical Manual: NOISE
OSHA Technical Manual (OTM) | Section III: Chapter 5 – Noise | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Exposure to high levels of noise may cause hearing loss, create physical and psychological stress, reduce productivity, interfere with communication, and contribute to accidents and injuries.
Noise Measurement Manual, Prepared by: Environmental Performance and Coordination Branch , Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, the State of Queensland, Australia, 2013
AOPA’s Guide to Airport Noise and Compatible Land Use
AOPA’s Noise Thermometer
Helicopter Noise Information for Airports and Communities
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board
[free online report, or free registration for pdf]
Assessing Aircraft Noise Conditions Affecting Student Learning, Volume 1: Final Report
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board
[free online report, or free registration for pdf]
Assessing Aircraft Noise Conditions Affecting Student Learning, Volume 2: Appendices
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board
[free online report, or free registration for pdf]
Effects of Aircraft Noise: Research Update on Select Topics
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board
[free online report, or free registration for pdf]
Home | The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine | National-Academies.org | Where the Nation Turns for Independent, Expert Advice
Airport Noise Law
Airport take-off noise assessment aimed at identify responsible aircraft classes — The University of Michigan
Assessment of Noise Exposure to Children: Considerations for the National Children’s Study
Airport Noise [FAA]
Who to Contact if You’re Impacted by Aircraft Noise [FAA]
Aviation Justice | Americans against aviation impacts
Noise Pollution Clearinghouse
Noisequest Home
A city that is serious about noise abatement!
Airport Commission – Town of Mansfield, MA
Managing Helicopter Noise | BCA content from Aviation Week
Environmental Policy [FAA]